How to add MS outlook reminders event handlers with VBA - vba

I want to extend MS Outlook so that when a calendar reminder pops up, I can run a VBA hook that can run an external program (like a batch script). In my case, I want to "forward" the reminder to a Linux desktop since I work in both environments and I don't always have the Windows desktop visible.
I see an example at and have opened VBA Developer view in MS outlook 2010 and inserted a class module and added that VBA code, but I do not see how to activate this code - when a reminder pops up, this code is not activated.
Here is what I ended up adding to Outlook's ThisOutlookSession to run an external batch script when a reminder pops up.
Public WithEvents objReminders As Outlook.Reminders
Private Sub Application_Startup()
Set objReminders = Application.Reminders
End Sub
Private Sub objReminders_ReminderFire(ByVal ReminderObject As Reminder)
Cmd = "C:\path\to\my\reminder-hook.cmd" & " " & ReminderObject.Caption
Call Shell(Cmd, vbHide)
End Sub

Put it in the "ThisOutlookSession" module and restart Outlook.
Also, ensure that macros are enabled in Outlook settings.


Why did application.reminder stop working?

Using Outlook 365.
I needed code to bring Outlook reminders to the front of all other windows. I found this code on the Extend Office website, and entered it into the ThisOutlookSession module:
Private Sub Application_Reminder(ByVal Item As Object)
'Updated by ExtendOffice 20180814
Dim xAppointment As AppointmentItem
If Item.Class = olAppointment Then
Set xAppointment = Item
MsgBox xAppointment.Subject, 4096 + vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "Outlook reminders"
End If
End Sub
Last week, it worked fine; whenever a reminder fired, I'd see a Msgbox reiterate its message.
This week, I realized that the Msgbox was no longer popping up. I believe my computer had restarted over the weekend, but that's the only change I can think of. I've tried trapping the code with breakpoints, and as near as I can tell, it's just not running.
I'm not familiar with "ThisOutlookSession", but just to be safe I tried restarting Outlook, and it didn't help. I use two different Desktops in Windows, and I tried running Outlook on each, but that didn't seem to matter.
First of all, you need to check the Trust Center settings in Outlook whether VBA macros are allowed to run. Then try to enable macros in Outlook by following:
"File"->"Options"->"Trust Center"->"Trust Center Settings..."->"Macro Settings"->"Enable all macros"
You may find similar issues posted in the Outlook Not Running Visual Basic After Restart and VB Macro runs successfully at first, but fails after Outlook restart posts.

Slow opening of any email after set value for an object on Application_ItemLoad

Basically I am using below code to run macro after I manually open a specific email.
The code and macro works ,but I noticed there is a slowness while opening of any email on outlook.
After many tests, I find out this line is the cause of issue:
Set MyItem = Item
And this the full code:
Option Explicit
Option Compare Text
Public WithEvents MyItem As Outlook.MailItem
Private Sub Application_ItemLoad(ByVal Item As Object)
If Item.Class = olMail Then
Set MyItem = Item 'This line cause slow opening of any email
End If
End Sub
Private Sub myItem_Open(Cancel As Boolean)
If MyItem.Subject = "Test Email" Then
End If
End Sub
Kindly How to fix this issue?
Basically I am using below code to run macro after I manually open a specific email.
You may consider using other event handlers in Outlook - for selecting in the Explorer window you may try to handle the SelectionChange event of the Explorer class which is fired when the user selects a different or additional Microsoft Outlook item programmatically or by interacting with the user interface. For opening in the separate window you can handle the NewInspector event which is fired whenever a new inspector window is opened, either as a result of user action or through program code. The event occurs after the new Inspector object is created but before the inspector window appears. Also you may handle the Inspector.Activate event which is fired when an inspector becomes the active window, either as a result of user action or through program code.
If there is a specific reason to use the ItemLoad event handler in the code you may continue using the late-binding technology and keep the item defined as object.
Also don't forget to release corresponding objects in the Unload event of the Item-level events.

Outlook explorer activate handler--DoEvents causes Outlook window to maximize

I have a macro that runs when an explorer is activated. I discovered that if I put a DoEvents function/statement in the macro, then any time I use another app (say, a browser) and then click back on the main Outlook (i.e., explorer) window title bar, the Outlook window maximizes, as if I had double-clicked on it.
If I comment DoEvents out, the window behaves normally.
This behavior occurs even when DoEvents is the only statement in the Activate macro.
The macro runs as expected when the Activate event occurs, but the window state changes for no apparent reason if DoEvents is present.
Is this a known issue?
==== EDIT =====
If I run the following code in ThisOutlookSession, the strange window behavior occurs:
Private WithEvents my_x As Explorer
Private Sub Application_Startup()
Set my_x = Application.ActiveExplorer
End Sub
Private Sub my_x_Activate()
End Sub
In addition, clicking once on an item in an explorer when Outlook does not have the focus causes the item to open, as if double-clicked. Plus occasional other strange behaviors.
I am using Outlook 2013 in Win10.
There is absolutely no reason to use DoEvents. Ever. You might be stealing some of the Windows messages that Outlook itself expected to handle.
First of all, I'd suggest scanning your machine for viruses.
Then I'd recommend checking the list of running add-ins in Outlook. You may try to turn them off and see how Outlook works after.
There is no need to use the DoEvents in the Activate event handler.

VB macro to disable "Edit Document" prompt when opening a word document from sharepoint

Is there a way to disable the message (and have the document editable by default):
Server Document To modify document, click Edit Document followed by the button with text "Edit Document".
I cannot find a word setting to do this. In addition I cannot see a way to make a VB macro to do this with a key stroke. I have used a small autohotkey script to position the mouse and click this prompt, but this does not always work since it depends on the position of the window. it is impossible to use the tab key to get to this prompt.
I have to modify about 50+ documents a day from sharepoint, ideally I would like to combine this with another macro which does other automated processing for me. But I can't find a VB solution for clicking the Edit button.
Depending on your security settings (you mentioned that they were blocked), this may or may not work.
Create a new macro enabled template in your Word startup folder (usually at C:\Users[YourID]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Word\STARTUP), and add a new class module. I called mine "AutoEditEnable". You can name it anything, but you'll need it to match how you declare it in the other module.
This code goes in the class:
Option Explicit
Private WithEvents app As Application
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set app = Application
End Sub
Private Sub app_ProtectedViewWindowOpen(ByVal PvWindow As ProtectedViewWindow)
End Sub
Basically, this will hook any Application events you need to - in this case the ProtectedViewWindowOpen event or the ProtectedViewWindowActivate event (either should work).
Put the following code in ThisDocument to grab a reference to it when your template loads:
Option Explicit
Private hook As AutoEditEnable
Private Sub Document_Open()
Set hook = New AutoEditEnable
End Sub
Close Word and restart it, then make sure your new template shows up as a loaded add-in.

Excel Opened Documents History Log - AddIn

Apologies in advance if this ends up being generic. I have done some research on this and drawn a complete blank.
Excel is great, I love Excel. So much so that the "Recent Documents" section is of almost no use to me as I use that many spreadsheets in an insane amount of locations.
I have been researching a way to log (using VBA as an AddIn) documents when they are opened. Even if it is into something as simple as a text file with the date, however I cannot figure out how to have the VBA code "know" when a file is opened (which, along with outputting to a Text file, is all I want it to do at this stage).
Is there a way to have the VBA look for this action from within an excel instance?
The following steps (adapted from the excellent post at ) is the "minimally viable" way to do what you need.
open a new workbook
open the VB editor
Insert a class module; in the properties window, set class name to CExcelEvents
Add the following code in the class module:
Private WithEvents App As Application
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set App = Application
MsgBox "initialized the class!"
End Sub
Private Sub App_WorkbookOpen(ByVal Wb As Workbook)
MsgBox "New Workbook was opened: " & Wb.Name
End Sub
5. Right-click on the "ThisWorkbook" element in the project explorer, and select "View Code"
6. Add the following code:
Private XLApp As CExcelEvents
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Set XLApp = New CExcelEvents
End Sub
This creates an instance of the CExcelEvents class, and "turns on event handling" when the addIn is loaded.
Finally, save the file as myEvents.xlam in the location where addIns are stored - this varies depending on your machine...
If you now close the file, and add the addIn (again, depends on your environment whether that is from the Developer ribbon or the Tools menu), you should see a dialog box that says "initialized the class!". This shows the addIn is properly installed and working.
Now, when you open a workbook, another message box will appear: "New Workbook was opened: " with the name.
Obviously you will want to get rid of the message boxes, and put in some "useful" code that does whatever you want to do (for example, log the name of the workbook to a file). It sounds to me like you don't need help with the latter - if I am wrong then please let me know.