SQL Replication error - row was not found at the Subscriber - sql

We are trying to setup replication on a SQL Server 2005 database. We have followed some instructions for the past year, and all has been fine. Recently, it started failing (Development environment, so every week we rebuild the database.. and apply replciation).
We follow a set of steps, snap shot gets generated.. and applied to the replicated database. All fine. No errors.
We then add a new row to the source database, and bang! Error.
Command attempted:
if ##trancount > 0 rollback tran
(Transaction sequence number: 0x000004BE00000558000100000000, Command ID: 1)
Error messages:
The row was not found at the Subscriber when applying the replicated command. (Source: MSSQLServer, Error number: 20598)
We're inserting a row, but it's complaining that the row isn't on the subscriber. That's right, though. We want it to replicate the insert to the subscriber...
When we do a SELECT COUNT(*) on both the source and the destination, the row count is the same, until we do the INSERT, at which point, the source incriments, but the destination remains the same....
Any ideas where we can start looking?

Ugh... this error sucks. When you say that you inserted a row, I assume that you inserted it at the publisher. That's not going to work; replication delivers commands serially. That is, it won't replicate the fact that you inserted the missing row until it gets past your current error.
So, here's where we start. In the error message, we see an transaction sequence number. We can use that to determine the primary key of the missing row. At the distributor, there's a stored procedure called sp_browsereplcmds. You can plug in the transaction sequence number in for both the #xact_seqno_start and #xact_seqno_end parameters. You'll also see a command_id parameter in the stored procedure; this corresponds to the Command ID in your error message. Try executing the procedure with just those parameters specified. It should give you the command that it's trying to execute at the subscriber. From there, you can tell the primary key of the row that it's either trying to update or delete. You can then insert a row with that primary key at the subscriber and replication will move on.
Alternatively, you could drop this article from this subscriber, re-add it, and re-initialize that article. It's a bit more intense on the server, but is a lot less fiddly.

This is due to data corruption on publisher database,we faced the same replication errors,when we ran DBCC check DB with allow data loss.
Finally We tried doing RCA like
1.) Checking for storage errors by doing CHKDSK in offline mode
2.)Purging the table if it has a lot of data ..in our case we had 40 million rows.
The issue was gone after doing Purging data in our case


Recover Deleted Rows in OUTPUT clause

I ran the following query in SSMS without capturing the result in table variable. Is there any way I can get the deleted row using temporay created DELETED table? I have not closed the SQL session. I am in the same session where I have ran the following query.
delete from [AdventureWorksDW2014].[dbo].[FactCallCenter]
output deleted.*
where FactCallCenterID = 119
No, the resultset from OUTPUT without INTO goes straight to the client like any other SELECT. So you should be able to see the in SSMS if you have not run another query since.
If you need to undelete rows, restore from backup. Failing that, find software that can replay the transaction log. Make sure the transaction log is not truncated by backup software in the interim.

Using Commit in a SQL Server Trigger

Currently I am working on a requirement which requires logging of input record into a staging table.
The requirement summery is as below:
Web Service will send a request which will insert a record into the level 1 staging table (StagingTable1).
A database trigger on StagingTable1 will process the validity of the record and raise an error
This error message gets acknowledged as Web Service response to other end system.
My challenge is to track these failed records in another staging table StagingTable2. But RAISERROR in a trigger is causing the entire transaction to rollback.
How this can be achieved?
Note: I tried temporary tables but it does not work. Pragma_autonomuos transactions are not possible in SQL Server as far as I know.
You can make the trigger put the record into the StagingTable2 - or not, so the absence of it will indicate an unsuccessful validation. You can even put error descriptions, along with row' key, into some other table, so that you will always know which ones failed to pass.
Or you can use Service Broker for that, if your servers are far enough away from each other.

Troubleshooting ORA-00942

In the middle of an automated test run last night, one of my twenty worker threads blew out; the application was attempting an INSERT. Springframework reports ORA-00942: table or view does not exist.
Connecting to the database ( through the enterprise manager, I pull up a SQL worksheet and query the table, discovering (a) that the table exists now (b) the row that should have been inserted is missing (c) the row previously inserted by this thread is present (d) that the table has rows before and after the error in time.
For a user with little oracle experience, how do I verify that the error originated with this database server, and from there how do I walk the error back to a root cause?
I would start as close to the database as possible, to confirm what SQL is executed, committed, rolled back etc. in the database itself. I'd set up TKPROF (check the docs, or visit Tom Kyte's site for more info) and see what actually gets executed from your app. That will at least help you to see if what you expect to be executed is actually "arriving" as it should.
An ORA-00942 will occur if the table is "invisible" to the calling programme i.e. if the permissions are not sufficient.
As Dave K said, the table may have existed, but became "invisible" to your process.
Because of the phrase "last night", my thoughts lead that there may be a nightly process, like a backup or clean-up process, which caused the table to be taken offline.

Is a commit needed on a select query in DB2?

I have a vendor reporting product executing queries to pull report data, no inserts, no updates just reading data.
We have double our heap size 3 times and are now at 1024 4k pages, The app will run fine for a week then we will begin to see DB2 SQL error: SQLCODE: -954, SQLSTATE: 57011 indicating the transaction log is not able to accomodate the request.
Its not the size of the reports since they run fine after a recycle. I spoke with another DBA on this. He believe the problem was in a difference between ORACLE and DB2 in that the vendor code is crappy and not issuing commits on the selects. This is causing the references to not be cleaned up and is slowly accumulating as garbage in the heap.
I wanted to know if this is accurate as I thought only inserts and updates needed to have commits included. Is there any IBM documentation on this?
We are currently recycling on a weekly basis to alleviate the problem but I would like to have a good handle on the issue before going back to the vendor asking them to alter their code.
Any transaction needs to be properly terminated -- why did you think that only applies to inserts and updates? Consider running transactionally a "select a from b where c > 12" and then "select a from b where c <= 12"; within a transaction the DB has to guarantee that every a gets returned exactly once either from the first or second select, not both (assuming c is never null;-). Without transactionality, some a's might fall between the cracks or be returned twice if their corresponding c was changed by a different transaction, and that's just not ACID!-)
So when you do not need separate SELECT queries to be transactional wrt each other, tell the DB! And the way you tell, is by terminating the transaction after each select (normally commit is what you use for the purpose, though I guess you could, indifferently, choose to use rollback here;-).
Per Alex's response, the first SQL activity after any CONNECT, COMMIT, or ROLLBACK initiates a transaction.
To get a handle on your resource issue (transaction logs full), you should investigate your application that issues the reports - ensure that transactions are being closed out explicitly in code. I've seen cases where application developers rely upon the Garbage Collector to clean up database objects - while those objects are waiting for cleanup, the database resources (transactions) are held open.
It's always good practice to explicitly COMMIT or ROLLBACK your transactions as soon as you are done with the data - regardless of the programming methodology you use.
I get this error when committing transaction on a SELECT query, but despite the error it does return a Result-Set that include queried data.
error [hy011] [ibm] cli0126e the operation is invalid sqlstate=hy011
I changed my code to tran.Rollback(); and the error disapered.
Can anyone explain this behavior?

uncommittable transaction is detected at the end of batch. the transaction is rolled back

We are having problem with the server migration. We have one application that are having
so much transactions It working fine on the one database server. But when transfer same database to another server. We are facing the following error.
Server: Msg 3998, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Uncommittable transaction is
detected at the end of the batch. The
transaction is rolled back.
Same database is copied to the another server with the all data. If we change connectionstring to old server then it is working fine.
Can anybody suggest on this?
This message means one of the other participants in the transaction voted to rollback. After that the transaction must fail.
So this message is a consequence, rather than a cause. Are you receiving any earlier / other error messages?
What happens when you run the query from Management Studio?
What you seem to have is a problem where the record is acceptable in one database but not theother. Suggest you look at the differnces between the two database structures (yes I know they are supposed to be the same, but clearly they are not). Suspect you will either find a collation difference, a data type differnce, or a data length differnce between the two. YOu might also have a table where the identity definition is missing and thus it can't insert becasue it is a required field and the value is missing. Tools like SQl Compare are easy to use to find differences.