Difference between ipad/iphone/Universal Application - objective-c

can you please help me .
what is the Difference between ipad/iphone/Universal Application.

iPad application - Application meant to run on an iPad.
iPhone application - Application meant to run on an iPhone/iPod touch, but can also run on an iPad (in compatibility mode, with the 1x/2x toggle)
Universal Application - Application that runs on both iPad and iPhone/iPod touch and adapts to both screen sizes.

iPad uses different processor type than iPhone or iPod, so universal application carries both binaries.


MobileFiirst IBM App Center not list iPad universal app in iPhone device

I have a MobileFirst App for iPAD created using MobileFirst iPad environment. After build the app, in xCode we have changed the build setting from iPAD to Universal App. After uploading the iPA to IBM Application Center, it shows Device Family:iphone, iPad.
But while try to access the iPA from IBM app center client on iPhone. Its not listing this application.
MobileFirst Server, App Center, App Center client, Studio Version:
From your problem description I guess that you can get the application only when using iPad.
Please try to create 2 separates IPA files for iPad environment and iPhone environment (add these 2 environments in eclipse).
then, in the applicationDescriptor.xml you will have 2 different environments one for iPad and one for iPhone.
As far as I know you will need these two environments in order to download the application to iPad and iPhone.
Creating an iPad environment and change the build setting to universal will not work.
Please follow:

WinObjC orientation issue

I'm trying to convert an iOS project to Windows 10, it compiles and links successfully, the binary starts, but the app is not well oriented: my app is in landscape on iPad, but on Windows 10 all the UI is rotated by 90°...
I've no idea on how to fix that.

iOS app with iphone target only (non-universal) renders fine on ipad iOS7 but not on ipad iOS8

When I run my targeted iphone app on an ipad with iOS7, it renders in iphone mode and this is exactly what I want. In fact, when I print the size of the window bounds, it correctly prints out 320 x 480. However, when I run the same app on an ipad with iOS8, the app goes into full screen mode as the window bounds are now 1024 x 768.
Do you know how I can restrict the iOS8 ipad to render the app as an iphone only app and not a full screen ipad app?
NOTE: I did my testing on the same iPad device before and after the upgrade from iOS7 to iOS8. I'm also consistently able to repro this with the ipad simulators
This might be caused from a known bug in XCODE-6 that is fixed in XCODE-6.1 beta. If you are using the storyboard launch file, the iOS 8 iPad will not be scaled from iPhone mode, but will be treated as an actual iPad. To fix the bug, use static launch images by hitting use asset catalog on the following screen in the target options, general tab:
After this, make sure to have your static launch images uploaded to the .xcassets, or update to xcode 6.1 beta to fix the issue.

How to check if an app is running in iPhone emulation mode on iPad

I'm creating a keyboard for iOS 8. I have two xib files. One for the iPad and one for the iPhone.
I load the appropriate xib file by checking UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM.
The problem is for an app that is designed for an iPhone but runs in emulation mode on iPad, wrong xib file is loaded and the layout is full of problems.
How can I check if the app is an iPhone app but running in emulation mode on iPad?

iphone Dev. How can I make my app compatible with iOS 3 and iPads at the same time (iOS 4.2)

I've been looking around for a way to make my application compatible with iPhones-iOS3 and at the same time make it compatible with iphones and iPads that have iOS 4.2
I have seen some apps on the app store that claim to be compatible with iphones iOS3 and above, and with iPads.
Any idea on how they do that? How do they test against the different versions and how do they compile the final version that gets uploaded on the app store.
To make your app load in both iPad and iPhone, just make sure you have 2 different xibs to cater for each device, at application launch, check the device whether it's an iPad or iPhone and load the xib file accordingly.
iOS3 and multitasking unsupported devices will call applicationDidTerminate method when home button is pressed. iOS4 onwards, just make sure applicationDidEnterBackground method is implemented to support multitasking. You could also uncheck in the Info.plist file that your app does not support multitasking (not recommended by Apple), iOS will call applicationDidTerminate instead and the app will still be usable in both iOS3 & iOS4.