NSOutline/NSTableView source list Lion-style icons - objective-c

From the Mac OS X HIG:
As with the icons that can be used inside toolbar controls, the system applies various effects to sidebar icons. To help you understand how these effects can change the appearance of a sidebar icon, consider the Finder Home icon, shown here in its unprocessed state[...]
So I'm trying to get my NSOutlineView to render a black sidebar icon with the typical new Lion style. I'm using a view-based NSOutlineView. However, I'm unable to find anything in the docs and if I simple set the imageView.image property to the sidebar image, it renders in black. So I figure there must be some sort of opt-in mechanism to get the sidebar to render it properly. Any suggestions on how to achieve that?

Apart from using the setTemplate: method of NSImage, you can just rename your images. This is from the documentation of imageNamed:…
If an application is linked in Mac OS X v10.5 or later, images
requested using this method and whose name ends in the word “Template”
are automatically marked as template images.


Codenameone form with header picture - how to navigate?

I'm writing a codenameone application where I want to have an image displayed across the top of the screen as a header. I do not want to include this image in every form/container that I create so therefore I came up with the following solution:
I have a Main form which contains the image (North) and a container (Center) which will then hold all the components of the specific screen that I want to show.
I will then create containers that represent each individual screen. My idea was to add these containers to the container of the main form, one by one and that navigation between them would be handled by changing the contents of that main screen container.
But I cannot find out how to make this work. As long as I have one single screen to show it is easy... The main form container can be an embedded container that is set to show the container for the single screen. But when I try to navigate to another I cannot make it work.
So, is there another approach I should use?
If not, how should I handle navigation between screens?
Is this with a GUI builder app or with a handcoded app?
Either way a simple way of customizing this if your app has a side menu or Toolbar would be to customize the TitleArea UIID to include your background image. E.g. start with a modern theme like the Business Theme and in the designer theme change the title area border property to be "Empty".
Then define the background image to be the image you want with "scaled to fit" or "aligned bottom" depending on what you want. Make sure to include enough space in the image for the title are and use a multi image so it will adapt for other OS's.

Yosemite Toolbar Style

How do I get the new toolbar item style of OSX Yosemite?
I created a standard toolbar, but the buttons don't have that button-like look. Do I need to drag actual buttons to the toolbar to get this look?
What I have:
What I want (that round bezel and white background):
There are two types of items in toolbars, image items and view items. It looks like you have an image item. You seem to want a view item where the view is an NSButton configured as a round textured button. So, yes, you should drag actual buttons to the toolbar.
I would not attempt to control the button background. You should use the button as-is to get the default system appearance. Apple recommends using a PDF template image (all black with the alpha channel used to make the image). The button itself would not have a title/label. Rather that would be on the containing toolbar item.
It looks like you may have applied an internal blue "glow" or highlight to your image. Generally, you should not do that. Let the frameworks apply appropriate effects to the template image automatically based on the button state and shows-state-by mode.
Toolbars in the Human Interface Guidelines
Controls which are appropriate to use in the window frame (including the toolbar)
Designing images for toolbar buttons
Works just fine for my Cocoa app under Yosemite -
are you actually setting the template property for your icon images..?
From the NSImage docs:
The 'template' property is metadata that allows clients to be smarter
about image processing. An image should be marked as a template if it
is basic glpyh-like black and white art that is intended to be
processed into derived images for use on screen.

What is the windows phone app image asset that is displayed when in the list of open apps

I'm starting with developing on Windows phone 8.1. I've been working with the different image assets for logos and tiles, but have not been able to identify the one that is displayed when you go to the list of open apps (i.e. pressing and holding the back key). In this view there is a logo of the app in the bottom-left corner that I don't know from where it comes. I'm trying to change the background color of it, but is none of the ones define in the manifest. I've seen apps that have this image with a specific background color (i.e. not transparent) like the one in the screenshot below. So, there must be a way to do it, but I'm not able to find where or how.
That would be the application icon you set in your WMAppManifest.xml. You can find this under your project's Properties folder. You can set icon from the UI (App icon) or by editing the XML block itself.
<IconPath IsRelative="true" IsResource="false">Assets\ApplicationIcon.png</IconPath>
This is the same icon that is shown in phone's app list. If image has transparency, phone's selected accent color is shown as "background". If not, well.. then it won't be transparent :).

Recreating the iPad home screen icon rotation / orientation effect

I am creating a grid of icons in Objective C / Xcode.
Is there anyway to re-create the iPad Home screen, the one filled with a grid of icons for each App you have on your iPad.
What I am most interested in is reproducing the effect on the icons when the device is rotated. On rotation, a new grid icons (which matches the new orientation) swings around to the right orientation, and the icons themselves transform (I'm guessing its an alpha fade from one icon to the other) into the new icon that would appear at that position.
Ive looked at this SO question, and also at this blog. But I am wondering if there is a class (hopefully one developed by Apple, but third party solutions will do) which recreates this effect?
If there isn't such a class, can anyone suggest to me how I would do the icon transformation effect whilst the screen is swinging around to the correct orientation?
iOS 6 offers a class called UICollectionView that handles the creation of these grids for you. The API is fairly similar to that of UITableView and allows you lots of control for customization.
Check out the UICollectionView class reference, as well as this introductory tutorial.

How do I change the color of TableView and Button controls in iOS?

I designed a web app for iPhone and am now trying my hands at a native Objective-C version, and I'd like to retain some continuity with my original design. Since my web version uses CSS, I was able to customize the color palette, even though the UI was designed to imitate a native iPhone UI. I'd like to use a similar color scheme for my native app, but it doesn't seem so easy out of the box. I've gone through a couple tutorials and played around a bit with Interface Builder, inspecting the individual settings available for each control. My biggest questions are:
Is it possible to (or how do I) change the color of a Round Rect Button?
Is it possible to (or how do I) change the color of cells in a Table View?
Where in the Cocoa Touch Library can I find the standard iOS UI buttons, e.g. the green "Call Back" and red "Delete" buttons in the native voice mail?
Nope, I don't think so. And you probably shouldn't anyways. In my opinion it's better to rather stay consistent with the OS and not the web... What you can do is to use a custom image.
UITableViewCell has a property named backgroundView, which is only present if you have a grouped style. This view has -- just like every other view -- a background color. If you don't have this and want to color individual cells, build a custom cell where you put in a view as background view.
As far as I know, they are not publicly available. However, you may find a lot of template images etc on the web that you can use.