How do Leaks happen? - objective-c

So I've gotten to the nitty gritty part of my app development where I am going through checking for lingering memory leaks. I decided to give Xcode's Leaks a whirl. When I first ran it, it was telling me that I had no memory leaks. After a minute of rejoicing, I took a closer look, viewed the allocations and realized that I had several objects floating around in memory that I didnt want there. For instance, every time I created a UIAlertView (which was quite often in my app), I never release'd them when they were dismissed from the view. This led to having several UIAlertView objects floating around.
So, my question is: How does Leaks detect a memory leak? Why didn't tell me that there were any leaks when I had UIAlertView objects floating around? Am I just using Leaks wrong?

If you still have pointers to those UIAlertView instances, they aren't technically a leak yet. Only when your app can't get to them anymore it is considered a leak by the Leaks instruments. As you noticed, there are indeed ways to have stuff still around that you would expect to be gone. That's where the Allocations instrument comes in handy.


NSZombies enabled, debug information

My Mac app is crashing with exc_bad_access on the run loops.
So I enabled NSZombies, and Now I don't see such error as expected ( As the objects are not de-allocated).
But, I don't find any useful NSZombie Log in the console.
Is there a way to identify the issue ?
It's challenging. The most common cause of this error in Cocoa is directly accessing your ivars rather than using accessors. Accessors make the vast majority of memory crashes go away.
That said, they're not the only cause of memory errors. You may be accessing memory other ways. NSZombie does one specific thing: When you deallocate an object, NSZombie says "don't actually deallocate the object." Instead it turns the object into a zombie object that prints an error if you send it messages. But that only helps if the crash is due to sending a message to a deallocated instance. It could be lots of other things.
You should start first with the crash stack itself. Look up the stack and see what kind of object it might be, or who might be calling it.
Read TN2124, particularly the section on the BSD Memory Allocator, and the Enabling the Malloc Debugging Features section of the memory Usage Performance Guidelines. There are lower-level tools than NSZombie that you can use. MallocScribble is often the most useful. It overwrites deallocated memory with 0x55 so that you're more likely to crash sooner, and to make it easier to detect deallocated memory in the debugger. MallocPreScribble is useful for finding uninitialized memory, but this really only helps if you do raw malloc calls. ObjC objects are always pre-initialized.
And of course you have to put on your detective hat. What parts of your program are most suspicious? Are you doing multi-threaded work (that can cause memory crashes if you don't lock correctly).
If it reproduces easily, then you'll figure it out. If it only happens occasionally, well... I've hunted bugs like that for many months sometimes. Sometimes it's just hard.
You need to use memory profiler for that. Just build with Profile option and select Leaks.

Problems with memory management, autorelease, permanent heap is sometimes 250+ kb on iOS

I'm really pulling my hair out on this one, it seems that I'm having severe issues with memory management on an iOS app.
Here's the case: first I load table. When the user taps a cell, it presents a complicated view. The most memory consuming about the view is that it's loading 20+ UIImages of 500x500. There are two other tabs in that view, loading a list of media (those UIImages, but then in a table) and another simple table.
When I return back to the first table view, apparently over 250 kB is still allocated on heap. I know the view is complicated, but there's no reason to keep so much memory alive. And well, guess what, when I do switch to the view a lot, eventually the app runs out of memory and gets killed.
What I tried to solve it:
Fix all Analyze issues, so according to that there are no leaks anymore.
Check all inits again for releasing, making use of autorelease where possible.
Checking all the memory leaks using Instruments -> Leaks. In a runtime of 6, I get not more than 2 or 3 leaks.
Last, Instruments -> Allocation, checking the heap. This is what bothers me, between two marked heapshots I get a difference of 250+ kB. I've looked into it, using the detailed views. I can't get my head around it: when it's pointing to one of my methods/classes, I'm pretty sure everything in there is either released or autoreleased. It's also pointing to a lot of not-mine (say QuartzCore) methods/classes.
Also, I don't understand why autorelease is not autoreleasing. I mean, it sometimes looks like an object that is marked for autoreleasing, is released way too late. I haven't created any NSAutoreleasePools myself, so is it possible that the pool is drained only when the runtime stops? How can I periodically drain the pool (even if it's not mine).
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Kind regards,
Used this for the heap checking:
Are you using imageNamed to load your images - this method will keep all images cached in memory. Try initWithContentsOfFile instead.
Watch out though; initWithContentsOfFile: won't cache at all so if you use this method a lot for the same image then you should be using imageNamed:!
I think you might want to try to optimize your design first and read guides for efficent memory management. A better understaning of the components and the runtime helps more than tracking memory allocations and will make it easier to find the leaks.
First you should always use release. Only use autorelease when necessary.
Make sure you follow the guidelines for UITableView implementations and efficient management of UITableViewCells (lazy loading, cell reusing etc.).
Check if you have retain-cycles (retained view controllers won't be deallocated).
Track the deallocation of your view controllers and objects
Don't keep stuff in memory you don't need anymore.
Don't load stuff you don't need right now.

XCode/Instruments not showing memory leaks

I'm following the Stanford iOS development lectures and I have a Calculator brain class which has been alloc init in a controller but I haven't released it in the dealloc.
- (CalculatorBrain *)brain
if (!brain)
brain = [[CalculatorBrain alloc] init];
return brain;
I ran from XCode -> Run with Performance Tool and the app started and no leaks appeared, I then clicked the home button in the iOS Simulator and nothing, I then double clicked the home button and closed the app and still nothing.
I also did Build & Analyse and it didnt spot anything
Could you let me know why its not picking it up?
It appears as if there is no detectable leak. Look at this line:
brain = [[CalculatorBrain alloc] init];
As long as brain points to an object, that object won't be considered a "memory leak". If at some point you do this,
brain = nil;
Then the leak will register. Deallocating the container object will also achieve this, but are you sure it's being deallocated? (It won't be deallocated when your program exits, for example.)
The problem: Leak detectors cannot detect all memory leaks -- this is a mathematically proven fact. Most detectors only detect unreachable objects, and many leak detectors are especially susceptible to false negatives -- in C it is hard to tell the difference at runtime between a pointer and an integer.
Edit: It sounds like your application only ever creates one instance of the controller, which only creates one instance of CalculatorBrain. If you think about what a memory leak really is, you can define it as unused memory that your program does not release back to the operating system.
While the program is running, CalculatorBrain is always in use and therefore it is not a leak.
When the program exits, the operating system automatically reclaims all memory used by your process, therefore there cannot be any memory leaks after a program exits.
If you want to create a leak to see what it looks like, you could create a new CalculatorBrain multiple times while your program is running, but forget to release the unused versions. In this scenario, as your program runs, more and more instances of CalculatorBrain would accumulate. On iOS and other embedded systems, this will generally crash your program. On a modern 64 bit computer it will gradually fill up the available swap space until you run out of swap, address space, or some other resource -- causing the program to crash or making the system very unresponsive.
Standard practice is to not care about deallocating objects which are supposed to exist for the entire program's run.
The analyzer cannot find all memory leaks. As far as it is concerned, storing the instance into the ivar doesn't leak it from that method, and then in dealloc it doesn't realize that the ivar should be released. XCode 4 may have improved in this respect, I don't recall (I still use XCode 3 myself).
As for the performance tool, remember that an object won't be considered leaked until nothing holds a reference to it anymore. So even though your controller doesn't deallocate the brain, the brain won't be considered leaked until the controller is deallocated (or receives a brain transplant). Also, note that on *nix-like systems, memory allocations are automatically cleaned up on process exit. So it isn't really a leak if you allocate memory for objects that should exist for the lifetime of your process (e.g. the app delegate and anything it permanently holds on to) and rely on this behavior to free it on process exit.
Well... it's true that leaks can't detect all memory leaks, but let's say that you are doing this:
myIvarBrain=[self brain];
If you are giving it to an iVar (released in the dealloc of your class, and without accessors), actually there is no leak at all. The returned RC is one and it will be one since the deallocation of your class. If you don't release it in the dealloc, you should wait a dealloc of your class to see a memory leak.
Does make sense?

Fixing iPhone memory leaks, getting started

I am an experienced C/C++ programmer, and familiar with memory management issues. I've also shipped a couple small iPhone apps in the past. I am attempting to check my latest app for memory leaks, and I can't make any headway, because there are so many of them. Just starting the app and viewing the first screen shows over 12,000 leaks.
I know I've probably overlooked various things, but I was reasonably cautious in writing the code. I made attempts to release everything I alloc'ed in my dealloc method. It is like my app delegate never gets released, because I can see a couple things that are only alloc'ed once, in the app delegate's init method. They are never modified, and are released in the dealloc method.
This app is built around a tab controller, with around 15 views mainly set up using Interface Builder.
Any help would be appreciated.
Instruments of apple is pretty advanced.. it can show you the exact method that originally created the memory leak, I suggest taking a look at those methods and carefully reading your code ,there usually is this line of code in there and you thought OMG how could I be that stupid.
If that doesn't help, try to "Analyze" with xcode, its pretty good at finding errors and leaks in your code and saved my * a couple of times.

I can't track down this leak. Audio Toolbox

I have gone over a silly amount of forum posts and questions here. while i would love to take this advice: I suppose i just don't trust 'them' as much as this community.
so, I ask, is this a 'negligible leak' if it only seems to happen once when i push a view onto the root view controller?
The core audio libraries have always given me unfixable memory leaks. Just ignore them because they are Apple's fault.
There's 416 bytes leaked there but if it only happens once then it's nothing to worry about.
With my code, the AVAudioPlayer class leaks each time I call the play method. It's rubbish. Luckily it's only a small leak.