How to paginate commits on SQL Server - sql

Which would be a good solution to paginate commits when I have a query like
I am dealing with large amounts of data and I am having some problems to commit the whole thing at once, so I would like to commit something like 5000 rows each commit.
Thought about something like
maxNumber = get the max number of rows among number of rows from table2 and 3
maxNumber/5000 = numberOfCommits
create a loop from 1 to numberOfCommits and process data at row number (using ROW_NUMBER()) (n-1)*5000 to n*5000
Would be great to learn how to do it in a better way!
Thanks in advance!

Processing an entire table with batches based on ROW_NUMBER() is actually a potentially bad idea. In order to return ROW_NUMBER 5001 the engine has to count 5000 rows first. To read row 10001 it has to count again the first 5000, then the next 5000. And so on and so forth, the pattern is very read intensive. If the tables are small, it matter not, but if they're not...
If your table(s) have at least one unique index (preferably the clustered one) then you can use a combination of TOP 5000 and WHERE uniquecolumn > #lastbatchmaxvalue. If you don't have such an unique index then you can only do this via a cursor.
But maybe the best solution is to get out of the T-SQL constraints. SSIS is ideally suited to do exacty this kind of job, it supports batches and works with efficient bulk insert interface when possible.


Alternatives to UPDATE statement Oracle 11g

I'm currently using Oracle 11g and let's say I have a table with the following columns (more or less)
ID varchar(64)
Status int(1)
Transaction_date date
tons of other columns
And this table has about 1 Billion rows. I would want to update the status column with a specific where clause, let's say
where transaction_date = somedatehere
What other alternatives can I use rather than just the normal UPDATE statement?
Currently what I'm trying to do is using CTAS or Insert into select to get the rows that I want to update and put on another table while using AS COLUMN_NAME so the values are already updated on the new/temporary table, which looks something like this:
So far everything seems to work faster than the normal update statement. The problem now is I would want to get the remaining data from the original table which I do not need to update but I do need to be included on my updated table/list.
What I tried to do at first was use DELETE on the same original table using the same where clause so that in theory, everything that should be left on that table should be all the data that i do not need to update, leaving me now with the two tables:
TABLE1 --which now contains the rows that i did not need to update
TABLE1_TEMPORARY --which contains the data I updated
But the delete statement in itself is also too slow or as slow as the orginal UPDATE statement so without the delete statement brings me to this point.
TABLE1 --which contains BOTH the data that I want to update and do not want to update
TABLE1_TEMPORARY --which contains the data I updated
What other alternatives can I use in order to get the data that's the opposite of my WHERE clause (take note that the where clause in this example has been simplified so I'm not looking for an answer of NOT EXISTS/NOT IN/NOT EQUALS plus those clauses are slower too compared to positive clauses)
I have ruled out deletion by partition since the data I need to update and not update can exist in different partitions, as well as TRUNCATE since I'm not updating all of the data, just part of it.
Is there some kind of JOIN statement I use with my TABLE1 and TABLE1_TEMPORARY in order to filter out the data that does not need to be updated?
I would also like to achieve this using as less REDO/UNDO/LOGGING as possible.
Thanks in advance.
I'm assuming this is not a one-time operation, but you are trying to design for a repeatable procedure.
Partition/subpartition the table in a way so the rows touched are not totally spread over all partitions but confined to a few partitions.
Ensure your transactions wouldn't use these partitions for now.
Per each partition/subpartition you would normally UPDATE, perform CTAS of all the rows (I mean even the rows which stay the same go to TABLE1_TEMPORARY). Then EXCHANGE PARTITION and rebuild index partitions.
At the end rebuild global indexes.
If you don't have Oracle Enterprise Edition, you would need to either CTAS entire billion of rows (followed by ALTER TABLE RENAME instead of ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION) or to prepare some kind of "poor man's partitioning" using a view (SELECT UNION ALL SELECT UNION ALL SELECT etc) and a bunch of tables.
There is some chance that this mess would actually be faster than UPDATE.
I'm not saying that this is elegant or optimal, I'm saying that this is the canonical way of speeding up large UPDATE operations in Oracle.
How about keeping in the UPDATE in the same table, but breaking it into multiple small chunks?
UPDATE .. WHERE transaction_date = somedatehere AND id BETWEEN 0000000 and 0999999
UPDATE .. WHERE transaction_date = somedatehere AND id BETWEEN 1000000 and 1999999
UPDATE .. WHERE transaction_date = somedatehere AND id BETWEEN 2000000 and 2999999
This could help if the total workload is potentially manageable, but doing it all in one chunk is the problem. This approach breaks it into modest-sized pieces.
Doing it this way could, for example, enable other apps to keep running & give other workloads a look in; and would avoid needing a single humungous transaction in the logfile.

Limiting the number of records in a Sqlite DB

What I'm trying to implement here is a condition wherein a sqlite database holds only the most recent 1000 records. I have timestamps with each record.
One of the inefficient logic which strikes right away is to check the total number of records. If they exceed 1000, then simply delete the ones which fall out of the periphery.
However, I would have to do this check with each INSERT which makes things highly inefficient.
What could be a better logic? Can we do something with triggers?
Some related questions which follow the same logic I thought of are posted on SO:-
Delete oldest records from database
SQL Query to delete records older than two years
You can use an implicit "rowid" column for that.
Assuming you don't delete rows manually in different ways:
DELETE FROM yourtable WHERE rowid < (last_row_id - 1000)
You can obtain last rowid using API function or as max(rowid)
If you don't need to have exactly 1000 records (e.g. just want to cleanup old records), it is not necessary to do it on each insert. Add some counter in your program and execute cleanup f.i. once every 100 inserts.
Anyway, you pay performance either on each insert or on each select. So the choice depends on what you have more: INSERTs or SELECTs.
In case you don't have that much inserts to care about performance, you can use following trigger to keep not more than 1000 records:
DELETE FROM tablename WHERE timestamp < (SELECT MIN(timestamp) FROM tablename ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 1000);
Creating unique index on timestamp column should be a good idea too (in case it isn't PK already). Also note, that SQLITE supports only FOR EACH ROW triggers, so when you bulk-insert many records it is worth to temporary disable the trigger.
If there are too many INSERTs, there isn't much you can do on database side. You can achieve less frequent trigger calls by adding trigger condition like AFTER INSERT WHEN NEW.rowid % 100 = 0. And with selects just use LIMIT 1000 (or create appropriate view).
I can't predict how much faster that would be. The best way would be just measure how much performance you will gain in your particular case.

DELETE SQL with correlated subquery for table with 42 million rows?

I have a table cats with 42,795,120 rows.
Apparently this is a lot of rows. So when I do:
/* owner_cats is a many-to-many join table */
WHERE cats.id_cat IN (
SELECT owner_cats.id_cat FROM owner_cats
WHERE owner_cats.id_owner = 1)
the query times out :(
(edit: I need to increase my CommandTimeout value, default is only 30 seconds)
I can't use TRUNCATE TABLE cats because I don't want to blow away cats from other owners.
I'm using SQL Server 2005 with "Recovery model" set to "Simple."
So, I thought about doing something like this (executing this SQL from an application btw):
WHERE cats.id_cat IN (
SELECT owner_cats.id_cat FROM owner_cats
WHERE owner_cats.id_owner = 1)
WHERE cats.id_cat IN (
SELECT owner_cats.id_cat FROM owner_cats
WHERE owner_cats.id_owner = 1)
WHERE cats.id_cat IN (
SELECT owner_cats.id_cat FROM owner_cats
WHERE owner_cats.id_owner = 1)
My question is: what is the threshold of the number of rows I can DELETE in SQL Server 2005?
Or, if my approach is not optimal, please suggest a better approach. Thanks.
This post didn't help me enough:
SQL Server Efficiently dropping a group of rows with millions and millions of rows
EDIT (8/6/2010):
Okay, I just realized after reading the above link again that I did not have indexes on these tables. Also, some of you have already pointed out that issue in the comments below. Keep in mind this is a fictitious schema, so even id_cat is not a PK, because in my real life schema, it's not a unique field.
I will put indexes on:
I guess I'm still getting the hang of this data warehousing, and obviously I need indexes on all the JOIN fields right?
However, it takes hours for me to do this batch load process. I'm already doing it as a SqlBulkCopy (in chunks, not 42 mil all at once). I have some indexes and PKs. I read the following posts which confirms my theory that the indexes are slowing down even a bulk copy:
SqlBulkCopy slow as molasses
What’s the fastest way to bulk insert a lot of data in SQL Server (C# client)
So I'm going to DROP my indexes before the copy and then re CREATE them when it's done.
Because of the long load times, it's going to take me awhile to test these suggestions. I'll report back with the results.
UPDATE (8/7/2010):
Tom suggested:
FROM cats c
FROM owner_cats o
WHERE o.id_cat = c.id_cat
AND o.id_owner = 1)
And still with no indexes, for 42 million rows, it took 13:21 min:sec versus 22:08 with the way described above. However, for 13 million rows, took him 2:13 versus 2:10 my old way. It's a neat idea, but I still need to use indexes!
Update (8/8/2010):
Something is terribly wrong! Now with the indexes on, my first delete query above took 1:9 hrs:min (yes an hour!) versus 22:08 min:sec and 13:21 min:sec versus 2:10 min:sec for 42 mil rows and 13 mil rows respectively. I'm going to try Tom's query with the indexes now, but this is heading in the wrong direction. Please help.
Update (8/9/2010):
Tom's delete took 1:06 hrs:min for 42 mil rows and 10:50 min:sec for 13 mil rows with indexes versus 13:21 min:sec and 2:13 min:sec respectively. Deletes are taking longer on my database when I use indexes by an order of magnitude! I think I know why, my database .mdf and .ldf grew from 3.5 GB to 40.6 GB during the first (42 mil) delete! What am I doing wrong?
Update (8/10/2010):
For lack of any other options, I have come up with what I feel is a lackluster solution (hopefully temporary):
Increase timeout for database connection to 1 hour (CommandTimeout=60000; default was 30 sec)
Use Tom's query: DELETE FROM WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 ...) because it performed a little faster
DROP all indexes and PKs before running delete statement (???)
Run DELETE statement
CREATE all indexes and PKs
Seems crazy, but at least it's faster than using TRUNCATE and starting over my load from the beginning with the first owner_id, because one of my owner_id takes 2:30 hrs:min to load versus 17:22 min:sec for the delete process I just described with 42 mil rows. (Note: if my load process throws an exception, I start over for that owner_id, but I don't want to blow away previous owner_id, so I don't want to TRUNCATE the owner_cats table, which is why I'm trying to use DELETE.)
Anymore help would still be appreciated :)
There is no practical threshold. It depends on what your command timeout is set to on your connection.
Keep in mind that the time it takes to delete all of these rows is contingent upon:
The time it takes to find the rows of interest
The time it takes to log the transaction in the transaction log
The time it takes to delete the index entries of interest
The time it takes to delete the actual rows of interest
The time it takes to wait for other processes to stop using the table so you can acquire what in this case will most likely be an exclusive table lock
The last point may often be the most significant. Do an sp_who2 command in another query window to make sure that there isn't lock contention going on, preventing your command from executing.
Improperly configured SQL Servers will do poorly at this type of query. Transaction logs which are too small and/or share the same disks as the data files will often incur severe performance penalties when working with large rows.
As for a solution, well, like all things, it depends. Is this something you intend to be doing often? Depending on how many rows you have left, the fastest way might be to rebuild the table as another name and then rename it and recreate its constraints, all inside a transaction. If this is just an ad-hoc thing, make sure your ADO CommandTimeout is set high enough and you can just bear the cost of this big delete.
If the delete will remove "a significant number" of rows from the table, this can be an alternative to a DELETE: put the records to keep somewhere else, truncate the original table, put back the 'keepers'. Something like:
INTO #cats_to_keep
FROM cats
WHERE cats.id_cat NOT IN ( -- note the NOT
SELECT owner_cats.id_cat FROM owner_cats
WHERE owner_cats.id_owner = 1)
SELECT * FROM #cats_to_keep
Have you tried no Subquery and use a join instead?
cats c
INNER JOIN owner_cats oc
on c.id_cat = oc.id_cat
id_owner =1
And if you have have you also tried different Join hints e.g.
cats c
INNER HASH JOIN owner_cats oc
on c.id_cat = oc.id_cat
id_owner =1
If you use an EXISTS rather than an IN, you should get much better performance. Try this:
FROM cats c
FROM owner_cats o
WHERE o.id_cat = c.id_cat
AND o.id_owner = 1)
There's no threshold as such - you can DELETE all the rows from any table given enough transaction log space - which is where your query is most likely falling over. If you're getting some results from your DELETE TOP (n) PERCENT FROM cats WHERE ... then you can wrap it in a loop as below:
DELETE TOP (somevalue) PERCENT FROM cats
WHERE cats.id_cat IN (
SELECT owner_cats.id_cat FROM owner_cats
WHERE owner_cats.id_owner = 1)
As others have mentioned, when you delete 42 million rows, the db has to log 42 million deletions against the database. Thus, the transaction log has to grow substantially. What you might try is to break up the delete into chunks. In the following query, I use the NTile ranking function to break up the rows into 100 buckets. If that is too slow, you can expand the number of buckets so that each delete is smaller. It will help tremendously if there is an index on owner_cats.id_owner, owner_cats.id_cats and cats.id_cat (which I assumed the primary key and numeric).
Declare #Cats Cursor
Declare #CatId int --assuming an integer PK here
Declare #Start int
Declare #End int
Declare #GroupCount int
Set #GroupCount = 100
Set #Cats = Cursor Fast_Forward For
With CatHerd As
Select cats.id_cat
, NTile(#GroupCount) Over ( Order By cats.id_cat ) As Grp
From cats
Join owner_cats
On owner_cats.id_cat = cats.id_cat
Where owner_cats.id_owner = 1
Select Grp, Min(id_cat) As MinCat, Max(id_cat) As MaxCat
From CatHerd
Group By Grp
Open #Cats
Fetch Next From #Cats Into #CatId, #Start, #End
While ##Fetch_Status = 0
Delete cats
Where id_cat Between #Start And #End
Fetch Next From #Cats Into #CatId, #Start, #End
Close #Cats
Deallocate #Cats
The notable catch with the above approach is that it is not transactional. Thus, if it fails on the 40th chunk, you will have deleted 40% of the rows and the other 60% will still exist.
Might be worth trying MERGE e.g.
USING owner_cats
ON cats.id_cat = owner_cats.id_cat
AND owner_cats.id_owner = 1
<Edit> (9/28/2011)
My answer performs basically the same way as Thomas' solution (Aug 6 '10). I missed it when I posted my answer because it he uses an actual CURSOR so I thought to myself "bad" because of the # of records involved. However, when I reread his answer just now I realize that the WAY he uses the cursor is actually "good". Very clever. I just voted up his answer and will probably use his approach in the future. If you don't understand why, take a look at it again. If you still can't see it, post a comment on this answer and I will come back and try to explain in detail. I decided to leave my answer because someone may have a DBA who refuses to let them use an actual CURSOR regardless of how "good" it is. :-)
I realize that this question is a year old but I recently had a similar situation. I was trying to do "bulk" updates to a large table with a join to a different table, also fairly large. The problem was that the join was resulting in so many "joined records" that it took too long to process and could have led to contention problems. Since this was a one-time update I came up with the following "hack." I created a WHILE LOOP that went through the table to be updated and picked 50,000 records to update at a time. It looked something like this:
DECLARE #RecId bigint
DECLARE #NumRecs bigint
SET #NumRecs = (SELECT MAX(Id) FROM [TableToUpdate])
SET #RecId = 1
WHILE #RecId < #NumRecs
UPDATE [TableToUpdate]
SET UpdatedOn = GETDATE(),
SomeColumn = t2.[ColumnInTable2]
FROM [TableToUpdate] t
INNER JOIN [Table2] t2 ON t2.Name = t.DBAName
AND ISNULL(t.PhoneNumber,'') = t2.PhoneNumber
AND ISNULL(t.FaxNumber, '') = t2.FaxNumber
LEFT JOIN [Address] d ON d.AddressId = t.DbaAddressId
AND ISNULL(d.Address1,'') = t2.DBAAddress1
AND ISNULL(d.[State],'') = t2.DBAState
AND ISNULL(d.PostalCode,'') = t2.DBAPostalCode
WHERE t.Id BETWEEN #RecId AND (#RecId + 49999)
SET #RecId = #RecId + 50000
Nothing fancy but it got the job done. Because it was only processing 50,000 records at a time, any locks that got created were short lived. Also, the optimizer realized that it did not have to do the entire table so it did a better job of picking an execution plan.
<Edit> (9/28/2011)
There is a HUGE caveat to the suggestion that has been mentioned here more than once and is posted all over the place around the web regarding copying the "good" records to a different table, doing a TRUNCATE (or DROP and reCREATE, or DROP and rename) and then repopulating the table.
You cannot do this if the table is the PK table in a PK-FK relationship (or other CONSTRAINT). Granted, you could DROP the relationship, do the clean up, and re-establish the relationship, but you would have to clean up the FK table, too. You can do that BEFORE re-establishing the relationship, which means more "down-time", or you can choose to not ENFORCE the CONSTRAINT on creation and clean up afterwards. I guess you could also clean up the FK table BEFORE you clean up the PK table. Bottom line is that you have to explicitly clean up the FK table, one way or the other.
My answer is a hybrid SET-based/quasi-CURSOR process. Another benefit of this method is that if the PK-FK relationship is setup to CASCADE DELETES you don't have to do the clean up I mention above because the server will take care of it for you. If your company/DBA discourage cascading deletes, you can ask that it be enabled only while this process is running and then disabled when it is finished. Depending on the permission levels of the account that runs the clean up, the ALTER statements to enable/disable cascading deletes can be tacked onto the beginning and the end of the SQL statement.
Bill Karwin's answer to another question applies to my situation also:
"If your DELETE is intended to eliminate a great majority of the rows in that table, one thing that people often do is copy just the rows you want to keep to a duplicate table, and then use DROP TABLE or TRUNCATE to wipe out the original table much more quickly."
Matt in this answer says it this way:
"If offline and deleting a large %, may make sense to just build a new table with data to keep, drop the old table, and rename."
ammoQ in this answer (from the same question) recommends (paraphrased):
issue a table lock when deleting a large amount of rows
put indexes on any foreign key columns

What's the most efficient way to check the presence of a row in a table?

Say I want to check if a record in a MySQL table exists. I'd run a query, check the number of rows returned. If 0 rows do this, otherwise do that.
SELECT * FROM table WHERE id=5
SELECT id FROM table WHERE id=5
Is there any difference at all between these two queries? Is effort spent in returning every column, or is effort spent in filtering out the columns we don't care about?
Is a whole new question. Would the server grab all the values and then count the values (harder than usual), or would it not bother grabbing anything and just increment a variable each time it finds a match (easier than usual)?
I think I'm making a lot of false assumptions about how MySQL works, but that's the meat of the question! Where am I wrong? Educate me, Stack Overflow!
Optimizers are pretty smart (generally). They typically only grab what they need so I'd go with:
SELECT COUNT(1) FROM mytable WHERE id = 5
The most explicit way would be
If there is an index on (or starting with) id, it will only search, with maximum efficiency, for the first entry in the index it can find with that value. It won't read the record.
If you SELECT COUNT(*) (or COUNT anything else) it will, under the same circumstances, count the index entries, but not read the records.
If you SELECT *, it will read all the records.
Limit your results to at most one row by appending LIMIT 1, if all you want to do is check the presence of a record.
This will definitely ensure that no more than one row is returned or processed. In my experience, LIMIT 1 (or TOP 1 depending in the DB) to check for existence of a row makes a big difference in terms of performance for large tables.
EDIT: I think I misread your question, but I'll leave my answer here anyway if it's of any help.
I would think this
SELECT null FROM table WHERE id = 5 LIMIT 1;
would be faster than this
SELECT 1 FROM table WHERE id = 5 LIMIT 1;
but the timer says the winner is "SELECT 1".
For the first two queries, most people will generally say, always specify exactly what you need and leave the rest. Effort isn't all specific as bandwidth could be spent in returning data that you aren't even going to do anything with.
As for the previous answer will do for your result set, unless you're dealing with a language that supports affected rows. This can sometimes work when getting data to collect information on how many rows were returned in the last query. You'll need to look at your interface documentation as to how to get that information.
The difference between your 3 queries depends on how you've built your index. Only returning the primary key is likely to be faster as MySQL will have your index in memory, and not have to hit disk. Adding the LIMIT 1 is also a good trick that will speed up the optimizer significantly in early 5.0.x branches and earlier.
try EXPLAIN SELECT id FROM table WHERE id=5 and check the Extras column for the presence of USING INDEX. If its there, then you're query is coming straight from the index, and is going to be much faster.

SQL trigger for deleting old results

We have a database that we are using to store test results for an embedded device. There's a table with columns for different types of failures (details not relevant), along with a primary key 'keynum' and a 'NUM_FAILURES' column that lists the number of failures. We store passes and failures, so a pass has a '0' in 'NUM_FAILURES'.
In order to keep the database from growing without bounds, we want to keep the last 1000 results, plus any of the last 50 failures that fall outside of the 1000. So, worst case, the table could have 1050 entries in it. I'm trying to find the most efficient SQL insert trigger to remove extra entries. I'll give what I have so far as an answer, but I'm looking to see if anyone can come up with something better, since SQL isn't something I do very often.
We are using SQLITE3 on a non-Windows platform, if it's relevant.
EDIT: To clarify, the part that I am having problems with is the DELETE, and specifically the part related to the last 50 failures.
The reason you want to remove these entries is to keep the database growing too big and not to keep it in some special state. For that i would really not use triggers and instead setup a job to run at some interval cleaning up the table.
So far, I have ended up using a View combined with a Trigger, but I'm not sure it's going to work for other reasons.
CREATE VIEW tablename_view AS SELECT keynum FROM tablename WHERE NUM_FAILURES!='0'
CREATE TRIGGER tablename_trig
AFTER INSERT ON tablename WHEN (((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tablename) >= 1000) or
DELETE FROM tablename WHERE ((((SELECT MAX(keynum) FROM ibit) - keynum) >= 1000)
((NUM_FAILURES=='0') OR ((SELECT MIN(keynum) FROM tablename_view) > keynum)));
I think you may be using the wrong data structure. Instead I'd create two tables and pre-populate one with a 1000 rows (successes) and the other with 50 (failures). Put a primary ID on each. The when you record a result instead of inserting a new row find the ID+1 value for the last timestamped record entered (looping back to 0 if > max(id) in table) and update it with your new values.
This has the advantage of pre-allocating your storage, not requiring a trigger, and internally consistent logic. You can also adjust the size of the log very simply by just pre-populating more records rather than to have to change program logic.
There's several variations you can use on this, but the idea of using a closed loop structure rather than an open list would appear to match the problem domain more closely.
How about this:
FROM table
WHERE ( id > ( SELECT max(id) - 1000 FROM table )
AND num_failures = 0
OR id > ( SELECT max(id) - 1050 FROM table )
If performance is a concern, it might be better to delete on a periodic basis, rather than on each insert.