Cannot remove rows in datagridview in -

My datagridview is bound to a data table. I want to filter the datagridview without affecting data table. I know one way is to use bindingsource, but binding source will use column names in its filter. But I want to enable users to enter any string in a textbox to filter. So I pass datagridview by reference to a function PassFilter which removes unwanted rows in datagridview. I can see that it does execute rows removal in datagridview. But the problem is that when datagridview is shown on the form, it is unchanged, the same as the data table. I do not understand why rows are not removed on datagridview
The code is as follows:
DataGridView1.DataSource = table
PassFilter(DataGridView1, m_FilterQuick.strFilter.ToLower())
Private Sub PassFilter(ByRef datagridview As DataGridView, ByVal strFilter As String)
Dim i As Integer = 0
Dim j As Integer = 0
Dim containStr As Boolean = False
While i < datagridview.Rows.Count
j = 0
containStr = False
'If all cells in a row does not contain strFilter, delete this row from datagridview
While j < datagridview.Rows(i).Cells.Count
Dim c As DataGridViewCell = datagridview.Rows(i).Cells(j)
If Not c.Value Is DBNull.Value Or Nothing Then
If c.Value.ToString().ToLower().Contains(strFilter) Then
containStr = True
Exit While
End If
End If
j = j + 1
End While
If Not containStr Then
End If
i = i + 1
End While
End Sub

Your big problem is that you're removing items in the DataGridViewRowCollection as you're iterating through that collection. Even if you're not getting an 'index out of range' error doing this you're going to end up removing the wrong row(s) as the index value of later rows change when you remove earlier rows.
What you should do is instead of removing rows in your row loop, add the row's index to a List(Of Integers).
After you're done iterating through all the rows in your DataGridView, Reverse() your list and use the row index values in your List to remove rows via the RemoveAt() method.
Here's what I mean:
Private Sub PassFilter(ByRef datagridview As DataGridView, ByVal strFilter As String)
Dim i As Integer = 0
Dim j As Integer = 0
Dim containStr As Boolean = False
' Row indexes we'll remove later on.
Dim deleteIndexList As List(Of Integer) = New List(Of Integer)
While i < datagridview.Rows.Count
j = 0
containStr = False
'If all cells in a row does not contain strFilter, delete this row from datagridview
While j < datagridview.Rows(i).Cells.Count
Dim c As DataGridViewCell = datagridview.Rows(i).Cells(j)
' Note: you'll want to enclose the tests for DBNull.Value and Nothing in parens like I show here.
If Not (c.Value Is DBNull.Value And c.Value Is Nothing) Then
If c.Value.ToString().ToLower().Contains(strFilter) Then
containStr = True
Exit While
End If
End If
j = j + 1
End While
If Not containStr Then
' Don't remove rows here or your row indexes will get out of whack!
' datagridview.Rows.RemoveAt(i)
End If
i = i + 1
End While
' Remove rows by reversed row index order (highest removed first) to keep the indexes in whack.
For Each idx As Integer In deleteIndexList
End Sub

Are you displaying the data as read-only, or for edit?
If you're allowing the users to edit, can you find some way to hide the rows you don't want shown, rather than trying to remove them?
If you're displaying this as read-only, you could grab the data after the filtering, and throw it into a new datagridview.... (ugly, yes, but a possible option)
Oh wait... what about if you pass the datagridview by value instead of reference, so your changes at remove will be maintained?


DataGridView live search data

I am trying to add a search function to a DataGridView in using this code
For i As Integer = 0 To ContactsList.RowCount - 1
For j As Integer = 0 To ContactsList.ColumnCount - 1
If ContactsList.Rows(i).Cells(j).Value.ToString.ToLower.Trim = ContactsListSearch.Text.ToLower.Trim Then
MsgBox("Item found " + i.ToString)
ContactsList.Rows(i).Visible = True
ContactsList.Rows(i).Visible = False
End If
I'm seeing the MsgBox show when the value matches, but the rows are not showing, it just hides all rows
Another possible option is to load data into a DataTable, create a BindingSource, set the BindingSource DataSource property to the DataTable. Set the DataGridView DataSource property to the BindingSource.
The following example works against a column in the DataTable. If the user clears the TextBox the filter is removed while if there is text filter with trim.
Private Sub SearchButton_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) _
Handles SearchButton.Click
If String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SearchTextBox.Text) Then
bindingSource.Filter = ""
Dim currentRowCount = bindingSource.Count
bindingSource.Filter = $"TRIM(LastName) = '{SearchTextBox.Text}'"
MessageBox.Show($"Before: {currentRowCount} Now: {bindingSource.Count}")
End If
End Sub
Edit If the column name might be variable consider loading a ComboBox with column names then adjust code as follows.
bindingSource.Filter = $"TRIM({FilterComboBox.Text}) = '{SearchTextBox.Text}'"
In most cases working against a data source is better than working against cells values as per the above recommendation.
I added 2 Exits in the IF statement when the value matches as it's searching each column as well, so it was causing them to be hidden as it loops columns too
For i As Integer = 0 To ContactsList.RowCount - 1
For j As Integer = 0 To ContactsList.ColumnCount - 1
If ContactsList.Rows(i).Cells(j).Value.ToString.ToLower.Trim = ContactsListSearch.Text.ToLower.Trim Then
MsgBox("Item found " + i.ToString)
ContactsList.Rows(i).Visible = True
ContactsList.Rows(i).Visible = False
End If

How to compare DataGridView cell data to DataSet cell data

In a VB.NET WinForms project I'm working on in VS2013 I am detecting when the user changes something in a cell on the CellValueChanged event. When a row in the DataGridView is found that is different from the DataSet I highlight the row in pink.
In my code though, I only know how to iterate through all of the rows, rather than just compare the row that fired the CellValueChanged event to the DataSet.
Here's my current code:
Private Sub dgvEmployees_CellValueChanged(sender As Object, e As DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles dgvEmployees.CellValueChanged
' Pass the row and cell indexes to the method so we can change the color of the edited row
CompareDgvToDataSource(e.RowIndex, e.ColumnIndex)
End Sub
Private Sub CompareDgvToDataSource(ByVal rowIndex As Integer, ByVal columnIndex As Integer)
' Force ending Edit mode so the last edited value is committed
Dim dsChanged As DataSet = EmployeesDataSet.GetChanges()
If Not dsChanged Is Nothing Then
For Each dt As DataTable In dsChanged.Tables
For Each row As DataRow In dt.Rows
For i As Integer = 0 To dt.Columns.Count - 1
Dim currentColor As System.Drawing.Color = dgvEmployees.AlternatingRowsDefaultCellStyle.BackColor
If Not row(i, DataRowVersion.Current).Equals(row(i, DataRowVersion.Original)) Then
Console.WriteLine("Row index: " & dt.Rows.IndexOf(row))
' This works
dgvEmployees.Rows(rowIndex).DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.LightPink
' Need to change the BackColor back to what it should be based on its original alternating row color
End If
End If
End Sub
As you can see, I'm passing the row and column index of the changed cell, so how can I take that and compare it to the specific row and/or cell in the unchanged DataSet?
Nocturnal reminded me that I need to allow for sorting of the DGV, so using row indexes won't work. He offered this as a solution (changed slightly to work with my objects):
If Not dsChanged Is Nothing Then
For Each dtrow As DataRow In dsChanged.Tables("employees").Rows
If DirectCast(dtrow, EmployeesDataSet.employeesRow).employeeID.ToString = dgvEmployees.Rows(rowIndex).Cells("employeeID").Value.ToString Then
For i As Integer = 0 To dsChanged.Tables("employees").Columns.Count - 1
If Not dtrow(i, DataRowVersion.Current).Equals(dtrow(i, DataRowVersion.Original)) Then
Console.WriteLine("Employees ID: " & DirectCast(dtrow, EmployeesDataSet.employeesRow).employeeID)
dgvEmployees.Rows(rowIndex).Cells(columnIndex).Style.BackColor = Color.LightPink
' Need to change the BackColor back to what it should be based on its original alternating row color
End If
End If
End If
However, I'm getting an error on the If DirectCast... line saying "Column named "employeeID" cannot be found." I'm not sure if the error is on the DataSet or on the DGV, but there is an employeeID column in the database and DataSet. There is an employeeID as a bound column for the DataGridView, but it is set to Visible = False. That's the only thing I can think of that could possibly cause that error, but if it's a bound column, I would think it could be compared against as in this case.
Private Sub dgvEmployees_CellValueChanged(sender As Object, e As DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles dgvEmployees.CellValueChanged
' Pass the row and cell indexes to the method so we can change the color of the edited row
CompareDgvToDataSource("employees", e.RowIndex, e.ColumnIndex)
End Sub
Private Sub CompareDgvToDataSource(ByVal dataSetName As String, ByVal rowIndex As Integer, ByVal columnIndex As Integer)
' Takes a dataset and the row and column indexes, checks if the row is different from the DataSet and colors the row appropriately
Dim dsChanges As DataSet = EmployeesDataSet.GetChanges()
If Not dsChanges Is Nothing Then
For Each dtrow As DataRow In dsChanges.Tables("employees").Rows
If DirectCast(dtrow, EmployeesDataSet.employeesRow).employeeID.ToString = dgvEmployees.Rows(rowIndex).Cells("employeeID").Value.ToString Then
For i As Integer = 0 To dsChanges.Tables("employees").Columns.Count - 1
If dtrow.RowState.ToString = DataRowState.Added.ToString Then
' TODO: Color entire new row
ElseIf dsChanges.Tables(dataSetName).Rows(0).HasVersion(DataRowVersion.Original) Then
If Not dtrow(i, DataRowVersion.Current).Equals(dtrow(i, DataRowVersion.Original)) Then
Console.WriteLine("Employees ID: " & DirectCast(dtrow, EmployeesDataSet.employeesRow).employeeID)
dgvEmployees.Rows(rowIndex).Cells(columnIndex).Style.BackColor = Color.LightPink
' TODO: Need to change the BackColor back to what it should be based on its original alternating row color
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
My project has four DGVs in it, so this will eventually be expanded to allow for all four DGVs to be checked for changes.
have a look at this approach it is simlar but only iterating the specific Table
Private Sub dgvEmployees_CellValueChanged(sender As Object, e As DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles dgvEmployees.CellValueChanged
' Pass the row and cell indexes to the method so we can change the color of the edited row
CompareDgvToDataSource(e.RowIndex, e.ColumnIndex, sender.DataSource.datamember.ToString)
End Sub
and comparing the ID of the given Table
Private Sub CompareDgvToDataSource(ByVal rowIndex As Integer, ByVal columnIndex As Integer, tablename As String)
Dim dsChanged As DataSet = EmployeesDataSet.GetChanges()
If Not dsChanged Is Nothing Then
For Each dtrow As DataRow In dsChanged.Tables(tablename).Rows
If DirectCast(dtrow, EmployeesDataSet.EmployeeRow).EmployeeID = dgvEmployees.Rows(rowIndex).Cells("EmployeeID").Value Then
Dim currentColor As System.Drawing.Color = dgvEmployees.AlternatingRowsDefaultCellStyle.BackColor
For i As Integer = 0 To dsChanged.Tables(tablename).Columns.Count - 1
If Not dtrow(i, DataRowVersion.Current).Equals(dtrow(i, DataRowVersion.Original)) Then
Console.WriteLine("Employees ID: " & DirectCast(dtrow, EmployeesDataSet.EmployeeRow).EmployeeID)
' This works
dgvEmployees.Rows(rowIndex).Cells(columnIndex).Style.BackColor = Color.LightPink
' Need to change the BackColor back to what it should be based on its original alternating row color
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
and i am only changing the backcolor of the cell that was changed not the entire row....but depends how you would use that information anyways
Console.WriteLine(EmployeesDataSet.Employee(rowIndex)(columnIndex, DataRowVersion.Original).ToString())
Console.WriteLine(EmployeesDataSet.Employee(rowIndex)(columnIndex, DataRowVersion.Current).ToString())
you can see Current and Original Values

Search DataGridView for Integer Then Select Row

The below code should search DataGridView1 which is on the LeaderAccessTable form for an integer that the user inputs into SendFromID, if the DataGridView1's first column contains what the integer that the user has entered into SendFromID then the entire row should be selected. However it doesn't select any rows at all... Can anyone see why? This code is ran from a separate form.
Dim intcount As Integer
For Each Row As DataGridViewRow In LeadersAccessTable.DataGridView1.Rows
If LeadersAccessTable.DataGridView1.Rows(intcount).Cells(0).Value.ToString = SendFromID.Text Then
LeadersAccessTable.DataGridView1.Rows(intcount).Selected = True
End If
In the end this code worked.
Dim v_SelectRow As Integer
For counter = 0 To (LeadersAccessTable.DataGridView1.Rows.Count - 1)
For counter2 = 0 To (LeadersAccessTable.DataGridView1.Columns.Count - 1)
If (LeadersAccessTable.DataGridView1.Rows(counter).Cells(0).Value.ToString.Contains(SendFromID.Text)) Then
LeadersAccessTable.DataGridView1.Rows(counter).Cells(0).Selected = True
v_SelectRow = LeadersAccessTable.DataGridView1.CurrentRow.Index
CurrentPoints.Text = LeadersAccessTable.DataGridView1.Item(8, v_SelectRow).Value
'Do Something
'Do Something
End If

System.NullReferenceException on a ForEach of a datagrid

So all is in the question, I have a datagrid view who's parcoured by a foreach in his rows collection like so dataGridView1.Rows and I get and error of null type in the second if of the for each
Sub DataColumnFirstDouble(ByRef dGridView As DataGridView, ByVal iCol As Integer)
Dim bFirstRow As Boolean = False
Dim sTemp As String = ""
For Each RW As DataGridViewRow In dGridView.Rows
If (bFirstRow) Then
If (RW.Cells(iCol).Value.ToString() = sTemp) Then
RW.Cells(iCol).Selected = True
dGridView.CurrentCell.Style.BackColor = Color.LightGreen
dGridView.CurrentCell.Style.ForeColor = Color.White
End If
End If
sTemp = RW.Cells(iCol).Value.ToString()
bFirstRow = True
End Sub
By the way the Datagrid is populated with 1 entry going
LongString, Number, Number
Hello , 8 , 8
The bug occur when I click on a new row also the function is called on the event of row leave
Need some help
By the way what I try to do is to check when the user enter the name in the longstring space who's a primary unique key in a database but It seems I can't find anythings to handle it by vb so I try to parse it every times he leave the rows to check if there's any double
It isn't clear where the error is, you should debug to figure out which variable exactly is null. So I'll assume it's RW.Cells(iCol).Value.
If there's no value in the cell, it might be null. This mean ToString won't work.
If (bFirstRow) Then
If RW.Cells(iCol).Value IsNot Nothing AndAlso RW.Cells(iCol).Value.ToString() = sTemp Then
RW.Cells(iCol).Selected = True
dGridView.CurrentCell.Style.BackColor = Color.LightGreen
dGridView.CurrentCell.Style.ForeColor = Color.White
End If
End If
You could even check if RW.Cells(iCol) exists, maybe it's trying to fetch the data in a cell that doesn't exists in the row.

Pasting Excel Clipboard Text to Databound DataGridView and Entity Framework Validation

In a Windows Forms project being developed in Visual Studio 2010, I have a DataGridView bound to a BindingSource whose DataSource is a BindingList(Of T). T is an entity from an Entity Framework 5 model.
My entities implement INotifyPropertyChanged and IDataErrorInfo.
My users are Excel heads and insist that I provide for the pasting of Excel data into the grids in use in our application.
So, I set out with a couple of simple rules.
Mimic as closely as possible the copy & paste behavior within Excel.
Pasting data into a new row in a DataGridView should create and validate new entities of the type represented in the grid.
I've come a long way with this but have now bumped up against something I can't figure out.
Judging by what information I can find, it seems clear that when pasting into a bound grid that the underlying data source should be the target of your edits and creates.
Or should it?
I've tried both ways.
When targeting the cells themselves, I hoped that I could write the routine such that the validation events built into DataGridView would fire when needed, whether I was editing an existing row or creating a new one.
I shortly discovered that it wasn't working as expected because CellValidating doesn't fire until the cell loses focus.
While pasting, I'd like to validate the cell at the moment a value is pasted into it - cancelling the rest of the paste operation if it fails.
When targeting the underlying data source (a row's DataBoundItem cast as the appropriate entity type), I can create new entities from the clipboard data and validate them before committing changes to the DbContext.
In either case, when validation fails, the DataGridView seems to have lost the previous value for the cell.
If validation fails the user is prompted and the routine exits. I'd like for user to be able to hit the Esc key to return the previous value for the cell, but the cell remains empty.
Does anyone know why the previous value is no longer available when editing a cell's value programatically?
Here's what I'm doing so far. I am forcing the validation events to fire by calling the form's .Validate method. I don't know if I should be doing that or not. It is incomplete in that I am not yet handling new rows:
Private Sub PasteFromClipboard(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As KeyEventArgs)
Dim dgv = TryCast(sender, DataGridView)
If Not IsNothing(dgv) Then
If dgv.SelectedCells.Count > 0 Then
Dim rowSplitter = {ControlChars.Cr, ControlChars.Lf}
Dim columnSplitter = {ControlChars.Tab}
Dim topLeftCell = CopyPasteFunctions.GetTopLeftSelectedCell(dgv.SelectedCells)
If Not IsNothing(topLeftCell) Then
Dim data = Clipboard.GetData(DataFormats.Text)
If Not IsNothing(data) Then
Dim columnIndex = topLeftCell.ColumnIndex
Dim rowIndex = topLeftCell.RowIndex
Dim columnCount = dgv.Columns.Count
Dim rowCount = dgv.Rows.Count
'Split clipboard data into rows
Dim rows = data.ToString.Split(rowSplitter, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
For i = 0 To rows.Length - 1
'Split row into cell values
Dim values = rows(i).Split(columnSplitter)
For j = 0 To values.Length - 1
If (j <= (columnCount - 1)) AndAlso (i <= (rowCount - 1)) Then
Dim cell = dgv.Rows(rowIndex + i).Cells(columnIndex + j)
dgv.CurrentCell = cell
cell.Value = values(j)
If Not Me.Validate() Then
Exit Sub
End If
Debug.Print(String.Format("RowIndex: {0}, ColumnIndex: {1}", i, j))
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Public Module CopyPasteFunctions
Public Function GetTopLeftSelectedCell(ByVal cells As DataGridViewSelectedCellCollection) As DataGridViewCell
If Not IsNothing(cells) AndAlso cells.Count > 0 Then
Dim cellList = (From c In cells.Cast(Of DataGridViewCell)()
Order By c.RowIndex, c.ColumnIndex
Select c).ToList
Return cellList(0)
End If
Return Nothing
End Function
End Module
Thanks for any help on this. Hopefully others are working with EF5 and Winforms. If not, I'm on my own!
This gets the job done when the grid contains one column.
It is assumed that the developer is handling the CellValidating event correctly, meaning that if validation fails the event is cancelled.
This routine closely resembles the copy and paste behavior one observes in Excel.
Private Sub PasteFromClipboard(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As KeyEventArgs)
Dim dgv = TryCast(sender, DataGridView)
If Not IsNothing(dgv) AndAlso Clipboard.ContainsText Then
If dgv.SelectedCells.Count > 0 Then
Dim rowSplitter = {ControlChars.NewLine}
Dim columnSplitter = {ControlChars.Tab}
Dim topLeftCell = CopyPasteFunctions.GetTopLeftSelectedCell(dgv.SelectedCells)
If Not IsNothing(topLeftCell) Then
Dim clipBoardText = Clipboard.GetText(TextDataFormat.Text)
Dim columnIndex = topLeftCell.ColumnIndex
Dim rowIndex = topLeftCell.RowIndex
Dim columnCount = dgv.Columns.Count
Dim rows = clipBoardText.Split(rowSplitter, StringSplitOptions.None)
For i = 0 To rows.Length - 2
'Split row into cell values
Dim values = rows(i).Split(columnSplitter)
Dim rowCount = dgv.Rows.Count
For j = 0 To values.Length - 1
If (i <= (rowCount - 1)) AndAlso ((j + 1) <= columnCount) Then
Dim cell = dgv.Rows(rowIndex + i).Cells(columnIndex + j)
dgv.CurrentCell = cell
dgv.EditingControl.Text = values(j)
If Not Me.Validate() Then
Exit Sub
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Public Module CopyPasteFunctions
Public Function GetTopLeftSelectedCell(ByVal cells As DataGridViewSelectedCellCollection) As DataGridViewCell
If Not IsNothing(cells) AndAlso cells.Count > 0 Then
Dim cellList = (From c In cells.Cast(Of DataGridViewCell)()
Order By c.RowIndex, c.ColumnIndex
Select c).ToList
Return cellList(0)
End If
Return Nothing
End Function
End Module
I would parse the data update the Entity Framework object with new objects of type that fits your Entity model. Then just save the Entity object and rebind your DGV.