Using Flickr API via Objective-C with normal login/password - objective-c

I am trying to use Flickr API via Objective-C. Can I get a user-related information like shared pictures just using login and password that user has used to register in Flickr? Or the user needs to get key/secret pair bound to a particular application?

I've seen some of the Flickr tutorials out there, but I believe you need an api token from Flickr to pull in the image feed.
Here is the tutorial I used, which also contains links to get your api key.
iPhone JSON Flickr Tutorial Pt 1

The framework 'ObjectiveFlickr' is by far the best tool for the job here:
I've used it in heaps of projects.
It'll manage all your API authentication and requests.

No, you can't just use a username and password to access private information. Yahoo/Flickr use OAuth which is a bit more involved. There are also a few open source Flickr API frameworks that should do a lot of the work for you. (I've not used any myself, hence the lack of a recommendation.)


Foursquare API exposing secret in javascript

I want to integrate the foursquare API in my website but I'm not that familiar with API security so I want to make sure I'm doing it right.
I want to search for venues in an area like the documentation states:
Using javascript however, I don't feel comfortable that the client secret is exposed in my code like this, because if someone looks at my source they have the client_id and client_secret which makes it possible to authenticate themselves with my code:
Isn't that the same as, "hey look at my source code, my username = "someusername" and my password is "somepassword"?
Shouldn't the "client_secret" remain secret like it says? Or am I looking at it the wrong way?
I think the issue is that you're trying to access the Foursquare API using Javascript, which is executed on the client side, so yes, anybody using your website can, with a little bit of investigation, see the secret key that you're using, which is something that you definitely don't want to do.
The way to get around that is not to access the API using code that is executed on the client side. Whatever language you have building the website on the server side should be the code that accesses the API (using the auth credentials that you have set up) and then returns the results of the API call to the rest of the code.
Alternately, you can get users to authenticate with Foursquare and get an access token, which you can then use in user-specific API calls, and it won't matter if those are executed on the client side. I think this is the relevant page in the documentation for using that method:

Instagram API: Likeboost and LikeHero

I'm trying to figure out how Likeboost or LikeHero work, 'cause I believe Instagram doesn't allow you to use Like endpoint to add a like to an image and they require you to submit the app for review as they stated here:
To request access to this endpoint, please complete this form.
But these apps just ask for your username and password (Surprisingly you don't get transferred to Safari for authentication process) and then you could like an image from that particular app. How do they do that? Isn't this against the following paragraph?
The ability to POST and DELETE likes, follows and comments is restricted to applications that offer business services and not consumer facing apps.
That applications that you are mentioning are using a fake native login page in order to avoid you leave from the application (like #Matthew Antolovich said). Once they get the access_token, there are no more dificulties and they can use the API calls.
As you can see in the Authentication documentation they might be using the Client-Side (Implicit) that is less secure but it works for they purposes.
They are giving permissions only to trusty applications in order to avoid that fake applications (bot apps, fake users, ...) use some API functionalities.
If you want to use these calls, you should fulfill the form that they are giving to you once your application is finished. If you are still developing the application you have to trust the Like documentation without the capability of test if it works.
There are other ways to restrict apps to use some calls (limit of requests per day, ...) but this is how they are doing it so, we must adapt.
Like #Matthew Antolovich said in his comment, if those apps are asking you for your user and password, they can log-in using the same requests present on the web. They could (and probably are) make their own API by reverse engineering the http requests.
On a side note, I would personally never trust those kind of apps.

Authenticating users when using REST

Not sure if the title of the question expresses good my problem, so I'm going to do my best to explain it here:
I'm writing a RESTful api using php and Restler. Now here comes the problem:
There are some services that I'd like to protect, that is, know if the user requesting that service has enough privileges.
All the services that I'm implementing have to be consumed using javascript, so the traditional method user/password won't work beacause everyone will see that!
I'd also like to limit the amount of requests an anonymous user can do, like twitter does with the search service.
What can I do to expose my api to everyone, but only let users with priveleges complete their requests?
I stumble with this post: REST authentication and exposing the API key but at the end, no solution was provided.
I'm very open to any alternative: like OAuth. I would like to use something that integrates well with restler though, but if that is not the possible, then its ok.
I've seen a lot of info, saying that an api key would do the work, but since I'm using javascript, how can I protect those keys from being used by other users?
Update: Restler 3 is released with hybrid access support using #access hybrid comment and is available here!
Just in time with the right question :)
Your question has two parts
1. How do I do hybrid access (both public and protected access) with Restler
Restler 2 does not support hybrid access, but Restler 3, which will be released in August 2012 (this week) will support hybrid access, exactly built for your use case
You can follow the development at twitter and/or facebook
2. How can I protect my API when the primary consumer is JavaScript
For simplicity you may use HTTPS with Basic Authentication or HTTP with Digest Authentication
Another alternative is described in this article. It is not written specifically for Restler but it is easy to adapt to Restler. Let us know if you need help on that

flickr api authentication without user intervention

I would like to programmatically query the Flickr API using my own credentials only just to grab some data from there on a frequent basis. It appears that the Flickr API is favouring OAuth now.
My question is: how should I authenticate the API without user intervention just for myself? Is it possible any more?
Once you have received an oauth_token (Access Token), you can use it for multiple subsequent API calls. You should be able to persist the token in a data store (I haven't done this myself) and use it even after your application restarts. Of course, you still need to write the code to get the Access Token the first time.
If your application is already coded using the old authentication API, it looks like there is a one-time call that you can make to get a new-style Access Token. See
Even if you don't have a coded application, you might be able to use the API Explorer for any of the calls that requires authentication (flickr.activity.userComments, for example) to harvest an api_sig and auth_token.
The scenario which you are describing is sometimes referred to as 2-legged OAuth. (
Google APIs support this via a 'service account'.
Unfortunately Flickr doesn't seem to support this kind of interaction.
For public data interaction (like downloading your public photos (photostream) from your account), there's no need to authenticate. You can get the data using only the Flickr user-id.
For other interactions (like downloading private photos (camera roll) from your account), you'll need to follow the full OAuth procedure at least once.

How to get Google cookies having the user and the password?

The tool I'm developing would do a thing similar to when you join Facebook and they ask your GMail username and password and with it they can grab all your contacts.
But my tool doesn't use a browser, therefore it is difficult to get the proper headers. I assume that the Google application (Orkut) checks only my Cookies and Identity(ip, machine name, user-agent) as authentication method. In this case all I need is to get the proper cookies.
I tried to call with the parameters Passwd=realPasswordHere& . But the response was a similar HTML with Set-Cookie: GALX=A9iBuq7y5xU;Path=/accounts;Secure
None of these cookies are the real thing. Have you tried it yourself? Do you know how to do it? Have you ever seen an open source project that does it?
Consider using OAuth -- the URL I just gave details how to use OAuth to authorize the OpenSocial REST interface on Orkut, and this one has detailed specs on the RPC interface to OpenSocial, if that's what you prefer (the authorization part is basically the same, anyway).
If you are just looking for the contacts check out the provided API:
other google APIs
If you need source code to view how to do this you can check out the following project.
hope that helps, and good luck!
Perhaps you could check the source code of a Google tool that does this: