Converting meshes to metaballs - mesh

I'm doing a project where I need to convert an existing polygonal mesh into a static shape made from metaballs (blobs). I have voxelized the mesh with binvox to "a .raw file" (according to the description at binvox), but I have no clue of how it stores the data, and therefore don't know how to load it.
Question1: Is there any non PHD way to do so? Create a metaball model from a polygonal mesh.
Question2: Has anyone ever used the said .raw file format from binvox and if you did, how?

RLE Run length Encoding
The binary voxel data
The binary data consists of pairs of bytes. The first byte of each pair is the value byte and is either 0 or 1 (1 signifies the presence of a voxel). The second byte is the count byte and specifies how many times the preceding voxel value should be repeated (so obviously the minimum count is 1, and the maximum is 255).


How to manipulate bits in Smalltalk?

I am currently working on a file compressor based on Huffman decoding. So I have a decoding tree like so:
and I have to encode this tree on an output file by following a certain criteria:
"for each leaf, write out a 0 bit, followed by the 8 bits of
the corresponding character. Write out the bits in the order bit 7, bit 6, . . ., bit 0, that is high bit first. As a special case, if the byte is 0, write out bit 8, which will be a 0 for a byte value of 0, and 1 for a byte value of 256 (the EOF marker)." For an internal node, just write a bit 1.
So what I plan to do is to create a bit array and add to it the corresponding bits in the specified format. The problem is that I don't know how to convert a number to binary in smalltalk.
For example, if I want to encode the first leaf, I would want to do something like 01101011 i.e 0 followed by the bit representation of k and then add every bit one by one into the array.
I don't know which dialect you are using exactly, but generally, you can access the bits of Integer. They are modelled as if the representation was in two-complement, with an infinite sequence of bits.
2 is ....0000000000010
1 is ....0000000000001
0 is ....0000000000000 with infinitely many 0 on the left
-1 is ....1111111111111 with infinitely many 1 on the left
-2 is ....1111111111110
This is also true for LargeIntegers, even though they are generally implemented as sign magnitude (the class encodes the sign), two-complement will be emulated.
Then you can operate with bitAnd: bitOr: bitXor: bitInvert bitShift:, and in some flavours bitAt:put:
You can access the bits with (2 bitAt: index) where the index starts at 1 for least significant bit, or grows higher. If it's missing, implement it with bitAnd: and bitShift:...
For positive, you can ask for the rank of high bit (2 highBit).
All these operations should create a new integer (there's no in place modification possible).
Conceptually, a ByteArray is a collection of unsigned integers on 8 bits (between 0 and 255), so you can implement a bit Array with them (if it does not already exist in the dialect). Or you can use an Integer (but won't be able to control size which will be infinite, nor in place mofifications, operations will cost a copy).

What does PACK8/16/32 mean in VkFormat names?

I'm trying to understand the names of the items in the VkFormat enum, and so far I think I get all the structure of the names of all of the (non-block) formats, but I can't figure out what it means when they have a suffix of PACK8, PACK16, PACK32. If I add up the channel sizes, they always add up to 8, 16, or 32, nothing irregular, so I don't understand what it would mean to bit-pack these values, since they seem to be 100% efficient, using all their bits.
As usual, the documentation is not very helpful, just saying the format is packed without saying what that means.
The PACK fields mean exactly what the specification says they mean:
whole texels or attributes are stored in a single data element, rather than individual components occupying a single data element
Though if you find that too confusing, you could just look at the actual format descriptions. Vulkan goes into excruciating detail about them, to the point of needless repetition.
The difference between VK_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_RGB and VK_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_RGB_PACK32 is the same difference between a uint8_t[4] and a uint32_t. One is an array ("individual components"), while the other is a single value ("single data element") made up of smaller values.
If you have a uint8_t color[4] array, which stores B8G8R8A8, then color[0] stores the blue component. The order of the components in the array is defined by the order of the components in the format's name.
If you have a uint32_t color value, which stores B8G8R8A8, then (color & 0xFF000000) >> 24 will retrieve the blue component. The highest byte is the first, followed by the next highest and so forth.
The reason the packed-vs-not-packed distinction matters is because of endian issues. Arrays of bytes don't have endian issues. But values packed into 16 or 32-bits do have endian issues. The endian of the packed formats is always assumed to be the native endian of the host.

Structure Packing

I'm currently learning C# and my first project (as a learning experiment) is to create a DBF reader. I'm having some difficulty understanding "packing" according to this:
If I specified a packing of 2, wouldn't all structure elements begin on a 2-byte boundary, and if I specified a packing of 4, wouldn't all structure elements begin on a 4-byte boundary, and also consume a minimum of 4 bytes each?
For instance, a byte element would be placed on a 4 byte boundary, and the element following it (in a sequential layout) would be located on the next 4-byte boundary (losing 3 bytes to padding)?
In the image shown, in the "pack=4" it shows a byte that is on a 2 byte boundary, following a short.
If I understand the picture correctly, pack equal to n means that one variable cannot be stored "between" two packs of lengths n. In other words, bytes which compose a variable cannot cross one pack's boundary. This is only true if the size of a variable is less or equal to the size of a pack.
Let's take Pack = 4 as an example. Here, we can safely store a byte and a short in one pack, because they require 3 bytes of memory together. But since there is only one byte in the pack left, it requires one byte of padding to be able to store an int into the data structure, because what's left in the pack is too little to store the whole int.
I hope the explanation makes sense.
Looking at the picture again, I think it would be better if all data were aligned to the same side of a pack, either to bottom or top. This would make it clearer what's going on.

How does labview distinguish between array size info and the array data?

This isn't really a question about how to do something, more just to satisfy my curiosity.
According to this, Labview stores arrays in memory as a series of int32s describing the size of each dimension followed by the actual data. So, e.g., a 2-d array of size 3x5 would be stored as
0: 3
4: 5
8: data starts here
Now suppose you have an array of int32s. How would labview tell the difference between the actual data and the array size information? In the example above, for instance, how does labview know it's a 3x5 array and not a 1-d array of length 3 and then just ignore the remaining elements? Sorry if there is something obvious that I am missing.
If you look at the LabVIEW KB Article How LabVIEW stores data in memory, you'll see that every data-type is stored with type information. For an array it first stores an I32 for each dimension, followed by the flattenend data.
The actual data-type is stored in it's type-descriptor, it consists of a list of the different contained type descriptors. For an array the minimum is two:
The array
The data in the array
The array's type descriptor is
<nn> xx40 <k> <k dims> <k elems> <element type descriptor>
where nn is the total data-packet size
xx40 is the array datatype
k is the total number of dimensions
For the contained I32 the type descriptor is:
0004 xx03 xx
0004 is the length of the type descriptor
03 is the I32 type identifier
However it's has been changed between LabVIEW 7 and 8. Relying on the type descriptor is something you shouldn't mess with yourself. Let LabVIEW handle this.
When references to data are passed around in LabVIEW internally, the data type is always passed around, too. Data is passed around as void pointers and the type is passed along with them. So any time LabVIEW sees your array, it'll also see that the type is a 2d array of int32s. (I work on the LabVIEW team at National Instruments)

AVSampleBufferDisplayLayer renders half of each frame when using high preset

I am using AVSampleBufferDisplayLayer to display video that is being streamed over the network. On the sending side an AVCaptureSession is used to capture CMSampleBuffers which are serialized into NAL units and streamed to the receiver, which then turns them back into CMSampelBuffers and feeds them to AVSampleBufferDisplayLayer (as is described for instance here). It works quite well - I can see the video and it streams more or less smoothly.
If I set the capture session's sessionPreset to AVCaptureSessionPresetHigh the video shown on the receiving side is cut in half - the top half displays the video from the sender while the bottom half is a solid dark green. If I use any other preset (e.g. AVCaptureSessionPresetMedium or AVCaptureSessionPreset1280x720) the video displays in its entirety.
Has anyone encountered such an issue, or has any idea what might cause it?
I tried examining the data at the source as well as the data at the destination, to see if I can determine where the image is being chopped off, but I have not been successful. It occurred to me that perhaps the high quality frame is being split into more than one NALUs and I am not putting it together correctly - is that possible? How does such splitting look like on the elementary-stream level (if possible at all)?
Thank you
The problem turned out to be that at the preset AVCaptureSessionPresetHigh one frame would get split into more than one type 5 (or type 1) NALU. On the receiving side I was combining the SPS, PPS and type 1 (or type 5) NAL units into a CMSampleBuffer, but ignoring the second part of the frame if they were split, which caused the problem.
In order to recognize if two successive NAL units belong to the same frame it is necessary to parse the slice header of the picture NAL units. This requires delving into the specification, but goes more or less like this: the first field of the slice header is first_mb_in_slice which is encoded in Golomb encoding. Next come slice_type and the pic_aprameter_set_id, also in Golomb encoding, and finally the frame_number, as an unsigned integer of length (log2_max_frame_num_minus_4 + 4) bits (to get the value of log2_max_frame_num_minus_4 it is necessary to parse the PPS corresponding to this frame). If two consecutive NAL units have the same frame_num they are part of the same frame and should be put into the same CMSampleBuffer.