vb.net web application threading - vb.net

I have some functions in a web application that do a lot of calculations and as a result have high CPU usage which affects the rest of the application when other users are accessing it.
I have tried backgroundworker to no avail , the only thing that seems to work in using another thread and setting the priority to low, can the UI be updated from a worker thread? specifically I am trying to bind a grid to a dataset processed in the worker thread

If you call Application.DoEvents() periodically to process the windows message queue, this will allow the UI to be updated and respond to user input.
You need to understand that many people consider DoEvents to be evil. As the UI will respond to events such as click, you should beware of any issues this can cause such as allowing many of your heavy CPU BackgroundWorker threads to be spawned. However, used correctly DoEvents provides a valid strategy for keeping your application responsive during processing.


Objective-C NSRunLoop & NotificationCenterDelegate not functional when spawned on Rust worker thread

I'm currently trying to use Rust C interop in order to send actional desktop notifications (using a modified version of this lib). The main goal here would be to handle these notification sending events on separate threads like so:
thread::spawn(move || unsafe {
This would allow me to have multiple notification 'handlers' running at the same time (vs. just being able to have a single notification displayed at once), and would also allow my main process to run without being blocked. Given the nature of the program (web-scraper), I don't want scraping halted whenever a notification is being displayed.
That said, this approach is somewhat problematic because the underlying obj-c code relies on NSRunLoop to handle click events (e.g., user clicks on the action to open a web page) through the created NotificationCenterDelegate instance. Per my knowledge (feel free to fact-check me on this I'm not familiar with obj-c), NSRunLoops only operate on the main thread and this code is rendered useless if ran on a worker... The notification still sends in this scenario, but events aren't processed.
Is there a way to handle this that is more effective than running my scraping logic on a separate loop and sending notif-send events to the main thread for processing (which will probably be halted by a notification that I hadn't opened)?
Strictly speaking, there is (or can be) one NSRunLoop per thread, not only the main thread. But it's still the case that GUI stuff generally needs to run on the main thread.
I recommend that you take the approach of running scraping on a separate thread. This is generally a good idea for any combination of long-running work and GUI — it ensures that the work cannot cause the UI to hang or hiccup.

RestKit network limits blocks other calls when parallel requests are running

we are facing a problem.
we have background requests that are downloading files constantly (up to 5MB each file). meanwhile, we have a UI that most navigations require REST calls.
we limited the number of background downloads so it won't suffocate the operationQueue that RESTkit uses.
when several files are downloaded in background, we see the network usage with 1->2 MB (which is understandable).
The problem is: the user navigates through the app, and each navigation calls a quick REST call that should return very little data. but because of the background downloads, the UI call is taking forever (~10 seconds).
Priority did not help, i saw that the UI call i make instantly is handled by the operation queue (because we limited the downloads limit and the NSOperationQueue had more space to fulfill other requests.
when we limited the concurrent REST download calls to 5 - the REST calls from the UI took 10 seconds.
when we limited the concurrent REST download calls to 2 - everything worked fine.
the issue here is that because we let only 2 downloads occur in the background - the whole background operation of downloading files will take forever.
the best scenario would be that every UI call would be considered as most important network-wise and even pause the background operations and let only the UI call to be handled - then resume the background operation - but i'm not sure it's possible.
any other idea to address this issue?
You could use 2 RKObjectManagers so that you have 2 separate queues, then use one for 'UI' and the other for 'background'. On top of that you can set the concurrent limits for each queue differently and you could suspend the background queue. Note that suspending the queue doesn't mean already running operations are paused, it just stops new operations from being started.
By doing this you can gain some control, but better options really are to limit the data flow, particularly when running on a mobile data network, and to inform the user what is happening so they can accept the situation or pause it till later.

Is there a way to update GUI or use GUI while CPU is working?

The GUI of my program freezes while the program is doing its work. I created a mass import which can send X-thousand datarows via a called webservice into a database. The code is already very big and I cannot rewrite it for multithreading purpose.
I don't know how to do it. Any suggestions? If needed I will show some code, but at the moment I don't know what to show.
Firstly, you should rewrite it to use avoid synchronously doing this on the UI thread. If you do a lot of work on the UI thread, it simply will freeze the UI thread. There are a few options here:
If your web service proxy supports asynchronous calls, and if you're using VB 11, you can use Async / Await to call the web service asynchronously from the UI thread in an asynchronous method, and control will return back to the UI thread at the same point in the asynchronous method when the call has completed. It takes a little while to get your head round asynchrony, but this is probably the best option if it's possible.
You can use the Task Parallel Library to make calls on a different thread, but then you'll need to think carefully about how that thread is going to interact with your UI thread.
You can use BackgroundWorker to run some code on another thread, but report progress and completion back on the UI thread
You could potentially call Application.DoEvents between each web service call, to let the UI handle events. This is dangerous - it can lead to re-entrant code, so locks won't behave as you expect them to, and similar hard-to-diagnose errors. This should be your last option, if all else fails.

IDuplexSessionChannel BeginSend not sending during high UI thread tasks

We have a Silverlight 4 application utilizing an IDuplexSessionChannel to send data to/from the application to a WCF service.
I've noticed that during very high UI thread usage (such as application startup when the UI is building itself) calls to our WCF service via IDuplexSessionChannel.BeginSend are not sent until the UI has completed rendering.
The calls to BeginSend are being done within a BackgroundWorker.
Does the actual execution of BeginSend occur on the main thread? I couldn't find anything "official" that documents this.
It would seem so since even if I have the main thread Sleep or WaitOne the messages still do not go through (note this was just a test).
What would be the best way to get those calls to go out immediately?

WCF: Is it safe to spawn an asynchronous worker thread on the server?

I have a WCF service method that I want to perform some action asynchronously (so that there's little extra delay in returning to the caller). Is it safe to spawn a System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker within the method? I'd actually be using it to call one of the other service methods, so if there were a way to call one of them asynchronously, that would work to.
Is a BackgroundWorker the way to go, or is there a better way or a problem with doing that in a WCF service?
BackgroundWorker is really more for use within a UI. On the server you should look into using a ThreadPool instead.
when-to-use-thread-pool-in-c has a good write-up on when to use thread pools. Essentially, when handling requests on a server it is generally better to use a thread pool for many reasons. For example, over time you will not incur the extra overhead of creating new threads, and the pool places a limit on the total number of active threads at any given time, which helps conserve system resources while under load.
Generally BackgroundWorker is discussed when a background task needs to be performed by a GUI application. For example, the MSDN page for System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker specifically refers to a UI use case:
The BackgroundWorker class allows you to run an operation on a separate, dedicated thread. Time-consuming operations like downloads and database transactions can cause your user interface (UI) to seem as though it has stopped responding while they are running. When you want a responsive UI and you are faced with long delays associated with such operations, the BackgroundWorker class provides a convenient solution.
That is not to say that it could not be used server-side, but the intent of the class is for use within a UI.