What is the "right" way to get a list(or more generically, just an object) available multiple places? - vb.net

In a program that I'm responsible for, we want to start keeping track of milestones. These milestones are quite simple and consist of a unique identifier, the project they're assigned to, a description, and a date that they should be accomplished by (or not, if there's no concrete due date).
We use a slightly modified Model-View-Presenter architecture, and currently I'm passing this list around through the presenters, but it seems fairly clunky, so I was wondering:
What's the best way to make this list available to all the presenters/views that need it?
We're using VB.NET 3.5, and I was toying with the idea of making this a shared property of the main presenter, but it does seem like that adds some unnecessary coupling.

I agree with Oded about keeping it as you have it, but if you insist on having it the way you describe, you could consider implementing it (the collection) as a singleton.
Have a read through this article


String interning with SQLAlchemy

I've been trying out various approaches to "string interning" in a database that's accessed primarily using SQLAlchemy ORM. I've tried a couple things, and so far I'm not really loving any of them. It seems like a common pattern, and I feel like I might be missing some obvious, elegant solution.
To elaborate: the situation is that my database (Postgres, if it matters) table is likely to to contain many of the same strings, but they are still arbitrary, and not bounded in a way that a native enum type would be the right solution. I want to collect these strings in another table with an auto-incrementing PK and then reference them in the main table by FK. The goals here include both space savings and string "hygiene" (i.e. I'd like to be able to easily assess and track the growth of this string table.)
I've tried the obvious naive solution of creating a separate entity, but this seems to foist the mechanics of the string interning onto every consumer of the entity. i.e. every consumer has to traverse the relationship to get the value, like this: obj.interned_property.value And absent joinedload hints, it causes another database hit for every new access. (In general, I try to keep loading strategies out of the model itself, since different use cases often benefit from different loading strategies.) Adding a python property to traverse the relationship is not a good approach because it can't participate in SQLAlchemy filtering/ordering operations.
I've tried using the AssociationProxy extension, but I've been generally disappointed with it. I discovered that AssociationProxy attributes don't follow the same metadata contract of other SA ORM attributes; They lack an info property, for instance. An info dictionary was relatively simple to graft on, but this was really just the first shoe to drop. After that, I discovered that you can't filter against them in a query (at least not with the LIKE operator.) I've gotten to the point where I'm kinda sick of discovering the next thing that AssociationProxy attributes can't do.
The next thought I had was to do all the interning inside the database using triggers and updatable views, but that inherently hampers portability w/r/t database engine, and splits the logic between Python and PL/SQL which makes it harder for future developers coming into this code to figure out what's going on. And, it's a bunch of effort, so if I'm going to do it, I would like to feel more confident that it's the right way to go.
Anyway, it seems like this is a pretty common pattern, and I feel like someone must have figured out an elegant solution by now. So, I'd love to hear from someone who's been down this road before: what's the best way to handle string interning with SQLAlchemy?

Why doesn't Visual Studio 2012 allow you to select Structure when creating a new VB.NET file? Are structures deprecated?

This is not a subjective question; I am mainly asking to see if structures are now deprecated or something in VB.NET.
It is also not generally a duplicate of a question asking when to use a structure or a class, as this is largely checking to see if such information has become outdated. Furthermore it is certainly not a duplicate of questions relating specifically to C#, as these are two different (albeit similar) languages. The difference between classes and structures is language-dependent, as can be demonstrated by VB.NET and C++.
In Visual Studio 2012, when creating a new VB.NET file, you get options for Module and Class, among other things, but there is no option for Structure. For instance:
If you simply select to add a new item, then the much more complete menu doesn't list it either:
This seems like an awfully big oversight, especially when there are meaningful differences between classes and structures in VB.NET, so I'm certainly suspicious that it's not really an oversight at all.
Are structures a deprecated practice now? Has the language been revised in some way that has made the difference between a structure and a class much more meaningless? Is there any technical or widely-held convention that I am unaware of here? Or is it just an oversight after all? Thanks.
To make a long story short, my understanding is that, among one or two other things, structures tend to be more efficient for smaller amounts of code, and classes tend to be more efficient for larger amounts. This is because of differences between they ways that their memory is managed. Even though a lot of people always think in terms of classes in a language-agnostic kind of way, I thought there was a practice among fluent VB.NET developers to use structures as well.
No, structures are not deprecated. They have just never been on the Add Item list.
Which is probably because people haven't been willing to reserve a whole file for a single structure, preferring to put them in classes and modules. But you can if you want.
If you are concerned with class vs structure differences, you probably want to see Structs versus classes.
Just to add some more information... The type that you choose from the "Add" dialog only affects the initial template you get in the editor. It is perfectly valid to add a Class file, then edit it to turn it in to a structure, form, or even a module. Typically if you want to create something that isn't in the list you would choose "Code File" to get a blank document to customize as you want.
You can even create your own templates to add to that list. If you find yourself wanting to add a template for a structure you can do it fairly easily.
Here are some basic instructions on how to do that.
Some structure types like List<T>.Enumerator are used essentially the same way as objects, but a more common usage case for structures is as simple aggregate types which hold some data for the use of other types. The behavior of a type like KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue> is simply "Key and Value are properties of type TKey and TValue, which hold whatever outside code asked them to hold." While some companies' policies may require that every type reside within its own file and have its own associated documentation package, placing utility structures into a file with a package's static utility functions, static constants, etc. may make more sense than splitting them into separate files, especially if they don't have any substantial logic of their own.
Nothing is preventing a programmer from placing a structure into a file by itself, but the usage case was not considered sufficiently frequent to justify a special template for that purpose.

What is the best aproach to develop and implement a superclass/subclass ED diagram for these two entities?

I was wondering if someone could help me decide what is the best way to develop two simple database entities. I have come up with two ways but I can't see the obvious reason why one would be better than the other.
(there is a mistake in GroupMessage entity two, the attribute message appears twice)
You have not provided a lot of background information, but it is clear that there are shared attributes between FriendMessage and GroupMessage. There is probably additional commonality between the Sender and Creator attributes, and likewise for the Receiver and Group attributes. That makes the first a clear preference, if only based on DRY. I cannot think of a single reason or circumstance that would prefer the second, completley disjoint, representation.

Organizing interconnected objects

This is a generic question, I don't know if it belongs to Programming or StackOverflow.
I'm writing a litte simulation. Without going very deep into its details, consider that many kind of identities are involved. They correspond to Object since I'm using a OOP language.
There are Guys that inhabit the world simulated
There are Maps
A map has many Lots, that are pieces of land with some characteristics
There are Tribes (guys belong to tribes)
There is a generic class called Position to locate the elements
There are Bots in control of tribes that move guys around
There is a World that represents the world simulated
and so on.
If the simulated world was laid down as a database, the objects would be tables with lots of references, but in memory I have to use a different strategy. So, for example, a Tribe has an array of Guys as a property, The world has a, array of Bots, of Tribes, of Maps. A Map has a Dictionary whose key is a Position and whose value is a Lot. A Guy has a Position that is where he stands.
The way I lay down such connections is pretty much arbitrary. For example, I could have an array of Guys in the World, or an Array of guys per Lot (the guys standing on a piece of land), or an array of Guys per Bot (with the Guys controlled by the bot).
Doing so, I also have to pass around a lot of objects. For example, a Bot must have informations about the Map and opponent Guys to decide how to move its Guys.
As said, in a database I'd have a Guys table connected to the Lots table (indicating its position), to the Tribe table (indicating which Tribe it belongs to) and so it would also be easy to query "All the guys in Position [1, 5]". "All the Guys of Tribe 123". "All the Guys controlled by Bot B standing on the Lot b34 not belonging to the Tribe 456" and so on.
I've worked with APIs where to get the simplest information you had to make an instance of the CustomerContextCollection and pass it to CustomerQueryFactory to get back a CustomerInPlaceQuery to... When people criticize OOP and cite verbose abstractions that soon smell ridiculous, that's what I mean. I want to avoid such things and having to relay on deep abstractions and (anti pattern) abstract contexts.
The question is: what is the preferred, clean way to manage entities and collections of entities that are deeply linked in multiple ways?
It depends on your definition of "clean". In my case, I define clean as: I can implement desired behavior in an obvious, efficient manner.
Building OOP software is not a data modeling exercise. I'd suggest stepping back a little. What does each one of those objects actually do? What methods are you going to implement?
Just because "guys are in a lot" doesn't mean that the lot object needs a collection of guys; it only needs one if there are operations on a lot that affect all the guys in it. And even then, it doesn't necessarily need a collection of guys - it needs a way to get the guys in the lot. This may be an internally stored collection, but it could also be a simple method that calls back into the world to find guys matching a criteria. The implementation of that lookup should be transparent to anyone.
From the tenor of your questions, it seems like you're thinking of this from a "how do I generate reports" perspective. Step back and think of the behaviors you're trying to implement first.
Another thing I find extremely valuable is to differentiate between Entities and Values. Entities are objects where identity matters - you may have two guys, both named "Chris", but they are two different objects and remain distinct despite having the same "key". Values, on the other hand, act like ints. From your above list, Position sounds a lot like a value - Position(0,0) is Position(0,0) regardless of which chunk of memory (identity) those bits are stored in. The distinction has a bit effect on how you compare and store values vs. entities. For example, your Guy objects (entities) would store their Position as a simple member variable.
I've found a great reference for how to think about such things is Eric Evan's "Domain Driven Design" book. He's focused on business systems, but the discussions are very valuable for how you think about building OO systems in general I've found.
I would say that no 'true' answer exists to your core question -- a best way to manage collections of entities that are linked in multiple ways. It really depends on the kind of application (simulation) - here are some thoughts:
Is execution time important?
If this is the case, there is really no way around analyzing in which way your simulator will iterate over (query) the objects from the pool: sketch out the basic simulation loop and check what kind of events will require to iterate over what kind of model entities (I assume you are developing a discrete-event simulation?). Then you should organize the data structures in a way that optimizes the most frequent/time-consuming events (as opposed to "laying down the connections arbitrarily"). Additionally, you may want to use special data structures (such as k-d trees) to organize entities with properties that you need to query often (e.g., position data). For some typical problems, e.g. collision detection, there is also a whole lot of approaches to solve them efficiently (so look for suitable libraries/frameworks, e.g. for multi-agent simulation).
How flexible do you want to make it?
If you really want to make it super-flexible and really don't want to decide on the hierarchy of the model entities, why not just use an in-memory database? As you already said, databases are easily applicable to your problem (and you can easily save the model state, which may also be useful).
How clean is clean enough?
If you want to be absolutely sure that the rest of your simulator is not affected by the design choices you make in regards of your model representation, hide it behind an interface (say, ModelWorld), which defines methods for all the types of queries your simulator may invoke (this is orthogonal to the second point and may help with the first point, i.e. figuring out what kind of access pattern your simulator exhibits). This allows you to change implementations easily, without affecting any other parts of the simulator code.

Is this API too simple?

There are a multitude of key-value stores available. Currently you need to choose one and stick with it. I believe an independent open API, not made by a key-value store vendor would make switching between stores much easier.
Therefore I'm building a datastore abstraction layer (like ODBC but focused on simpler key value stores) so that someone build an app once, and change key-value stores if necessary. Is this API too simple?
set(Key, Value)
As all the APIs I have seen so far seem to add so much I was wondering how many additional methods were necessary?
I have received some replies saying that set(null) could be used to delete an item and if get returns null then this means that an item doesn't exist. This is bad for two reasons. Firstly, is it not good to mix return types and statuses, and secondly, not all languages have the concept of null. See:
Do all programming languages have a clear concept of NIL, null, or undefined?
I do want to be able to perform many types of operation on the data, but as I understand it everything can be built up on top of a key value store. Is this correct? And should I provide these value added functions too? e.g: like mapreduce, or indexes
Internally we already have a basic version of this in Erlang and Ruby and it has saved us alot of time, and also enabled us to test performance for specific use cases of different key value stores
Do only what is absolute necessary, instead of asking if it is too simple, ask if it is too much, even if it only has one method.
Your API lacks some useful functions like "hasKey" and "clear". You might want to look at, say, Python's hack at it, http://docs.python.org/tutorial/datastructures.html#dictionaries, and pick and choose additional functions.
Everyone is saying, "simple is good" and that's true until "simple is too simple."
If all you are doing is getting, setting, and deleting keys, this is fine.
There is no such thing as "too simple" for an API. The simpler the better! If it solves the need the way it is, then leave it.
The delete method is unnecessary. You can just pass null to set.
Edited to add:
I'm only kidding! I would keep delete, and probably add Count, Contains, and maybe an enumerator (or two).
When creating an API, you need to ask yourself, what does my API provide the user. If your API is so simplistic that it is faster and easier for your client to write their own app, then your API has failed. Ask yourself, does my functionality give them specific benefits. If the answer is no, it is too simplistic and generic.
I am all for simplifying an interface to its bare minimum but without having more details about the requirements of the system, it is tough to tell if this interface is sufficient. Sure looks concise enough though.
Don't forget to document the semantics for "key non-existent" as it isn't clear from reading your API definition above. updated: I see you have added the exists method: is this necessary? you could use the get method and define a NIL of some sort, no?
Maybe worth thinking about: how about considering "freshness" of a value? i.e. an associated "last-modified" timestamp? Of course, it depends on your system requirements.
What about access control? Is it within scope of the API definition?
What about iterating through the keys? If there is a possibility of a large set, you might want to include some pagination semantics.
As mentioned, the simpler the better, but a simple iterator or key-listing method could be of use. I always end up needing to iterate through the set. A "size()" method too, if not taken care of by the iterator. It obviously depends on your usage, though.
It's not too simple, it's beautiful. If "exists(key)" is just a convenient shorthand for "get(Key) != null", you should consider removing it. I guess that depends on how large or complex the value you get() is.