Question about - sql

I'm writing a program that uses JDBC and connects to a database and does some edits / deletes. I need to put the URL, username, and password fields into a file, but I'm not sure how this would look or how to really get this to work.
(I'm completely new to this and haven't found any resources related to this specifically)
For example, in my code I have something like this :
String username = "something"
String password = "something"
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:#(DESCRIPTION=(ENABLE=BROKEN)" + "(FAILOVER=ON)(LOAD_BALANCE=ON)(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP) ... etc", username, password);
and I want to put this in and for my code to create the connection using these properties instead of how I'm doing it now.
Any help would be appreciated!

Something like this:
First, create
database.url = jdbc:mysql://host:port/database
database.driver = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
database.username = username
database.password = password
Second, put the in your CLASSPATH.
Code looks something like this:
InputStream is = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("");
Properties dbProperties = Properties.load(is);
Connection connection = DriverManager.createConnection(dbProperties.getProperty("database.url"));
I didn't compile it, and I'm not sure if the syntax is 100% correct, but this illustrates the main idea.


How can I change my connectionString in app.config file at runtime?

I created my project to .exe file.
During installation on another machine, one can change the location of installing package to any drive.
In my project, I have set my app.config to point the Database that is available in c:\project.
If I suppose, while installation, when I change the location of installation to **d:** or anywhere, I get invalid access db.
What I want is:
I want to reconfigure my app.config file automatically, by detecting its current db location.
Imports System.Configuration
Imports System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager
Dim config As System.Configuration.Configuration = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(ConfigurationUserLevel.None)
config.ConnectionStrings.ConnectionStrings("MyProject.Properties.Settings.MyProjectConString").ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;DataSource=|DataDirectory|\SampleDB;Persist Security Info=True;"
Where MyProject.Properties.Settings.MyProjectConString is the name of your project and connection string.
Although this is too late to answer as the question is very old but I think this might help someone else in the future.
So, there is a way to change the Connection String value in the runtime. Since connection string is a read-only item like all other items that are on Application Scope under My.Settings so we can't change it using My.Setting.ConnectionString = "Something". But here is the code by which you can solve the issue and change any My.Settings item that is on Application Scope in the runtime.
So the code is,
My.Settings.Item("ConnectionString") = "Something"
My.Settings.Item("remoteAddress") = ""
You have three options:
1.) Create and use a folder in C:\Databse and set your connection string at design time.
2.)Add the database to the project's data source at design time, then use '|Data Directory|\mydb.mdb' as your connection string.
3.) And if you use sqlserver, you don't need to worry about the location of the database once you have attached the database to sqlserver. You only need to use the proper connection string eg 'Data Source=.; Database = mydb; Integrated Security = False; Username=myusername; Password = mypassword; User Instance = false'.
The above is an example of a sql server with SQL Authentication mode as login, if you use Windows Authentication, set Integrated Security = True and remove both username and password.

Recent changes to Rally C# REST API?

1) Earlier this week I was able to create defects and testcases using the Create method, which took 2 arguments at the time (a string and the DynamicJsonObject). However now, it needs three. I understand that one of these is now the workspace reference. How do I go about getting the workspace reference? For creating defects and testcases, I am using an empty string, and this seems to be working correctly for me. Is this to be expected?
2) For creating test case results, I am having a bit of trouble.
DynamicJsonObject newTCResult = new DynamicJsonObject();
newTCResult["Date"] = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd");
newTCResult["TestCase"] = "/testcase/11271454106";
newTCResult["Notes"] = "test";
newTCResult["Build"] = "";
newTCResult["Verdict"] = "Pass";
CreateResult cr = restApi.Create(" ", "TestCaseResult", newTCResult);
As of right now, absolutely nothing is happening when I run this. I was able to do this successfully earlier this week (when I was able to use the Create method with two arguments). I feel that the problem is because I don't have a valid workspace reference. I followed the suggestion of another user in a similar question prior to this which worked for earlier, however now I am having this problem.
I was finally able to resolve this. It appears that the date field needs to be converted to UTC, so my code now looks something like this
newTCResult["Date"] = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("o");
After making that small change results were working correctly.
It's somewhat surprising that Creates on Stories or Defects work with an empty string for a Workspace ref, although I suspect that on the server-side, the Webservices API is just using Default Workspace for the User of concern.
Either way, here's how you can get a ref to the Workspace of interest:
String myWorkspaceName = "My Workspace";
// Get a Reference to Target Workspace
Request workspaceRequest = new Request("workspace");
workspaceRequest.Fetch = new List<string>()
workspaceRequest.Query = new Query("Name", Query.Operator.Equals, myWorkspaceName);
QueryResult workspaceQueryResults = restApi.Query(workspaceRequest);
var targetWorkspace = workspaceQueryResults.Results.First();
Console.WriteLine("Found Target Workspace: " + targetWorkspace["Name"]);
String workspaceRef = targetWorkspace["_ref"];
You can then use workspaceRef in your call to restApi.Create().

How do I use application settings to store MySQL database connection info?

I'm creating an in-house application and have always hardcoded the database connection string. However, this time I want to do something different and give the users the ability to enter the information from the application.
I figured out that I can store the variables in the Application Settings and call them from code, but I can't figure out how to call them within the connection string.
Here's the code:
Dim dbConn As New MySqlConnection
dbConn.ConnectionString = "Server=;Port=3306;Uid=someone;
Hope I explained myself well?
You can simply concatenate the string together, or better yet, use the String.Format method:
dbConn.ConnectionString = String.Format("Server={0};Port={1};Uid={2};Password={3};Database={4}", My.Settings.Server, My.Settings.Port, My.Settings.Uid, My.Settings.Database)
If you were using MS SQL, I'd recommend using the SqlConnectionStringBuilder class to do it, but since you're using MySql, it doesn't really apply. You may be able to use it anyway, though.
You would have to use User Settings for this.
And, if you want the users to input the separate parts of the connection string (Server, Post, Username, Password and DB), you would have to create a settings entry for each of those, and then construct the connection string from those values.
Here's a good article for this: User Settings Applied

Red5: is it alright to store IConnection instances in a HashMap to retrieve later

I have a HashMap defined like this
HashMap<String, IConnection> connections = new HashMap<String, IConnection>();
inside application connect, I add values into it like this:
conn.setAttribute(“username”, username);
connections.put(username, conn); // username and conn are parameters passed to
// connect method
inside application disconnect method, I remove values from it like this
This seems to work, however is it correct/safe? Or am I doing it wrong?
Yes, it is alright but I suggest that you make sure the connection is still connected before you try to access or write to it.

How do I set a dynamic datasource for ORM?

ORM settings in Coldfusion application.cfc run before anything else runs (onapplicationstart, etc). So how do you set a dynamic datasource (code before the ORM init) in application.cfc? we can set it after and it re-points the ORM to a dynamic datasource, but that requires that the hardcoded datasource must be valid as well. This is tenuous at best.
Here is an example:
<cfscript> = "someapp_#hash(cgi.http_host)#";
this.ormenabled = "true";
this.ormsettings = { cfclocation = "config/definitions", eventhandling = "true",datasource="STATICDATASOURCE" };
If it's not specified in application.cfc scope then you get errors like "ORM is not configured for the current application."
We need to be able to get the datasource from a text file on the server.
Well, if you wanted to store a file, for this example we'll call it "datasource.xml" consisting of:
<dataSourceName>Name goes here</dataSourceName>
You can read it in with:
dataFile = fileRead("pathToFile/datasource.xml");
data = xmlParse(dataFile);
dataSourceName = data.dataSourceName.xmlText;
ORM datasource just uses the default datasource if not defined.
Having said that, if you want to add / remove datasource dynamically, see Administrator API at: (available since CF8)
I'm not sure if you can re-set the this.ormsettings.datasource to something else at runtime (i.e. onApplicationStart()? or onServerStart()?), but many of the settings can be set again. You may want to try it out.