Numbering rows in a view - sql

I am connecting to an SQL database using a PLC, and need to return a list of values. Unfortunately, the PLC has limited memory, and can only retrieve approximately 5,000 values at any one time, however the database may contain up to 10,000 values.
As such I need a way of retrieving these values in 2 operations. Unfortunately the PLC is limited in the query it can perform, and is limited to only SELECT and WHERE commands, so I cannot use LIMIT or TOP or anything like that.
Is there a way in which I can create a view, and auto number every field in that view? I could then query all records < 5,000, followed by a second query of < 10,000 etc?
Unfortunately it seems that views do not support the identity column, so this would need to be done manually.
Anyone any suggestions? My only realistic option at the moment seems to be to create 2 views, one with the first 5,000 and 1 with the next 5,000...
I am using SQL Server 2000 if that makes a difference...

There are 2 solutions. The easiest is to modify your SQL table and add an IDENTITY column. If that is not a possibility, the you'll have to do something like the below query. For 10000 rows, it shouldn't be too slow. But as the table grows, it will become worse and worse-performing.
SELECT Col1, Col2, (SELECT COUNT(i.Col1)
FROM yourtable i
WHERE i.Col1 <= o.Col1) AS RowID
FROM yourtable o

While the code provided by Derek does what I asked - i.e numbers each row in the view, the performance for this is really poor - approximately 20 seconds to number 100 rows. As such it is not a workable solution. An alternative is to number the first 5,000 records with a 1, and the next 5,000 with a 2. This can be done with 3 simple queries, and is far quicker to execute.
The code to do so is as follows:
SELECT TOP(5000) BCode, SAPCode, 1 as GroupNo FROM dbo.DB
SELECT TOP (10000) BCode, SAPCode, 2 as GroupNo FROM dbo.DB p
Although, as pointed out by Andriy M, you should also specify an explicit sort, to ensure the you dont miss any records.

One possibility might be to use a function with a temporary table such as
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.OrderedBCodeData()
RETURNS #Data TABLE (RowNumber int IDENTITY(1,1),BCode int,SAPCode int)
And select from this function such as
SELECT FROM dbo.OrderedBCodeData() WHERE RowNumber BETWEEN 5000 AND 10000
I haven't used this in production ever, in fact was just a quick idea this morning but worth exploring as a neater alternative?


What is the distribution of getting a single random row in Oracle using this SQL statement?

We are attempting to pull a semi-random row from Oracle. (We don't need perfectly random row that meets rigorous statistical scrutiny but we would like something that has a chance of getting any row in the table even though there may be some degree of skew.)
We are using this approach:
This approach appears to be giving us just one random result each time we run it.
However, according to answers to this question, this approach gives results from the beginning of the table far more commonly.
How commonly? If that statement is true then how much more commonly are values taken from the top of the table? Our typical table has tens of millions of rows (occasionally billions.) Is there a simple heuristic or a rough estimate to understand the skew in the distribution we can expect?
We are asking for skew because other methods aren't fast enough for our use case. We are avoiding using ORDER because the source tables can be so large (i.e. billions of rows) that the reporting server will run for hours or can time out before we get an answer. Thus, our constraint is we need to use approaches like SAMPLE that respond with little database overhead.
The issue than sample is basically going through the table in order and randomly selecting rows. The issue is the rownum, not the sample.
The solution is to use sample and then randomly sort:
ORDER BY dbms_random.value
) p
Just for fun, here is an alternative way to select a single, uniformly distributed row out of a (uniformly distributed) "small" sample of rows from the table.
Suppose the table has millions or billions of rows, and we use the sample clause to select only a small, random (and presumably uniformly distributed) sample of rows. Let's say the sample size is 200 rows. How can we select a single row out of those 200, in such a way that the selection is not biased?
As the OP explained, if we always select the first row generated in the sample, that has a very high likelihood to be biased. Gordon Linoff has shown a perfectly valid way to fix that. Here I describe a different approach - which is even more efficient, as it only generates a single random number, and it does not need to order the 200 rows. (Admittedly this is not a lot of overhead, but it may still matter if the query must be run many times.)
Namely: Given any 200 rows, generate a (hopefully uniformly distributed) single integer between 1 and 200. Also, as the 200 rows are generated, capture ROWNUM at the same time. Then it's as simple as selecting the row where ROWNUM = <the randomly generated integer>
Unfortunately, the sample clause doesn't generate a fixed number of rows, even if the table and the percentage sampled are fixed (and even if stats on the table are current). So the solution is just slightly more complicated - first I generate the sample, then I count how many rows it contains, and then I select the one row we want.
The output will include a column for the "random row number"; if that is an issue, just list the columns from the base table instead of * in the final query. I assume the name of the base table is t.
p as ( select t.*, rownum as rn
from t sample(0.0001)
, r as ( select trunc(dbms_random.value(1, (select count(*) from p) + 1)) as rn
from dual
select p.*
from p join r on p.rn = r.rn
It's not accurate to say "[SAMPLE] gives results from the beginning of the table far more commonly," unless you're using SAMPLE wrong. However, there are some unusual cases where earlier rows are favored if those early rows are much larger than subsequent rows.
SAMPLE Isn't That Bad
If you use a large sample size, the first rows returned do appear to come from the "first" rows of the table. (But tables are unordered, and while I observe
this behavior on my machine there is no guarantee you will always see it.)
The below query does seem to do a good job of picking random rows, but not if you only look at the first N rows returned:
select * from test1 sample(99);
SAMPLE Isn't Perfect Either
The below test case shows how the row size can skew the results. If you insert 10,000 large rows and then insert 10,000 small rows, a small SAMPLE will
almost always only return large rows.
--drop table test1 purge;
create table test1(a varchar2(5), b varchar2(4000));
--Insert 10K large records.
insert into test1 select 'large', lpad('A', 4000, 'A') from dual connect by level <= 10000;
--Insert 10K small records.
insert into test1 select 'small', null from dual connect by level <= 10000;
--Select about 10 rows. Notice that they are almost always a "LARGE" row.
select * from test1 sample (0.1);
However, the skew completely disappears if you insert the small rows before the large rows.
I think these results imply that SAMPLE is based on the distribution of data in blocks (8 KB of data), and not strictly random per rows. If small rows are "hidden" in a physically small part of the table they are much less likely to show up. However, Oracle always seems to check the first part of the table, and if the small rows exist there, then the sample is evenly distributed. The rows have to be hiding very well to be missed.
The real answer depends on Oracle's implementation, which I don't have access to. Hopefully this test case will at least give you some ideas to play around and determine if SAMPLE is random enough for your needs.

How can I split table rows into some equal parts for future processing?

Given we have some table. It is to big to be processed in one step by our application, and also we want to parallelize the processing of it by multiple threads of our application. So we need to split table into some parts. How can we write a query which returns that parts of a table?
For example, here is my table:
id name age
1 John 25
2 Peter 34
3 Anna 18
I want to process this table by 3 threads. So I need to write a query which splits the rows into 3 parts. What is the most effective way to do this?
I am using Oracle, but it is interesting to know the answers for all main databases if they differ.
I just realized that this looks like a typical pagination query. As far as I understand in Oracle pagination is done using a query like this:
select *
from ( select /*+ FIRST_ROWS(n) */
a.*, ROWNUM rnum
from ( your_query_goes_here,
with order by ) a
where ROWNUM <=
where rnum >= :MIN_ROW_TO_FETCH;
(from here:
But may be we can benefit something from the fact we know the pages are equal? Also we need some preliminary query to fetch total row number to divide it into parts later. May be we can incorporate that query into main one?
Also I guess same task can be solved via ntile function in Oracle. Which solution is better? Is there any other solutions?

SQL WHERE ID IN (id1, id2, ..., idn)

I need to write a query to retrieve a big list of ids.
We do support many backends (MySQL, Firebird, SQLServer, Oracle, PostgreSQL ...) so I need to write a standard SQL.
The size of the id set could be big, the query would be generated programmatically. So, what is the best approach?
1) Writing a query using IN
SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE ID IN (id1, id2, ..., idn)
My question here is. What happens if n is very big? Also, what about performance?
2) Writing a query using OR
SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE ID = id1 OR ID = id2 OR ... OR ID = idn
I think that this approach does not have n limit, but what about performance if n is very big?
3) Writing a programmatic solution:
foreach (var id in myIdList)
var item = GetItemByQuery("SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE ID = " + id);
We experienced some problems with this approach when the database server is queried over the network. Normally is better to do one query that retrieve all results versus making a lot of small queries. Maybe I'm wrong.
What would be a correct solution for this problem?
Option 1 is the only good solution.
Option 2 does the same but you repeat the column name lots of times; additionally the SQL engine doesn't immediately know that you want to check if the value is one of the values in a fixed list. However, a good SQL engine could optimize it to have equal performance like with IN. There's still the readability issue though...
Option 3 is simply horrible performance-wise. It sends a query every loop and hammers the database with small queries. It also prevents it from using any optimizations for "value is one of those in a given list"
An alternative approach might be to use another table to contain id values. This other table can then be inner joined on your TABLE to constrain returned rows. This will have the major advantage that you won't need dynamic SQL (problematic at the best of times), and you won't have an infinitely long IN clause.
You would truncate this other table, insert your large number of rows, then perhaps create an index to aid the join performance. It would also let you detach the accumulation of these rows from the retrieval of data, perhaps giving you more options to tune performance.
Update: Although you could use a temporary table, I did not mean to imply that you must or even should. A permanent table used for temporary data is a common solution with merits beyond that described here.
What Ed Guiness suggested is really a performance booster , I had a query like this
select * from table where id in (id1,id2.........long list)
what i did :
DECLARE #temp table(
ID int
insert into #temp
select * from dbo.fnSplitter('#idlist#')
Then inner joined the temp with main table :
select * from table inner join temp on =
And performance improved drastically.
First option is definitely the best option.
SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE ID IN (id1, id2, ..., idn)
However considering that the list of ids is very huge, say millions, you should consider chunk sizes like below:
Divide you list of Ids into chunks of fixed number, say 100
Chunk size should be decided based upon the memory size of your server
Suppose you have 10000 Ids, you will have 10000/100 = 100 chunks
Process one chunk at a time resulting in 100 database calls for select
Why should you divide into chunks?
You will never get memory overflow exception which is very common in scenarios like yours.
You will have optimized number of database calls resulting in better performance.
It has always worked like charm for me. Hope it would work for my fellow developers as well :)
Doing the SELECT * FROM MyTable where id in () command on an Azure SQL table with 500 million records resulted in a wait time of > 7min!
Doing this instead returned results immediately:
select, a.* from MyTable a
join (values (250000), (2500001), (2600000)) as b(id)
ON =
Use a join.
In most database systems, IN (val1, val2, …) and a series of OR are optimized to the same plan.
The third way would be importing the list of values into a temporary table and join it which is more efficient in most systems, if there are lots of values.
You may want to read this articles:
Passing parameters in MySQL: IN list vs. temporary table
I think you mean SqlServer but on Oracle you have a hard limit how many IN elements you can specify: 1000.
Sample 3 would be the worst performer out of them all because you are hitting up the database countless times for no apparent reason.
Loading the data into a temp table and then joining on that would be by far the fastest. After that the IN should work slightly faster than the group of ORs.
For 1st option
Add IDs into temp table and add inner join with main table.
CREATE TABLE #temp (column int)
INSERT INTO #temp (column)
SELECT t.column1 FROM (VALUES (1),(2),(3),...(10000)) AS t(column1)
Try this
SELECT Position_ID , Position_Name
WHERE Position_ID IN (6 ,7 ,8)
ORDER BY Position_Name

processing large table - how do i select the records page by page?

I need to do a process on all the records in a table. The table could be very big so I rather process the records page by page. I need to remember the records that have already been processed so there are not included in my second SELECT result.
Like this:
For first run,
[SELECT 100 records FROM MyTable]
For second run,
[SELECT another 100 records FROM MyTable]
and so on..
I hope you get the picture. My question is how do I write such select statement?
I'm using oracle btw, but would be nice if I can run on any other db too.
I also don't want to use store procedure.
Thank you very much!
Any solution you come up with to break the table into smaller chunks, will end up taking more time than just processing everything in one go. Unless the table is partitioned and you can process exactly one partition at a time.
If a full table scan takes 1 minute, it will take you 10 minutes to break up the table into 10 pieces. If the table rows are physically ordered by the values of an indexed column that you can use, this will change a bit due to clustering factor. But it will anyway take longer than just processing it in one go.
This all depends on how long it takes to process one row from the table of course. You could chose to reduce the load on the server by processing chunks of data, but from a performance perspective, you cannot beat a full table scan.
You are most likely going to want to take advantage of Oracle's stopkey optimization, so you don't end up with a full tablescan when you don't want one. There are a couple ways to do this. The first way is a little longer to write, but let's Oracle automatically figure out the number of rows involved:
select *
select rownum rn, v1.*
from (
select *
from table t
where filter_columns = 'where clause'
order by columns_to_order_by
) v1
where rownum <= 200
where rn >= 101;
You could also achieve the same thing with the FIRST_ROWS hint:
select /*+ FIRST_ROWS(200) */ *
from (
select rownum rn, t.*
from table t
where filter_columns = 'where clause'
order by columns_to_order_by
) v1
where rn between 101 and 200;
I much prefer the rownum method, so you don't have to keep changing the value in the hint (which would need to represent the end value and not the number of rows actually returned to the page to be accurate). You can set up the start and end values as bind variables that way, so you avoid hard parsing.
For more details, you can check out this post

SQL trigger for deleting old results

We have a database that we are using to store test results for an embedded device. There's a table with columns for different types of failures (details not relevant), along with a primary key 'keynum' and a 'NUM_FAILURES' column that lists the number of failures. We store passes and failures, so a pass has a '0' in 'NUM_FAILURES'.
In order to keep the database from growing without bounds, we want to keep the last 1000 results, plus any of the last 50 failures that fall outside of the 1000. So, worst case, the table could have 1050 entries in it. I'm trying to find the most efficient SQL insert trigger to remove extra entries. I'll give what I have so far as an answer, but I'm looking to see if anyone can come up with something better, since SQL isn't something I do very often.
We are using SQLITE3 on a non-Windows platform, if it's relevant.
EDIT: To clarify, the part that I am having problems with is the DELETE, and specifically the part related to the last 50 failures.
The reason you want to remove these entries is to keep the database growing too big and not to keep it in some special state. For that i would really not use triggers and instead setup a job to run at some interval cleaning up the table.
So far, I have ended up using a View combined with a Trigger, but I'm not sure it's going to work for other reasons.
CREATE VIEW tablename_view AS SELECT keynum FROM tablename WHERE NUM_FAILURES!='0'
CREATE TRIGGER tablename_trig
AFTER INSERT ON tablename WHEN (((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tablename) >= 1000) or
DELETE FROM tablename WHERE ((((SELECT MAX(keynum) FROM ibit) - keynum) >= 1000)
((NUM_FAILURES=='0') OR ((SELECT MIN(keynum) FROM tablename_view) > keynum)));
I think you may be using the wrong data structure. Instead I'd create two tables and pre-populate one with a 1000 rows (successes) and the other with 50 (failures). Put a primary ID on each. The when you record a result instead of inserting a new row find the ID+1 value for the last timestamped record entered (looping back to 0 if > max(id) in table) and update it with your new values.
This has the advantage of pre-allocating your storage, not requiring a trigger, and internally consistent logic. You can also adjust the size of the log very simply by just pre-populating more records rather than to have to change program logic.
There's several variations you can use on this, but the idea of using a closed loop structure rather than an open list would appear to match the problem domain more closely.
How about this:
FROM table
WHERE ( id > ( SELECT max(id) - 1000 FROM table )
AND num_failures = 0
OR id > ( SELECT max(id) - 1050 FROM table )
If performance is a concern, it might be better to delete on a periodic basis, rather than on each insert.