How to create a aspx form -

I wanna create a aspx form where it should connect with a HTML form and how should i display it in
also when click the link, the form should fill with data automatically where the data should retrieve from microsoft sql database and display it without any error...

Question is kind of broad one. But you can use form view to show the data from the database and you can access it from the server side code(VB.Net). here is a good article for you.

I did not understand very well! but I guess you want to create a ASP.NET page with
If I'm correct, steps are depend on your version of Visual studio but the only thing you need is create website project!
Second question:You should First retrieve data from your database
Here is good article: Click.
If I misunderstood, let me know!


Get data from the db to the view page in ASP.NET MVC

I am working on live support project for a web site. I just wrote the frontend and I created the table that I need in SQL Server and then I made a connection between SQL Server and my ASP.NET MVC project.
I watched many videos and I didn't get the part which I will start get the data from the models which are created when I made the connection I talked about.
To be clear: I wrote two Divs in web page one for the sender and one for the receiver and I give messages a variable called ̰"destination" in DB so if the value is 0 it will be insert the text in sender's div and if the value is 1 it will be insert the text in receiver's div.
The problem that I know the logic but I don't know how to apply it. Please can anyone help me and tell me how to do it? Or what is the Technique that I should work with?
You should start looking into Entity Framework to get the data from the database. I think for now you should use Database First approach which is very easy as compared to Code first approach.
To start with Database first just add new item and select ADO.NET Entity Model . This will launch the wizard where you can select EF designer from database and then you can give the connection string and all the databse you want to use
Refer below link for explanation.

Lotusscript to insert a Subform into a Form programmatically

I am trying to deploy a Domino application in a possibly friendly way. I've got to the point where an agent imports Domino elements.
The functionality I'd like to provide is in a subform which I could export and import.
I still need to insert the SubForm in a specific location in an already existing Domino application.
I didn't find any API that could be helpful. Is there a way to access and modify the code of an already existing form directly?
DXL round-tripping of forms isn't perfect, so I wouldn't recommend using it in the way adminfd describes. You can, however, write C/C++ code that uses the Notes C API functions to scan through the CD records of a form and insert a subform reference. CD records are complex and you would probably want an expert to assist, to make sure you don't screw up your form by inserting your stuff in the wrong spot.

Create a log for all SQL action in Access

I'm currently having a problem at work.
Someone in the is modifying the table directly.
For example in my database I have school names like ETS. Well, today it was named Polytechnique.
What I'm trying to tell who did this modification either by his/her IP address or any other way. I currently have no ideas on how to proceed.
What I would like is just the beginning of a solution as to let me figure a part of it . I sadly don't have any ideas for the moment.
Thank you (I'm sorry for any errors english is not my first language. Also I could be mistaken for the tags)
(Welcome to SO. Sorry no one answered your question yet. It almost never takes this long.)
The short answer is: No. There is no way to find out who was modifying your tables directly. Access does not have any kind of automatic change logging, and you cannot create any logging procedures in VBA that will monitor manual changes to the tables.
One of the requirements for Access as a front-end is that you trust your end-users to not open tables and edit the data directly.
To prevent this in the future, here are some options:
Right click on your table to hide it. However, the user can just unhide it if they know it is there.
In your Access db is an option called "Display Navigation Option". Disabling this will hide the side-bar so the user can't see the tables. However, pressing F11 will still display them again. This can be easily googled, so I don't recommend it if your users are motivated.
Store your data in a SQL server and use connection strings (not direct links) to retrieve and store information.
Distribute your Access db via Sharepoint. The user will only be able to access the forms you specify and will have no direct access to the tables.
Consider another software package for your problems.

Regarding sharepoint and SQL data store

I have to create a web form and store all kinds of data from the page, the data will be text, num, email and checkboxes.
I have to store them in a database SQL. I have to deploy the same page in the sharepoint server and users will be able to use that page to fillin the details once the details are filled in it should be loaded in to the SQL seperate databse.
could anybody tell me what would be the best approach.
Please give me rough idea so that I will take the steps to get it complete.
Do you have to use a SQL database? You could simply use SharePoint lists for this type of functionality.
If you HAVE to use SQL then look at Business Connectivity Services through SharePoint Designer 2010, or if you are using WSS 3.0 or MOSS 2007 then look at creating custom web parts.

Working with WPF & SQL database

I'm into creating a simple contact management application to test how WPF works with SQL database. is there any WPF-code for that shows how to connect with SQL database ? save and update data?
I'm using KaXML/Sharp-develop for WPF and using SQLite/MS-SQL server 2005.
I can't use Visual studio express(not allowed to install,anyway that's another issue)
Do i need to work with cs files (c# code) for this ?
(Sorry, very limited links regarding this using google)
any help with how to add data grid and relative code will help a lot.
other than that you can point me to question/blog posts/forum entry that covers my problem.
There are a few good starter videos in
For this task I recommend you How Do I: Create a Simple WPF DataGrid to Edit Tabular Data