ignore null reference exception vb.net - vb.net

I am coding in vb.net.
At times the data is empty/null this is due to user's input into the db.
i will like to bypass it, however i get no luck.
here is snippet of my code:
If hct.mydbvalue.name IsNot Nothing Then
dr("mydbvalue") = hct.mydbvalue.name
End If
I still get an error:
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
is there a way if it is a null value to not do anything?

Both #FishBasketGordo and #Yuck are correct, you need to check the full object path for nullability:
If (hct IsNot Nothing) AndAlso (hct.mydbvalue IsNot Nothing) AndAlso (hct.mydbvalue.name IsNot Nothing) Then
dr("mydbvalue") = hct.mydbvalue.name
End If

You won't get a NullReferenceException from data in the database that's null when using ADO.NET; ADO.NET uses DBNull.Value to represent null, so your null reference is coming from somewhere else. In the code above, your exception could occur if any of the following were null:

Make sure that the whole chain is not null. If hct or mydbvalue is null, you'll get the exception.

To me this looks like hct.mydbvalue is null, and therefore you can't call "name" on it.

Private Function NullCheck(ByVal inObject As Object, Optional ByVal defaultValue As Object = "") As Object
Dim out As Object
If Not IsDBNull(inObject) Then
out = inObject ' This returns the value that was passed in when it is not null
out = defaultValue ' This ensures that out is something and defaults to ""
End If
Return out
End Function

You should be checking whether hct is Nothing, as well as mydbvalue. If you look at the exception message property, it will tell you which is causing the error.

I'm also solving this problem, but in C#.
On my project we've complex object paths like "RootObject.childObject.LitleObject.TinyObject.StringName"
when any of these objects in the path is null, you'll get a null reference when you try something easy like
if(RootObject.childObject.LitleObject.TinyObject.StringName == "a")
I would be okay if it just works as whole rest of the path will be null.
eg. when childObject = null, then I want also RootObject.childObject.LitleObject.TinyObject.StringName to be null, not null reference exception.
However I've found no solution yet, but there is one new operator which can slightly help you in some null tasks.
a = object.object ?? defaultValue;
operator ?? is something like ISNULL in SQL server. If object on left is null, it returns the object from right.
It also replaces whole function NullCheck posted by Michael above.
Hope this will help a bit.
more info on operators

you're talking about diferent things.
It doesn't matter if you use ISDBNull(x.y), String.IsNullOrEmpty(x.y) or (x.y=null)
The problem is far sooner than your selected function is called.
when X is null, it cannot have a property Y. so when you call
the error raises during evaluation of x.y (null. doesn't exist), so it stops before the machine actually knows what is the function you want to call.
Probably only way to check this, would be using reflection. But you would need to send string with path and reference to root. so something like:
var v = GetValueThroughReflection(rootObject, "rootObject.path.to.the.last.object");
Then you'll be able to write a function which will go through the object path and find which one is null and handle it accordingly. e.g. returns null.
But when you'll heavy use that function, it can make your application run slower. as you'll use reflection for such simple task as is getting value out of variable.

from VS14+ you can use
If hct?.mydbvalue?.name IsNot Nothing Then
dr("mydbvalue") = hct.mydbvalue.name
End If

Try inserting a IF NOT isdbnull(hct.mydbvalue.name)

The following code checks all values.
If hct IsNot Nothing AndAlso
hct.mydbvalue IsNot Nothing AndAlso
Not String.IsNullOrWhitespace(hct.mydbvalue.name) Then
dr("mydbvalue") = hct.mydbvalue.name
End If
Note that the last test used String.IsNullOrWhitespace(). I'm assuming name is a string and you don't want to save empty strings.
Update 1
The following code is a simple console application to prove that using IsDbNull() or Micheal's NullCheck() will throw NullReferenceException when hct.mydbvalue is Nothing.
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim hct = New hct
Dim dr = New Dictionary(Of String, String)
Dim errorCount = 0
Dim thisCallWillFail = IsDBNull(hct.mydbvalue.name)
Catch ex As NullReferenceException
"Using IsDBNull() threw NullReferenceException as expected."
errorCount += 1
End Try
Dim thisCallWillFail = NullCheck(hct.mydbvalue.name)
Catch ex As NullReferenceException
"Using NullCheck() threw NullReferenceException as expected."
errorCount += 1
End Try
Console.WriteLine("errorCount = 2? {0}", errorCount = 2)
End Sub
Private Function NullCheck(ByVal inObject As Object,
Optional ByVal defaultValue As Object = "") As Object
Dim out As Object
If Not IsDBNull(inObject) Then
' This returns the value that was passed in when it is not null
out = inObject
' This ensures that out is something and defaults to ""
out = defaultValue
End If
Return out
End Function
End Module
Public Class hct
Property mydbvalue As mydbvalue
End Class
Public Class mydbvalue
Property name As String
End Class


Dealing with Nothing in the middle of a string of calls

I am a relative VB.Net noob, and I'm learning by doing. I'm sure what I'm about to ask has been asked 10^19 times before, but whatever code word it's under, I can't figure out how to Google it. Here goes...
We have an object model with one or more Project objects that consists of several Tables, which contain Rows which have Fields. This leads to code all over our apps that looks something like this...
Dim theColor As String = Projects(1).Tables(5).Rows(22).Fields(3)
In our application, if any of the objects in this "call chain" does not exist, the correct value for theColor should be Nothing*. This is just like Excel - the value of an empty cell in an empty row is vbnull, not "Excel has crashed".
This is not how VB.Net works, however. If, for instance, Rows(22) does not exist, the Fields(3) is called on Nothing and an exception is thrown. My question is how to best deal with this...
1) I could check each value to see it it's not Nothing, but that leads to horrible amounts of code...
If Projects(1) IsNot Nothing AndAlso Projects(1).Tables(5) AndAlso...
We have thousands of these, the amount of code this would require would be enormous.
2) I could wrap all accessors in try/catch, but that's really just a different sort of (1)
3) I could have a special instance of each object that has empty values. So, for instance, Tables(5) returns NullTable and Row(22) returns NullRow. But this means I have to always use accessor methods, I can't just look in the underlying arrays. You're probably saying good, but sadly a lot of our older code does just that (yes, duh).
4) Something else entirely? Am I missing some magic that everyone other than me knows?
You could have a function called GetField
Instead of
Dim theColor As String = Projects(1).Tables(5).Rows(22).Fields(3)
You would have
Dim theColor As String = GetField(1, 5, 22, 3)
Function GetField(ByVal projectIndex As Integer, ByVal tableIndex As Integer, ByVal rowIndex As Integer, byVal fieldIndex As Integer) As Object
If Projects(projectIndex) Is Nothing Then
Return Nothing
End If
If Projects(projectIndex).Tables(tableIndex) Is Nothing Then
Return Nothing
End If
If Projects(projectIndex).Tables(tableIndex).Rows(rowIndex) Is Nothing Then
Return Nothing
End If
If Projects(projectIndex).Tables(tableIndex).Rows(rowIndex).fields(fieldIndex) Is Nothing Then
Return Nothing
End If
Return Projects(projectIndex).Tables(tableIndex).Rows(rowIndex).fields(fieldIndex)
End Function
But I got to say... what you are doing looks sloppy. You should think of using classes with properties.
You could concoct a "project manager" of sorts. It is hard to know how viable this is from the post, but something like:
Class ProjectManager
Public Property CurrentProject As ProjectThing
Public Property CurrentTable As Integer
Return tblIndex
End Get
If CurrentProject IsNot Nothing Then
If CurrentProject.Tables(value) Is Nothing Then
Throw exception
tblIndex = value
End If
End If
End Set
End Property
' etc
Then use it to store the current reference to the project and/or table. All the Is Not Nothings can be embedded there.
Private myPrj As New ProjectManager
myPrj.CurrentProject = Project(1)
myPrj.CurrentTable = 5
With the "manager" doing all the checking for everyone, you dont have to (much):
Dim theColor As String = myPrj.Rows(22).Fields(3)
Dim theColor As String = myPrj.GetRowValue(22, 3)
What it would really be doing is storing a validated object references for you, and testing those not worth storing. It could go as deep as you needed. Even if all it really did was encapsulate those Is Nothing/Is Not Nothing tests, it might add some value.
Public Function GetRowValue(r As Integer, f as Integer) As Something
If r < CurrentProject.Tables(tblIndex).Rows.Count AndAlso
f < CurrentProject.Tables(tblIndex).Rows(r).Fields.Count Then
Return ...
Public Function GetRowValue(Of T)(r As Integer, f as Integer) As T
Once a project is specified, it could expose helpful properties like TableCount. It is possible that the data represented by some of the most used, most important Const definitions, could be exposed as properties:
' swap a property interface for "3"
Dim theColor As String = myPrj.FooColor(22)
You can handle the exception:
Dim theColor As String = Nothing
theColor = Projects(1).Tables(5).Rows(22).Fields(3)
End Try
If you want to do it 'properly' you should specify the exceptions you are guarding against:
Dim theColor As String = Nothing
theColor = Projects(1).Tables(5).Rows(22).Fields(3)
Catch ex As IndexOutOfRangeException
Catch ex As NullReferenceException
End Try

Assign Nothing to a Short variable in VB.NET

I have a below line of code like this.
Private Sub SomeFunction(ByRef SomeShortVariable As Nullable(Of Short))
Dim SomeStringVariable As String = "" 'Let's assume it is "", that's how I am getting it in real time code
SomeShortVariable = IIf(SomeStringVariable = "", Nothing, SomeStringVariable) 'I want to set SomeShortVariable to Nothing but I am getting 0
End Sub
The variable SomeShortVariable is always sets to 0 even though I want it to be Nothing.
I know Short by default will set the variable to 0.
But how can I make it Nothing. I am using .NET 2.0.
Make SomeShortVariable a Nullable(Of Short) variable.
Also your statement should look like this:
SomeShortVariable = If(String.IsNullOrEmpty(SomeStringVariable), Nothing, New Nullable(Of Short)(Short.Parse(SomeStringVariable)))
If you're using Visual Studio 2005 the above won't work, because the If operator was only introduced in VS2008. So what you'll have to do is this:
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(SomeStringVariable) Then
SomeShortVariable = Nothing
SomeShortVariable = Short.Parse(SomeStringVariable)
End If
Of course you will want to validate that SomeStringVariable is a numeric string first. :)
Regarding your update, well, that's cause it's Short, and not Nullable(Of Short) in the parameter. Make it nullable of Short and you are done. Although I would refactor to avoid ByRef, have a string parameter SomeStringVariable and return a Nullable(Of Short). Then things would start to make more sense.
Private Shared Function SomeFunction(SomeStringVariable As String) _
As Nullable(Of Short)
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(SomeStringVariable) Then
Return Nothing
Return Convert.ToInt16(SomeStringVariable)
End If
End Function
EDIT: Actually shorthand syntax won't work in this case, for the reasons I outlined in my comment regarding change to If. Just don't use shorthand.
Watch out for the recommendations to use Convert or Parse on cases where the input string could be something other than an empty string but not a number (any user supplied input). It is typically better to use TryParse unless you are absolutely sure someone hasn't passed something in that you aren't expecting. Consider the following:
Dim someString = "a"
Dim someShort as new Nullable(Of Short)
Dim tempShort as Short
If Integer.TryParse(someString, tempShort) then
someShort = tempShort
end if
if Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(someString) then
someShort = Short.Parse(someString) ' Throws FormatException
end if


I am trying to run through all the controls in a panel and find which properties the user has changed for each control.
So I have this code:
Private Sub WriteProperties(ByVal cntrl As Control)
Dim oType As Type = cntrl.GetType
'Create a new control the same type as cntrl to use it as the default control
Dim newCnt As New Control
newCnt = Activator.CreateInstance(oType)
For Each prop As PropertyInfo In newCnt.GetType().GetProperties
Dim val = cntrl.GetType().GetProperty(prop.Name).GetValue(cntrl, Nothing)
Dim defVal = newCnt.GetType().GetProperty(prop.Name).GetValue(newCnt, Nothing)
If val.Equals(defVal) = False Then
'So if something is different....
End If
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox("WriteProperties : " & ex.Message)
End Try
End Sub
Now I face three problems:
When the property refers to image (BackGround Image) I have an error :
ImageObject reference not set to an instance of an object.
The second problem is that the code:
If val.Equals(defVal) = False Then
'So if something is different....
End If
is executes sometimes when the val and defVal are the same.
This is happening in cases that the property is a "parentProperty" like FlatAppearance (which has more child properties)
My loop doesn't look into basic properties like Size, or Location which I want
Re: Not set to an instance of an object, do something like ...
If val IsNot Nothing AndAlso defVal IsNot Nothing AndAlso Not val.Equals(defVal) Then
Which will only do the comparison if neither value is Nothing (aka Null).
Unfortunately, #2 is a fundamental problem - .Equals by default checks if the 2 object references point at the same object in memory - eg if You did
Dim A As New SomeClass
Dim B As New SomeClass
If A.Equals(B) Then
End If
Would return False unless SomeClass has an overridden equality comparer, which many classes do not.
You could check if the value in question is a type you know you can compare (Integer, String, Double, etc). If not, you could iterate through its properties and perform the same check again. This would allow you to compare the public properties of any type for equality but wouldn't guarantee the internal state of the classes is the same.
Something Like (Untested/Pseudo)...
Function Compare (PropA, PropB) As Boolean
Dim Match = True
If PropA.Value Is Nothing Or PropB.Value Is Nothing
Match = False
If PropA.Value.GetType.IsAssignableFrom(GetType(String)) Or
PropA.Value.GetType.IsAssignableFrom(GetType(Integer)) Or ... Then
Match = PropB.Value.Equals(PropB.Value)
For Each Prop In PropA.Value.GetType.GetProperties()
Match = Compare(Prop, PropB.Value.GetType.GetProperty(Prop.Name))
If Not Match Then Exit For
End If
End If
Return Match
End Function
This is still not ideal as the internal states of the values may differ.

SubSonic3 VB.Net Add,Update, FirstOrDefault Problems

I hade build sctive record dal with subsonic3 Vb.net templates. and i am dealing with alot of bugs in the sub sonic dlls.
1)in Add() function: (i have fix)
when indx has counter in the db the returnd new key type is decimal the active record fil have an exception "Public member 'Change Type To' n type 'Decimal' not found".
i managed to fix this bug. i changed in the activeRecord template the sub
Public Sub SetKeyValue(value As Object) Implements IActiveRecord.SetKeyValue
If value IsNot Nothing AndAlso value IsNot DBNull.Value Then
Dim settable = value.ChangeTypeTo(Of <#=tbl.PK.SysType#>)()
Me.GetType.GetProperty(Me.KeyName()).SetValue(Me, settable, Nothing)
End If
End Sub
Public Sub SetKeyValue(value As Object) Implements IActiveRecord.SetKeyValue
If value IsNot Nothing AndAlso value IsNot DBNull.Value Then
Dim settable = CType( value, <#=tbl.PK.SysType#>)
Me.GetType.GetProperty(Me.KeyName()).SetValue(Me, settable, Nothing)
End If
End Sub
2)in Update function() function:(I Have Fixed)
the update never do the work . after debuging it apeard that the sql statment of the update never have the "SET" dection of the query its always Like:
UPDATE [tableName] WHERE ...
It seems there is a problem in the Subsonic.Repository dll -- > IRepository The
Dirty Colums not apdated in new object for example :
Dim Cat as db.Category
Cat.Name= 'Motors'
Why when update there is no DirtyColumns How can i set Column as Dirty?
--Update problem resolved its not a bug.--
Resolved by adding after line 3 : CAT.SetIsLoaded(True) .
So when the propety IsLoaded is set to tru any column updated will be added to DirtyColums and thes will be Updated To DB
3) the FirstOrDefault Function : (Couldn't fix)
always i meaaaaaaaaan always throw exsiption = "Line 1: Incorrect syntax near '('."
from the SubSonic.Linq dll
Pleeeeeeeeeeeease help
Thanks In advance,
Firtly, which version of SubSonic3 are you using?
1) Not sure what you are trying to do here.
2) That is not how you update a record, try this...
Dim cat = Category.SingleOrDefault(Function(item) item.CategoryID = 1)
cat.CategoryName = "MOTORS"
3) Subsonic uses SingleOrDefault() as example above demonstrates.

Safest way to check for integer

This is probally more of an elegance question than functionality. I am looking for the absolutely safest way to check for an integer from a string and an object,
Using most of the built in functions for this in .net seem to generate a first chance exception, displayed in the Immediate window, and over time they just build up. what are the implications of these exceptions as they don't seem to affect the operation of the system.
Here are my two attempts, both feel clunky and I know there has to be a better way than using VB.IsDBNull and Integer.TryParse... Or am I just being anal.
(to integer from object)
Dim nInteger As Integer = 0
If oData Is Nothing OrElse VB.IsDBNull(oData) Then
If bThrowErrorIfInvalid Then
On Error Resume Next
End If
nInteger = CType(oData, Integer)
End If
Return nInteger
(to integer from string)
Dim nInteger As Integer = 0
If sText Is Nothing Then
If bThrowErrorIfInvalid Then
On Error Resume Next
End If
Integer.TryParse(sText, nInteger)
End If
Return nInteger
Whats wrong with using the Integer.TryParse? Thats what it was made for...
int i = 0;
string toTest = "not number";
if(int.TryParse(toTest, out i))
// it worked
How is that clunky? (C# not VB i know, but same diff)
EDIT: Added if you want to check from an object as well (since TryParse relies on a string) and im not too sure on how you actually plan to use it. Does that cover your concerns a little since this one method will check for both of your cases?
static bool TryParseInt(object o, out int i)
i = 0;
if (o.GetType() == typeof(int))
i = (int)o;
return true;
else if (o.GetType() == typeof(string))
return int.TryParse(o as string, out i);
return false;
You can try this:
Dim i as Integer
i = Convert.ToInt32(obj)
' This ain't an int
End Try
Convert is in the System namespace.
EDIT: Note: If you are going to put any other code in the Try block, make sure to specify that the only exception the Catch should catch is the exception thrown by Convert.ToInt32 if/when it fails - otherwise you could end up with a nasty problem if something else in that try/catch should fail.
Integer.TryParse is designed to be the safe way to do this: that's why it was put into the framework in the first place. For an Object, you could always just call ToString() before using TryParse.
I'd also avoid using On Error Resume Next in favor of a Try-Catch block if you need to swallow an error for some reason, as it's much less likely to cause an unwanted side effect.
Since it's VB you can also use the IsNumeric function
it seems in your second example, you have a unnecessary check for bThrowErrorIfInvalid because Integer.TryParse never throws an error. Something Like
If bThrowErrorIfInvalid And Not Integer.TryParse(sText, nInteger) Then
Throw New ArgumentException()
Dim d As Double = 2.0
Dim i As Integer = CInt(d)
If d - i = 0 Then
Debug.WriteLine("is integer")
Debug.WriteLine("not a integer")
End If