What's going on with my UIButtons in a xib? - objective-c

I have a set of UIButtons (defined in a xib) who have labels that need to be updated periodically. In the ViewDidLoad method of the view controller of those buttons' superview, I have an update method that does, for each button:
button.titleLabel.text = #"Relevant Text";
[button setNeedsDisplay];
and when you tap a button, another method runs which pops up a UIAlertView, which in turn calls back a method on the view controller which does much the same thing as the initial text setting method:
button.titleLabel.text = #"New Text";
[button setNeedsDisplay];
however, this code simply isn't working, the button label's text doesn't get updated in either method, it remains a blank white button. In the xib I don't define any text on the buttons - there's no point, the button text doesn't make sense unless it's set at runtime. Anyway, on a lark, I decided to set the text of one of the buttons to "test test test".
Now, when I tap that particular button, it pops up the UIAlertView but in the background changes the text of the button to "test test test test". And this time, the UIAlertView callback does what I expect it to and sets the text for only that button. When I hit it again, the text goes back to "test test test test" until I dismiss the UIAlertView, which again will run the callback method and set the button text to whatever the method should.
I have no idea what's going on here, or why setting the text initially in the xib has any relation to whether or not I can set that text later programatically. Obviously this isn't the behavior I want, I want to know how to for sure set the text on the buttons.
Edit: SVD's advice about setTitle:ForState: solved my problem, thanks. I'm still curious though as to why the title label set in the .xib shows up, but only when I have a UIAlertView pop up.

You may need to use [setTitle: forState:] to set the button title for normal and highlighted (or selected) state.
(And do make sure the button is connected to the outlet, as jtbandes points out).


Can't type in UITextField if presentViewController while editing

I have a ConfigureViewController that contains some UIButtons and a UITextField * MyTextField. Each of the buttons, when pressed, brings up a dialog-style viewcontroller using presentViewController:animated:completion:. However, if I tap one of those buttons while editing the text field, when i close the dialog and return to the original screen, i am unable to return focus to or type in the text field.
This is the method that is invoked when the button is tapped.
-(void)AdvancedInfoButtonPressed :(id)sender
AdvancedInfoPopViewController *myAdvancedInfoViewController = [[AdvancedInfoPopViewController alloc] init];
[myAdvancedInfoViewController setDelegateAndDevice :self :Current_Device];
myAdvancedInfoViewController.modalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationFormSheet;
[self presentViewController :myAdvancedInfoViewController animated :NO completion :nil];
Without explicitly removing focus from MyTextField, presenting the AdvancedInfoViewController does dismiss the keyboard automatically.
I suspect the problem is that MyTextField still thinks it has focus (even though the keyboard and blinking cursor have disappeared) and so does not allow itself to become the first responder again. Along these lines, I have found that if i add [MyTextField resignFirstResponder] before presenting the dialog viewcontroller, the problem goes away.
However, this does not seem like a very good solution because it means having to remember to resign this textfield (or any other text fields) as the first responder in several places (leading to code that is difficult to maintain). My question is: are there any events i can hook into either when ConfigureViewController is about to be partially obscured by AdvancedInfoViewController (or when AdvancedInfoViewController is dismissed and focus is returned to the ConfigureViewController) in which i can add some logic to clean up MyTextField's firstResponder status?
I've tried viewWillDisappear and viewWillAppear but they are never called on the ConfigureViewController.
I've also tried adding textFieldDidEndEnding to the text field's delegate but, despite it being called, it did not fix the problem.
-(void)textFieldDidEndEditing:(UITextField *)textField
[MyTextField resignFirstResponder];
You can use [self.view endEditing:YES] to resign all first responders in the case you are presenting myAdvancedInfoViewController.
To return focus to the textField after this event occurs you will need to keep track of which textField was active at the time myAdvancedInfoViewController was presented. When the myAdvancedInfoViewController is dismissed call UITextField's becomeFirstResponder method for the appropriate text field.

I cannot hide a textfield and label in my iOS app

here is the low down:
the is issue is that when i first open my screen all 4 labels are visible. By default button1 radio is checked but label2 and textfield 2 are visible when they shouldnt be. if i press button1 even though it is already selected the items with hide and then all is good. My issue is having them hidden when the screen first opens up.
Thanx all for you help
You can, in your viewDidLoad method:
-(void) viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
[self button1click:nil]; //nil or the instance of button1 if you need it
In this way, you will execute the same code when you press button1 without duplicate your code.
You can take one of two approaches to hide the label.
a) in Interface builder you can click the check box for hidden in the attributes inspector. If you do that the default behavior will always be hidden when the app launches then you can make it visible in code like your example shows
b) add your existing code to hide the label to your view controllers - (void)viewDidLoad method.
both methods work equally well.
When you create that objects you can set foo.isHidden = YES

UIButton does not work when hidden

I am hiding a UIButton underneath a UITextField. Normally, the UIButton responds just find. However, when I set it to hidden (or when I set alpha to 0), it stops working.
For context, I am including a hidden button under a UITextField because the clickable area to edit the textfield is small--I'd like the user to be able to click anywhere in the neighborhood of the uitextfield in order to make the text field become the first responder. Thus, the code for the button is:
- (IBAction)enterTextField:(id)sender {
[nameTextField becomeFirstResponder];
However, this code does not get called when the button is hidden. Otherwise, it does get called.
Make it a custom button with UIButtonTypeCustom or set the background to clearColor.

What's going on with my UIButtons in a xib? [duplicate]

I have a set of UIButtons (defined in a xib) who have labels that need to be updated periodically. In the ViewDidLoad method of the view controller of those buttons' superview, I have an update method that does, for each button:
button.titleLabel.text = #"Relevant Text";
[button setNeedsDisplay];
and when you tap a button, another method runs which pops up a UIAlertView, which in turn calls back a method on the view controller which does much the same thing as the initial text setting method:
button.titleLabel.text = #"New Text";
[button setNeedsDisplay];
however, this code simply isn't working, the button label's text doesn't get updated in either method, it remains a blank white button. In the xib I don't define any text on the buttons - there's no point, the button text doesn't make sense unless it's set at runtime. Anyway, on a lark, I decided to set the text of one of the buttons to "test test test".
Now, when I tap that particular button, it pops up the UIAlertView but in the background changes the text of the button to "test test test test". And this time, the UIAlertView callback does what I expect it to and sets the text for only that button. When I hit it again, the text goes back to "test test test test" until I dismiss the UIAlertView, which again will run the callback method and set the button text to whatever the method should.
I have no idea what's going on here, or why setting the text initially in the xib has any relation to whether or not I can set that text later programatically. Obviously this isn't the behavior I want, I want to know how to for sure set the text on the buttons.
Edit: SVD's advice about setTitle:ForState: solved my problem, thanks. I'm still curious though as to why the title label set in the .xib shows up, but only when I have a UIAlertView pop up.
You may need to use [setTitle: forState:] to set the button title for normal and highlighted (or selected) state.
(And do make sure the button is connected to the outlet, as jtbandes points out).

UIButton highlight setting won't stick

There sure are a lot of UIButton questions here, and I was hoping to find the answer to this, but nothing quite like this particular issue.
I have a few buttons, and I can call button.highlighted = YES; for any button when the program runs and it shows up highlighted.
I thought I could then use this same technique to set a button's highlight state to YES after it pressed, and then set it to NO after another button is pressed. This way, the current selection remains highlighted.
For example:
-(IBAction) buttonPressed:(UIButton *)button
if (button.tag==1)
// do other program stuff here
if (button.tag==2)
// do other program stuff here
Even though the highlights work fine if I place the highlighted = YES; code inside viewDidLoad. But the above code does not work. The highlight doesn't stick. The buttons works, and does the other stuff it needs to do, but the highlights fail to stick.
I would think this should be pretty basic. Is iOS somehow automatically setting all button highlights to NO on its own after any button operation?
May be you should use other means to present the highlight status, because of the statement from UIControl's documentation:
By default, a control is not
highlighted. UIControl automatically
sets and clears this state
automatically when a touch enters and
exits during tracking and when there
is a touch up.
You might try using the 'selected' property instead of the 'highlighted' property.