Arvixe Hosting and Visual Studio SQL Server Database Projects - sql

I am using Arvixe to host my sql server and websites, and would like to begin managing my database with a Visual Studio SQL Server database project so that I can get some source control going on the backend.
When I try to script my database's CREATE TO statement or use Visual Studio's import wizard, I get a permissions error:
Requires VIEW DEFINITION, ALTER ANY LOGIN, and SELECT ON sys.sql_expression_dependencies or be a member of db_owner role.
Has anyone had any luck managing an Arvixe sql server database with Visual Studio Database Projects, or have any tips for using the tools without those permissions? Their Tech support has been unable to help so far.
Edit: I am a member of db_owner, but i think Arvixe restricts permissions since its a shared server instance.

you don't have enough permission on database. you must to have db_owner permission.


Missing database when reinstalling TFS: Tfs_Analysis

I am trying to install TFS 2013 on a server that previously had TFS 2015 installed, then removed.
When the process runs, there are a number of databases it can find, that need to be removed. I have removed these, but it is saying there is still one database: Tfs_Analysis.
I have looked in the server and I cannot see the database in the list of databases. I have full permissions on the server, so it is not a case of it being there and I cannot see it.
What is really confusing me is that SQL Server will allow me to create a database with the same name and remove it.
I have restarted the SQL Services and have also restarted the server. Can anyone suggest what I am missing?
When you connect to the database from SQL Management Studio, choose Analysis Services as the server type
Now you should see Tfs_Analysis under the list of databases and you can delete it so the TFS 2013 setup doesn't give you any trouble

Which permissions TFS should contain on SQL Server after your first installation?

DBA needs to remove some TFS 2013 permissions from SQL Server 2012. Which permissions TFS should contain on SQL Server after your first installation? FULL TFS has been installed
SQL Server permissions to first TFS installation I've found but daily permission I couldn't
Another specifics questions are:
Can we remove Optimize Database Job (Release Management)?
This TFS job basically executes Update Statistics and as we are working with shared SQL Server, this routing already exists on our DB
What is impact for TFS to remove "Agent User Role" from MSDB database?
You can check these two links for the details about Database Permissions requirements for TFS:
The followings are some highlight points for your quick reference:
sysadmin and serveradmin for all databases that TFS uses.
CREATE DATABASE - We need this permission to be able to create configuration, collection, and warehouse database.
Reporting Services: Team Foundation Content Manager and either sysadmin or the db_owner group membership for the configuration database, the reporting and analysis databases, and the databases for team project collections.
If you want the user to have sufficient permissions to create a database as part of creating a team project collection, you must grant that user membership in the sysadmin role in SQL Server
To install, upgrade, and configure TFS, the user running the Team Foundation Administration console requires the following permissions and role memberships.
-Membership in the serveradmin server role
-CONTROL permission on the master database
In addition, I don't it is a good idea to remove the Optimize Database job; and I think it is OK to remove the SQLAgentUserRole, but why do you want to do that?

Winforms and SQL server windows authentication

Is possible to have windows authentication with connect, read and write rights, but without possibility the user has rights to connect with SQL Management Studio? I want the user has rights to connect and execute queries with his own domain username from an application, but not to connect from SQL Management Studio.
The only solution which I have succeeded to find is this: Define login only with rights to execute stored procedures, then move all queries to SP. By this way you can connect with SQL Management Studio but cannot list any table or change anything or even see the table/sp names.

The connection failed because of an error in initializing provider - SSAS 2005 - restored DB

Hullo everyone.
After restoring a backup (comprehensive of security information) of AdventureWorksDW cube I am unable to log into it using windows authentication.
SQL Server Analysis service version is 2005 (9.00.1399.6), installed on a Windows 2003R2 machine joined to a domain.
Shoul you need any further information please do not hesitate to let me know.
Your user ID (or any group containing it) is probably not contained in any role of the Analysis Services database that you restored, and you included the security information when restoring. If you do not have Analysis Services server administration rights, then you cannot access the database. You could access the database in Management Studio using a user id that has administrative rights, either on the database, or on the whole server (by default the local administrators group of the server computer has Analysis Services server administration rights), and change the rights (below the "Roles" node of the database in Management Studio) so that you can access the database.
Or, you could ask someone having administrative rights to restore the database again, this time unchecking "Include security information" in the dialog. You probably cannot do this yourself, as if you do not have administration rights to a database, you cannot overwrite it by the restore.

Visual Studio database project won't deploy to SQL Azure

I've ran into problem very similar to this. I have a .dbproj Visual Studio database project. It deploys just fine in SQL Server Express. Now I want to deploy it to SQL Azure - I change the connection parameters but deployment fails with the following text:
C:\Program Files\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v10.0\TeamData\Microsoft.Data.Schema.TSqlTasks.targets(120,5): Error Deploy01234: The target database schema provider could not be determined. Deployment cannot continue.
Done executing task "SqlDeployTask" -- FAILED.
Is deploying .dbproj projects to SQL Azure supported? How do I make Visual Studio deploy the database into SQL Azure? What are other ways to achieve more or less the same results except recreating the database manually using Azure portal?
If you are using Visual Studio 2012, you can now create a Database project and go to Properties - set its Target Platform to SQL Azure in Project Settings tab. Also you can configure the setting for dacpac output. Use this file to import directly as a new SQL Azure database.
As far as I know, Database projects are still not supported by Windows Azure. You can deploy the project to a local SQL server and then use the "Generate Scripts" feature to port the database to SQL Azure. See this link.
An easy solution is to create the database locally and use the SQL Azure Migration Wizard to do the migration up to SQL Azure. It works very well in just a few clicks (and will fix common errors).
Database projects don't work with SQL Azure. What I do is before deploying, create a brand new database on local server (to ensure it is up to date with no dev scripts), and then sync that database to Azure with RedGate SQL Compare. I do a backup first with RedGate SQL Azure Backup.
When we first built DB projects, SQLAzure was still going through its identity crisis and didn't know what it wanted to be. ;)
DBProjects support a significant superset of capabilities vs. SQLAzure. Therefore, it's quite possible that it'll create scripts that won't run against SQLAzure.
I know that the team who took-over the DBProject tooling were looking at restricting the database project generators to output SQLAzure-compatible scripts, but I don't know how far they got or whether they decided to proceed.
I echo dunnry's suggestion above and use the SQL Azure Migration Wizard or Jeremy's and use SQL 2008 R2 and generate Azure-compatible scripts.