Passing values from UITableView to UIView in table header - objective-c

My CoreData model drives series of UITableViewControllers.
One of the detail tables has a header that contains a UIView "GraphView" that uses data from the rows of the table. (It's like iTunes having a custom header to chart song length in a given playlist.) My "playlist" populates from CoreData correctly. But how do I pass data from the TableView to the UIView in its header?
It seems wasteful and redundant to fetch and parse it again, especially when the data is sitting in a convenient mutable array called "steps". Can I just pass the mutable array to the UIView in the header? If so, how?
I've tried creating an NSArray property in the UIView's class called "passedStepsArray", and then setting it from the StepDetailViewController like so:
graphView.passedStepsArray = [[NSArray alloc] initWithArray:steps copyItems:YES];
But back in the GraphView class, it remains NULL. No value gets passed.
Any ideas?

From my visualization of the problem, it seems you are on the right tracks by having an NSArray property in the GraphView. You probably don't need to copy the existing array using the initWithArray:copyItems: method, just pass a non-mutable copy of the populated steps array:
graphView.passedStepsArray = [[steps copy] autorelease];
This is assuming that the graphView passedStepsArray property is set to retain. (Then don't forget to set self.passedStepsArray = nil; in the graphView dealloc methood.)


How to access content of NSMutable array from another class?

I have a FirstViewControlloller in which I have a start and stop button. When start is pressed pictures are taken by using AVCaptureSession until stop button is pressed. These pictures are processed and information (The R-value component of RGB) from each picture is stored in an NSMutableArray called Yaxis.
Added to this View I have a ContainerView. In this view I want to continously display a graph of the information in my Yaxis-array. The problem is to reach this information.
Some parts of my code follow here:
#property (nonatomic, strong) NSMutableArray *Yaxis;
Yaxis=[[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
[super viewDidLoad];
At another place in the code objects are continuously added to "Yaxis" as pictures are taken.
[Yaxis addObject: RGB];
This works fine since I have no problem accessing the array filled with information as long as Im in FirstViewController.
To be able to use this information to update my graph I have tried to create an object of FirstViewController in my ContainerViewController and in that way reach my Yaxis array.
FirstViewController * myView=[[FirstViewController alloc] init];
When I do this Yaxis is null. As I understand it the problem is that I create a new object of FirstViewController and therefore I will not be able to reach the filled array that is actually a part of another object. So how do I get connected to the object that holds my filled Yaxis array from within my ContainerViweController class?
Access NSMutableArray from another class - Objective C
I found this question that seams to adress the same problem but I did not solve my problem using the answers from there.
You initialize the array in -(void)viewDidLoad. But that method is not called anywhere in your second code snippet. Try putting the Yaxis=[[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; line in your init method
When you manually create a new FirstViewController, this is a new object unrelated to the original, and the mutable array property is initially nil.
The new VC will not magically point to the one that's displayed. Also, the VC might get destroyed, and the array released.
You should separate the storage of this data in another object if it's shared between VCs.

Observe changes of instance variable in Objective-c

I have a UITableView with a property(strong, nonatomic)NSMutableArray *currentContent, I also have a property(strong, nonatomic)NSMutableArray *cellHeights to keep track of the cell heights cos the user could expand or collapse each cell. The self.currentContent is set by another controller which load data from a web service, so it will change as the data load, I want to keep both of these variables in sync. As soon as currentContent is updated, I want to update cellHeights. How do I do that?
I tried:
- (void)setCurrentContent:(NSMutableArray *)currentContent{
_currentContent = currentContent;
self.cellHeights = [NSMutableArray arrayWithDefaultHeightsForCellCount:[currentContent count]];
But it's not working, cos it will only be set at the first time when I set currentContent, when it's empty. So self.cellHeights currently will stay empty. When there is finally value in self.currentContent, self.cellHeights was not updated.
I've done a similar thing before, with variable cell heights depending on the content from your web-service, and I'd advise that keeping an array of cell heights might not be the best idea.
What I did was to create a 'fake' cell in the viewDidLoad: method, that I use just to calculate cell heights.
Then I use the 'heightForRowAtIndexPath' method to specify how tall cell should be by populating the 'fake' cell with the data for the index path, then finding out how tall that cell is. For example:
#interface MyTableViewController()
#property (nonatomic, strong ) MyCustomTableViewCell *cellForTestingHeight;
#implementation MyTableViewController
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad]
self.cellForTestingHeight = [[MyCustomTableViewCell alloc] initWithStyle:UITableViewCellStyleDefault];
- (CGFloat)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView heightForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
NSDictionary *myData = [ objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
self.cellForTestingHeight.viewData = myData;
return self.cellForTestingHeight.height;
This code assumes that you've created a class called MyCustomTableViewCell which has a method to set the viewData property on it, and that after setting that property you'll be able to tell how tall that cell will be by accessing a height property.
What you need to do is observe changes to the mutable array itself, not your property which references the array. This should be straightforward but unfortunately there is a twist...
OK, let's assume there is no twist and rather than an NSMutableArray your property is of type MyObservableClass. Then to setup the observing you would do something like this (all code is pseudo - i.e. typed into the answer):
- (void)setCurrentContent:(MyObservableClass *)currentContent
[_currentContent removeObserver:self forKeyPath:#"myObservableProperty"];
_currentContent = currentContent;
[_currentContent addObserver:self forKeyPath:#"myObservableProperty" ...];
Now whenever the currentContent is changed your code stops observing the properties of its old value and starts observing properties of its new value.
Easy, but its not quite that simple for arrays...
The twist, though KVO will inform an observer of additions, deletions and changes to a collection the NSMutableArray class doesn't issue those notifications. You need to use a proxy for the array, and such a proxy is provided by the frameworks - see for example NSArrayController and mutableArrayValueForKey:. However the second part of the twist is that the changes to the array must be done through this proxy - you can't have your client call setCurrentContent and pass any NSMutableArray if you are going to observe it, your client needs to pass in the proxy... Whether you can use this easily in your design you'll have to figure out. You'll need to read Automatic Change Notification in this document and other Apple docs to sort this out.
This sounds more complicated that it needs to be, maybe somebody else will provide a more succinct way of doing this.

How to edit data of NSArrayController (or to use something else)

i created a nsarraycontroller to display its data on my nstableview. this is working. but how do i modify this data now?
[arrayController addObject:[...]]
adds an object, how do i get it back?
i tried:
NSMutableArray *data = [arrayController mutableArrayValueForKey:#"column1"];]
but then i get this error
2011-05-29 19:25:50.125 TestApp[1665:903] [<NSArrayController 0x113808500> valueForUndefinedKey:]: this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key column1.
(the objects in my arraycontroller representing the rows in my view are of a class (named FileEntry) consisting of 4 properties and i added these as keys to my nsarraycontroller)
i thought kvc-compilant means every attribute has a getter and setter? (and isnt that what properties do?).
i tested my class if i could use this function:
FileEntry *entry = [[FileEntry alloc] initWithUrl:#"test"]; //(this adds the string "test" to the property "fileurl")
NSLog(#"%#\n", [entry valueForKey:#"fileurl"]);
and it returns:
> 2011-05-29 19:31:54.760 TestApp[1718:903] test
and it works. so how can my class not be kvc-compilant?
anyway, i also tried to use the tableviews datasource instead but cant get those 2 functions to work. would that be of more use than the nsarraycontroller? is it even possible to modify data of the nsarraycontroller?
Usually you need a contend array for the NSArrayController to handle, so you could simply take this array and use the NSMutableArray methods. For example you have in your MyController.h a declaration of an array with its setter and getter methods, and you only have to bind the contend array of the array controller to it. Then you can take two buttons for the add and remove methods of the array controller to add something. Now you must bind the value of the column to e.g. FileEntry.fileurl of your array controller managed objects, Now you should be able to add stuff to the table view. And you can also Edit the names in the table view. If you want to get some stuff out of the array in your program somewhere, you can use an outlet of your table view like this:
NSInteger row = [myTableViewOutlet selectedRow];
FileEntry* myEntry = [myArray objectAtIndex:row];

Exposing model object using bindings in custom NSCell of NSTableView

I am struggling trying to perform what I would think would be a relatively common task. I have an NSTableView that is bound to it's array via an NSArrayController. The array controller has it's content set to an NSMutableArray that contains one or more NSObject instances of a model class. What I don't know how to do is expose the model inside the NSCell subclass in a way that is bindings friendly.
For the purpose of illustration, we'll say that the object model is a person consisting of a first name, last name, age and gender. Thus the model would appear something like this:
#interface PersonModel : NSObject {
NSString * firstName;
NSString * lastName;
NSString * gender;
int * age;
Obviously the appropriate setters, getters init etc for the class.
In my controller class I define an NSTableView, NSMutableArray and an NSArrayController:
#interface ControllerClass : NSObject {
IBOutlet NSTableView * myTableView;
NSMutableArray * myPersonArray;
IBOutlet NSArrayController * myPersonArrayController;
Using Interface Builder I can easily bind the model to the appropriate columns:
myPersonArray --> myPersonArrayController --> table column binding
This works fine. So I remove the extra columns, leaving one column hidden that is bound to the NSArrayController (this creates and keeps the association between each row and the NSArrayController) so that I am down to one visible column in my NSTableView and one hidden column. I create an NSCell subclass and put the appropriate drawing method to create the cell. In my awakeFromNib I establish the custom NSCell subclass:
MyCustomCell * aCustomCell = [[[MyCustomCell alloc] init] autorelease];
[[myTableView tableColumnWithIdentifier:#"customCellColumn"]
This, too, works fine from a drawing perspective. I get my custom cell showing up in the column and it repeats for every managed object in my array controller. If I add an object or remove an object from the array controller the table updates accordingly.
However... I was under the impression that my PersonModel object would be available from within my NSCell subclass. But I don't know how to get to it. I don't want to set each NSCell using setters and getters because then I'm breaking the whole model concept by storing data in the NSCell instead of referencing it from the array controller.
And yes I do need to have a custom NSCell, so having multiple columns is not an option. Where to from here?
In addition to the Google and StackOverflow search, I've done the obligatory walk through on Apple's docs and don't seem to have found the answer. I have found a lot of references that beat around the bush but nothing involving an NSArrayController. The controller makes life very easy when binding to other elements of the model entity (such as a master/detail scenario). I have also found a lot of references (although no answers) when using Core Data, but Im not using Core Data.
As per the norm, I'm very grateful for any assistance that can be offered!
Finally figured this one out. Man that took some doing. So here is what I needed to do...
First of all I needed to create an array of my model's key values in my model object and return those key values in an NSDictionary from within the model.
Thus my model got two new methods as follows (based on my simplified example above):
+(NSArray *)personKeys
static NSArray * personKeys = nil;
if (personKeys == nil)
personKeys = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:#"firstName", #"lastName", #"gender", #"age", nil];
return personKeys;
-(NSDictionary *)personDictionary
return [self dictionaryWithValuesForKeys:[[self class] personKeys]];
Once implemented, I assign my bound value in my table to
arrayController --> arrangeObjects --> personDictionary.
The last step is to reference the object in the NSCell drawWithFrame and use as needed as follows:
NSDictionary * thisCellObject = [self objectValue];
NSString * objectFirstName = [thisCellObject valueForkey:#"firstName"];
NSString * objectLastName = [thisCellObject valueForKey:#"lastName"];
And as I hoped, any update to the model object reflects in the custom NSCell.
There is another approach that does not require the dictionary. However, it does require the implementation of the - (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone method within your data class. For example:
- (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone {
Activity *copy = [[self class] allocWithZone: zone];
copy.activityDate = self.activityDate; =;
copy.sportIcon = self.sportIcon;
copy.laps = self.laps;
return copy; }
Now in IB, you point the Table Column's value at Array Controller --> arrangedObjects
The drawWithFrame method will now return your actual object from the objectValue.
Activity *rowActivity = [self objectValue];
Changing the class requires updating the copyWithZone method and then accessing the data directly in your drawWithFrame method.
I'm very grateful for this post, Hooligancat, because my project was stalled on this problem, and as hard as I looked at Tim Isted's identical solution at
I couldn't figure it out.
It was only when I read your excellent simplification of the problem and your version of the solution that the penny dropped - I'm very grateful!

Table view not updating according to bindings

This is a very newbie question, and this is something I have done many times before, but there's something I'm missing this time.
In my AppDelegate.h file I declare an NSArray and set it as a property:
#interface AppDelegate : NSObject {
NSArray *lines;
#property(readwrite, retain) NSArray *lines;
And then in the AppDelegate.m file in the awakeFromNib method I alloc it:
lines = [[NSArray alloc] init];
Then I have a method that sets the lines array:
NSString *fileContents = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:[NSHomeDirectory() stringByAppendingPathComponent:#"Desktop/sometextfile.txt"] encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:NULL];
lines = [fileContents componentsSeparatedByString:#"\n"];
I have an array controller thats bound to AppDelegate.self.lines then I have a table column bound to Array Controller.arrangedObjects. I can confirm that the array is being updated (tested using NSLog) however the contents of the table are not being update (it remains blank).
Is there something obvious I'm missing here?
You don't need a data source if you're using Bindings. One or the other.
I have an array controller thats bound to "AppDelegate.self.lines" …
Why self?
#property(readwrite, retain) NSArray *lines;
No, use copy here. Otherwise, you'll find yourself retaining someone else's mutable array, which they will then mutate. Then “your” array will have changed without you knowing it.
Then I have a method that sets the lines array:
lines = [fileContents componentsSeparatedByString:#"\n"];
This is why the table doesn't show anything. You're not going through the property, you're accessing the instance variable directly. Direct instance variable accesses do not cause KVO notifications, so the array controller never finds out about the change.
Even worse, you're leaking the old array (since you simply assign over it without releasing it) and under-retaining this new array. Because you're not retaining the new array, that instance variable will hold a dead object shortly. The automatic retaining is done by the setLines: method, which only gets called when you call it.
You need to go through the property:
self.lines = [fileContents componentsSeparatedByString:#"\n"];
A property access is an implicit accessor message, so this both retains the array (or copies it, once you correct the #property as I suggested above) and posts KVO notifications.
When you say you have a arrangedObjects bound to the column do you mean you set the tablview datasource? If not you to set the tableview datasource to the lines array
You might want to read through this, it's got some good diagrams and explanations. What ennuikiller is saying is correct, I think it's a problem with your datasource. This is done by calling
[aTable setDelegate:aDelegate];