Localhost page can't be accessed from some ip's and proxies - apache

I have apache installed listening to 8888, and port 8888 oppened, due the fact that 80 and 8080 are blocked by my ISP. I have no firewalls running.
The page hosted on my computer, works from some proxies like http://www.webproxyonline.info/ for example, but doesnt work from some others, like zend2.com.
I also tested to access the page from 2 dedicated servers that I own, but without success. I can ping my computer IP, but when I type wget myip:8888 i get nothing.
I also tried to run the code file_get_contents('http://myip:8888'); but no success too.
What can be causing this problem?
The problem is that the firewall CSF on my dedicated server was blocking outgoing traffic to my ip.... I just added my ip to the alloed list...

Um, if you're actually binding localhost (that is,, then it shouldn't be accessible from other machines. That's how localhost works. You need to bind a actual external IP address for your machine.


Can't access Apache Server through IPv6 from outside

My goal is simple : I just want to access my Apache Web server installed on a Ubuntu Server on a local PC behind my box in IPv6.
Using NAT, I can do it with IPv4 but it's a little bit "headache-able" to keep it work with a domain name and SSL. So I tried to make it work with IPv6, the IPv6 of my server is public and I just have to complete the AAAA of the domain name.
The problem is : I searched and tried a lot of things, I learned a lot but the problem is still complete !
The situation :
Ubuntu server shows the good IPv6 adress when I do hostname -I
I can ping my machine using a external website (dnschecker for example) from and outside my local network DNSchecker capture
Apache is configured to use IPv6 adresses and serve pages when asked from the local network BUT it does NOT work when accessed from outside (my problem !)
ufw is configured to use IPv6 tables, allows Apache then Apache Full ufw status
no firewall on my internet box
I'm dry, I don't know what to look for in order to solve this problem. I need help, thanks for your ideas and advices.

Cannot access http server (apache2 on Webmin) from WAN

I've already opened the port 80. It worked perfectly, but after some changes it left working. Webmin runs on a Raspberry Pi with Raspbian.
1. I tried to solve an ip issue, because my router changed my ip so quick that I had to update my ip on my Webmin server every time it changed.
2. So I decided to change the ip to in all of my servers. Like this:
3. Then, cause now I could't access to my server from outside of my LAN. I tried to reset my eth0 ip again as it was in all of my servers (as, but it didn't work. I still can't access my http from outside.
4. I waited my eth0 ip to change to update it again (to put it instead of, but didn't work. I tried to do it like this: img3
As I said, it worked perfectly before changing the ip to, because my normal ip changes too fast (every 7 or 10 mins). I can access to my http server but only from my LAN.
Well, finally I found the solution. The problem was nothing about my Apache or Webmin configuration. It was about a problem with my router. Apparently it had a bug: The DMZ seemed as activated, but it really didn't (my router is a HUAWEI HG659).
Also, if you get this kind of problem, you should first check what ports are being used by your computer, and check if you have any firewall or program blocking that port.

Accessing apache2.4 server through WiFi / WLAN inside home network

I have netgear 1500 wifi DSL router having private IP I am running apache 2.4 in my desktop PC having IP and my laptop has an IP While I try to access the apache server as I get a message requested URL /index.html not found, while it shows up properly when I access is as localhost.
I have done port forwarding for port:80 and firewalls are stopped.
I have quickheal running in the same machine in which apache runs. Both machines are windows.
What do I need to do so that I can access the server from my laptop?
I have added the privileges through http.conf also.
I see another problem - when I ping the desktop machine, which runs the server, the request is timed out.
The problem has been solved. Skype and antivirus are using port 80. Making apache listen to other port - like 8080 solved the problem.
I learned that apache "does not" share a port with other applications.
Hope someone else might be helped from this.

Apache named virtual host not working after changing port

I have a jboss server and an apache web server on the same machine. Jboss has to stay listening on port 80, so I had to switch which port apache listened on. Before, when it was listening on port 80, everything worked fine. I set up a virtual host for a website I'm working on, and I was able to use the URL for that site as a I defined it in the virtual host file and my hosts file (I'm using Windows). After I changed the port it listened on, I get the following error:
Problem loading page: Unable to connect
I've restarted the server, restarted my machine, changed the port to several different numbers that weren't being used for anything else, and I even tried changing the localhost IP address from to to see if that would help, but none of this has worked. I changed the port in both httpd.conf and httpd-vhosts.conf, but nothing has really worked. I checked the IP address for the site with ping, and it showed that I'm using the right one. I would really appreciate some help because nothing is working.
Likely a local firewall issue. You should only need to change Listen, ServerName and <virtualhost>. You can use lsof or netstat to confirm the listening port.

Sharing Apache Server with the Internet?

I installed Apache with WAMP. I want to make my computer as a server for my web page for make some experiment on my web site.But I can`t open my server in Internet. I can see it in http://localhost/mysite/index.html but when I try to reach it in another computer like http://myserverip/mysite/index.html it says server not responding. I am using wireless router and also forwarded to my LAN ip.
A few ideas:
check that apache is bound to your PC's internal IP rather than just localhost - run netstat -an and verify that you have local address not
check that you're definitely forwarding port 80 from the router to your PC
check that you're not firewalling off the traffic, i.e. make sure there's an exception in the windows firewall for port 80 (and 443 if you're using HTTPS), or a program exception for httpd, or even try turning off the firewall temporarily whilst debugging this
find out if your ISP is blocking this - some won't let you run web servers from your home connection; you could try a different web port to see if that helps?
try connecting from some other machine - there could be some proxy configuration that's upsetting looping back into your PC