IronPython 2.7/ 2.6 for .Net4 Install Error - .net-4.0

I am gettting some really annoying errors while attempting to install IronPython so I can work with .Net4 assemblies.
I have tried both the .Net4 compatible installer versions of IronPython and both give me an error. The 2.7 one says it has had a problem installing assembly error code 2908. The 2.6 for .Net4 installer just says it has encountered an error and rolls back.
I have IronPython2.6 installed and working fine. But I need the .Net4 upgrade, I am running Win7 x64. Think maybe the OS configuration might be at fault? I realise this isn't a straight programming question, but I was hoping some of the SO community might be able to shed some light on this one, where my Google bashing has not.

If you don't need it to be installed, you can use the .zip package to get the files. The only thing the installer really does is add the assemblies to the GAC.


HTTP Error 502.5 - Process Failure in .Net core 1.1

It was not possible to find any compatible framework version
The specified framework 'Microsoft.NETCore.App', version '1.1.2' was not found.
Check application dependencies and target a framework version installed at:
Alternatively, install the framework version '1.1.2'.
I installed Windows (Server Hosting) installer and Runtime Installer 64-bit but still facing this issue
I tired all possible solutions but nothing is working for me
please help me!
Thank You
Try running your website from the command line with command below:
dotnet YourWebApp.dll
This way you'll be able to see any errors which may be preventing your website from starting. You can then follow the erros shown and look for their specific fixes.

Global Assembly Cache - Assembly Install required

I am currently updating a VB.NET application with Visual Studio 2013 that possibly was originally created on VS2010 or VS2012.
This application uses a Network SQL Database
Everything goes fine up to the point of installing when just shows an error message. that says the Assembly 'Microsoft.VisualBasic.Shell.9.0' version
is required and then will not let me finish the installation.
The project has been exported using the Visual Basic tool [OneClick]
I have already checked the References list on the Project menu, and is not included there. Also not available to be added.
The project requires the Microsoft Framework 4.5, so it seems that the Shell v2.0.0.0 is pretty old...
Do you have any suggestions, this kept me scratching my head already quite a while...
I finally figured it out.
I am not too sure if this is the right solution or not but it worked for me. Hopefully this will help someone else.
It turn out to be a error with the framework I was compiling the project (v4.5),
I was trying to install it on a Windows 7 machine with a framework installed up to v4.0. I cant understand why this error message showed up instead of telling me the framework version required for the software was not installed.
But anyways, I changed the version on the compiler, build and export again. Another error pop up but it was because references to the DLL for the different framework version were not included in the project. After including them and set the value for "Copy to Local" to true, the installation worked like a charm.
So I got my program up and working.

'Forms' is not a member of 'Windows'

I tried to change the Target Framework on my app recently from .NET Framework 4.5 to 4.5.2, but if I do I get the following error when trying to build: "'Forms' is not a member of 'Windows'" (that is, System.Windows.Forms). Changing to 4.5.1 works normally. I'm using Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate.
I had this error when changing to 4.5.2.
In my case the error was related to a MessageBox ... I replaced: "Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes" (which caused the same error message) with "System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes" which did the trick.
I had the same problem, me too with Windows.Forms.DialogResult enumeration values.
The project automatically imports System and System.Windows.Forms namespaces and worked fine up to 4.5.1.
In 4.5.2 I had to remove Windows.Forms. and just leave DialogResult.Ok (or whatever else) in my code, it seems to be a problem with namespaces resolution.
Make sure that you add System in front of the Windows.Form.
I ran into this with an application still targeted to .NET 4.0, where it failed on one (new) build server, but ran on my older ones.
I narrowed it down to the .NET 4.0 Targeting Pack only being installed on the old build servers. Targeting pack is included in Visual Studio, or the Windows 7.1 SDK. It is for some reason not distributed separately, and with support ending for .NET 4, 4.5 and 4.5.1, I don't suspect this is likely to change. Because my older servers have been around a couple years, they've gone through in-place upgrades and so had the targeting pack already.
When you install Windows 7.1 SDK on Server 2012R2, it complains something to the effect of "A pre-release version of .NET 4 is installed, please install the RTM version". As far as I can tell, it's simply because a newer version) is installed -- Server 2012R2 comes with 4.5.1. I tried to uninstall all newer versions, but was unable to get the SDK to install the targeting pack.
So to install:
Download the Windows 7.1 SDK ISO image
Unzip it
Run Setup\MTPack\netfx_dtp.msi EXTUI=1
You should now have a %programfiles(x86)%\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\.NETFramework\v4.0\ folder with the 4.0 stuff.
(EXTUI=1 bypasses the restriction that it can't be installed separately).
This allowed me to compile projects still targeting 4.0 (or re-build old revisions/branches that were targeting it at the time).

New to C#/Mono, ServiceStack.Redis cannot find reference

I'm trying to build a console app to test out redis/mono communication. I've been hitting a brick wall using Monodevelop 4.0 (Xamarin Studios)+Nuget Port to work with ServiceStack.Redis on mac os.
All the solutions I've found online only say, change the ".Net 4.0 Client Profile" into ".Net 4.0 full" on visual studios. I haven't found a related function on MonoDevelop, not even sure if such an option exists. So no help there.
The error I am getting is:
"The type or namespace name `RedisClient' could not be found. Are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?"
The screencap below shows the missing references, even though it is clearly in the reference folder :(. It is very puzzling.
Has anyone had a similar problem? Any help would be appreciated.
I think this is generally an issue with lagging version numbers on Mono.
For example, here's an example that can reproduce the issue:
Your ServiceStack.Redis is compiled against ServiceStack.Interfaces -> 3.9.45.
But you've actually pulled the latest 3.9.48 versions of:
ServiceStack.Interfaces 3.9.48
ServiceStack.Common 3.9.48
ServiceStack.Text 3.9.48
Mono will have problems forwarding old ServiceStack references 3.9.45 to 3.9.48.
So, recompiling from source will resolve the issue.
Or, ensure all your references are using the same version number by opening up all ServiceStack.*.dll (as you've done) and ensure there are no lagging version number references.
Similarly, I had a problem with ServiceStack.Logging.NLog compiled against 3.9.44 packages which lead to various TypeLoadExceptions on Mono when the head version of ServiceStack.* is 3.9.48.
So after hair tearing fighting with the MonoDevelop IDE and nuget. I just resorted to building the Servicestack.redis from source in MonoDevelop, and copied over the output DLLs. This worked without a problem.
It seems either that monodevelop doesn't like the Dlls from nuget, or that the nuget port has some bugs with DLl references. Either way, I don't know the specifics, but there is a solution around it by building servicestack components from source in MonoDevelop.
I was having this same issue with Xamarin Studio 4.0.12 + NuGet Port running against Mono 2.10.9.
Yesterday I decided to try to get OrmLite working & when I went to add the package, I saw that there were ServiceStack updates available (to version from Installed the updates and added the OrmLite package and I started getting the same error...
"The type or namespace name 'OrmLiteConnectionFactory" could not be
found. Are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?"
The weird part was Intellisense was working (I could fully qualify OrmLiteConnectionFactory in the IDE and it would find it fine) but it would not build. Just like you, I also saw in Assembly Browser that my ServiceStack DLLs were referencing previous versions of some of the other ServiceStack projects.
Upgrading to the latest Mono release (3.2.3 atm) solved the issue for me. Hallelujah! Not sure why I was using Mono 2.10.9 to begin with.

Excel VSTO 2007/VS 2010 AddIn won't install any more. Anyway that I can dump ClickOnce?

I have an Excel VSTO AddIn that I moved up to Excel 2007/VS2010 last fall. I tried using ClickOnce but the headaches involved with that were just insurmountable and every install became a manual one. I moved to to a MSI setup, but now that is starting cause problems when upgrading. I have a machine now that will not install it properly, and when I try to run the VSTOInstaller.exe manually, I get the following error. I have cleaned EVERYTHING off the system and tried multiple times to get this to work, but no dice. Normally it creates a whole bunch of garbage files in the "Users\Apps\Local..." area, but not I get nothing. I have tried rebuilding with various configurations, all of which result in the same error:
System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x800736B3): The referenced assembly is not installed on your system. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800736B3)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Tools.Applications.Deployment.ClickOnceAddInDeploymentManager.GetManifests(TimeSpan timeout)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Tools.Applications.Deployment.ClickOnceAddInDeploymentManager.InstallAddIn()
Basically, I hate ClickOnce and I'm totally frustrated right now. How do I create a "normal" setup app for VSTO?
Tip 1:
You might have to install:
Microsoft Office 2010 Primary Interop Assemblies Bootstrapper Package"
(Probably your machine has only the 2007 version of the bootstrapper currently.)
Tip 2:
Run program "mage.exe" with the -cc (ClearApplicationCache) option
Good luck.
I was finally able to track it down to the ClickOnce cache, which I was very disappointed about because I was hoping that the MSI would have no ClickOnce to deal with. Once that was cleared by manually deleting the folders, I was finally able to get it to install. But ClickOnce is a simply awful install application.
Not a lot to go on here, but are you sure you've got the right .net runtime installed? With 2010, you may have targeted the client or compact framework, or maybe .net 4.0, but the target machine had an older .net on it. There is also a way to log all the DLLs that an exe depends on as the EXE is requesting them, during the load process, but for the life of me, I can't recall what that process is called so I can't post any links to that right off.