Permission for User and Connection String - sql

I use C# and SQl 2008 R2
I'm pretty new to DB so I need some guide line.
I create a User A with Role/Permission Administrator to create my DB using MS Management Studio.
Now I need to set-up my website to READ/UPDATE/DELETE Rows in my Tables, this user will be pointed in the Connection String.
My questions:
in the connection String shall I user A (Role Admin)?
or should I crete a new User and giving role Data Reader and Data write?
I need my code able work with the content of my table but do not modifying the schema.
Please let me know. Many Thanks

You should create a new user that has the minimum permissions possible.
This way, if anyone takes over the website, they are limited to doing only what this user can do and can't do the other things the admin user can.
If you use the admin user, there is a risk that a malicious user will be able to change the schema (or even drop the database) using SQL injection or other techniques to inject their code into your server.
Additionally, if you have any code that would change the schema, which might be called (perhaps as an oversight or coding error), the damage is limited to what the low privileged user can do.
This is part of defense in depth.


Create SQL Server user with limited access

I would like to create a user account in SQL Server 2012 with limited access, i.e., he should be only able to run queries and view data and nothing else. No backups, restores, user modifications should be allowed.
I tried looking at the built in server roles, but could not really understand it too well. The Server consists of some 7-8 different databases and we would like this user to have only querying access across all databases and nothing more. Would be great if somebody could guide me as to how to implement it.
Simple create role and grant access to needed objects with command GRANT. Example:
Then you can assign this role to any user you want.

How can I allow SQL Injection safely

So I wanted to know if there is an acceptable method to Allow SQL Injection.
Limit permissions on the table(s)/database(s)
Why you ask?
My employer wanted to devise a way to test the skills of applicants, one suggestion was to allow resume submissions via SQL Injection.
Any thoughts? suggestions?
You could use roles. Create a role for the web application (or whatever) that is used to connect to the database. Limit this role to only permit INSERT and access to necessary tables for applying. Applicants with access to your database through the application could then only use SQL injections to add their resume.
It may be possible for someone more talented in SQL to use injections in a way that increases the role's permission. But I think if the role had limited access to only specific tables and didn't have CREATE or GRANT privileges, the user wouldn't be able to create new roles.
Here is some information on roles to get you started:
Adding Roles to MySQL with MySQL Workbench
Creating Roles in PostgreSQL
GRANT command - used to add privileges to users on table, database, etc. This page is for PostgreSQL, but MySQL is very similar (see this SO answer)
Given that the reason behind this is to test people's ability, create a database with data you can afford to lose. Set up a form that posts to a coldfusion or php or java or .net or some other type of page which connects to that database.
On the form, put a textarea and submit button. On the form target page, log what they put in the textarea. Compare the log to the database to see how it turned out.
Then test to your heart's delight.

SQL script to grant user permissions for SQL Server Reporting Services

I know I can do it via ip:port/Reports
Properties -> Security -> New Role Assignment-> "User Name" -> "Roles"
However, I have many databases, each with a different users. So, I would like to automate the process and write an SQL script + double clicking a batch to do the process. I have tried doing insert to users table and userrole table, but it doesn't seem to work, so I suppose it's something about permission granting that I cannot see with my bare eyes... Any hint on what to include in the SQL script?
I would not recommend using SQL scripts to modify RS catalog. Schema is undocumented and is quite complicated.
You can use SOAP API calls from RS Scripting Host. Here is the pointer to sample script which assigns permissions
Some information about scripting host
I also recommend using user groups instead of individual user accounts. It is easier to maintain in the long run.

Permit access to SQL Server?

I was just wondering if there are any access methods or rules to prevent people from accessing a database? I'm pretty new to sql so if so, how would you implement a method or rule to a database? Is it through properties of the database, or does it have to be written in SQL script somewhere?
I am using Microsoft SQL Server 2008.
Any help appreciated, thanks in advance.
At a high level:
To allow a user access you need to have a login present at server level (the level higher than your DB's). There will be a 'Security' node at the server level where you can 'add login'. Depending on whether you're using windows user accounts (integrated security) or sql server logins the precise format of the logins will vary, but the user added will want to match the format of the accounts you are using.
Once you have granted a user access to the server in terms of a server login, you can then grant permissions at a database level. There will also be a 'Security' node at database level where you can add a new login at database level.
The database level login needs to match or be mapped to a login at server level.
At database level you can grant/deny all kinds of permissions, but it would be common to grant roles to a user, SQL includes built in roles such as 'datareader'/'datawriter' which are often used for 'generic access'
The image Diego posted illustrates in the GUI where to find some of these options, but the permutations are lengthy and it would be hard to explain any more without knowing some specifics about what you are trying to do.
Read about Logins and Users.
Logins protect you at a server level and Users at a database level. A user usually inherits a login's information.
you can see them on SSMS:
there is no point on writing too much as you can simple google it and find tons of explanations

SQL Server 2005 (Express) - Login vs User

I'm quite new to Microsoft SQL Server. I have some experience with MySQL, and there you have a user with privileges, if I understand things right; these privileges decide which databases you have access to on the MySQL server.
However now I am in the situation where I have to restore a database on my SQL Server 2005 Express, and this database has it's own users and user password. So if I want to make these users accessible from the outside (so that they can connect to my server), how would I go about that?
To illustrate clearer; say there are two login accounts on the database server "Mike" and "John", and on the database "Animals" there are two users; "Chris" and "Jeff".
I need Jeff to be able to sign in to get access to the database. Is there a good way to make this happen without creating new users/logins? And if not, what is the best/most common solution?
I would really appreciate any helpful input on this!
One server-level object (login) is mapped to multiple database-level objects (users).
A login cannot be mapped to more than one user within a database, but can be mapped to at most one user in each database.
Therefore, you need to create new logins for those users, but map them to existing users. This is done with ALTER USER command. Or, if you don't have any use for the Mike and John logins apart from mapping them to those existing users, you can do so, too.
Any user needing to access a database needs to either have their own login, or you can create a login for a Windows security group and grant access that way to a whole set of users. Then if you need to give access to more users in the future you can just add them to the windows security group.