Finding all references to an object instance in Obj-C - objective-c

I'm trying to track down some bugs, and one of them is related to a memory leak. It's an object that I can tell that something still has a reference to, since Instruments still shows it as being alive, but Instruments does not register it as a leak.
Is there anyway to look at an instance of an object in Objective-C and see what other objects still have a reference to that object?

I would recommend using the Allocations/ObjectAllocations Instruments template and then in the top right corner type the class name of your object (in the Category field).
You can then see the allocations increasing as you suggest and by viewing the extended detail you can see where they were allocated.
All content below this point was added by the OP (joshbuhler)
In the screenshot below, change the filter to "Objects List", and then by clicking on the little arrow to the right of the object's address, the history of memory events (alloc/retain/release/dealloc) will be show for that object. It won't show you exactly what is hanging onto that object, but it will give you some very useful info for tracking it down.

Cautionary Tail: :)
In the process of searching for a memory leak, I set a breakpoint (really a logpoint) in Xcode that would log the value of self when it was triggered troublesome logpoint image. Meanwhile I found the leak and patched it, but the memory usage wasn't leveling out, and my de-init was never getting called. The logpoint I set earlier was actually causing the retain count of my object to increase, and in turn that prevented de-init from ever getting called. I happened to discover this after several hours of wild goose chases which culminated in me stepping through my object's methods line by line, issuing p CFGetRetainCount(self) from debug console. When I stepped over the line with the logpoint, the retain count went up. At first I assumed it was some strange side effect of my code. I moved that logpoint so that I could set a normal breakpoint on that line, and my problem moved with it. I disabled the logpoint and the leak was gone. Hopefully this can help someone else.

If you're using xCode you can use the Performance tools to find the memory leaks. That will give you a nice graph of ALL memory allocation and if they are released or leaked.
xcode -> run -> Start with Performance Tools -> Leaks.
Memory leak detection tools


Object with reference count equals to 0 is still persistent

I am trying to enhance the memory allocation in my non-ARC app.
There are some objects that, even if their reference count are 0, they are listed as persistent object between two heapshot.
This is my heapshot view:
Lets take for instance the selected LSBookChapter in the 1st heapshot (0x6deb180).
This is the history of that object:
Why that object isn't deallocated? If the reference count is 0 I can't figure out when I over retained that object..
Might you have zombie detection turned on?
Zombie detection causes nothing to be deallocated, but -- likely -- the retain count will drop to zero and, more usefully, you'll see a one to one correspondence between retain causing and release causing events.
Also, if you don't turn on "only track live allocations", then you'll see the object in Instruments after it is deallocated, with a 0 retain count, but it is really deallocated.
In my previous application, I had some concerns as you are having right now because, I didn't had leaks, but the memory was growing. After some research I stumbled upon this. I did tried to make some shortcuts on his article, but in the end I just read the whole thing to actually understand what was wrong. And YES, I was able to pinpoint every problem I had. And I might say I had quite a few.
For your particular problem, I didn't do what you are you trying right now: seeing the retainCount of an object in different heapshots. I think it's a waste of time honestly. My main goal is to make sure that if I do something and I reverse it, the memory should not increase or if it does it should be slightly (quick example: going into a new UIViewController and press the button back).

Memory Leaks profiler in Xcode - How reliable is it?

I have tried using the memory profiler in xCode.
It flags a number of objects as leaked object but when I open the history of the object, the last operation on that object is a release that sets the object reference's count to zero.
How reliable is the results shown in that tool ? are they potential memory leaks or confirmed ones ?
And if it is definitely a memory leak why is it happening when I have the last reference count is zero ? could it be something wrong in the way I am configuring xCode's profiler (I just press cmd + i)?
The allocations tool is perfectly accurate if you have asked it to track retains and releases: it tracks them correctly. It also reports correctly the difference between how many of an object have existed during the previous history and how many exist right now.
The leaks tool is not always accurate: for example, in my experience it often misses leaks (I've never heard of its reporting a false positive but I suppose it's possible). Remember to allow enough time, though, since by default the leaks tool only takes a shot every 10 seconds. Also, use heapshots to hone in on the lifetime of objects.
Ah I found the mistake !
I wasn't calling [super deallco] in the dealloc of the class of these instances

How can I determine which objects hold references to other objects that are causing memory leaks in objective-c?

I have tried using the leaks tool, and "analyze" etc to find the leak, but it can't find it. Using allocations I can determine the objects which are not being released.
I have noticed (by adding debugging statements in the dealloc method), that dealloc is not called for these objects.
How can I determine which objects are holding references to these objects and preventing them from being released?
If you need to see where retains, releases and autoreleases occur for an object use instruments:
Run in instruments, in Allocations set "Record reference counts" on on (you have to stop recording to set the option). Cause the picker to run, stop recording, search for there ivar (datePickerView), drill down and you will be able to see where all retains, releases and autoreleases occurred.
The analyze tool was unable to detect the problem. Using the allocations tool to capture all the reference counts was a start, but there were so many classes I didn't recognize, or access directly, I was not able to track down the problem using this method. Instead, I made a list of the classes that I was directly responsible for, and investigated each of them line by line till I found the problems. The cause was that I used some third party libraries which didn't decrement the retain count of some of my objects as expected. I guess in this case, following better software engineering principles / design patterns, and having thorough code reviews may have caught the problem earlier.
I would start by building and analyzing the project ( Shift Command B in the IDE ).
You can overload retain/release/autorelease implementations in problematic classes (if it's an SDK class, it's possible to use a category) and set breakpoint there. Your breakpoint will be hit each time something retains your object.

How do I debug weird memory management issues in Xcode/Objective-C?

I'm newish to Objective-C and my memory management skills are not great. However, I haven't had a single problem until now. And now I've got big problems.
I've gone from zero crashes to crashing at random points, giving me either no console output or unrecognized selector errors on random types (-[NSCFSet isSameAsStop:]: unrecognized selector - I don't even use any sets and I surely have not called my custom isSameAsStop on any sets.). Judging by the randomness and errors, it seems like a memory thing to me although I'm not entirely sure.
How do I go about debugging this? The debugger assumes you know where your problem is... and mine is just everywhere. Ideas?
Some clarification on the solution suggestion to "run with zombie detection enabled":
Set the NSZombieEnabled to YES on the Executables' Arguments screen.
Build and then choose Run with Performance Tool > Object Allocations, which will start Instruments.
Click the "i" button on Object Allocations in Instr. and select zombie detection and retain counts.
Rerun and click around in your app, it'll tell you when you hit a zombie!
Thanks for the help!
You have a classic over-release bug on your hands. Somewhere, you are over-releasing an instance of the class that implements isSameAsStop and it just so happens that an NSSet instance is allocated at the same spot after the original instance is deallocated.
The first step is to "build and analyze" your code, fixing any problems that the static analyzer finds.
The next step is to then run with zombie detection enabled.
In Xcode: Build menu >> Build and Analyze
Finds a lot of common memory management issues.

Track all Objective-C's alloc/allocWithZone/dealloc

Sorry for long description, however the questions aren't so easy...
My project written without GC. Recently I found a memory leak that I can't find. I did use new Xcode Analyzer without a result. I did read my code line by line and verified all alloc/release/copy/autorelease/mutableCopy/retain and pools... - still nothing.
Preamble: Standard Instruments and Omni Leak Checker don't work for me by some reason (Omin Tool rejects my app, (Leaks) eats too many memory and CPU so I have no chance to use it).
So I wanna write and use my own code to hook & track "all" alloc/allocWithZone:/dealloc messages statistics to write some simple own leaks checking library (the main goal is only to mark objects' class names with possible leaks).
The main hooking technique that I use:
Method originalAllocWithZone = class_getClassMethod([NSObject class],#selector(allocWithZone:));
if (originalAllocWithZone)
imp_azo = (t_impAZOriginal)method_getImplementation(originalAllocWithZone);
if (imp_azo)
Method hookedAllocWithZone = class_getClassMethod([NSObject class],#selector(hookedAllocWithZone:));
if (hookedAllocWithZone)
fprintf(stderr,"Leaks Hook: allocWithZone: ; Installed\n");
code like this for hook the alloc method, and dealloc as NSObject category method.
I save IMP for previous methods implementation then register & calculate all alloc/allocWithZone: calls as increment (+1) stat-array NSInteger values, and dealloc calls as decrement (-1).
As end point I call previous implementation and return value.
In concept all works just fine.
If it needs, I can even detect when class are part of class cluster (like NSString, NSPathStore2; NSDate, __NSCFDate)... via some normalize-function (but it doesn't matter for the issues described bellow).
However this technique has some issues:
Not all classes can be caught, for
example, [NSDate date] doesn't catch
in alloc/allocWithZone: at all, however, I can see alloc call in GDB
Since I'm trying to use auto singleton detection technique (based on retainCount readind) to auto exclude some objects from final statistics, NSLocale creation freezes on pre-init stage when starting of full Cocoa application (actually, even simple Objective-C command line utility with the Foundation framework included has some additional initialization before main()) - by GDB there is allocWithZone: calls one after other,....
Full Concept-Project draft sources uploaded here: (3.5 Kb)
Run make from to compile it, run ./concept to show it in action.
The 1st Question: Why I can't catch all object allocations by hooking alloc & allocWithZone: methods?
The 2nd Question: Why hooked allocWithZone: freezes in CFGetRetainCount (or [inst retainCount]) for some classes...
Holy re-inventing the wheel, batman!
You are making this way harder than it needs to be. There is absolutely no need whatsoever to roll your own object tracking tools (though it is an interesting mental exercise).
Because you are using GC, the tools for tracking allocations and identifying leaks are all very mature.
Under GC, a leak will take one of two forms; either there will be a strong reference to the object that should long ago been destroyed or the object has been CFRetain'd without a balancing CFRelease.
The collector is quite adept at figuring out why any given object is remaining beyond its welcome.
Thus, you need to find some set of objects that are sticking around too long. Any object will do. Once you have the address of said object, you can use the Object Graph instrument in Instruments to figure out why it is sticking around; figure out what is still referring to it or where it was retained.
Or, from gdb, use info gc-roots 0xaddr to find all of the various things that are rooting the object. If you turn on malloc history (see the malloc man page), you can get the allocation histories of the objects that are holding the reference.
Oh, without GC, huh...
You are still left with a plethora of tools and no need to re-invent the wheel.
The leaks command line tool will often give you some good clues. Turn on MallocStackLoggingNoCompact to be able to use malloc_history (another command line tool).
Or use the ObjectAlloc instrument.
In any case, you need to identify an object or two that is being leaked. With that, you can figure out what is hanging on to it. In non-GC, that is entirely a case of figuring out why it there is a retain not balanced by a release.
Even without the Leaks instrument, Instruments can still help you.
Start with the Leaks template, then delete the Leaks instrument from it (since you say it uses too much memory). ObjectAlloc alone will tell you all of your objects' allocations and deallocations, and (with an option turned on, which it is by default in the Leaks template) all of their retentions and releases as well.
You can set the ObjectAlloc instrument to only show you objects that still exist; if you bring the application to the point where no objects (or no objects of a certain class) should exist, and such objects do still exist, then you have a leak. You can then drill down to find the cause of the leak.
This video may help.
Start from the Xcode templates. Don't try to roll your own main() routine for a cocoa app until you know what you're doing.