Run script as another user without sudo/su privileges - ssh

I'm trying to write a script so that it can be called by one user and is executed as another user. I thought that setuid might be able to do this so I enabled setuid using chmod u+s with the owner of the script being user1. I call the script (which only contains whoami right now) as user2 and it still shows user2 instead of user1. How can I make this be user1.
-- My end result is I want one user to be able to call this script and have it ssh into another server and execute a command as another user.

You can copy that user's key (id_rsa) and pass it to ssh when connecting to the server:
ssh -i user1_id_rsa user1#server
However, this is rather a bad solution, security-wise. Adding the user's key to the authorized keys on the server, as I said in the comment, is the proper way to do it, and you should really look into that.

Sounds like you need a third user in your security model, who can run the program, but is otherwise unprivileged. This third user is an assumable identity for a number of users so they can run the process on the remote server.


Adding user Without password in postgres

I have installed Postgres v12 on Windows Machine. I have looked documentation of Postgres, but they are using command-line tools commands as
create user <username> etc,
I am using these commands but didn't get Logged into it.It says
fe_sendauth: no password supplied
How Can I add a user in Postgres psql shell without a password ?
If you don't want to be prompted for a password, you will need to have provision for that user in your pg_hba.conf file.
For example:
host all user1 trust
host all all md5
The first line beginning with "host" uses the method of "trust" which means the user will go unchallenged. You can change any of the other parameters as you see fit, but as long as they hit this rule first, other rules won't insist on a password. Once you make this change, you'll need to reload the service for it to take effect.

Remotely running commands via ssh

I need to automate the copy of a zip file to a remote Linux machine and then the unzipping of that file to a user's home directory.
Let's assume we have user1 and user2, user1 is a real person but has no home directory and user2 is an application user that has a home directory but cannot directly get shell access to a host. The mechanism to gain a shell for user2 is to ssh to the box as user1 and then su to user2. (please do not pass comment on this setup as I work for a large corporation and I am unable to change this aspect, it is decided by IT security and not up for discussion).
I would like to use
scp user1#hostname:/var/tmp/
but as I don't have anywhere on the remote host to store a key file for user1 I cannot us public/private key pairs to perform this, can anyone suggest a way to do this?
The next piece is even more tricky as I want to ssh as user1 and then su to user2 and run
unzip /var/tmp/
Again any suggestion on how I can do this? I have done a search and found an example that uses expect, this has potential for the scp but I cannot get this to work, but how would I get expect to cope with 2 password prompts?
I'd look into using Python and the pexpect/pxssh modules. These days pexpect is a nice alternative for automation tasks that used to be dealt with using Expect.
See this answer for some example code where an SSH session is scripted:
How to make a ssh connection with python?

root access from script

Is there a way to gain root access without user input?
I want a script automatically looks at a stored password, then authenticates with that password. Is there a way to do this without user input? I tried man su and man sudo, but these don't support this. Is this possible?
P.S: I know python, sh and bash.
Check out this link. It explains how to do this in python. Root Access Python
The basic of it is changing the permission of the script itself.
Option 1 - Use cron
If the script is a cron job, it can be kicked off by root's crontab. Then it is automatically running as root. Be REALLY careful though as you are running as root. Anyone who can change your script has just become root.
Option 2 - Set up a new id
If the task can be done by a non-root user, you don't actually need root each time.

How to setup ssh for no passwords from different accounts

I would like to ssh from to without passwords.
I can do this using passwords.
With using ssh-keygen to set up ~user1/.ssh/id_rsa on and
~user1/.ssh/authorized_keys on, using the instructions in ssh manual page,
I can, from user1 on "ssh" without any passwords.
But I can not login without passwords using the same setup procedure, albeit substituting for the destination user2 for user1, i.e., from user1 on "ssh" does not work without passwords.
The instructions I have found for doing this seem to suggest that I need a user2 account
on to setup the keys and then copy them to the user1 account on and user2 on appropriately.
Is this so? Can the necessary keys be generated on using account user1 for logging into user2 on
Update: I have tried this using a third computer instead of and it works as desired. I found several posts of the web with the same generic problem but without any solutions. Any WAGs at what might be the problem?
Thanks in advance
You can copy the same data into ~user2/.ssh/authorized_keys on machine2 that you copied into ~user1/.ssh/authorized_keys, so you would basically reuse the same key for both accounts. It's up to you to decide if this is a good idea.
You can, however, also generate a second key, but then you'd have to explicitly specify on the command line which key file is to be used for authorization from machine1.

How to use ssh command in shell script?

I know that we shuld do
ssh user#target
but where do we specify the password ?
Hmm thanks for all your replies.
My requirement is I have to start up some servers on different machines. All servers should be started with one shell script. Well, entering password every time seems little bad but I guess I will have to resort to that option. One reason why I don't want to save the public keys is I may not connect to same machines every time. It is easy to go back and modify the script to change target addresses though.
The best way to do this is by generating a private/public key pair, and storing your public key on the remote server. This is a secure way to login w/o typing in a password each time.
Read more here
This cannot be done with a simple ssh command, for security reasons. If you want to use the password route with ssh, the following link shows some scripts to get around this, if you are insistent:
Scripts to automate password entry
The ssh command will prompt for your password. It is unsafe to specify passwords on the commandline, as the full command that is executed is typically world-visible (e.g. ps aux) and also gets saved in plain text in your command history file. Any well written program (including ssh) will prompt for the password when necessary, and will disable teletype echoing so that it isn't visible on the terminal.
If you are attempting to execute ssh from cron or from the background, use ssh-agent.
The way I have done this in the past is just to set up a pair of authentication keys.
That way, you can log in without ever having to specify a password and it works in shell scripts. There is a good tutorial here:
SSH Keys are the standard/suggested solution. The keys must be setup for the user that the script will run as.
For that script user, see if you have any keys setup in ~/.ssh/ (Key files will end with a .pub extension)
If you don't have any keys setup you can run:
ssh-keygen -t rsa
which will generate ~/.ssh/ (the -t option has other types as well)
You can then copy the contents of this file to ~(remote-user)/.ssh/authorized_keys on the remote machine.
As the script user, you can test that it works by:
ssh remote-user#remote-machine
You should be logged in without a password prompt.
Along the same lines, now when your script is run from that user, it can auto SSH to the remote machine.
If you really want to use password authentication , you can try expect. See here for an example