Code for login with facebook in rails3? - ruby-on-rails-3

In my application we are providing user to login with facebook.Can any1 tell me the code for this?

Check this app:

Devise 1.2 now comes with facebook login support using omniauth and works with Rails 3.0. Check out


How to implement User Forgot Password in ABP.IO framework

I have created ForgotPassword under IdentityServer4 Project: Pages > Account
However I don't seem to find any resource on how to implement Forgot Password
I can go and build the front-end using Razor but not sure how to back-end should be implemented
NB: I am using ABP as version 3.0.5
Upgraded to 3.1.2 should solve the issue

Drupal 8 - Social Login

Is there any free social login modules (for twitter and facebook) available for drupal 8? I have checked OpenID Connect module, but it does not support facebook and twitter logins. Please advice, if there are any stable modules available for this.
You can use oneAll social login. It covers 25+ social networks and works well. Download here
There are two different modules
Which are based on social_api and social_auth modules. Create app in twitter and facebook and get the app_id and secret key and configure them under configuration> Social API Setting> Twitter/Facebook
For facebook login module in d8 you can use
For twitter login
But twitter module is in dev version so it is not functional yet.You can take inspiration from d7 version and try to upgrade

Rails3 and Omniauth-google

I've just got into using Omniauth for logging in with Twitter and Facebook and that's all working great. Then I started to work with Omniauth-google and couldn't find out where I signup to get my CONSUMER_KEY and CONSUMER_SECRET.
Where do I sign up for OAuth 1.0 access through google?
Google is pretty good at finding stuff about, well, Google. Here's what you're looking for:

How to integrate facebook login button in my rails 3 app

What is the easiest and reliable way to add facebook login button to my rails 3 app?
I Currently have a User model with email and password_hash and password_salt
Are there any good gems that make this easy in rails3?
Are my only options OmniAuth and Devise? I am currently using authenticating from scratch method from railscasts:
OmniAuth is the easiest and fastest choice, in my experience. Devise is great but much more heavyweight if all you're planning to do is Facebook OAuth.

authlogic connect tutorial

I am trying to add the facebook connect to an existing site in rails 3 that uses authlogic.
so that existing users can sign in via their facebook account (I'll find existing account via email id in facebook ) and new users can sign up using facebook too.
I am trying to use authlogic connect
( I found other alternative like omniauth , facebooker2 etc , omniauth plays well with devise but I dont want to move to devise & it seems only authlogic connect plays well with authlogic and rails3 )
But I am unable to find some proper tutorial where I could understand how to use it.
I looked at their project site :
I used the little help on their site and tried to do a little.
Now when the facebook login button is clicked it goes to facebook page asks for all the permission and then it comes back to a url with code as a paramater. what do I do with the code param ?
Can someone suggest me a proper tutorial (not example) for using the authlogic connect
Thank you
I really gave up on authlogic connect.
Though it seems its the best solution, It integrates so much iwht the authlogic that I am unable to customize it.
I finally got omniauth working with authlogic , though a lot of things were manually done
railcasts simple omniauth authentication helped a lot,