Problem with sending object via wcf service with private fields - wcf

I have a class Car
public class Car
private Member _owner;
public string OwnerName
get { return _owner.Name; }
public Car(Member owner)
_owner = owner;
I'm using it both at Silverlight application and wcf service
So, at application I call WCF service to give me instance of car class, but when I get it at application, I see that _owner is empy.
I know that it is empty because of private, but how can I deal with it?
I'm using this class in my app as model (MVVM) if it could helps :/

For a start none of your properties are marked as DataMembers. The class isn't marked as a DataContract. If this is getting returned from a WCF service I would expect to see:
public class Car
private Member _owner;
public string OwnerName
Does Member have to be private? Could it be converted into a property?
Keep in mind that a [DataMember] property needs both a set and a get (so that WCF can read into and from the object).

From a WCF serialization point of view, your Car class actually looks something like this to the WCF service:
public class Car
public string OwnerName { get; set; }
//other public properties here....
The WCF serializer uses the .NET class definition as a template for serializing its contents as a simple data transfer object. When the WCF service sends back a Car instance, only the public properties will contain values. The serializer ignores all methods in the class. Also, later versions of WCF don't require the DataContract/DataMember attribute markup.
The _owner variable is never initialized because it is not part of the public properties of the Car class. You'll need to modify the structure of the Car class (maybe add a public Owner property of type Member) to get all the data sent from the WCF service to your client.

When you are using the default Data Contract Serializer with WCF services it serializes and deserializes only the public properties of the class. Also another thing to note is that while deserializing the object graph the constructor is not called. You can have a public property with getter and setter.
Here is a very nice article by Jeremy Likeness explaining the problem similar to yours. From Architecture as well as best practices point of view you can use a POCO class generally called as DTO (Data Transfer Object) when transferring objects between the service layer and the clients.


WCF generic property is not mapped in derived class

I have:
public class A
public int X { get; set; }
public class Base {}
public class Derived<T>: Base {
public T Data {get; set; }
Service method returns IEnumerable of Base class containing object of Derived class.
Auto-generated WCF client retrieves data and correctly detects type and creates instances of the Derived class, but Derived.Data.X is not mapped, i.e. has 0. The soap message received is correct.
Any ideas why the generic property of the derived class is not correctly mapped from the soap message in the client?
I strongly recommend you to avoid generics in service contracts. SOA world is not friendly with generic type in the service contract. Please look problems reported by others:
Error when updating service reference.The URI prefix is not recognized
WCF. Service generic methods
WCF generic property is not mapped in derived class

silverlight domain service don't allow return a generic object

I have a domain service running smooth, some expose functions that return generic lists of defined entity, but for some reason, I had add some common information so I created a generic object to wrap the collection with the extra information that I need return.
but when after made the change and try use the service in the client, the function don't show up in the context, I already search about it and what I found was attributes for generic IQueryable
my wrap class
public class Wrap<T>
public String commonProperty { get; set; }
public String anotherCommonProperty { get; set; }
public List<T> items { get; set; }
in my service domain
public Wrap<SomeClass> GetAll()
Wrap<SomeClass> myObject = new Wrap<SomeClass>();
myObject.items = new List<SomeClass>();
myObject.commonProperty = "some info";
myObject.anotherCommonProperty = "some info";
return myObject;
Maybe adding the [KnownType(typeof(SomeClass))] attribute in the Wrap<T> class, the problem is that you need to include one KnowType attribute for every class in your domain (this is because you are making a polymorphic service).
And adding the [ServiceKnownType(typeof(SomeClass))] in the GetAll method in the service (this is for wcf services I don't know if is valid for domain services).
WCF RIA domain services does not support generic entity types. IEnumerable<T> and IQueryable<T> are special cases.
Your method was ignored because it did not match supported method type.
Before changes GetAll was recognized as Query method. You can force that by adding attribute.
public Wrap<SomeClass> GetAll()
Now it does not dissapear silently. But generates compile time error instead:
Type 'Wrap`1' is not a valid entity type. Entity types cannot be

Wcf classes public property vs property with get;set

When creating a wcf class I used to do
Public class Customer
public string Name {get;set}
I have been told that is better to do
Public class Customer
public string Name ;
basically removing the get and set as will be lighter
Is this the case?
any suggestions
When you use auto-properties (using only get; set; and no backing variable), a member variable is generated randomly (you can use Reflector or ILDASM to see it). This variable, depending on the serialization scheme could be serialized.
If you rebuild, member variable name could be re-generated which can cause error in de-serialising objects serialised using old DLL. In the same way, a DLL shipped to the customer could have the OLD generated member variable so WCF communication could throw exceptions.

WCF with shared objects and derived classes on client

I have a WCF service and I'm sharing types with a client in a shared assembly.
If the client create a derived class will it be possible to pass back the derived type to the service so that I can read the added properties through reflection ?
I tried but having issues with KnownTypes since the service don't know how to deserialize the derived type.
public abstract class Car : ICar
//on the client :
public class MyCar : Car
when passing myCar to Service I get the exception complaining about knownType but I cant add this on the server since I wont know what the client will be sending through and I want to handle extra properties through reflection.
Possible to register client types as knowntypes at runtime ?
Is this maybe the solution ?
This is not possible. Both service and client has to know what types will be sent in messages. If you want to use known type you have to define that relation to parent type on the service.
Why do you need to know added properties on the server?
I think there is a way.
I vaguely remember that when I studied WCF, I met ExtensionData which should be a mechanism to get everything that does not match the serialization of the class. for example, if you enable ExtensionData and you are in this situation
public class GenericRQ
public string GenericProperty {get;set;}
public Service GenericService
Public void GenericMethod(GenericRQ RQ)
// client
Public class MoreSpecificRQ : GenericRQ
public string SpecificProperty {get;set;}
Public void GenericMethod(GenericRQ RQ)
// the serializer adds automatically in RQ.ExtensionData everything that has come and that does not match the class GenericRQ.
On how to enable ExtensionData you to easily search on the web

Is it possible to serialize objects without a parameterless constructor in WCF?

I know that a private parameterless constructor works but what about an object with no parameterless constructors?
I would like to expose types from a third party library so I have no control over the type definitions.
If there is a way what is the easiest? E.g. I don't what to have to create a sub type.
What I'm looking for is something like the level of customization shown here:
although I don't want to have to resort to streams to serialize/deserialize.
You can't really make arbitrary types serializable; in some cases (XmlSerializer, for example) the runtime exposes options to spoof the attributes. But DataContractSerializer doesn't allow this. Feasible options:
hide the classes behind your own types that are serializable (lots of work)
provide binary formatter surrogates (yeuch)
write your own serialization core (a lot of work to get right)
Essentially, if something isn't designed for serialization, very little of the framework will let you serialize it.
I just ran a little test, using a WCF Service that returns an basic object that does not have a default constructor.
public class MyObject
public MyObject(string _name)
Name = _name;
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Address { get; set; }
Here is what the service looks like:
public class MyService : IMyService
#region IMyService Members
public MyObject GetByName(string _name)
return new MyObject(_name) { Address = "Test Address" };
This actually works, as long as MyObject is either a [DataContract] or [Serializable]. Interestingly, it doesn't seem to need the default constructor on the client side. There is a related post here:
How does WCF deserialization instantiate objects without calling a constructor?
I am not a WCF expert but it is unlikely that they support serialization on a constructor with arbitrary types. Namely because what would they pass in for values? You could pass null for reference types and empty values for structs. But what good would a type be that could be constructed with completely empty data?
I think you are stuck with 1 of 2 options
Sub class the type in question and pass appropriate default values to the non-parameterless constructor
Create a type that exists soley for serialization. Once completed it can create an instance of the original type that you are interested in. It is a bridge of sorts.
Personally I would go for #2. Make the class a data only structure and optimize it for serialization and factory purposes.