UIPopover from UIButton in UITableViewCell - objective-c

I have a UIButton inside a cell that is inside a tableView.
When the button is clicked, I want a popover to show up at that button.
Are there any examples of this?
Note: I am new at this, and still not familiar with coding.

The View Controller Programming Guide is a good place to start:
And these example apps use popovers:


NSToolBar for switchign views in storyboards - OS X (Objective-C)

Have been searching quite a while, maybe someone can direct me to a step by step tutorial on understanding how to use NSToolbar to switch between different view controllers and show them below the toolbar. Possibly resizing the window based on the view height and width.
Not familiar with swift, so any objective-c stuff is much obliged. Thank you.
You can use an NSTabViewController with its tabStyle set to NSTabViewControllerTabStyleToolbar.
You can add an NSTabViewItem to the tab view controller for each view controller; with the image of the tab view item set to the image you want in the toolbar.
This can be setup programmatically or in an interface builder storyboard.

UITableViewCell as subview?

I want to reuse views and code
Is it ok to add a UITableViewCell as a subview to a common view and not in UITableView?
Is it a good idea?
I don't think it's a good idea. UITableViewCell is made to serve as a cell and nothing else. Just like UIButton is made to be a clickable button. But you might think "well the button looks good, shouldn't i reuse it just as a subview?". No, you shouldn't do that. Button is a button, cell is a cell and so on. If you want to reuse your code then you should provide a kind of custom UIView and let it be subview for your cell or anything you want

Fixed searchbar like contacts

I want to use a UISearchBar that doesn't move, like in Apple's Contacts app. I also want to these components at the same depth, and I don't want the search bar in the tableview header.
When I try to attach UISearchBar below UINavigationBar in storyboard, interface builder doesn't show me suitable guideline. The guideline only generates when in tableview.
Is there no way to attach the search bar below UINavigationBar without programming?
I'm also searching an elegant way to build the search bar..
What I have now is a UINavigationController, inside which I have a UIViewController.
This UIViewController contains UISearchBar and UITableView. You can program the search bar on top and tableView below it.
vborra's link also helps.
It is easy to do what you are looking for, UISearchBar is somewhat meant for this. See the tutorial Here: http://www.appcoda.com/search-bar-tutorial-ios7/

Creating segue from UIImageView to other viewcontroller programatically

I have created few thumbnails of images dynamically and i want to display detail description about that image in other viewcontroller when the respective image is clicked. I am using Storyboard (universal) in Xcode 4.6.
I am new to Xcode can anyone suggest me how to create segue for transitioning to new View Controller when the image is clicked or tapped
Any suggestions or examples will be appreciated.
Thanks in Advance.
I am not able to get the click on the uiimageview which is subview of the uiscrollview and the images are created dynamically.
Also wanted to know that is there a way by which i can come to know which image is being clicked.

UIButton on UIButton

Here is a question for you:
I've got a UIButton that we'll call bottomButton. I have another UIButton that we'll call topButton. What I want to do is place topButton on top of bottomButton such that when you tap topButton, it's action is executed. The problem that I'm having is that when I tap topButton, its bottomButton's action that is getting executed.
So what I want to know is if it is possible to place a UIButton on another UIButton so that when tapped, only the top UIButton registers the tap. Savvy?
Any input is appreciated!
Yes, it's possible. There are three things to check out:
1) Is topButton actually situated above bottomButton in the view stack? [UIView bringSubviewToFront:] may help here.
2) Is topButton large enough to register the tap? Try making topButton larger than 44x44 and see if that helps.
3) Make sure that topButton is enabled.
I just saw your comment about adding topButton as a subview of bottomButton, and that's likely to be part of the problem. You could try adding both bottomButton and topButton to a new UIView, and then add that new UIView where you had previously used bottomButton.
If top button is a subview of bottom it won't get the touch events passed to it because the bottom button's hitTest:withEvent: is called first and it will return YES.
You could try overriding hitTest:withEvent: for the bottom buttom to have it call hitTest on its subviews (normally it doesn't have UIControls in its subviews) and return that subview instead if it has a hit.
Ah, I see now from reading your comments. Since you're adding a button TO another button, you'll need to make the superview intercept the touch event.
Read this post:
How to make a superview intercept button touch events?
I'm not sure about this one but have you tried adding them to the view in different orders? Does that make a difference? Test it out and see what happens!
Why would you add a button to a button?
Try adding them to the same parent but putting topButton over bottomButton.