Rails routes with multiple identifiers? - ruby-on-rails-3

I'm trying to set up routes in Rails 3 that look like:
It's pretty easy to do a match to set this up, and then generate the URL with the following:
item_path(:category => #item.category, :name => #item.name)
But is there any way to set it up so that item_path #item and form_for #item will work automatically, so I don't have to pass the category every time?

Not really no. I would suggest defining a to_params (note the 's') method on Item as follows:
def to_params
{:category => category, :name => name}
And then calling it like so item_path(#item.to_params). If you hack things to default to this I can guarantee you'll run into situations in which you don't want it.


Change name of :id in nested route

I have a nested route in rails, and I need to change the name of the :id, I don't want that :id because I haven an other field to use as parameter... I've been googling around but couldn't find a way of doing this... Any idea?
I have:
resources :user do
resources :elements, :only=>[:create,:destroy]
and a rake routes generates:
user_elements POST /users/:user_id/elements(.:format) elements#create
user_elements DELETE /users/:user_id/elements/:id(.:format) elements#destroy
And I need something like
user_elements POST /users/:user_id/elements(.:format) elements#create
user_elements DELETE /users/:user_id/elements/:CHANGED(.:format) elements#destroy
I would recommend against changing the convention. You will probably need to declare the routes manually.
That said, something like this would probably work:
resources :users do
post 'elements(.:format)' => 'elements#create'
delete 'elements/:changed(.:format)' => 'elements#destroy'
match "/users/:user_id/elements/:CHANGED(.:format)" => 'elements#destroy'
This can do it!

Questions about rails3 routes

I'm upgrading my app to rails 3, and I am a bit confused about some of the routes. The resourceful ones are easy enough, but how can I set a generic rule for all actions in a specific controller. I tried something like this:
get 'custom/:action/' => {:controller => :custom}
But that didn't work. It seems the new format is "controller#action", but how can I specify the action to be variable?
Also, other than using named routes or resources, is it possible to do shorthand notation to name routes in a specific controller?
i.e. rather than:
get '/tasks', :controller => :home, :action => :tasks, :as => 'tasks_home'
get '/accounts', :controller => :home, :action => :accounts, :as => 'accounts_home'
is it possible to do something a little cleaner, like:
controller => :home do
get :tasks
get :accounts
And that would automatically created the named routes?
You can use action as a variable like this:
resource :custom do
match ':action'
This will generate
/custom/:action(.:format) customs#:action
custom POST /custom(.:format) customs#create
new_custom GET /custom/new(.:format) customs#new
edit_custom GET /custom/edit(.:format) customs#edit
GET /custom(.:format) customs#show
PUT /custom(.:format) customs#update
DELETE /custom(.:format) customs#destroy
So it will handle your action as a variable URL-s and will add some default CRUD actions as well.
Note that the controller name here is in plural. If you would like to use a route for a controller which name is in singular, use resources instead of resource.
The answer to the second question is almost identical to the first one, use resource:
resource :home do
get :tasks
get :accounts
tasks_home GET /home/tasks(.:format) homes#tasks
accounts_home GET /home/accounts(.:format) homes#accounts
home POST /home(.:format) homes#create
new_home GET /home/new(.:format) homes#new
edit_home GET /home/edit(.:format) homes#edit
GET /home(.:format) homes#show
PUT /home(.:format) homes#update
DELETE /home(.:format) homes#destroy
Note that the matched controller names are in plural again, because of the convention.
Looks like this is related to the persisted field being set to false on nested ActiveResource objects: https://github.com/rails/rails/pull/3107

Rails Routing Error for nested form_for

I now this has been asked a thousand times but that doesn't help me heh :) I've been at this an hour. My form:
= form_for #comment, :url_for => { :action => "create", :controller => "comments"}, :method => :post
my rake routes:
POST /t/:trunk_id/r/:root_id/comments(.:format) {:action=>"create", :controller=>"comments"}
trunk_root_comment GET /t/:trunk_id/r/:root_id/comments/:id(.:format) {:action=>"show", :controller=>"comments"}
The error:
undefined method `comments_path' for #<#<Class:0x007fed2c713128>:0x007fed2c71cc78>
If I name space the form to:
= form_for [:trunk_root, #comment], :url_for => { :action => "create", :controller => "comments"}, :method => :post do |f|
which should make the route trunk_root_comments_path.. which is correct according to the rake routes.. I get:
No route matches {:controller=>"comments", :format=>nil}
Help is very much appreciated.. been looking at this for hours..
Thank you Ryan for such a great answer! A very clear explanation of something I was just sort of 'throwing things' at, now at least I understand better. I actually already had 'trunk_root_comments_path' available in my rake routes, and I had tried a couple of the combinations you mentioned, but I wasn't really grocking what I was missing, so you helped. I'm using Mongo and I don't actually have a Trunk model, I just have an attribute on roots called #root.trunk, though I have a trunk controller and therefore its a part of my routes(maybe a bad idea idk).
So I tried your TLDR and it said error:
Undefined method 'root_comments_path'
.. cause no Trunk model exists, I assume?.. so I made #trunk just equal the correct id with
= form_for [#trunk, #root, #comment] do |f|
<- and I got 'undefined method `politics_root_comments_path''.. I figured well.. that probably makes sense.. since I'm failing I must as well try your most explicit version:
= form_for #comment, :url => (trunk_root_comments_path(:trunk_id => #root.trunk, :root_id => #root.id)) do |f|
and sure enough that worked... so I'm not quite sure how to do it shorter then this.. the odd thing for me is I have another nested resource "photos" at the same level of depth in the routes and I was able to get that to work with = form_for [:trunk_root, #photo], :html => { :class => 'root_form' } do |f|.. but here for some reason I couldn't.. anyways I'd say you gave me enough to understand 100% but I think I went from 20% understanding to 50% understanding.. I know now that id's ARE important to routes, and the named helpers need access to them. I got an introduction to how the url_helper works, but would need to read more on it to really grock it fully I think. I'm also now able to construct proper routes in their longer form at least to get through tricky situations like this. So thank you :)
TL;DR You need to specify both a :trunk_id and a root_id in your URL or use form_for like this:
<%= form_for [#trunk, #root, #comment] do |f| %>
Rails is attempting to build a URL from the hash you're giving it, but that hash doesn't match anything in its routing table. You could do this:
{ :controller => "comments", :action => "create", :trunk_id => trunk.id, :root_id => root.id }
But that's really a bit tl;dr.
The cooler way to do it is this:
trunk_root_comments_path(trunk, root)
Where trunk and root are Trunk and Root instances respectively.
Now, if you want to be super-wicked-cool, do it like this:
<%= form_for [trunk, root, comment] do |f| %>
So how does this work? Elementary, my dear:
Rails first recognises that we're using form_for using an Array and that we mean business. Rails uses this array passed in and builds a URL out of it. It does this by using the routing helpers that are defined by the routes. Unfortunately, you've defined your routes in a funny way that don't play nice with this, but don't fear! We can fix this.
The way you can do it is this where you have this in config/routes.rb:
post '/t/:trunk_id/r/:root_id/comments'
Instead put this:
post '/t/:trunk_id/r/:root_id/comments', :as => "trunk_root_comments"
You may alternatively already have this:
match '/t/:trunk_id/r/:root_id/comments', :via => :post
Which should become this:
match '/t/:trunk_id/r/:root_id/comments', :via => :post, :as => "trunk_root_comments"
Either way, you've now got not one, but two(!!) path helpers defined by the routes. These aretrunk_root_comments_path and trunk_root_comments_url respectively. The names of these methods are super important for what I am about to explain to you. Pay attention!
So, back to our little form_for call:
<%= form_for [trunk, root, comment] do |f| %>
Rails knows that we're using an Array because it can see it. What it does with this Array may seem like magic, but isn't really.
Rails will take each element of this array and build a routing helper method name up from the different parts. This isn't actually part of form_for, but another method called url_for that you can use by itself:
url_for([trunk, root, comment])
In the beginning, this routing helper method name generated by url_for is simply an empty array ([]). Nothing special at all.
But then what happens is special!
The first element is going to be a persisted instance of the Trunk class. By "persisted" I mean that it's an object that maps directly to a record in the database. Yay ORMs!
Rails will know this, and so will turn the routing helper into this: [:trunk].
The second element is going to be a persisted instance of the Root class. Rails also knows this (damn, Rails is smart!) and will then append this to the array, turning it into [:trunk, :root]. Awesome.
The third (and final) element is then checked by Rails. It sees that (in this case) it's a non-persisted element, i.e. it's not been saved to the database.. yet. Rails treats this differently and will instead append [:comments] to the array, turning it into this:
[:trunk, :root, :comments]
See where I'm going with this now?
Now that Rails has done it's thing (or thang, if you like) it will join these three parts together like this: trunk_root_comments, and just for good measure it'll put _path on the end of it, turning it into the final trunk_root_comments_path helper.
And then! Man, and then... Rails calls this method and passes it arguments! Just like this:
trunk_root_comments_path(:trunk_id => trunk.id, :root_id => root_id)
This generates a full path to the resource like this:
And bam! Full circle! That's how Rails will know to generate the URL and you don't have to use ugly hashes anymore.
Not sure if you have this route set up but try:
= form_for #comment, :url => trunk_root_comments_path

configuring rails3 route with multiple parameters

What I have
match "/home/markread/:id" => "books#markread"
goes to
def markread
#mark params[:id] as read
What I want
What If I want to pass another parameter so that urls looks like
/home/markread/1/didread=read or /home/markread/1/didread=unread
so my method will change to
def marked
#mark params[:id] as params[:didread]
what should my routes.rb look like for me to achieve this?
How about just changing to
match "home/markread/:id/used=:used" => "books#markread"
Give the route a name using the 'as' option and pass the optional parameters as many you want.
For example:
match "/home/markread/:id" => "books#markread", :as => 'markread'
This will give you helpers like, markread_path and markread_url. You can pass the parameters like markread_path(:id => 1, :other => 'value' ...)
You need to do the checks in the controller for that action whether a particular parameter is passed or not. Rails Doc.
In rails 4 you will have:
resources :home, only: :none do
get 'markread/:another', action: :markread, on: :member
GET /home/:id/markread/:another(.:format) /home#markread

Rails 3 Routing: Using 2 dynamic segments in path for one model

What I am trying to achieve is something similar to Github's way for routes. E.g. I have a project with the name 'question' results in the URL /hjuskewycz/question. So my goal is to have routes where the first segment is the username and the second the project's name.
I tried a couple of different approaches, this is the one I am stuck with right now:
scope ":username" do
resources :projects, :path => "" do
resources :pictures
project_path :username => project.owner.username, :id => project.to_param
works as expected. However, it's tedious to always specify the username although it's always the owner's username. I would very much prefer
project_path(:id => project.to_param)
I know about default_url_options and url_for and I digged in the code. However, polymorphic_url doesn't use default_url_options.
I tried in routes.rb:
resources :projects, :path => "", :defaults => {:username => Proc.new { "just_testing" }}
since you can use a proc for constrains, but haven't got it working either.
I tried in project.rb
def to_param
I spent already too much time on this problem and my current approach uses a convenience method to add the :username parameter. Nevertheless, I think using this method all over the place just to add an entry stinks (bad code smell). I wonder if there is a more elegant solution to this problem.
I think you should not make things complicated here, just use something like this:
In Routes.rb
match ':username/:projectname/' => 'projects#show_project' , :as => :show_project
and in project_controller, just define this
def show_project
#user =User.find_by_username(params[:username])
#project =Project.find_by_slug(params[:projectname])
Simpler is better, it saves time and easy to understand for others
You want to do something like this in your controller:
before_filter :set_username
def set_username
Rails.application.routes.default_url_options[:username] = #user.name