SharePoint 2010 Authorization Question - sharepoint-2010

Let’s say I have 2 pages in a sharepoint site. Let’s call them page A and B. We are using windows based authentication mechanism. Let’s say I have 2 already authenticated users X & Y. The page A should be visible to users who have certain attribute set to 1 in active directory. Page B should only be visible to those users that does not have this attribute set to 1. Let’s call this attribute SpecialUser. If SpecialUser is 1 for a given user, user should be able to see page A only and not be page B. If SpecialUser has any other value, user should be able to see page B only and not be page A.
In this case, user X has the attribute SpecialUser set to 1 and user Y does not. So user X should only see page A while user Y should only see page B.
There is no group in active directory that includes only users that have SpecialUser attribute value set to 1. We don’t want to create sharepoint group and add these users manually either.
Given these constraints, how can we achieve this authorization? I am thinking there may be a need for custom coding. If custom coding is required, how do I go about it. If not, what is the solution?

If your Web Application can be setup to use Claims Based Mode instead of Classic Mode, you should be able to achieve this without custom coding, since an Active Directory attribute can be used as a claim when setting permissions on the page.
Otherwise custom coding would be required. You can create a custom web part that you place on the page, which can either redirect the user or call SPUtility.HandleAccessDenied(new UnauthorizedAccessException()) for invalid users. To security trim the pages (make them invisible), you would need similar logic in any menus or web parts that display the pages.
If the Active Directory attribute is part of the SharePoint User Profile, you can use the UserProfile class. Otherwise, you can use System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement to retrieve the value of the attribute.

I think that the easiest thing to do might be to stick with the active directory side. Sharepoint authentication can be a bit fickle. Off the top of my head I would probably suggest creating an active directory group that's meant to hold a list of these users. Rather than updating it manually you could have a service to run every so often (once a day? once an hour? depends on how long you're willing to have stale authentication) and check the user lists in active directory for this flag. The service would then update the group you're using for authentication.
There might be a way to do this more gracefully within the walls of Sharepoint development, but I've not heard of anything like it.


How can I figure out if the authenticated user is authorized to access an area/controller/action?

Being in a view and you know the area-name, controller-name and action-name of a destination to which you want the user to provide a link to, how can I figure out if the area/controller/action is authorized for the authenticated user.
Imaginary Use-case:
I have a table with a list of books (the result of bookscontroller.index). To the far right are some icons to edit or delete a specific book. The edit link refers to bookscontroller.edit and the delete link to bookscontroller.delete.
On the actions there are custom authorizationattributes and this works perfect. If a user want to access books/edit/1 and the user is not allowed to edit books, the user gets redirected to the logon page.
It is a bit stupid to have that edit-icon there if the user is not allowed to edit books. So at view level I would like to be able to figure out if the user is allowed to use the edit action of the bookscontroller. If he is, show the icon if not, do not show the action.
Goal: use that knowledge to create a custom tag-helper.
The go-to method is reactive, i.e. you check if a user can do action when the user tries to do. Since you do not want to go that way, here is how. (yet, this is anti-pattern)
Have the authentication token of the user send back to backend. The backend should have an API end point for each button on the page user can click. With the authentication token, the back-end resolve whether to dim or enable the buttons.
Now, what the backend does to resolve this is not very efficient. The backend needs to literally attempt certain actions and aborts the transaction. For create and retrieve, it is trivial (you can pre-resolve them) but for edit and delete, this requires a lot of resources.
The standard way of controlling such actions on UI is to use role based authorization.
For the buttons or other such UI elements, setup role tags, e.g. "admin:edit", "viewer:readonly" etc.
When you are authenticating a user, send the applicable roles from the backend server, store them in a way that is globally accessible to your UI and use them for filtering UI elements across your application.

Advice on implementing secure page with a list returned from REST API

I'm new to Piranha CMS and just trying to get my head around it. I'm using the MVC implementation and I need to do the following:
I need to extend the User with a property that stores an account number.
I need a page that is only accessible once the user logs in
On this page, I need to call a REST API on another server, using the account number a parameter, to retrieve a list of documents that the user has stored on this server.
When the user clicks the document, it will be downloaded as a PDF using the REST API once again
I just need general guidance on how to do this. How do I store the account number against the user (and manage this) and do I need to create a new Region that will show the list of documents from the remote server. Is there an example of creating a new Region anywhere and maybe returning a list from SQL that I can adapt?
Any help gratefully received.
Thanks in advance
The easiest way is to implement an extension with your custom fields that you attach to the user where you store this information.
When editing a page, go in under "settings" and select which groups should have access to your page. For this purpose I suggest creating a new group for site users that are not admins.
This should be easily implemented in either the controller or model for your page. When the user is logged in "User.Identity.Name" is the user id. Get the user, load the extensions & use the account number.
See number three.

How to populate active directory users data in a sharepoint 2010 new list item form?

I have a custom list in my SharePoint 2010 website. When I am adding a new item to my list, I want to populate data from active directory in the respective fields when I enter the exact user Id in my first field. Can it be done through SharePoint designer or through browser?
Depending on what user information you want to populate into the list, you may find it easier to use the SharePoint API directly and call the SPUser object instead.
SPUser user = web.EnsureUser(listItem["UserField""]);
The EnsureUser() method will require you to give it a username in the format: domain\user.
That being said, you'd probably behoove yourself to just make the field in question an SPUser field in the first place. That way the default new item / editor makes the field uses the PeoplePicker object to bring in actual users. If you do need to call Active Directory directly, you can do that, too, I guess, but since virtually everything in AD can be exposed in SharePoint either automatically or by editing your User Profile Service application, there's not really a reason to invoke AD directly in most scenarios.

Grails Spring Security forcing user to a specific screen after successful authentication

Here is the scenario. I have two objects Users (with username/password) and UserInfo with rest of the data related to user. The Users is an old table with thousands of records and UserInfo is fairly new. I want to get as much UserInfo as I can when the user first logs in.
I'd like to force user to a custom screen after first login and ask for the UserInfo data. Once I get the "required" data in the new screen, I dont show it till the user voluntarily wants to fill in the data under "Profile".
Since there are multiple entry points to the application, I dont want to update all the controllers to check for this.
Is there a way I can use a Spring Security filter or something which is executed on successful login? I had a look at ApplicationListener<AuthenticationSuccessEvent> but it doesnt solve the problem as if I copy paste the link in the browser, it lets me go ahead to the destination without asking for "extra information".
In a nutshell, I want a check after each login which, if fails, user is not allowed to enter the application. No matter how he tries to get in.
In your Config.groovy, configure Spring Security's defaultTargetUrl and tell it to always redirect there:
grails.plugins.springsecurity.successHandler.alwaysUseDefault = true
grails.plugins.springsecurity.successHandler.defaultTargetUrl = '/userInfo/edit'
In your UserInfoController's edit action, you can check that the required fields are present (userInfo.validate() perhaps?) and if they are, redirect to wherever you like, perhaps '/', otherwise render the edit info view.
You can adopt what #doelleri proposed and enhance the rule by those steps:
run a batch task to assign a temporary ROLE_DISABLED role to each user who does not provide supplemental information yet. If the user already had some roles, save them in some property.
setup your authorization rule as that users with ROLE_DISABLED role only allowed to access /userInfo/edit.
in /userInfo/edit, if the user has a ROLE_DISABLED role, render the information input view, and resume user's role after it successfully updated its information. Otherwise redirect to '/' or the path it requested.

How to deliver form parts based on user's permission in ASP.NET

I am developing an application in ASP.NET and I have a page that depening on user's role displays different parts. If the user is an Admin s/he sees for instance a page part where to input a new user and role that a normal user cannot see. Let's think about this page as a portal.
I already wrapped all the different sections in with Id and I can control their visibility. However this is not the optimal solution concerning security since the user or a malicious robot can still fill and access the parts that are not visible in the browser.
With MVC it is easy since I just create several partial views and render them upon users' credentials but how do you do it in standard Web Forms? Thanks
You can use the ASP.NET LoginView control. The control has an AnnonymousTemplate which you can use to specify which content should be shown to Annonymous users, and a LoggedInTemplate which you would use to specify the content shown to logged in users. But is also has RoleGroups which can be used to specify content that can be shown to users in different roles.
The article in this link will walk you through the use of this control.