How to raise event because a user didn't not select a checkbox option after choosing a certain value in a combobox? -

I am new to and I have looked at other topics. I cannot find the answer I need. OK I have a combobox named cboRaceDesc and five checkboxes (CkRaceAfricanAmerican, ChkRaceAmerican Indian, ckRaceAsian, ckRacePacificIslander, and ckRaceWhite). I was going to post an image, but I cannot.
cboRaceDesc has two options...Hispanic and Other. If the user selects Other then they have to choose one of the five checkboxes or it will raise an exception when the record is being saved. I am assuming I would generate the code under the "save" button. I know I need to gather the following information in my code:
If cboRaceDesc.SelectedValue = Other Then
<I am not sure how to code the logic regarding the checkboxes>
<I know I need to use multiple else/else if statements>
<I know towards the end I would generate the exception>
Can anyone help me fill in the blanks or point me in the right direction? Thank you in advance.

If only one of 5 options can be selected then you should probably use radiobutton (with same group name) or radiobuttonlist control. Quick (and dirty) verification logic would be something like this:
If cboRaceDesc.SelectedValue = "Other" Then
if (CkRaceAfricanAmerican.Checked orelse
ChkRaceAmericanIndian.Checked orelse
ckRaceAsian.Checked orelse
ckRacePacificIslander.Checked orelse
ckRaceWhite.Checked) then
' show error message or throw exception
End if
End if
' save stuff


Problem with active status when an continue form have zero record for a filter

this is my first question here and english isnt my language but I'll try to explain at my best.
Im using MS Access 2007.
The form is a "continue form" with a header section where you find an "apply filter" button and a field named "cmpCercaCognome" (italian language for "find surname" plus "cmp" in italian language as field).
This is a cut out of the feature where I am having problems.
The function is fine if the search filter that is set in the field produces at least one result.
The function fails if there are no results.
Private Sub cmpCercaCognome_Change()
If (ActiveControl.Name = "cmpCercaCognome") Then
LunghStr = Len(Me.cmpCercaCognome.Text)
LunghStr = Len(Me.cmpCercaCognome)
End if
'Something else but I dont reach it
end sub
The error appear when I'm clicking in the field "cmpCercaCognome" and then Im typing a key there to change the value to use for a filter that I'll apply with a button.
The check "activecontrol" is true still the Len function give error "2185 - Cant read control... without an active status..). How? I just check that have active status! And Im typing just there...
I tryed to modify the IF check so:
"If (ActiveControl.Name = "cmpCercaCognome") And (Me.RecordsetClone.RecordCount > 0) Then"
So I can check just when the count of the record is more than 0.
The problem that so I check the .value of the field that dont contain the last pressed key.
So isnt usefull for me
Is there any way to avoid the problem by keeping control of the temporary value of the field? Or is there a way to make the "temporary value" effective right away so as to avoid checking the .text property?
Thanks for any help you can get on this.

Button to check for missing values in a MainForm and Subforms in MS Access

New to Access (still), have only basic VBA skills.
I've got 3 subforms (subfrm_PackingSteps1 , subfrm_MetalDetection and subfrm_Weights - the first 2 are continuous and the other one is single form) within a main form (frm_daily_packing_record) that users go through and input data. The user should be able to input data in no particular order, and only at the end there would be a button to confirm that the user is ready to save this form.
I'd like to have this button on the main form that checks each control (in main form and subforms) for empty values. I found and adjusted a code to check the recordset of one of the continuous forms (see below), but I can't figure out:
how to include a code that checks each control instead of manually adding all of them (I've used a function before that utilises the Tag property, but can't add it to this)
how to keep the button in the main form while checking the controls/recordsets in the other subforms.
Thanks in advance.
Private Sub ConfirmBtn_Click()
Dim blnSuccess As Boolean
blnSuccess = True
Do While Not Me.Recordset.EOF
If IsNull(Me.pc) Or IsNull(Me.InnerP) Then
blnSuccess = False
Exit Do
End If
If blnSuccess = True Then
MsgBox "You may proceed to save this record"
MsgBox "You still have some empty fields to fill in!", vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "Empty Fields!"
End If
End Sub
I personally don't like this because it is too code-heavy and can easily break when the form is modified.
Instead may I suggest doing it slightly different, for each field have vba code .ondirty or .onupdate and do the validation checking right as the user is actually on that field.
This has 2 benefits, it is creating the validation when you are creating each form field and it STOPS the user right when their first mistake or bad data is entered. The last thing I want is to enter 50 fields, scroll to the bottom, submit fails then scroll back and try to find where the mistake was. If validation is done while the user it doing the actual data entry, when you get to the bottom you should have valid data and the submit should succeed without further testing.
Less code to debug and timely messages to the user if an error is caught!

Conditional visibility on MS Access Form - how to write in VBA or Macro

I have some very (very) basic MS Access knowledge. I'm trying to expand a bit into either VBA or macros as I'd like to put in some conditional visibility for my form. Basically, I have a checkbox. If it's checked, I want three or four more fields to pop up. Someone was able to point me to a basic VBA formula of if (this checkbox) = true then, (fieldx).visible = true, else, (fieldx).visibility = false, end if.
But I'm so new to this that I need more help and explanation. I tried putting it in but couldn't get it to work (no error message, just nothing changed at all).
Specific questions:
-Does this formula seem right?
-If I want multiple fields to be visible, can I combine them into one formula or should I create a new "if" statement for all?
-Where do I enter this code? I'm running the Office 365 version. For all I know, I'm not even putting it in the right place.
-How do I determine the field names to replace the (this checkbox) and (fieldx) in the formula? I tried entering the name I title the fields as, but with the spaces in the name I got an error message, and without the spaces nothing happened. Is there a specific naming convention to turn the field names into formula-appropriate titles? Is the name listed somewhere?
-Once I get the formula entered, is there something I have to do to get it to run/take effect? I tried saving, closing and reopening with no changes.
-Is this the best way to go about this?
If there's anything else you think I should know, I would love to hear it - but please keep in mind I'm very new to this so if you could keep it at "dummy" or ELI5 levels of explanation, I'd appreciate it!
after creating a form with 4 textboxes and a checkbox put the form in design mode (lower right corner has design mode selected, select a textbox and hit property sheet on the ribbon (or f4).
On the property sheet note the visible property. set the visible property to false. Now the textbox will be invisible when the form starts.
Tip you can select all the textboxes at the same time and set their properties all at once.
Every control on the form and even the various parts of the form have properties you can set and play with. For instance you can give any name you want to any control. On the property sheet go to the other tab and set the name property.
Tip: choose a name you you will remember without having to look it up and describes the controls function.
Next select the checkbox (not the checkbox's label). On the property sheet go to the event tab and select the on click event. hit the ellipsis and choose code builder. Access is Event Driven. We want the textboxes to appear when the checkbox is selected so we put that code in the checkbox click event.
after choosing code builder we get the code window where we can browse among all the events for all our forms. for now all you should see is something like:
Private Sub mycheckbox_Click()
End Sub
So insert some code to handle the checkboxes like:
Private Sub mycheckbox_Click()
If mycheckbox = True Then
txtbox1.Visible = True
txtbox2.Visible = True
txtbox3.Visible = True
txtbox4.Visible = True
txtbox1.Visible = False
txtbox2.Visible = False
txtbox3.Visible = False
txtbox4.Visible = False
End If
End Sub
now when the checkbox is not checked no textboxes are visible.
but when the checkbox is checked they appear

How to allow a combobox to be left blank//skipped on a form

I am relatively new to Access and any SQL and VBA I have picked up is self-taught, so I would really appreciate answers that are not too heavily laden with technical terms...that said, I am having an issue with allowing comboboxes to be left blank on a form if the user chooses not to input data. Also, I am using Access 2016.
Initially the problem I ran into was that if a combobox was entirely skipped and left blank, or if the user selects the combobox and then tries to move on without making a selection from the list, they got the error "You tried to assign the Null value to a variable that is not a Variant data type," and were unable to move on to any other fields on the form or to save the record being entered.
I found this article that details a possible solution, but I can't seem to get it to work. I made an unbound combobox, set the Row Source to:
SELECT EmailID, PersonalEmail FROM EmailT UNION SELECT "<N/A>","<N/A>" FROM EmailT
ORDER BY PersonalEmail;
where PersonalEmail is a field of type short text and the EmailID is an autonumber. I also followed the article's steps for formatting the combobox (column width, etc.) and set it to Limit to List = Yes.
Here is my exact code:
Private Sub Combo62_AfterUpdate()
If Combo62 = "<N/A>" Then
EmailID = Null
EmailID = Combo62
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Current()
If IsNull(EmailID) Then
Combo62 = "<N/A>"
Combo62 = EmailID
End If
End Sub
< N/A> now shows up on my list, but if it is selected I get the error: "The value you entered isn't valid for this field. For example, you may have entered text in a numeric field or a number that is larger than the FieldSize setting permits."
Access's debugger highlights the line:
EmailID = Null
but I am not sure what steps I should take now to try and fix this.
I am completely open to other methods of allowing the combobox to be left blank if someone knows of a better way to do this also. For all I know, I am missing something really obvious! Thanks in advance for any insight!
EDIT: Thanks for your help guys, I never did figure out what exactly the problem was, but I got some advice from another forum to rethink my database design so this ended up being a null issue--it's all totally different now!
If the recordsource for your form contains a query with one-to-many relationships this error may come up. Try to use only the base table as the recordsource for the form. Use subforms if you need to display related data. The rest of the code may then be unnecessary.

Showing MsgBox() with nowait (no user input) is not the real issue

I had searched a lot how to display a Msgbox that will not wait the user input (pressing ok or cancel).
I found 3 solutiuons to this.
1- Display the MsgBox() in another thread or using BackgroundWorker()
2- Create a form that display the message, then closed the form by a timer and use it instead of Msgbox()
3- Using the API MessageBoxA()
Let say I have a loop from 1 to 100, and I want display a message for the i(counter)
When I test above 3 ways, I found that this is not the right way of doing it, I don't need a msgbox() to close by it self after showing the message, because that will display 100 dialog.
What I realy want is to display ONLY 1 MsgBox() and change the text accordingly.
I managed to do this using a a Form() as class and I did it using Application.DoEvents
I know it can be done using BackgroundWorker or Threading since alot of people advice against using Application.Doevents
Here is my code
Dim oWW As New WaitWindow With {.TopLevel = True,.TopMost = True,.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen}
For i = 1 to 100
Threading.Thread.Sleep(500) ' Just to slowdown execution
oWW.SetMessage("Counter = " + i.ToString)
Public Class WaitWindow
Sub SetMessage(ByVal Message As string)
lbl_message.Text = Message
End Sub
End Class
WaitWindow is not more than a Form base class with a label (lbl_message)
That code works fine (display WaitWindowForm on center of currently displayed form only once, then I change the text)
I have 3 questions :
1- How to display the WaitWindowForm in the top right corner of my working form?
2- Is it possible to display the normal MsgBox() or MessageBox.Show() only once, then capture the text displayed and change it?
3- Which one is suitable for my issue (BackGroundWorker or Threading) and what the code in WaitWindow class I post will be if I decided to use Backgroundworker or Threading instead of Application.DoEvents (Changing the label text not showing new form with new text) ?
3 questions in one post.. humm.. who cares, I am not the one who will answer lol :)
Thanks in advance.
I think the issue that you're really encountering is that you're trying to use a message box for something it's not suited for. If you want to have text that constantly changes just add a text box in the upper right corner of your application and adjust it every time a new message needs to be shown.
You can also look up dialogu windows (search ".showdialog()" in google) might help as well.