Encrypt in VB.NET With AES-256 and Decrypt in Air - vb.net

I am trying to encrypt a zip in VB.NET to send to an android device using Air. Then once its on the device, decrypt it using the key and IV.
Here is part of my VB.NET Code:
Private Sub EncryptBytes(ByVal fileIn As String, ByVal fileOut As String, ByVal pass As String, ByVal ivString As String)
Dim crypt As New RijndaelManaged
crypt.KeySize = 256
crypt.BlockSize = 256
crypt.Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7
crypt.Mode = CipherMode.CFB
'read byte array from file location, ie c:\temp\file.zip
Dim data As Byte() = ReadByteArray(fileIn)
Dim iv As Byte() = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(ivString)
Dim key As Byte() = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(pass)
Dim encryptor As ICryptoTransform = crypt.CreateEncryptor(key, iv)
Using ms As New System.IO.MemoryStream
Using cs As New CryptoStream(ms, encryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Write)
cs.Write(data, 0, data.Length)
End Using
'write byte array to file location, ie c:\temp\file_e.zip
WriteByteArray(fileOut, ms.ToArray)
End Using
End Sub
Two things, first I don't want to use PaddingMode.PKCS7 but when I change it to PaddingMode.None I get an error which says "Length of the data to encrypt is invalid" during decryption.
Second, I have a decryption SUB and it still works if I send it a bogus IV. Why is the IV not effecting the decryption process.
In Air I'm using the com.hurlant.crypto package I found at http://crypto.hurlant.com/docs/.
Here is my function:
public static function decryptZip(src:ByteArray, k:String, iv:String):ByteArray {
var key:ByteArray = Hex.toArray(Hex.fromString(k));
var mode:CFBMode = new CFBMode(new AESKey(key), new PKCS7(256));
mode.IV = Hex.toArray(Hex.fromString(iv));
return src;
This is not working ... Note that I tried to write a PKCS7 class based on a Java class I found. The hurlant package I downloaded only had PKCS5. VB.NET did not provide any of the same padding classes as hurlant comes with. I wish I could using "None" but I couldn't get passed the error in VB.
I think there may also be an issue with the way I am converting a string into a byte array in VB vs Air.
Please help!

check out this sample code i am not sure if it's the solution you are looking for or not,


Decrypting and Copying Contents of Encrypted Text File to MemoryStream

I'm trying to copy the encrypted contents of a text file into a memory stream and then decrypt and copy those contents into a new memory stream. When I reach the code where the copy occurs I get a Invalid Data error on debug.
This is the block of code I got:
Function DecryptFile(ByVal sInputFilename As String, ByVal sKey As String) As Byte()
Dim DES As New DESCryptoServiceProvider()
DES.Key() = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(sKey)
DES.IV = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(sKey)
Dim desdecrypt As ICryptoTransform = DES.CreateDecryptor()
Dim encryptedByteArray() As Byte
encryptedByteArray = File.ReadAllBytes(sInputFilename)
Dim encryptedMS As MemoryStream = New MemoryStream(encryptedByteArray)
Dim cryptostreamDecr As New CryptoStream(encryptedMS, desdecrypt, CryptoStreamMode.Read)
Dim decryptedMS As MemoryStream = New MemoryStream()
cryptostreamDecr.CopyTo(decryptedMS) 'Error occurs here
Return decryptedMS.ToArray()
End Function
I'm following examples I've found scattered around the web and from what I've read, this code should work...
May anyone explain to me what am I doing wrong?
Here's an example to encrypt/decrypt a string and a file using a Key without explicitly providing an Initialization Vector (so yo don't need to store and retrieve it to decrypt encrypted data).
The Encryption provider I'm using here is TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider.
If you need to use a DES provider, it's exactly the same thing, you just need to change TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider to DESCryptoServiceProvider.
But, as you can read in the Docs, better move to the AesCryptoServiceProvider, if/when possible.
The Initialization Vector (IV) is calculated based on the Key specified and it's the same Hashed value if the Key to Decrypt the data is the same as the Key used to Encrypt it.
In this case, you lose some security, but you don't need to store either the Key or the IV (if the Key is provided by a User, who's responsible for protecting the Key).
The Mode is left to its default: CipherMode.CBC.
The Padding Mode to its default: PaddingMode.PKCS7.
Encrypt and decrypt a sting to and from a Base64String:
Dim enc3Des As New TripleDesEncryptor("MyFancyKey")
Dim inputString = "Some fancy string to be encoded to a Base64 string"
Dim encodedB64 = enc3Des.EncryptStringToBase64(inputString)
Dim decoded64 = enc3Des.DecryptBase64String(encoded64)
To encrypt a file, provide the path to the Source file, then save the bytes returned by the Encryption method to a destination file:
Dim enc3Des As New TripleDesEncryptor("MyFancyKey")
Dim plainTextFilePath = [Source file Path]
Dim encryptedFilePath = [Encrypted file Path]
Dim encodedBytes = enc3Des.EncryptFile(plainTextFilePath)
File.WriteAllBytes(encryptedFilePath, encodedBytes)
You can of course decrypt the File when required, using the same Key:
Dim encryptedFilePath = [Encrypted file Path]
Dim decryptedFilePath = [Decrypted file Path]
Dim enc3Des2 As New TripleDesEncryptor("MyFancyKey")
Dim decodedBytes = enc3Des2.DecryptFile(encryptedFilePath)
File.WriteAllBytes(decryptedFilePath, decodedBytes)
The TripleDesEncryptor helper class:
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Security.Cryptography
Imports System.Text
Public NotInheritable Class TripleDesEncryptor
Private tripleDesProvider As New TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider()
Sub New(key As String)
tripleDesProvider.Key = GetKeyHash(key, tripleDesProvider.LegalKeySizes(0).MaxSize \ 8)
tripleDesProvider.IV = GetKeyHash(key, tripleDesProvider.LegalBlockSizes(0).MaxSize \ 8)
End Sub
Public Function EncryptStringToBase64(inputString As String) As String
Dim dataBytes As Byte() = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(inputString)
Return Convert.ToBase64String(Encrypt(dataBytes))
End Function
Public Function EncryptFile(fileName As String) As Byte()
Dim dataBytes As Byte() = File.ReadAllBytes(fileName)
Return Encrypt(dataBytes)
End Function
Private Function Encrypt(dataBytes As Byte()) As Byte()
Using ms As New MemoryStream(),
encStream As New CryptoStream(ms, tripleDesProvider.CreateEncryptor(), CryptoStreamMode.Write)
encStream.Write(dataBytes, 0, dataBytes.Length)
Return ms.ToArray()
End Using
End Function
Public Function DecryptBase64String(base64String As String) As String
Dim dataBytes As Byte() = Convert.FromBase64String(base64String)
Return Encoding.Unicode.GetString(Decrypt(dataBytes))
End Function
Public Function DecryptFile(fileName As String) As Byte()
Dim dataBytes As Byte() = File.ReadAllBytes(fileName)
Return Decrypt(dataBytes)
End Function
Private Function Decrypt(encryptedData As Byte()) As Byte()
Using ms As New MemoryStream(),
decStream As New CryptoStream(ms, tripleDesProvider.CreateDecryptor(), CryptoStreamMode.Write)
decStream.Write(encryptedData, 0, encryptedData.Length)
Return ms.ToArray()
End Using
End Function
Private Function GetKeyHash(key As String, length As Integer) As Byte()
Using sha1 = SHA1.Create()
Dim varHash As Byte() = New Byte(length - 1) {}
Dim keyBytes As Byte() = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(key)
Dim hash As Byte() = sha1.ComputeHash(keyBytes).Take(length).ToArray()
Array.Copy(hash, 0, varHash, 0, hash.Length)
hash = Nothing
keyBytes = Nothing
Return varHash
End Using
End Function
End Class
Perhaps I should have explained what I'm trying to achieve in the first place.
I have a text file that has over 1000 keywords. The vb.net application will, at some point, read these keywords from the text file to do something with them.
Now, my approach here is to not let prying eyes to edit the text file, changing the key words or even knowing which keywords are on it.
Therefor, what I did was encrypt the keywords and save the encrypted content into a new file and deleted the unencrypted file, so that this way I don't need to care about people checking the encrypted file, because it's just gibberish.
According to Jimi's explanation, posted before, I see now that in order to decrypt the file, I need the same IV I used for encrypting the previous file.
So the only way I see for this to be possible without having an unencrypted file 'lying around' is to store the IV secret key within the application's settings, correct?

Getting variable encryption results with VB.Net and DES

I'm working on an semi-internal encryption process for somewhat sensitive information. Email addresses and the like. I'm working with a few other developers at some sister companies on the project, and the requirements are that everyone's encryption can talk to everyone else's. We use a global password, encrypt and decrypt information onsite, and that's about it.
My problem is that my encryption procedure, while matching theirs, is giving me variable results. I'm currently polling our SQL server for the strings to be encrypted in question, iterating through the array of results, and updating the server with the encrypted strings.
The problem is that the first string is always different from all subsequent strings, and isn't recognized as valid by the testing software we're supposed to be basing our solution off of. The second and all subsequent strings come through just fine.
test#test.com - BrPURPlWW7+VYrR5puJ/JHXoIp/MV5WR
test#test.com - BrPURPlWW79h+n4Tgot0xRmM7SdWQQsy
test#test.com - BrPURPlWW79h+n4Tgot0xRmM7SdWQQsy
I can't quite figure out what's going on, because I can encrypt and decrypt back and forth on my own machine with no issues. Any advice would be lovely.
My encryption function follows:
Private TripleDES As New DESCryptoServiceProvider
Sub New(ByVal key As String)
Dim ivHash(), keyHash() As Byte
keyHash = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(key)
ReDim Preserve keyHash(7)
TripleDES.Key = keyHash
ivHash = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(String.Empty)
ReDim Preserve ivHash(7)
TripleDES.IV = ivHash
End Sub
Public Function EncryptData(ByVal Plaintext As String) As String
Dim PlaintextBytes() As Byte = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Plaintext)
Dim ms As New System.IO.MemoryStream
Dim encStream As New CryptoStream(ms, TripleDES.CreateEncryptor(), System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoStreamMode.Write)
TripleDES.Mode = CipherMode.ECB
encStream.Write(PlaintextBytes, 0, PlaintextBytes.Length)
Return Convert.ToBase64String(ms.ToArray)
End Function
Public Function DecryptData(ByVal EncryptedText As String) As String
Dim EncryptedBytes() As Byte = Convert.FromBase64String(EncryptedText)
Dim ms As New System.IO.MemoryStream
Dim decStream As New CryptoStream(ms, TripleDES.CreateDecryptor(), System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoStreamMode.Write)
TripleDES.Mode = CipherMode.ECB
decStream.Write(EncryptedBytes, 0, EncryptedBytes.Length)
Return System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ms.ToArray)
End Function
You are setting TripleDES.Mode = CipherMode.ECB after you have called TripleDES.CreateEncryptor(), so the first encryption is using the default value of CipherMode.CBC. Since TripleDES is reused, after the first call to EncryptData its Mode is set correctly.
Move TripleDES.Mode = CipherMode.ECB into New and it should work consistently.

Encrypting and Decrypting a Serialized Object

Okay, so I am attempting to create a system whereby I serialize a dictionary, then encrypt it and then can decrypt it and then restore the dictionary.
It also includes some selection statements based on a setting whereby the user sets whether to always, never or prompt for encryption.
I have been attempting to follow along with the CryptoStream Class documentation, but for some reason this isn't working. I think the encryption might be working, but the file is a lot smaller than the none encrypted .ser equivalent so I don't know. The decryption generates an "Attempting to deserialize an empty stream." error, which is pretty self explanatory, but I can't work out how to fix it.
The backup and restore works fine without encryption.
Here are the relevant subroutines (and the GIT link if it's easier) and any help would be hugely appreciated! This is for an A Level computing project, so I'm not too fussed about the actual strength of the encryption (really don't want to start faffing around with hashing AND salting), just that it works.
Encrypt Backup:
Private Sub encryptBackup()
Dim key As Byte()
Dim IV As Byte() = New Byte() {}
Using MD5 As New MD5CryptoServiceProvider
Dim tmp = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(InputBox("Please insert password:", "Password Input") & "This is most definitely not an obtuse amount of salt")
key = MD5.ComputeHash(tmp)
IV = MD5.ComputeHash(key)
End Using
Using cryptoRijndael = Rijndael.Create()
Dim cryptoCryptor As ICryptoTransform = cryptoRijndael.CreateEncryptor(key, IV)
Using fStream As New FileStream(fldBackupJobs & "\Backup Files\" & Strings.Replace(Strings.Replace(Now, ":", "_"), "/", ".") & ".bin", FileMode.OpenOrCreate), cStream As New CryptoStream(fStream, cryptoCryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Write)
Dim Formatter As New BinaryFormatter
Formatter.Serialize(cStream, photoJobs)
MsgBox("Written to file")
End Using
End Using
End Sub
Decrypt Backup:
Private Sub decryptBackup(pathsStr As String)
photoJobs = Nothing
Dim key As Byte()
Dim IV As Byte() = New Byte() {}
Using MD5 As New MD5CryptoServiceProvider
Dim tmp = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(InputBox("Please insert password:", "Password Input") & "This is most definitely not an obtuse amount of salt")
key = MD5.ComputeHash(tmp)
IV = MD5.ComputeHash(key)
End Using
Using cryptoRijndael = Rijndael.Create()
Dim cryptoCryptor As ICryptoTransform = cryptoRijndael.CreateEncryptor(key, IV)
pathstr = OpenFileDialog.FileName
Using fStream As New FileStream(pathstr, FileMode.Open), cStream As New CryptoStream(fStream, cryptoCryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Read)
Dim Formatter As New BinaryFormatter
photoJobs = CType(Formatter.Deserialize(cStream), Dictionary(Of String, PhotoJob))
MsgBox("Backup Restored")
End Using
End Using
End Sub
And the GIT Link: https://github.com/hughesjs/Photo-Gift-Manager
Thanks In Advance!!
The first part of the code gives me pause because (beyond GoTo) it looks like the crypto method is dependent upon the file extension. Since the user could change this via Explorer, it is very brittle. And dont let the user choose: if it is needs to be encrypted, do it; if not, don't. Certainly, the encryption method ought not be up to them (we get the big bucks to make those decisions for them).
Encrypting using a a BindingList(of Animal) which I happen to have handy:
Dim key As Byte()
Dim iv As Byte() = New Byte() {}
' see notes below
Using MD5 As New MD5CryptoServiceProvider
' UTF8 not unicode; convert password to Byte()
Dim tmp = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(password & "$*^!#" & password)
' hash the PW to get the crypto Key
key = MD5.ComputeHash(tmp)
' hash the Key to get the IV
iv = MD5.ComputeHash(key)
End Using
Using rijAlg = Rijndael.Create()
' Create cryptor using the Key and IV
Dim cryptor As ICryptoTransform = rijAlg.CreateEncryptor(key, IV)
' Open a filestream for the output file, wrap it with
' a CryptoStream created with the cryptor in WRITE (output) mode
Using fs As New FileStream("C:\Temp\crypto.bin", FileMode.OpenOrCreate),
cs As New CryptoStream(fs, cryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Write)
' serialize collection to CryptoStream (to disk)
Dim bf As New BinaryFormatter
bf.Serialize(cs, mcol)
End Using
End Using
To decrypt, use the same Key and IV:
mcol = Nothing
' the comments above pertain, just in reverse
Using rijAlg = Rijndael.Create()
Dim cryptor As ICryptoTransform = rijAlg.CreateDecryptor(key, iv)
Using fs As New FileStream("C:\Temp\crypto.bin", FileMode.Open),
cs As New CryptoStream(fs, cryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Read)
Dim bf As New BinaryFormatter
' Convert object to type
mcol = CType(bf.Deserialize(cs), BindingList(Of Animal))
End Using
End Using
' test:
For Each a As Animal In mcol
All my animals survived the trip:
The main thing appears to be that you have too many streams in use. In your decrypter you are trying to deserialize from a memstream which has nothing to do with the cryptostream that reads the file. In fact it was just created the line before. A cryptostream basically just wraps whatever "real" stream you are using.
Also, this line shows you are not using Option Strict:
photoJobs = formatter.Deserialize(memStreamSerial)
Deserialize returns an Object and photoJobs is some sort of collection IIRC from past posts. Note that my code uses CType to convert to BindingList(Of Animal).
Use Option Strict for anything more complex than 'Hello, World`. Always.
Crypto Notes / Cautions
Deriving (hashing) the IV from the password is a bad idea: these should be independent pieces of data. The IV should be unique for each piece of data (which will not be the case when a PW is reused) and unique. I added some arbitrary text to the PW so that the MD5 hash is not directly derived from teh PW, but it is still suboptimal.
Secondly, MD5 is outdated.
To create a random IV
Private Const MinSize = 7
Public Shared Function GetRandomBytes(size As Integer) As Byte()
' dont allow less than a sensible min
Dim data(If(size < MinSize, MinSize, size)) As Byte
Using rng As New RNGCryptoServiceProvider
' fill the array
End Using
Return data
End Function
Put this in a crypto tools lib because you will use it for IV's as well as Salt for hashes. Example:
myIV = CryptoUtils.GetRandomBytes(15)
If the IV is unique each time, the trick becomes how to save it so the same values can be used in decryption. The IV need not be secret, so it can be saved to the FileStream before you pass it to the CryptoStream constructor. The Decrypt method does the reverse.
These too can be made into methods so the same process is used each time.
Finally, your questions will get a better reception if they were more concise. The error clearly indicates a crypto problem so those first 2 blocks are more or less noise.

SSRS Decrypting database column throws error "Value cannot be null. Parameter name: inputBuffer"

We have a database field that is encrypted in a C# MVC app using Entity Framework. That part works fine for encrypting and decrypting. We need to show this data decrypted in an SSRS report.
I've taken the Decrypt method and converted it to VB.Net and placed in the code behind of the report. The error occurs when calling the StreamReader's ReadToEnd method. We've found some references online about there being an issue trying to close a stream that's already closed. This stream is only being read from one time and we're reading the entire stream so it should not be closed at that point.
I tried reading Length - 1 bytes from the cryptoStream and that did not throw an error. If I try to read Length bytes, I get the same error. If I read all but one byte and then read only the last byte I get the same error. Stack trace and code are below. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
at System.Security.Cryptography.RijndaelManagedTransform.TransformFinalBlock(Byte[] inputBuffer, Int32 inputOffset, Int32 inputCount)
at System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoStream.FlushFinalBlock()
at System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoStream.Dispose(Boolean disposing)
at System.IO.Stream.Close()
at System.IO.Stream.Dispose()
at ReportExprHostImpl.CustomCodeProxy.Decrypt(String ciphertext)
public function Decrypt(byval ciphertext as string) as string
dim message as string
dim key as string
dim saltSize as integer
saltsize = 32
dim allTheBytes as byte()
allTheBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(ciphertext)
dim saltBytes as byte()
saltBytes = new byte(saltsize) {}
dim ciphertextBytes as byte()
ciphertextBytes = new byte(allTheBytes.Length - saltSize) {}
dim i as integer
for i = 0 to saltsize - 1
saltBytes(i) = allTheBytes(i)
next i
for i = saltSize to (allTheBytes.Length - 1)
ciphertextBytes(i - saltSize) = allTheBytes(i)
next i
using keyDerivationFunction as System.Security.Cryptography.Rfc2898DeriveBytes = new System.Security.Cryptography.Rfc2898DeriveBytes(key, saltBytes)
dim keyBytes as byte()
keyBytes = keyDerivationFunction.GetBytes(32)
dim ivBytes as byte()
ivBytes = keyDerivationFunction.GetBytes(16)
using aesManaged as System.Security.Cryptography.AesManaged = new System.Security.Cryptography.AesManaged()
aesManaged.Padding = System.Security.Cryptography.PaddingMode.PKCS7
aesManaged.Mode = System.Security.Cryptography.CipherMode.CBC
using decryptor as System.Security.Cryptography.ICryptoTransform = aesManaged.CreateDecryptor(keyBytes, ivBytes)
using memoryStream as System.IO.MemoryStream = new System.IO.MemoryStream(ciphertextBytes)
using cryptoStream as System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoStream = new System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoStream(memoryStream, decryptor, System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoStreamMode.Read)
using streamReader as System.IO.StreamReader = new System.IO.StreamReader(cryptoStream)
message = streamReader.ReadToEnd()
return message
end using
end using
end using
end using
end using
end using
catch e as Exception
return e.StackTrace
end try
end function
This sounds like a padding error. First of all, AES in CBC mode requires an exact message size for decryption, N times the blocksize (of 16 bytes). If the message has this size then AES CBC ciphertext will always decrypt. Any other problem can only be related to padding really. So what happens is that the last deciphered plain text does not have the correct padding, and an exception occurs.
Now comes the fun part; this error occurs when:
the binary AES key is not identical;
if the algorithm or mode is incorrect or if the wrong padding algorithm is used;
if one of the last two blocks is mangled;
if the last part of the encryption is missing in action.
In other words, if something is wrong, it is likely that it will turn up during the removal of the padding bytes. If you are unlucky, the last incorrect block still ends with a byte value of 01 hexadecimal, and padding succeeds, showing that padding is no substitution for integrity protection.

Invalid character in a Base-64 string when attempting decryption

I have a encryption/decryption method that works just fine with one exception. When I attempt to read in encrypted text from a text file and then decrypt it I get the following error.
Invalid character in a Base-64 string
The strange thing is if I just read the encrypted text into a textbox and then copy and pate it into another text box that decrypts used the same decryption method it works just fine. No errors and the decryption proceeds. I am listing the decryption method and method used to read in the text file below.
Decryption Method
Public Shared Function DecryptUserString(ByRef cipheredText As String, ByRef password As String) As String
Dim RijndaelManagedObj As New RijndaelManaged
Dim RijndaelEncObj As ICryptoTransform, MD5Obj As New MD5CryptoServiceProvider
Dim DecryptedBytes As Byte(), EncryptedData As Byte()
Dim PasswordBytes As Byte() = New ASCIIEncoding().GetBytes(password)
Dim UTF8Encoding As System.Text.Encoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8
'A modified Base64 is sent with ~ and - so it can be sent as a form post
EncryptedData = Convert.FromBase64String(Replace(Replace(cipheredText, "~", "+"), "-", "="))
RijndaelManagedObj.BlockSize = 128
RijndaelManagedObj.KeySize = 128
RijndaelManagedObj.Mode = CipherMode.ECB
RijndaelManagedObj.Padding = PaddingMode.None
RijndaelManagedObj.Key = MD5Obj.ComputeHash(PasswordBytes)
RijndaelEncObj = RijndaelManagedObj.CreateDecryptor()
DecryptedBytes = RijndaelEncObj.TransformFinalBlock(EncryptedData, 0, EncryptedData.Length)
If DecryptedBytes.Length > 0 Then
DecryptUserString = UTF8Encoding.GetString(DecryptedBytes, 0, DecryptedBytes.Length)
If DecryptedBytes.Length = 0 Then DecryptUserString = New ASCIIEncoding().GetString(DecryptedBytes)
DecryptUserString = ""
End If
End Function
Method to read text from file
Private Function ReadText(ByVal TextFilePath As String) As String
Using ReadStream As FileStream = File.OpenRead(TextFilePath)
Dim FileTextBuilder As New StringBuilder()
Dim DataTransit As Byte() = New Byte(ReadStream.Length) {}
Dim DataEncoding As New UTF8Encoding(True)
While ReadStream.Read(DataTransit, 0, DataTransit.Length) > 0
End While
Return FileTextBuilder.ToString()
End Using
End Function
Can't you use File.ReadAllText() method to read the whole file and then decrypt the same way you do with textboxes?
I know, if file is huge that's not a good idea, but you can give it a try to see if file is well saved or if you're reading it bad.