Add a video into splash screen or in the first view of the app (IOS xcode 4.0) - objective-c

I'm a beginner in IOS but I need to show a video when the app is launching.
Please Can you help me?
If is impossible to implement a video on a splash view, there are any idea to create that?
If I have an orthographic mistake, sorry I come from Spain. ;D

The "splash" screen can only be an image to be used as a placeholder until your app is able to start up. Even if you found a way to get a video to play, which I don't think is possible, it is against Apple's HIG for how the startup screen is supposed to be used.
It would be possible to load your video in its own view immediately after the splash screen. You would need to check for a first time run to determine whether to show it, unless you plan to show it each and every time. Hope this helps.
Apple Human Interface Guide


Xcode added Default-568#2x.png

About a week ago xcode showed me some error and when I clicked to solve the problem, xcode added this picture:
My questions are: What is it good for? Why do I need it?
Thank you.
Yes you must include one.
From Apple's Interface Guidelines
To enhance the user’s experience at app launch, you must provide at least one launch image. A launch image looks very similar to the first screen your app displays. iOS displays this image instantly when the user starts your app and until the app is fully ready to use. As soon as your app is ready for use, your app displays its first screen, replacing the launch placeholder image.
Without this default image (or a LaunchScreen storyboard), your app would not take all the available screen space on iPhones with 4" displays (iPhone 5, 5s, SE). This is the default image that those iPhones would use.
Of course you can (should!) change it with the one you designed.
Runtime, leading to the top and bottom of applications were empty out a lot , because the application is based on a 320x480 size to run.

Is it possible to programmatically force an ios ap in split view to go full screen in ios9?

I am developing this app for ipad and ios9 and at some point the user will click on a button to watch a video. But I wouldn't want the user to just see it in the split view size he's currently on (like 1/3rd or 14th) instead I would like the app to close the other open app and for it to take over the entire screen.
Does anyone know if that's possible? Thanks.
By-default, the video always get played in full-screen mode. When video playing is finished, the player gets dismissed and you will see your screen (from where you played the video). In your case, in split view controller.
Do let me know if you need further details.

UI in in IOS simulator doesn't show

I have a question I am trying to create a database from a tutorial that I have posted on here. The problem that I keep having is that when I build the project the project is built successfully. However when the IOS simulator pulls up to show me the UI I have a black screen. I have doubled checked that my connections to my storyboards are correct. and still my UI still not displaying. I have made sure that I had my sqlite library connected within the project and it is. This is a single view application for an IPAD. I have searched ways of finding issues within my code and I have done breakpoints to see where my application breaks. and This is what I have found.
this is where my application breaks because is the first screen that it pops after I have started the IOS simulator. I do not know how to fix this.
this screen basically tells me that there is something wrong with the UIwindow alloc. For some reason is breaking here and I do not know why.
This last screen shot is not that great to interpret especially if its in numbers.
Please help. I will be posting more screen shots if needed at this point I need all the help that I can get. I did not think that it would be difficult to create and link a db.
If you are using storyboards you need to remove all the code in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions and just return YES. Also set your main storyboard file appropriately in the plist file.

After "Default" animation

I want to add some animation after my Default.png is no longer necessary. I know that I will do it in application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions but my question what format animation should be and how to load it?
There is a plenty app with beautiful animations right after default. But i can't figure out how it works.
For example: this is what i want to do. First static png, but when my app will be in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions i want to do some animated stuff like in Bump. How can i do that?
Yes, i know i didn't try anything so far, but i really don't know where to start it.
It will depend on your demands. If you want to load a video already done, take a look at here.
If you want to just create animations from objects of your design you can study a little from core animation. I won't explain everything because as you will see.. it's a lot of documentation for it. You can even create your OpenGL animations and play it.
You can start your vid, on your viewDidLoad in the first view, after the splash screen disappears.
EDIT: a nice tutorial.

Customizing iPhone app taskbar

I thought that it was not allowed to customize the taskbar on the iPhone. However, I noticed this app called iHandy Tip Calculator which replaces the battery icon with a fast switch icon, that pops up a view as shown. How is this allowed, and if so how can I be doing something different?
If you run the app on an iPad, you'll see, how they do it: they are overlaying the normal status bar. Also note, that the screenshots in the app store don't show this feature. I assume, they were fearing to get rejected and disabled the overlay for the screenshots.
Apps from this developer iHandy incorporate this into the status bar, but I've never seen another company do this. I am surprised that the status bar is able to be modified in this way in any event.
My question on apple.stackexchange is posted over here:
It is possible to create your own statusbar and "simulate" the network status and battery life etc in a 'full-screen' app. But apple doesn't allow it, but this might be one that 'slipped through' just like Gaz_Edge said.
You are correct. You are not suppose to be able to modify the 'springboard'. Apple normally refuse apps that do anything that modifies it. Maybe this one slipped through the net?
I just downloaded the latest version of iHandy Level (version 1.62.0) on an iPhone 5 running iOS 6 but don't see the icon (it's within the app rather than in the status bar). (And the status bar is hidden.)
I was curious to see if they actually hid the status bar and created their own custom status bar. If that was the case, you'd be able to tell because when you swipe down from the top for notification center, it would first show a little tab and then you'd have to swipe again to pull down the menu.
Guessing maybe they removed this functionality at Apple's request.
If anyone still has a version that shows it, please let us know if it shows the tab when you swipe for notification center. If not, they likely found some private api to allow them to replace the battery icon (which would be interesting).