TFS 2010 - WebDeployment - indirect referenced assembly missing - ioc-container

We've got the following problem:
References: Repositories.dll
References: AutofacRegistration.dll
In our web application we are referencing the AutofacRegistration.dll and this assembly references Repositories.dll. Repositories.dll is instantiated on runtime per IOC-Container.
When we build the solution in VS2010 and browse the web app everything is working fine, as expected.
When we use our build server(TFS 2010) und use the web deployment, the Repositories.dll is missing the web-app\bin folder and we got a runtime exception(when we want to instantiated a class in Repositories.dll)
But Repositories.dll is in our drop location, so the web deployment target does not copy this file, any ideas how to solve this??

Have you tried a copy task from the BuildTemp location to where your Web Deployment Project can pick up the file it needs?
<Copy SourceFiles="$(OutDir)\Repositories.dll" DestinationFiles="web-ap\bin\Repositories.dll" />
The paths will need modified but you get the idea. I do a similar function in MSBuild to move a dll for our installer to pickup.


Reference VB.NET DLL in Kofax Document Validation Script

We are working on a validation script for Kofax Capture 9.0 / 10.0 in VB.NET 3.5.
We know how to create a script using the Admin Module, and how to get it operational.
The problem is that we need to reference a dll, located on a remote machine. (GAC is no option) This dll holds abstract classes we need in each validation script.
Even when putting the dlls locally (copy local), the Validation Module (index.exe) immediately throws the "cannot find reference" exception, even though the project compiled perfectly.
I guess the basic question comes down to: where do we put the dlls, in order for the Validation Module to find them?
The simple answer is to put the dll in the same folder as the application because this is one of the places which .NET will probe when trying to find it. The Validation module is run from the Capture bin directory which will be something like "C:\Program Files (x86)\Kofax\CaptureSS\ServLib\Bin\". This would need to be done on each client using Validation.
If you have a more complicated scenario, you could look implementing the AppDomain.AssemblyResolve Event and using Assembly.LoadFile to get the assembly from a custom location, but the using the bin path is less complicated.
If you end up having further trouble, you can troubleshoot by using the Assembly Binding Log Viewer (Fuslogvw.exe) which can tell you more details about why the assembly failed to load and where .NET tried to search for it. Assembly loading can fail for reasons other than just the path.
For more detail on how .NET loads assemblies, see the following:
How the Runtime Locates Assemblies
Locating the Assembly through Codebases or Probing
We found a solution: add all library files as "links" to the project. (Add --> Existing File --> small arrow next to "Add" --> Add as Link)
This ensures the files are compiled when you build the project. The Kofax Validation Module can now find the files, whereas when referencing the file, it could not. Why it could not, remains a mystery...

Visual Studio 2013 C# Web Project builds but IDE reports The type or namespace name xxx could not be found error

When opening an MVC4 C# web project in Visual Studio 2013, the IDE reports the error "The type or namespace name '_' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference)", but the project builds and runs without any errors. Furthermore, intellisense does not include the project namespace.
The "missing" reference is to files within the same project.
for example; the web project namespace is "", and references in a controller files to "" is underlined in red with the error above.
I have checked the following:
All Solution projects are configured to use the same Target Framework(.Net 4)
web.config in the Views folder contains the namespace in the system.web.webPages.razor section
cleaned and rebuilt solution
deleted all bin and obj content
deleted .suo and .csproj.user files that were created by VS2010
The only way that I can get rid of these errors being reported in VS2013 is to unload then reload the project.
When opened in Visual Studio 2010 I do not get these problems.
I have the same issue.
ALthough the project compiles correctly, the code editor shows an error The type or namespace name '_' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference).
THere is one workaround. Just delete the *.SUO files and re-open the solution. THen for this only Session it works. Unfortunately after closing and reopening the solution the issue is back again. VS 2012 works fine.
Seems to be a bug in VS 2013....
My solution, when I encountered the problem with VS 2013 Express edition was to simply unload the offending project and reload. Opening the SUO or Project file and making changes had not affect.
Try to unload the project in VS2013, then right click the node and select edit "projectname.csproj". Check the individual references they might point to somewhere strange.
EDIT: the csproj file is an xml file and the references are located under Project -> ItemGroup -> Reference
I had the same issue.
It's a VS 2012 solution with different projects.
Search for all *.suo files and deleted them.
Rebuild and reopen Visual Studio.
There's a known issue with Web Application projects when bound to a TFS server that sounds like this issue. This occurs when the following TFS setting option is checked:
Options -> Source Control -> Environment -> Get everything when a solution or project is opened.
Disabling this option resolves the problem.
Miguel Lacouture
Same issue, on project reference.
I opened the referenced project file (*.csproj) with a text editor and did some cleanup:
1) reset these properties' values:
<TargetFrameworkProfile />
2) removed dirty platform/configurations:
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'x86|AnyCPU'">
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'x86|x86'">
Now I can compile without any issue.
Glad to share it with you! :))
Same issue. Opening the project's properties and making a change to the name (or any value) and then rebuilding seems to have resolved it.
I have just had this problem and none of the solutions here helped. I fixed mine by doing a repair of Visual Studio (An option when you select to uninstall the program). Hope this helps someone
I had same issue when I added a new class file ( e.g. MyClass.cs) and called it in some other C# code places. For some reason VS did not add that new class file to my working project folder (not seen in VS, but seen in Windows File Explorer). And, hence, the compile path for new class file is not included in the compile section of my project file (e.g. MyProject.csproj). So to solve this problem, First, right click on your working project > Add > Existing Item ... > Select your new class > OK.
Then, check the project file (*.csproj) and make sure a new element is inserted in the compile section such as:
Finally, rebuild your project and the problem should be solved.
Another reason for this issue is the project, I had long ago with VS, is my other project was set up with Client Profile as its target framework. So, to solve the issue: Right click your project in VS > Properties > Application tab > make sure Target Framework option is not Client Profile. You should change all projects in your solution to the same framework version AND all of them must not have Client Profile option.
Microsoft just released a new security update to be automatically applied to machines configured to use Microsoft Update.
Unfortunately, some ASP.NET MVC 3 and 4 VS projects can no longer build after the update is applied. These projects will fail with the following error:
"Could not locate the assembly "System.Web.Mvc,Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35,processorArchitecture=MSIL"
My project also had the error "The type or namespace name 'System.Web.Mvc' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference)". Installing the latest version of Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc solved my problem. See the following article from Microsoft for more info:
Unloading and then reloading the project worked for me.

Output directory when building a WCF project in Visual Studio

I have a Visual Studio 2010 solution that is set to build in Debug x86. Visual Studio therefore sets the output path to \bin\x86\Debug, which seems logical enough.
The solution contains about 50 projects; the start-up project is a WCF project.
When I do a build, I would expect all output dlls to go to \bin\x86\Debug, as that is what is set in the project settings. But weirdly, I see dlls being created in bin\x86\Debug and in \bin. Why would Visual Studio put any dll in \bin if the output path is not set to that directory? It seems that all dlls go to \bin\x86\Debug, and all dlls except for the start-up project go into \bin. Any idea why it would do that? (We have other solutions that don't use WCF, and they don't have this problem.)
The other annoyance is if I run the service from Visual Studio and then try to access my service in a web browser, by going to http://localhost:1240/MyService.svc, it doesn't work, because the start-up project dll is missing from /bin. I therefore have to manually copy this one dll from \bin\x86\Debug to \bin, so that all dlls are found and the service runs normally. (We could of course add a custom post-build step that does the copy, but you'd think there'd be a better way!)
To those of you working on WCF projects, do you leave the output path at \bin\x86\Debug? (Perhaps there is a way to configure the service, eg in the web.config or .svc file, so that it knows the binaries are in \bin\x86\Debug instead of \bin?) Or do you change the output path to \bin so that you can run your service straight from Visual Studio?
If you open the property page of you WCF Hosting project and goto tab Build, under the Output section of this tag there is a textbox that contains the location of the output binaries.
For a WCF project the binaries should go to bin directory irrespective of the build type (suc as Debug, Release). Make sure this value has been configured correctly.
The value needs to be configured for each build type\configuration.
If you need, for whatever reason, different outputs from different build configurations in different folders you could specify them like you did first and use a post build event command line that copies from your specified output folder to bin.
- untested code -
COPY/Y "$(OutDir)\*.*" "$(SolutionDir)$(ProjectName)\bin\"
- untested code -

Error 'TF215097:...Cannot create unknown type for...' custom CodeActivity [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
TFS 2010 Custom Build Activity TF215097 error
I'm trying to create a CustomActivity to run after each successful build.
I've followed the exact steps of several tutorials
And all have lead me to the same result - The build fails after several seconds with this error:
TF215097: An error occurred while initializing a build for build definition
\MyCompany\Dev - Client: Cannot create unknown type '{clr-
I came down to a point where I have removed all custom references I had in the CodeActivity project and commented out all of the code.
I have added the output dll to the TFS, and I have the following post build script in the project's properties:
"$(DevEnvDir)\TF.exe" checkout "$/MyCompany/Development/Djenne/Dev/Tools/BuildProcess/Output/$(TargetFileName)"
copy /Y "$(TargetPath)" "C:\tfs2010\MyCompany\Dev\Tools\BuildProcess\Output\$(TargetFileName)"
"$(DevEnvDir)\TF.exe" checkin "$/MyCompany/Development/Djenne/Dev/Tools/BuildProcess/Output/$(TargetFileName)"
I've made sure that the namespace in the workflow xaml is correct for the custom CodeActivity.
I have no idea what else can I try,
Please help!
EDIT: I'm adding more descriptions about what I've already tried:
The CodeActivity class already have the attribute:
The CodeActivity class is contained inside an Activity Library project.
Here is the ProjectTypeGuids tag inside the csproj file:
In the custom workflow xaml I've added my CodeActivity right after "Get Impacted Tests, Index Sources and Publish Symbols"
I currently don'e have any InArgument nor OutArgument in my CodeActivity.
These are the references in my CodeActivity project:
In "Build Controller Properties" I have set the "Version control path to custom assemblies" with the same TFS path as my post build script:
In my Build Definition I've set "Build process template" with my custom workflow xaml.
Thank you guys for the answers, do you have any more thoughts?
Ok, I got this thing figured out.
Here's what worked for me:
I've installed my dll to the GAC in the build server, ran the build and suddenly it worked!
gacutil.exe /i buildtasks
Afterwards, I've uninstalled the dll from the GAC, and it keeps working even still.
gacutil.exe /u buildtasks
Another thing, my project had several references which I also had to checkin in the same directory as the CodeActivity dll itself.
So to do that I've changed my project's post build script:
cd "C:\tfs2010\Djenne\Dev\Tools\BuildProcess\Output\"
"$(DevEnvDir)\TF.exe" checkout "$/TradeNetworks/Development/Djenne/Dev/Tools/BuildProcess/Output/*.*"
xcopy "$(TargetDir)*.*" "C:\tfs2010\Djenne\Dev\Tools\BuildProcess\Output\" /E /R /C /Y
The only thing left to do now is to figure out how to debug this damn thing.
But that's an issue for another question.
Thanks to everybody who helped,
Hope this will help anyone in the future as well.
One more thing I've noticed is every time I edit my custom workflow, it regenerates the xaml and removes the ";assembly=BuildTasks" suffix from the custom CodeActivity namespace (xmlns).
So after every change I need to edit the xaml to fix it over and over again, otherwise the same error reoccurres.
You have to decorate your class with the BuildActivity attribute. See at the bottom. There is an UPDATE section with more information.
Where is assembly of your CustomActivity? You must add this assembly to source control and introduce it to the Build Controller you are using. For this:
Right click on Builds node.
Select Manage build controllers.
Click properties.
In the "Version control path to custom assemblies" section, introduce your assembly.
I had this exact same problem. The reason was that I had compiled the library with the custom activities against the x86 platform and the Build Controller was running off of a 64-bit Windows 2008 VM. Switching the target platform to AnyCPU allowed the build controller to immediately utilize the library without having to add it to the GAC.
The problem may be related to the output dll being in TFS.
What could happen is the following:
TFS does a get latest
The output dll is fetched and is read only
TFS tries to build
The build tries to write to the dll
Since the dll is read only you get an exception

Building a project with MSBUILD builds up-to-date, not specified projects (.NET 4)

I have a solution I am migrating from Visual Studio 2005 to 2010. Inside the IDE on developers machines, everything works fine, but my build server (with CC.NET) is giving me an error.
I have around 10 projects, 3 of which are not strong-named due to using unsigned references.
One of them (signed) has an InternalsVisibleTo another of the signed projects.
In the IDE I use Debug/Release configuration, which delay-sign all of the projects that are to be strong-named.
I also created Debug_Signed and Debug_Unsigned configurations (and the corresponding Release_*), which only build the corresponding projects.
In my build server I use the actual private key to build first the Debug_Signed configuration, and then call MSBUILD again on the Debug_Unsigned configuration with SingAssembly=false.
This worked perfectly fine using .NET 2.0 SDK, but now the first MSBUILD works fine, but then the second MSBUILD tries to rebuild the signed projects (since they are referenced by the unsigned projectes), and I get an error about one assembly having an InternalsVisibleTo a signed assembly while the generated assembly is not signed:
error CS0281: Friend access was granted to 'Sic.Gateway.Customers, PublicKey=0024...4bbe', but the output assembly is named 'Sic.Gateway.Customers, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. Try adding a reference to 'Sic.Gateway.Customers, PublicKey=0024...4bbe' or changing the output assembly name to match.
What I would like is the second MSBUILD to use the reference assemblys that were just built by the first MSBUILD instead of trying to rebuild them.
The build server just has the .NET 4.0 runtime (not the SDK) and I had to copy two .targets files (for SQL/CLR and web applications). But since everything seems to build fine, I don't think that would be a problem.
Does anyone have any idea of what I can do?
Luis Alonso Ramos
(copied as answer from Luis' comment above)
When running MSBUILD for either the unsigned or signed assemblies I was specifying three properties:
The thing is these properties applied to the whole solution, overriding the settings from individual projects. What I did was specify only the DelaySign and key file properties, without specifying SignAssembly. That way, the assemblies that are to be signed are still signed (with the new non-delay-signing settings), and those that shouldn't be signed are not.