static function in class which instantiates object - oop

I often use a pattern where I have a static member function in a class which instantiates object of itself, uses it, and destroys it.
Is this a good pattern? I think so. Does the pattern have a name?

I guess it's sort of a combination of Singleton and Factory method patterns. "Singletory" maybe?

The pattern is called 'Factory method'.
I often use this pattern, if using a factory class is a bit overkill, and when creating an instance of the class is a bit cumbersome (some initialization that has to be done for instance on other objects), or, when you want to have an easy way of creating different types of instances of that class.

are you saying you are doing this
class MyClass {
static void util(){
obj = new MyClass();
void InstanceMem(){}
i see this more of a utility method.
well if you think it solves a common reoccurring problem then it may be called as a pattern.


When to use singletons in OOP?

When reading about singletons, I have found this explanation as a reason to use singleton:
since these object methods are not changing the internal class state, we
can create this class as a singleton.
What does this really mean ? When you consider that some method is not changing internal class state ? If it is a getter ? Can someone provide code examples for class that uses methods that are not changing its internal state, and therefore can be used as a singleton, and class that should not be a singleton ?
Usually, when people are explaining singleton pattern, they use DB connection class as an example. And that makes sense to me, because I know that I want to have only one db connection during one application instance. But what if I want to provide an option to force using the new connection when I instantiate DB connection class? If I have some setter method, or constructor parameter that forces my class to open new connection, is that class still a subject to be a singleton ?
I am using PHP, but may understand examples written in JAVA, C#...
This is the article reference. You can ctrl+f search for "internal". Basically, autor is explaining why FileStorage class is a good candidate to be a singleton. I do not understand this sentance
"These operations do not change the internal class state, so we can
create its instance once and use it multiple times."
and therefore I do not understand when to use singletons.
In their example, they have some FileStorage class :
class FileStorage
public function __contruct($root) {
// whatever
public function read() {
// whatever
public function write($content) {
// whatever
And they say that this class can be a singleton since its methods read() and write() do not chage internal class structure. What does that mean ? They are not setters and class is automatically singleton ?
The quote reads:
These operations do not change the internal class state, so we can create its instance once and use it multiple times.
This means that the object in question has no interesting internal state that could be changed; it’s just a collection of methods (that could probably be static). If the object has no internal state, you don’t have to create multiple instances of it, you can keep reusing a single one. Therefore you can configure the dependency injection container to treat the object as a singleton.
This is a performance optimization only. You could create a fresh instance of the class each time it’s needed. And it would be better – until the object creation becomes a measurable bottleneck.

When should I use static methods in a class and what are the benefits?

I have concept of static variables but what are the benefits of static methods in a class. I have worked on some projects but I did not make a method static. Whenever I need to call a method of a class, I create an object of that class and call the desired method.
Q: Static variable in a method holds it's value even when method is executed but accessible only in its containing method but what is the best definition of static method?
Q: Is calling the static method without creating object of that class is the only benefit of static method?
Q: What is the accessible range for static method?
Your description of a static variable is more fitting to that found in C. The concept of a static variable in Object Oriented terms is conceptually different. I'm drawing from Java experience here. Static methods and fields are useful when they conceptually don't belong to an instance of something.
Consider a Math class that contains some common values like Pi or e, and some useful functions like sin and cos. It really does not make sense to create separate instances to use this kind of functionality, thus they are better as statics:
// This makes little sense
Math m = new Math();
float answer = m.sin(45);
// This would make more sense
float answer = Math.sin(45);
In OO languages (again, from a Java perspective) functions, or better known as methods, cannot have static local variables. Only classes can have static members, which as I've said, resemble little compared to the idea of static in C.
Static methods don't pass a "this" pointer to an object, so they can't reference non-static variables or methods, but may consequently be more efficient at runtime (fewer parameters and no overhead to create and destroy an object).
They can be used to group cohesive methods into a single class, or to act upon objects of their class, such as in the factory pattern.
Syntax (php) for static methods:
class Number {
public static function multiply($a, $b) {
return $a * $b;
Client code:
echo Number::multiply(1, 2);
Which makes more sense than:
$number = new Number();
echo $number->multiply(1, 2);
As the multiply() method does not use any class variables and as such does not require an instance of Number.
Essentially, static methods let you write procedural code in an object oriented language. It lets you call methods without having to create an object first.
The only time you want to use a static method in a class is when a given method does not require an instance of a class to be created. This could be when trying to return a shared data source (eg a Singleton) or performing an operation that doesn't modify the internal state of the object (String.format for example).
This wikipedia entry explains static methods pretty well:
Static variables and static methods are bound to the class, and not an instance of the class.
Static methods should not contain a "state". Anything related to a state, should be bound to an instantiated object, and not the class.
One common usage of static methods is in the named constructor idiom. See:
Static Methods in PHP:
Can be called without creating a class object.
Can only call on static methods and function.
Static variable is used when you want to share some info between different objects of the class.As variable is shared each object can update it and the updated value be available for all other objects as well.
As static variable can be shared,these are often called as class variable.
static elements are accessible from any context (i.e. anywhere in your script), so you can access these methods without needing to pass an instance of the class from object to object.
Static elements are available in every instance of a class, so you can set values that you want to be available to all members of a type.
for further reading a link!

Rule of thumb for naming wrapper classes

I find myself creating a significant number of wrapper classes, purely because I want to mock out the behaviour of
Classes that don't lend themselves well to the RhinoMocks isolation model (for instance like DirectoryInfo or WindowsIdentity)
Native Win API methods (I normally collect all the methods I need into a single class and wrap the native calls as a class method)
I then find myself appending the class that is wrapped with a 'W' (to indicate that it's a wrapper) and so I end up with DirectoryInfoW (as opposed to DirectoryInfoWrapper which seems rather verbose). Similarly, I end up with wrapped native methods called NativeMethods.DuplicateTokenW.
What would be a good rule of thumb to follow when naming wrapper classes?
Naming conventions are whatever works for the team that you're working with. As long as everyone's ok with a particular convention, then it's ok.
I tend to prefer the more verbose version though, i.e. DirectoryInfoWrapper, rather than having a single letter that doesn't explain anything to anyone who's not familiar with the code. But that's just me.
I'll agree with aberrant80 , if everyone agrees with the convention you are using, then it'll work.
I personally prefer using names that are shorter and descriptive to the class's purpose. At least at the interface level. If you're using a mock framework, then IDirectory or IDirectoryInfo would be a decent set of names, while DirectoryInfoW or DirectoryInfoWrapper would be an interface implementer.
A better example might be wrapping an HttpRequest; define an IRequest to state 'this is what is important to my application', then Request, HttpRequestWrapper, Request, etc would be implementers.
So, to summarize, try and use descriptive, non-overly-verbose interface names.
Just as a side note, I found a more aesthetically pleasing (well, to me) way of wrapping native method calls:
public class NativeMethods
// made virtual so that it can be mocked - I don't really want
// an interface for this class!
public virtual bool RevertToSelf()
return WinApi.RevertToSelf();
private static class WinApi
public static extern bool RevertToSelf();
i.e. avoid name collision by encapsulating native method calls in a private nested class.
No 'good' solution to the wrapper class naming issue though, I'd probably go with aberrant80's suggestion and explicitly call my wrappers wrappers.
If you are using C++, you can use namespaces and then just re-use the same class name. For example:
namespace WrapperNamespace
class MyClass {...};
namespace InternalNamespace
class MyClass {...};

Implementing Clone() method in base class

Here's a Clone() implementation for my class:
MyClass^ Clone(){
return gcnew MyClass(this->member1, this->member2);
Now I have about 10 classes derived from MyClass. The implementation is the same in each case. Owing to the fact that I need to call gcnew with the actual class name in each case, I am required to create 10 nearly identical implementations of Clone().
Is there a way to write one single Clone() method in the base class which will serve all 10 derived classes?
Edit: Is there a way to invoke the constructor of a class via one of it's objects? In a way that will invoke the actual derived class constructor. Something like:
MyClass ^obj2 = obj1->Class->Construct(arg1, arg2);
I'm doing this on C++/CLI but answers from other languages are welcome.
In plain old C++, you can do this with compile-time polymorphism (the curiously-recurring template pattern). Assuming your derived classes are copyable, you can just write:
class Base
virtual Base* Clone() const = 0;
template <typename Derived>
class BaseHelper: public Base
//other base code here
//This is a covariant return type, allowed in standard C++
Derived * Clone() const
return new Derived(static_cast<Derived *>(*this));
Then use it like:
class MyClass: public BaseHelper<MyClass>
//MyClass automatically gets a Clone method with the right signature
Note that you can't derive from a class again and have it work seamlessly - you have to "design in" the option to derive again by templating the intermediate classes, or start re-writing Clone again.
Not in C++ that I'm aware of. As you say, you need to create an object of a different class in each implementation of Clone().
Hm, I think you can use Factory pattern here. I.e.:
MyClass Clone(){
return MyClassFactory.createInstance(this.getClass(), this.member1, this.member2, ...);
In the factory, you would have to create instance of subclass based on passed class type. So probably it has the same disadvantages as your approach.
I would suggest using copy constructors instead (as derived classes can call the base implementation's copy constructor as well) -- also handy, as it will be familiar territory for C++ programmers.
You might be able to create a single Clone method that uses reflection to call the copy constructor on itself in this instance.
Possibly also worth noting that Jeffrey Richter said in the Framework Design Guidelines book, "The ICloneable interface is an example of a very simple abstraction with a contract that was never explicitly documented. Some types implement this interface's Clone method so that it performs a shallow copy of the object, whereas some implementations perform a deep copy. Because what this interface's Clone method should do was never fully documented, when using an object with a type that implements ICloneable, you never know what you're going to get. This makes the interface useless" (emphasis mine)

Why should member variables be initialized in constructors?

When I first started working with object-oriented programming languages, I was taught the following rule:
When declaring a field in a class, don't initialize it yet. Do that in the constructor.
An example in C#:
public class Test
private List<String> l;
public Test()
l = new List<String>();
But when someone recently asked me why to do that, I couldn't come up with a reason.
I'm not really familiar with the internal workings of C# (or other programming languages, for that matter, as I believe this can be done in all OO languages).
So why is this done? Is it security? Properties?
If you have multiple constructors, you might want to initialize a field to different values
When you initialize the field in the constructor, there can be no confusion over when exactly it is initialized in regard to the rest of the constructor. This may seem trivial with a single class, but not so much when you have an inheritance hierarchy with constructor code running at each level and accessing superclass fields.
The C# compiler will take any non-static member intialization that you do inline and move it into the constructor for you. In other words this:
class Test
Object o = new Object();
gets compiled to this:
class Test
Object o;
public Test()
this.o = new Object();
I am not sure how compilers for other languages handle this but as far as C# is concerned it is a matter of style and you are free to do whichever you wish. Please note that static fields are handled differently: read this article for more information on that.
One reason to do it is that it puts all of the initialization code in one place which is convenient for others reading your class. Having said this I don't really do it for two primary reasons. (1) I use TDD/Unit testing to define the behavior of my class. If you want to know what the parameterless constructor does, you should really read the tests I've built on the parameterless constructor. (2) With C# 3.0, I typically use automatic properties and inline initialization with a parameterless constructor to instantiate the object. This is much more flexible and it puts the definition of the properties right in line where the code is being used. This would override any initialization in the constructor so I rarely put any there. Of course, this only applies to C#.
Ex. (of 2)
var foo = new Foo { Bar = "baz" };
public class Foo
public string Bar { get; set; }
public Foo() { }
sometimes the constructor has parameters that are used for initializing internal variables. For example size of arrays
I haven't heard a compelling reason to not offer both options. I suspect that the real reason has to do with simplifying the language structure from a parsing perspective. This is especially true in C-derivative languages where parsing an assignment statement requires 75% of the language syntax rules. It seems to me that allowing it and defining how it would work precisely would be nice. I agree with Michael's comment about the complexity increase as you insert inheritance and multiple constructors but just because you add a feature doesn't mean that you have to use it. I would vote to support both even though my vote doesn't really add up to much.
I always like to think of the class as a factory for objects, and the constructor as the final stop on the production line. The fields declared in the class are blueprints descirbing the object, but the blueprint won't be realised into an object before such an object is ordered tthrough a call to the constructor... Also, as someone pointed out, doing all your initialisations in your constructor will improve readability, as well as it wil provide for dynamicity in initialisation (it might not be a parameterless constructor you're dealing with).
Also, in some languages the constructor may be used for resetting an object to an original state, which is why it will then be necessary to instatiate the object in the constructor.