Lion previous versions working for restore, but UI bindings not updated after performing restore - objective-c

I'm working on an app currently, and was scratching my head thinking that previous versions wasn't working; however it turns out that closing the document window and re-opening after a restore the restored values are now displayed.
The problem arises after performing the restore, the UI simply doesn't reflect that a restore has taken place.
Does anybody know of why this could be / how to fix the issue?

Have you implemented the required API for restoring the UI state of your windows? If you don't know what I'm talking about, you need to read this section of the documentation.

Turns out, it had nothing to do with the restoreFromCoder etc.
It was where the document object was being stamped over each time, this doesn't update the UI as UI updates a performed when a property is set, thus resulting in the binding being invalidated.
The way I got around this, was by every time it loads from a document, it simply "assimilates" the new document objects values into the existing ones (initialised to defaults in init); this results in the UI updating seamlessly when the user restores.


Metro (XAML/C#): detect installation and/or first run

When creating Metro applications in XAML/C#, how do I detect when the application is first installed or run for the first time since installation (or potentially upgrade)? I need to use this opportunity to ensure that my database schema is correct and potentially synchronise some base data.
I had hoped that I could pick this up from the LaunchActivatedEventArgs within the OnLaunched method, but there does not seem to be a valid value for the Kind or PreviousExecutionState that I can use.
When your app starts, write a setting called "AppHasBeenStarted" or something to LocalSettings. If the setting has not already been written, you know your app hasn't been started before. And you could improve on this, by making it "AppVersion", and writing the app's version. This way your app can detect upgrades by comparing the stored version with its own version.

Data changes in RavenDB by itself

I have set up a RavenDB for evaluation. I wrote some code which pushed some documents into it. I then have a web site which renders those documents.
Throughout the day, I used the Raven Studio to modify some text in those documents, so that I could see the changes come through in my web site.
Problem: It seems that after going home for the night, when I come in the next day my database has changed - my documents have reverted to the 'pre-changed' versions... what's going on??
I've looked through the Raven console output, and there were no update commands issued on my developer machine overnight (nor would I expect there to be!!)
Note: this is just running on my development machine.
As far as I know, RavenDB has no code in it that would automatically undo commited write operations and honestly, this would really scare me. Altogether this sounds really weird and I can't think of a scenario where that could actually happen. I suggest you send the logfiles to ravendb support if it happens again, because this would be a really serious issue.
My colleague had this very problem with updates being reverted. The update we made was to add a property, and then also a document specific value for this property, to all the documents. We called SaveConfiguration() and saw the change being done in the Raven Studio. A while later some of the documents had lost it's new property.
I decided to turn on the logging and therefore added an NLog.config file, to get the logging started I touched the web.config. This of course restarted the application, and "voila", the updates appeared in the Raven Studio again.
After a while they disappeared from the Raven Studio, so I assumed that this was a studio problem. I therefore tried to retrieve the objects from the database in a test controller, unfortunately the objects were lacking the property value here too, so it wasn't just a studio problem.
With the logging turned on we updated the documents of the specific type again, and according to the logs and also the studio we actually updated the documents. Not long thereafter the documents reverted by losing it's added property yet again (my colleague started crying at this point - true story)..
Later I came to realize that this was all because of our live web application still had the old version of the object. When it was read in the web application the data was returned without the extra property. Because of this it seems like our DocumentSession thought that the object had changed (in all fairness), so when we called SaveChanges even these objects was written to the database - without it's extra property.
Is my conclusion correct? What is the solution to this problem? I'm thinking CQRS, because then we will never call "SaveChanges()" on the DocumentSession for reads.
Just making sure, did you call SaveChanges() after you made your modifications?
There is absolutely nothing in RavenDB that would cause this behavior.

iOS Rolling out app updates. Keeping user data intact when DB update required

I have just done a quick search and nothing too relevant came up so here goes.
I have released the first version of an app. I have made a few changes to the SQLite db since then, in the next release I will need to update the DB structure but retain the user's data.
What's the best approach for this? I'm currently thinking that on app update I will never replace the user's (documents folder, not in bundle) database file but rather alter its structure using SQL queries.
This would involve tracking changes made to the database since the previous release. Script all these changes into SQL queries and run these to bring the DB to the latest revision. I will also need to keep a field in the database to track the version number (keep in line with app version for simplicity).
Unless there are specific hooks, delegate methods that are fired at first run after an update I will put calls for this logic into the very beginning of the appDelegate, before anything else is run.
While doing this I will display "Updating app" or something to the user.
Next thing, what happens if there is an error somewhere along the line and the update fails. The DB will be out of date and the app won't function properly as it expects a newer version?
Should I take it upon myself to just delete the user's DB file and replace it with the new version from the app bundle. OR, should I just test, test, test until everything is solid on my side and if an error occurs on the user's side it's something else, in which case I can't do anything about it only discard the data.
Any ideas on this would be greatly appreciated. :)
First of all, the approach you are considering is the correct one. This is known as database migration. Whenever you modify the database on your end, you should collect the appropriate ALTER TABLE... etc. methods into a migration script.
Then the next release of your app should run this code once (as you described) to migrate all the user's data.
As for handling errors, that's a tough one. I would be very weary of discarding the user's data. Better would be to display an error message and perhaps let the user contact you with a bug report. Then you can release an update to your app which hopefully can do the migration with no problems. But ideally you test the process well enough that there shouldn't be any problems like this. Of course it all depends on the complexity of the migration process.

Accurev - why not Auto-Update?

Why isn't it standard behavior for Accurev to automatically run an "Update" upon opening the program? "Update" updates a user's local sandbox with the latest files from the building/promoted area.
It seems like expected functionality that the most recent files should be synchronized first.
I'm not claiming that it should always update, but curious as to why an auto-Update wouldn't be correct.
Auto-updating could produce some very unwanted results.
Take this scenario: you're in the middle of a development task, but you've made a mistake and need to revert a file that you just modified. So you open AccuRev, but before you have a chance to "revert to most recent version", you are bombarded with 100 files that have been changed upstream including the one you want to revert. You are now forced into the position of resolving all the merge conflicts before your solution will build, including the merge of your (possibly unstable) code in progress.
Requiring the user to manually update keeps a protective 'bubble' around the developer, allowing them to commit (keep) changes within their own workspace without bringing down code changes that could destabilise the work in their sandbox. When the developer gets to a point where his code is ready to share with others, that is the appropriate time to do an update and subsequently build/retest the merged codebase before promoting.
However there is one scenario that I do believe auto-updating could be useful: after a workspace is reparented. i.e. when a developer's workspace is moved from one part of the stream hierarchy to another. Every time we reparent we have to do a little dance:
Accept the confirmation dialog that reminds us (rather verbosely) that we need to update our workspace before we can promote any changes.
Double-click the workspace to view its files.
Wait for AccuRev to do a "Pending" search, to determine whether any file changes are waiting to be committed.
And finally, perform the Update.
Instead of just giving us a confirmation dialog, it would be nice if AccuRev could just ask us if we want to Update immediately.
I guess it depends on preference. I for one wouldn't like the auto-update feature.
Imagine you have a huge project and you don't want to build it every time you start Accurev. But you also can't debug because the source files and debugging info no longer correspond.

Testing on blackberry device - adding and removing app multiple times

It would be useful for many people to know how to completely remove an application from your device when testing.
I have downloaded my app many times now, and likewise have deleted it many times. The problem is when deleting the app, it does not remove things like the persistent object related to my app, or the images downloaded through the app. So, when I download the next build, I have no idea if something broke that is related to building the persistent object or fetching the images since those elements already exist from the last build.
I don't know if this is a cache thing. I don't know if this is expected and I have to use some utility to wipe this data after deleting the app. I can't really find much info through basic web searches.
Any information would be appreciated.
Blackberry Bold 9000. 4.6 OS. tested with both SD card and no SD card.
Objects stored in the PersistentStore are automatically deleted on uninstall if their interfaces were defined in your project. If they are from the standard BlackBerry API then they will stick around until they're deleted. E.G if you save a String in the PersistentStore it will stay in the PersistentStore but if you save a class you created it will be deleted on an uninstall. So if you want to have those objects be deleted automatically just create a wrapper class and save that.
Images stored on the filesystem will not be deleted until you or some application deletes them. However, it should be easy for you to write an app that clears everything out.
Another solution you could implement is making your app somewhat self-aware of its data.
Create a simple String value that you persist (or optionally, persist it in a Hashtable so you can store many properties this way) that includes "Version".
At startup of the GUI app, compare the stored "Version" against the application's current version. If the stored version doesn't exist, or if it exists and matches, take no action.
If it exists and does not match, automatically clean up old persisted data; or alternatively prompt the user to see if they want that data to be deleted (which one is better will depend on your implementation)
You can also use CodeModuleListener to listen for an uninstall event -- when that happens, you can clean up at that time as well or instead.
(As an aside and a bit of shameless self promotion, I am actually currently working on a shareable library for Blackberry that makes managing persistence much easier, as well as desktop data backup/restore. I'm doing this as part of the BBSSH project, but I'll be splitting it off into a separate library of core components and publishing it under a dual GPL/optional commercial license. It will contain hooks for data cleanup and data versioning. )