Creating SQL Windows login for External Domain - sql

Is it somehow possible to create a Windows Authentication login for a SQL database without performing a check for the user at creation time?
Consider ServerA that exists in our DomainA, and ServerB that exists in the customer's DomainB. Being separate companies, DomainA and DomainB never share resources. But, if we backup from ServerB and restore to ServerA, we are able to see the existing SQL logins for users from DomainB, and even modify and code against these logins. This is good, because we are able to develop the database schema on ServerA and then publish to ServerB.
But, if I want to add a new user for this database, and am working on ServerA in DomainA, the following command produces an error:
CREATE USER [DomainB\User];
Windows NT user or group 'DomainB\User' not found. Check the name again. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 15401)
This is bad, because we're no longer able to develop on ServerA using the same schema as ServerB.
I'm attempting to bring our database-driven application's database schema into source control using a Visual Studio 2010 Database Project. It's important to me to make this work well enough to convince the boss not to continue using 60-GB database backups in a zip file as a means of 'Version Control' (especially since this is just for schema, and not a backup routine). VS2010 DB Projects use scripting to create/modify databases, and so they can't create WinNT users for an unknown domain. In order to get the boss's buy-off, we're going to have to be able to match the capabilities of restoring a backup, and that means being able to re-create users for domains that we don't have access to.
Using SQL Server 2008 in my case.

Note - DBProjects are best suited to managing and versioning your SCHEMA, not your data.
If you want to keep rolling backups of your SQL databases as a whole, then I'd recommend a decent backup strategy.
If you want to better manage your databases' evolving schemas, then using DBProjects may well be your best bet.
FWIW, if you reverse-engineer a DB into a DBProj, you could then run a script to replace DomainB\known-user with DomainA\known-user prior to deploying within DomainA, no?

No, because SQL needs to know the windows SID (ugly GUID) of the user at the time it's created.
Note that you can, however create a SQL or Windows User with the same name and password as your remote SQL, Machine, or Domain user, and it will be able to log in.


Why change user type to SQL user with login is disabled in SSMS?

I backed up a database from a SQL Server 2008 and restored it to my local machine using SQL Server 2012, now I'm trying to login to the server with the copied database user account and I wasn't able to do so.
After googling the issue I found that I have to change the user type from SQL User Without Login to SQL User with Login but the drop-down list is disabled as you can see in the picture below, how can I fix this and is this is the best way of doing what I need to accomplish or do I need to add this user to the server level?
I remember running into this before when doing backup / restore across servers. Basically it comes down to how SQL Server works. There's SQL Server users & there's database users (SQL Server users who are database users are represented via mappings). They are however not the same thing.
A SQL Server user belongs to the SQL Server, a database user ONLY belongs to the associated database. What happens when you have a database user, but not a SQL Server user? You can't login to SQL Server non-obviously.
Thereby what I do is after moving the database, I add the user I need to login as to SQL Server users using SSMS, remove the old database user (it's got dependencies associated w it that prevent mapping to it) & lastly make a new user on the database by mapping my SQL user to the database w appropriate permissions.
This approach is by no means elegant, but it works 100% of the time w no code needed, & you should consider a more permanent system if you have automated backup / restores happening. For the one off, this is how I've always done it.

Is it possible to connect to a local SQL Server from a Remote server?

My requirement is to retrieve data from a local SQL server and store that data in remote server. I would like to get the data from the local SQL Server and use that data in my application to proceed further.
Yes, see Create linked server with SQL command.
You can create the linked server either locally (I'd recommend that) or remotely
If you mean you want your remote server to execute queries on the local one then yes, but...
Setting this up is a fair bit of work and if I remember rightly needs a hefty amount of privileges on the remote server.
Might be easier to set up the linked server locally. NB assumes the account the local server is running as can reach the remote machine, and can access it.
I'd be a bit nervous about doing this, internally for fear of some admin type breaking it, if it's over the internet, then securing it will be a nightmare even if they allowed their server to be accessed directly..
You might find it easier to do it via the client, though that will dpend on how much data you want to synchronise, and then perhaps a briefcase approach might do the job better.
You can set up linked servers either via the GUI in SSMS, or via scripts. A couple of things to look out for though - first make sure you create a login account on each server that is mapped to the appropriate database on each server, with the least possible permissions. Then verify the mapping after you've set it up. Be aware that you are opening up the attack surface via this solution, so you may want to have your admin set up auditing too.

Is it possible to password protect an SQL server database even from administrators of the server?

I want to install an application (ASP.Net + SQL server 2005 express) in local network of some small company for demoing it for a period of time, but I also want nobody even sysadmin have no permission on this database and any permission granting wants a secure pass that I have .
I just want my tables structure and relations and functions be hidden and encrypting the data have no advantage
I need to spend more time on this article Database Encryption in SQL Server 2008 Enterprise Edition that i found from this answer is-it-possible-to-password-protect-an-sql-server-database
1.I like to be sure and more clear on this because the other answer in this page says :
Yes. you can protect it from everyone
except the administrators of the
2.if this is possible, the db have to be enterprise edition ? there any other possible solutions and workaround for this?
4.if I install a new instance with my own sa password , can i restrict other instances admins from attaching the mdf to their own ?
thanks in advance
These people can access your server or the SQL Server instance no matter what you do
anyone with physical access to the server
domain admins of the network
anyone with the sa password
a windows group with local admin and/or sa rights (which implies group policy etc)
You have to host your server offsite if you want no-one to get to log onto it.
It is that simple
In SQL Server, you cannot "password-protect" a database - what you can do is limit the permissions a given user or role has in your database.
You can DENY anyone access to your database - but that's a bit odd, since no one will be able to use it....
You can do all sorts of stuff to your database tables and logins - but a sysadmin will always be able to get around those things and get access to the database. As long as the sysadmin can get his hands physically on the server, I don't think there's any way to totally shut them out.
If you don't trust even your sysadmins, you have bigger problems.....
There's several different ways you could solve this problem.
Host it offsite - I think the easiest solution would just be to host it offsite. There's loads of cheap shared hosting out there which you could use.
Lock out the sysadmins from that server. Assuming you have root access and only you use/need that server you could change the root password and any other passwords on the server.
Do what you're currently doing and try to make something secure even when someone who shouldn't have access has root access to the server. This way sounds tricky and insecure even at best.
I have a contribution for (3):
I'm guessing (I might be wrong) you don't actually have sensitive information in your database, you just want to make it unfeasible for someone in the local network to use any of your stuff.
If that's the case, you could just make it harder for them to read your data by encrypting the data in the database and having your (compiled) code decrypt it before using it.
This way, any sysadmin who is just curious about the data or wants to change his hiscore to 13371337 will not want to go through the trouble of decompiling your code and/or cracking your encryption (for the duration of your demo) and your (assumed) problem will be solved.
I have no idea if this helps you at all, I guess I just want to say you might want to take a look at your problem again. Since you can't keep the sysadmins away from your stuff, you may want to take a different approach like making it less useful to them.
As discussed by the various other posters, you can't password protect a database - deny permissions - to the sysadmin. One alternative that hasn't been discussed is hosting it on a Laptop. Since this is a demo, you can host the Database and ASP.Net site on a laptop and hook that up to their Network - after Sysadmin permission of course - and have the clients test the application from your laptop.
This will allow you to protect the database from Sysadmins and provide the added benefit that if you want to allow them to see the database you can let them use your laptop and you will be there watching their actions on your database. This last benefit is something that you can't do easily with a hosted solution.
The above answers point 3. As for point 2, you will need the Enterprise Edition of SQL Server to take advantage of Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) as per the comparison link on MSDN. If you click on the Enterprise Security link at the top it will show a table explaining the different security capabilities of the different SQL Server versions and it shows that TDE is only for the Enterprise Edition.

How to hide all databases I am not authorised to use in Sql Server 2005 Management Studio?

I have to access some customers databases being hosted in a shared environment. There are numerous databases being hosted on any given customers instance. So everytime I access a database I have to scroll and search.
I would like to be able to configure Management Studio to just go directly to the database I want to work with for a given connection and hide all others on that connection/instance. But i still want to be able to see databases on other instances i might be working with, i.e. local using the same Object Explorer.
If that not possible is there any reason why the web hosting provider would grant their customers the VIEW ANY DATABASE permission? Im assuming thats why I can see all the other dbs?
If i cant configure Management studio to do what i want as per (1) then I was going to email the provider and ask that they prevent me from seeing them from the "server" end. Would this be an easy thing for them to do? If they REVOKE the VIEW ANY DATABASE permission then that should solve my "problem" right? But would it create any others?
You will require access to the master db to effect the outcome you want. There are no options to configure Sql Server management Studio (SSMS) to do what you want.
So (1) is out.
(2) however is a go so long as your service provider play alongs. You are right they will have to
which will require access to the master db. But before they do this they will have to set youruseraccount as the owner of your database.
sp_changedbowner 'youruseraccount'
The side affect of all of this is
a. You wont be able to see any other databases in the instance which is what you want.
b. Only one user will be able to use SSMS to admininster your database with the 'View Only My Db' list. This is because only one user can be the Database Owner.
2 articles describe it (no point if I copy/paste, really)
One and Two

How do you upload SQL Server databases to shared hosting environments?

We have a common problem of moving our development SQL 2005 database onto shared web servers at website hosting companies.
Ideally we would like a system that transfers the database structure and data as an exact replica.
This would be commonly achieved by restoring a backup. But because they are shared SQL servers, we cannot restore backups – we are not given access to the actual machine.
We could generate a script to create the database structure, but then we could not do a data transfer through the menu item Tasks/Import Data because we might violate foreign key constraints as tables are imported in an order the conflicts with the database schema. Also, indexes might not be replicated if they are set to auto generate.
Thus we are left with a messy operation:
Create a script in SQL 2005 that generates the database in SQL 2000 format.
Run the script to create a SQL 2000 database in SQL 2000.
Create a script in SQL 2000 that generates the database structure WITHOUT indexes and foreign keys.
Run this script on the production server. You now have a database structure to upload data to.
Use SQL 2005 to transfer the data to the production server with Tasks/Import data.
Use SQL 2000 to generate a script that creates the database with indexes and keys.
Copy the commands that generate the indexes and foreign keys only. These are located after the table creation commands. Note: In SQL 2005, the indexes and foreign keys are generated as one and cannot be easily separated.
Run this script on the production database.
Voila! The database is uploaded with all data and keys/constraints in place. What a messy and error prone system.
Is there something better?
Scott Gu had written few posts on this topic :
SQL Server Database Publishing Toolkit for Web Hosting
Generation scripts are fine for creating the database objects, but not for transporting database information. For example, client-specific databases where the developer is required to pre-populate some data.
One of the issues I've run into with this is the new MAX types in SQL Server 2005+. (nvarchar(max), varchar(max), etc.) Of course, this is worse when you are actually using Sql Server Express, which doesn't allow for exporting other than creating your own scripts to create the data.
I would recommend switching to a hosting company that allows you to have the ability to FTP backup files and does NOT require you to use your own scripts. That's the whole point of SQL Server, right? To provide more tools that are friendlier to use. If the hosting company takes that away, you may as well move to MySql for its ease in dumping information.
WebHost4Life is a life saver in this category. They offer FTP to the database server to upload your backup file or MDF and LDF files for attachment! I was so upset when I saw GoDaddy had the similar restriction you mentioned. Their tool didn't tell me it was a bad import, and I couldn't figure out why my site was coming back with 500 errors.
One other note: I'm not sure which is considered more secure. I enabled external connections in GoDaddy and connected with Management Studio, and I was able to see every database on that server! I couldn't access them, but I now have that info. A double whammy is that GoDaddy requires that the user name for the DB be the same as the DB! now all you need to do is spam passwords against those hundreds of DBs!
Webhost4life, on the other hand, has only your specific database shown in Management Studio. And they let you pick your own DB name and user name, independent of each other. They only append the same unique id on the end of the user & db names in order to keep them from conflicting with others.
You should not rely on restoring backups for copying / transferring databases. You need to use scripts - trust me you will get better at it.
I have used the RedGate Compare tools with shared hosting and it works well.
Database-generation scripts are messy, but they also have several advantages that ... well, make the pain more tolerable.
First, if you treat the DB scripts as real programming tasks in and of themselves, you can encapsulate the messiness. If you generate a script once (using a database tool), you can split the table structure aspects from the constraint aspects (keys, indices, etc.). Similarly, you can export the data once, but split it it into "system" data that's not frequently changed but is necessary for correct operation (stuff like tax or shipping rates, etc.), 'test' data that's easily identifiable, and 'operational' data that needs to be moved from DB version Old to DB version New (last week's Orders).
The first 3 minutes after you've accomplished that, things are wonderful: you can regenerate a new database with or without test data in a few minutes. Unfortunately, after 3 minutes, the databases are out of synch, at least in terms of data, if not quite as frequently in terms of structure.
I personally like to have each table's structure as a separate SQL file (and it's constraints as a separate file in a separate directory, and it's test data in one file, it's system data in another, etc.). On the one hand, this means that several different files have to be touched when making a change, but on the other hand, it makes it much easier to see the granularity of what's been changed: it's all right there in the version control logs. (I could probably be convinced that many-files is a mistaken strategy...)
All of this is predicated on the assumption that you have some facility for actually running a complex script involving many files and are not just constrained to some Web-based control panel, which may be what you're describing when you say "we are not given access to the actual machine." I feel that you can't do custom software development and not have some kind of shell access on the server; the hosting business is competitive enough that you can certainly find a script-friendly host easily enough.
Check whether the webhsoting company provides myLittleBackup
This is definitively the easiest solution to "install" a db from the development server to the shared sql server
Answer for SQL Server 2008 users.
I had the same exact issue as OP but I was using SQL Server 2008 and my shared hosting company is GoDaddy. Here's the solution to copy DB + the data to GoDaddy database...
In Visual Studio 2010, go to Server Explorer (in VS Express, I think it's called database explorer). Right click on database and select Publish to Provider ... this opens the Database Publishing Wizard ... go thru the wizard and it'll create a xxx.sql file on your local computer ...
Open SQL Server Management Studio and connect to the GoDaddy database (you should have already created this via the GoDaddy control panel within their website) ...
Open windows explorer and find the xxx.sql file and double click it. The script should open up in SSMS. Execute the script "within the proper database" ... voila, done.