Is there a database data browser app that will automatically compose views based on foreign keys? - sql

Every now and then when I'm browsing data in a database, I get tired of writing ad-hoc queries to join in the various tables I want to see, and I go looking for an app that will:
Allow me to follow foreign key relationships
Automatically display tables in a tree-like format based on relationships
Compose views by automatically joining on foreign keys
I know this can be done because I wrote (and lost) such an app many years ago, but I can't seem to find anything out there. The closest I've seen is generated "scaffolding" such as RoR and MS Dynamic Data.

You could try the "Data Browser" included in the tool Jailer (Screenshots). It allows you to navigate through the database based on relationships.


I'm a new CDS/Dataverse user and am wondering why there are so many columns in new tables?

I'm new to CDS/Dataverse, coming from the SQL Server world. I created a new Dataverse table and there are over a dozen columns in my "new" table (e.g. "status", "version number"). Apparently these are added automatically. Why is this?
Also, there doesn't seem to be a way to view a grid of data (like I can with SQL Server) for quick review/modification of the data. Is there a way to view data visually like this?
Any tips for a new user, coming from SQL Server, would be appreciated. Thanks.
Edit: clarified the main question with examples (column names). (thanks David)
I am also new to CDS/Dataverse, so the following is a limited understanding from what I have explored so far.
The idea behind Dataverse is that it gives you a pre-built schema that follows best-practice for you build off of, so that you spend less time worrying about building a comprehensive data schema, creating tables, and how to relate them all together, and more time building applications in Power Apps.
For example, amongst the several dozen tables it generates from the get-go is Account and Contact. The former is for organisational entities and the latter is for single-person entities. You can go straight into adding your user records in one of these tables and take advantage of bits of Power Apps functionality already hooked up to these tables. You do not have to spend time thinking up column names, creating the table, making sure it hooks up to all the other Dataverse tables, testing whether the Power Apps functionality works with it correctly etc.
It is much the same story with the automatically generated columns for new tables: they are all there to maintain a best-practice schema and functionality for Power Apps. For example, the extra columns give you good auditing with the data you add, including when a row was created, modified, who created the row etc. The important thing is to start from what you want to build, and not get too caught up in the extra tables/columns. After a bit of research, you'll probably find you can utilise some more tables/columns in your design.
Viewing and adding data is very tedious -- it seems to take 5 clicks and several seconds to load the bit of data you want, which is eons in comparison to doing it in SQL Server. I believe it is how it is due to Microsoft's attempt to make it "user friendly".
Anyhow, the standard way to view data, starting from the main Power Apps view is:
From the right-hand side pane, click Data
Click Tables
From the list of tables, click your table
Along the top row, click Data
There is an alternative method that allows you to view the Dataverse tables in SSMS – see link below:
To import data in bulk:
Click on Data from the top drop-down menu > Get data.
Importing data from Excel is free. To import from other sources, including SQL Server, I believe is a paid service (although I think you may be able to do this on the free Community Plan).

Allow a newly created table to inherit constraints from the parent table

I have recently been allotted development tasks at my job after a couple of years providing customer training/service/support (Yay, long run paying off!) I pointed out to my supervisor and was agreed with that we need to add a couple of tables to implement a new feature in order to stay consistent in the way that our front-side application handles the information in the database.
Currently, information is stored all together in one table until it is approved by an end user to be permanently added to the database. It is possible for the information to be one of three types - Two of the three are special case scenarios that require a second level of finalization from an end user before being put into their final location. For these two that require the second level of finalization, all of the other bits and pieces of information that supplement the primary information are stored in separate tables from the primary piece.
My question is this - These secondary tables where the information temporarily resides before being finalized are basically all foreign keys. I was looking at creating the new set of tables from the existing initial tables - Is there a way during that creation for the new secondary table to inherit the constraints that are coming with the initial table columns?
While both of these particular tables are going to be small ones and I don't mind manually creating the script to add the constraints after the creation of the table, it seems like this would be valuable information to know in the future. I've looked through stack overflow, but all questions that are remotely similar are from a different version of SQL.
Additionally, this would have to work all the way back through SQL Server 2008, as we have not stopped supporting 2008 yet.
If you go into Management Studio, right click on the table and go to "Script Table as >" Then "Create to >" . That will add all the constraints.

Database design & 3rd party integrations

We're building an application where eCommerce owners can connect their store from different platforms (e.g. Shopify, Magento, Woocommerce). We do this in order to import data from these various platforms.
So we have a Stores table. In there we have data that are common to all platforms and some data that are specific to the platforms.
I'm not sure what to do here. Should we create specific tables that contain platform-specific information or we create columns to store certain information but that will be empty for the stores from the other platforms?
What would be the pros and cons? Knowing that we would then need to create tables for all new platforms that we integrate with if we go for option 2.
You haven't said which specific RDBMS you're using, but with PostgreSQL you have the option of foreign data wrappers. These let you federate data from other sources and APIs into your application database and read and write foreign tables just like you do the internal tables (assuming the external APIs allow you to modify data). With this approach, you just need to make sure that your stores are properly associated with their respective entries in the foreign tables. Developing FDWs is relatively easy with Multicorn.
If that's not an option: using columns is efficient to query since the information is right there in your store record. However, it could get unwieldy depending on how much of it there is, and if you could have a tenant with multiple presences on one of those external platforms -- weirder things have happened -- you're in for some trouble. And the relational form makes adding and changing support for the external platforms easier since you don't have to lock the entire tenants table to add or remove columns.
The simpler approach may be all you need to start out with, but it'd probably be smart to plan for tables in the end.

Merging multiple identical access database

I have started working on an existing frontend MS Access application built with VBA. It is linked to a backend Access database. So basically there are two Access databases - one frontend and one backend.
Because of the nature of the work involving vehicles, each user has their own copy of identical database with their individual data stored in backend. Constant Access to one backend db via internet is not really possible as the users are able to connect to internet (network) once a day only. Right now we just copy each backend database via ftp and store it as usr_backenddb_date.accdb
Backend databases contain around 16 tables with most of them containing an autonumber field as a primary key. Further tables are connected with each other referencing the primary key as a foreign key. I would ideally like to create a function in vba that lets me select the database and merge all the data from that database to an identical central database. For the initial part, I am thinking of doing something like this How to merge two identical database data to one? with possibly trying to cascade the change in autonumber field so the references remain intact.
I wanted to know if this approach is doable or if anyone has any other ideas and suggestion that I can look into.

MS Access 2007 - After importing tables, recordsets are no longer updateable

We have an in-house program at the company I work for, and inside of MS Access we link all of our tables to our three databases. However; in order to create new routes for students, someone needs an isolated copy of our program to work with that won't impact the actual database.
After deleting the linked tables, importing them all locally, and saving the .mdb I can no longer change values inside of most forms. For example:
A drop down menu with a list of possible route codes for a student will appear. Usually you can select one. You are no longer able to, and in the bottom left hand corner you see "this recordset is not updateable".
I'm a bit new at this, but I can't imagine why importing the tables would break anything. I wouldn't expect any key violations to occur (like I might when linking tables), or anything of that nature. If anyone can point me in the right direction it would be much appreciated! Thanks!
Access can handle a compound primary key on a linked table or view. The important thing, of course, is to make sure you're telling Access the right fields to use. It's common for Access not to get the primary key info when you're linking to a view (perhaps the ODBC driver doesn't pass that info along?), but I bet it can happen with tables too.
Not sure if these pics will help, but hopefully it can point you in the right direction. Here's a linked view, as you can see in this picture:
If you open it in design view, you can see that there are no primary keys:
which means that the table isn't editable (the add new button is greyed out):
So I run this command to tell Access to use a compound primary key on the linked view:
CurrentDb.Execute "Create Unique Index PrimaryKey On View_AssnsWithSorterField([Serial No], AssignmentDate)"
If you open the linked view in design view again, you can see the compound primary key:
and now the add new button appears.
You said that you tried to add a compound primary key but Access wouldn't allow it, which sounds like there's something about the table's data or structure that prevents it from using that key. How about creating an empty copy of the table in the backend database, then try linking to that? If that still doesn't work then maybe there's a unique constraint, or a trigger, or something else on the table that causes Access not to like making it updateable. Conversely, if it links fine and you can add/edit records in the linked blank test table, then it must be data in the real table that's causing the issue.
Sometimes if you cut down a copy of the table into smaller chunks (like maybe just start with the primary key columns alone) and gradually rebuild it piece by piece, you eventually hit on the thing that makes Access not let it be updateable.
One other possibility, of course, is a problem with the driver itself. The ODBC drivers that link to SQLServer and Oracle are good quality and can handle complex primary keys, but I've used junky drivers that link to obscure databases and they couldn't handle complex things like subqueries, union queries, etc, even though you could do those things in the database itself; the driver was only written to handle basic select/insert/update/deletes and that was it.