How can I schedule a task to run each day using NServiceBus - nservicebus

Is there a elegant way of scheduling tasks using NServiceBus. There is one way I found while searching the net. Does NServiceBus give internal APIs for scheduling.

NServiceBus now has this built in
From here
public class ScheduleStartUpTasks : IWantToRunWhenTheBusStarts
public void Run()
Schedule.Every(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5)).Action(() =>
Console.WriteLine("Another 5 minutes have elapsed."));
"MyTaskName",() =>
Console.WriteLine("This will be logged under MyTaskName’.");
Note the caveat
When not to use it. You can look at a scheduled task as a simple never
ending saga. But as soon as your task starts to get some logic
(if-/switch-statements) you should consider moving to a saga.

Note: This answer was valid for NServiceBus Version 2.0, but is correct no longer. Version 3 has this functionality. Go read Simon's answer, it is valid for Version 3!
NServiceBus does not have a built-in scheduling system. It is (at a very simple level) a message processor.
You can create a class that implements IWantToRunAtStartup (Run and Stop methods) and from there, create a timer or do whatever logic you need to do to drop messages onto the bus at certain times.
Other people have used Quartz.NET together with NServiceBus to get more granular scheduling functionality.


Execute Spring Integration flows in parallel

If I have a simple IntegrationFlow like this:
public IntegrationFlow downloadFlow() {
return IntegrationFlows.from("rabbitQueue1")
... and if the rabbitQueue1 is filled with messages,
what should I do to handle multiple messages at the same time? Is that possible?
It seems that by default, the handler executes one message at a time.
Yes, that's true, by default endpoints are wired with DirectChannel. That's like performing a plain Java instructions one by one. So, to do some parallel job in Java you need an Executor to shift a call to the separate thread.
The same is possible with Spring Integration via an ExecutiorChannel. You can make that rabbitQueue1 as an ExecutorChannel bean or use this instead of that plain name:
IntegrationFlows.from(MessageChannels.executor("rabbitQueue1", someExecturorBean)
and all the messages arriving to this channel are going to be paralleled in the threads provided by an executor. That longRunningMessageHandler are going to process your messages in parallel.
See more info in the Reference Manual:

WebFlux and Kotlin corountines without ReactiveCrudRepository

I'm working on a project which is using Kotlin, Spring Boot, Hibernate (all on latest version) and I would like to make it reactive with WebFlux framework from Spring.
Problem is that I can't use ReactiveCrudRepository because web app have to use Oracle database and therefore Hibernate. So I couldn't figured out a way how to use non blocking access to Oracle SQL database (only free frameworks).
My question is:
Is it possible to use this like that:
Casual CrudRepository which is blocking
Service which use corountines and returns everything as Mono
Service example code:
fun getAllLanguages(): Mono<Collection<ProgrammingLanguage>> = async { repository.findAll() }.asMono()
Afterwards there will be controller with:
fun listProgrammingLanguagesReactive() = mono(Unconfined) {
service.also { { "requesting list of programming languages" } }
.also { { "responding with list of programming languages" } }
This approach works but I'm not sure whether it will work all the time and whether this is not terrible practice and so on.
The problem with synchronous blocking API is that there will be a thread blocked for each API call. There is simply no way around it, coroutines or not.
Your approach is as good as any for providing asynchronous adapter to blocking API.
However, please consider following:
You may want to confine async { repository.findAll() } and similar blocking calls to a dedicated fixed ThreadPool/Dispatcher. While coroutines are cheap, remember, that repository.findAll() blocks actual underlying thread and you don't want to exhaust all thread in the CommonPool (which is used by async by default).
This is a useful practice, as you're limiting the number of threads/simultaneous blocking calls. If your fixed pool gets exhausted at some point, then incoming requests will be suspended, without blocking threads, until there are available threads in the pool to process them.

nservicebus sagas - stuck trying to understand the purpose and benefit

I have read multiple times the documentation on the website. I am reading again and again the same articles and I cannot understand what they are trying to achieve with sagas. Besides, there are almost no resources in internet related to this subject.
But I am completely stuck trying to understand the purpose and benefit of defining so called sagas. I understand handlers (IHandleMessages) - these are interceptors. But I can't understand what Saga is for. The language in the documentation assumes that I am supposed to know something special to grasp that idea, but I dont.
Can someone explain to me in simple words, hopefully with real-life example a situation where I must or should define Saga, and what is the benefit of doing so? I have created an app with multiple endpoints and Saga definition as shown in samples, it works (I guess) but I don't understand what these sagas were defined for... In many samples they use RequestTimeout() method in Saga class. Why, why would anyone want to cause a timeout intentionally? I dont want to put any code fragments here, because its unrelated, I need to understand why I would want to use "Sagas" whatever that means?
Thank you.
NServiceBus Saga is a variant of a Process Manager described in the Enterprise Integration Patterns book.
To understand when to use Saga, one has to need it. Let's assume you're using regular message handlers only to implement new user registration process. At some point in time, you discover that only 40% of the brand-new registrants confirm their email address and becoming active user accounts. There are two things you'd like to address.
Remind new registrants to confirm their email after 24 hours after registration by sending a reminder.
Remove registrant info (email for example) from the data store to be compliant with GDPR within 48 hours.
Now how do you do that with a regular message handler? A handler would receive the initial request (first message, m1) to kick off registration by generating an email with a confirmation link and that's it. Once the handler is done, it's done for good. But your process is not finished. It's a long-running logical process that has to span 48 hours before completed. It's no longer just a single message processing, but a workflow at this point. A workflow with multiple checkpoints. Similar to a state machine. To move from one state to another, a certain condition has to be fulfilled. In case of NServiceBus, those would be messages. A message to send a reminder after 24 hours (let's call it m2) is not going to be triggered by any user action. It's a "system" message. A timed message that should be kicked off automatically. So is with the message to instruct the system to remove registrant information if validation link was not activated. The theme can be observed: need to schedule messages in the future to re-hydrate the workflow and continue from the state it was left last time.
That's what timeouts are. Those are requests to re-hydrate/continue saga/workflow from the point it was left last time at a certain point in time - minutes, hours, days, months, years.
This is what this kind of workflow would look like as a saga (oversimplified and doesn't take into consideration all the edge cases).
class RegistrationWorkflow :
protected override void ConfigureHowToFindSaga(SagaPropertyMapper<WorkflowState> mapper)
// omitted for simplicity, see message correlation
public async Task Handle(RegisterUser message, IMessageHandlerContext context)
Data.RegistrationId = message.RegistrationEmail;
await RequestTimeout<NoResponseFor24Hours>(context, TimeSpan.FromHours(24));
public async Task Handle(ActivationReceived message, IMessageHandlerContext context)
Data.ConfirmationReceived = true;
// email was confirmed and account was activated
await context.Send(new PromoteCandidateToUser
CandidateEmail = Data.RegistrationEmail
public async Task Timeout(NoResponseFor24Hours timeout, IMessageHandlerContext context)
if (Data.ConfirmationReceived)
await context.Send(new SendReminderEmailToActivateAccount { Email = Data.RegistrationEmail });
await RequestTimeout(context, TimeSpan.FromHours(24), new NoResponseFor48Hours());
public async Task Timeout(NoResponseFor48Hours timeout, IMessageHandlerContext context)
if (Data.ConfirmationReceived)
context.Send(new CleanupRegistrationInformationForGDPRCompliancy
RegistrationEmail = Data.RegistrationEmail
Since this is a state machine, the state is persisted between Saga invocations. Invocation would be caused either by a message a saga can handle (RegisterUser and ActivationReceived) or by timeouts that are due (NoResponseFor24Hours and NoResponseFor48Hours). For this specific saga, the state is defined by the following POCO:
class WorkflowState : ContainSagaData
public string RegistrationEmail { get; set; }
public bool ConfirmationReceived { get; set; }
Timeouts are nothing but plain IMessages that get deferred. The timeouts used in this samples would be
class NoResponseFor24Hours : IMessage {}
class NoResponseFor48Hours : IMessage {}
Hope this clarifies the idea of Sagas in general, what Timeouts are and how they are used. I did not go into Message Correlation, Saga Concurrency, and some other details as those can be found at the documentation site you've referred to. Which bring us to the next point.
I have read multiple times the documentation on their website. It is absolutely terrible. I am reading again and again the same articles and I cannot comprehend what they are trying to achieve.
The site has a feedback mechanism you should absolutely provide.
Besides there almost no resources in internet related to this subject.
Hope to see you posting a blog (or a series of posts) on this topic. By doing so you'll have a positive contribution.
Full disclaimer: I work on NServiceBus

30 sec periodic task to poll external web service and cache data

I'm after some advice on polling an external web service every 30 secs from a Domino server side action.
A quick bit of background...
We track the location of cars thru the TomTom api. We now have a requirement to show this in our web app, overlayed onto a map (google, bing, etc.) and mashed up with other lat long data from our application. Think of it as dispatching calls to taxis and we want to assign those calls to the taxis ('s not taxis\ calls, but it is similar process). We refresh the dispatch controllers screens quite aggressively, so they can see the status of all the objects and assign to the nearest car. If we trigger the pull of data from the refresh of the users screen, we get into some tricky controlling server side, else we will hit the max allowable requests per minute to the TomTom api.
Originally I was going to schedule an agent to poll the web service, write to a cached object in our app, and the refreshing dispatch controllers screen pulls the data from our cache....great, except, user requirement is our cache must be updated every 30secs. I can create a program doc that runs every 1 min, but still not aggressive enough.
So we are currently left with: our .net guy will create a service that polls TomTom every 30secs, and we retrieve from his service, or I figure out a way to do in Domino. It would be nice to do in Domino database, and not some stand alone java app or .net, to keep as much of the logic as possible in one system (Domino).
We use backing beans heavily in our system. I will be testing this later today I hope, but would this seem like a sensible route to go down..?:
Spawning threads in a JSF managed bean for scheduled tasks using a timer
...or are their limitations I am not aware of, has anyone tackled this before in Domino or have any comments?
Thanks in advance,
Check out DOTS (Domino OSGi Tasklet Service):
It allows you to define background Java tasks on a Domino server that have all the advantages of agents (can be scheduled or triggered) with none of the performance or maintenance issues.
If you cache the data in a bean (application or session scoped). Have a date object that contains the last refreshed date. When the data is requested, check last cached date against current time. If it's more than/equal to 30 seconds, refresh data.
A way of doing it would be to write a managed bean which is created in the application scope ( aka there can only be one..). In this managed bean you take care of the 30sec polling of the webservice by good old java webservice implementation and a java thread which you start at the creation of your managed-bean something like
public class ServicePoller{
private static myThread = null;
public ServicePoller(){
if(myThread == null){
myThread = new ServicePollThread();
(new Thread(myThread)).start());
class ServicePollThread implements Runnable(){
private hashMap yourcache = null;
public ServicePollThread(){
public void run(){
This managed bean will then poll every 30 seconds the webservice and save it's findings in a hashmap or some other managed-bean classes. This way you dont need to run an agent or something like that and you achieve when you use the dispatch screen to retrieve data from the cache.
Another option would be to write an servlet ( that would be possible with the extlib but I cant find the information right now ) which does the threading and reading the service for you. Then in your database you should be able to read the cache of the servlet and use it wherever you need.
As Tim said DOTS or as jjtbsomhorst said a thread or an Eclipse job.
I've created a video describing DOTS:
Next Monday I'll publish a sample how to do threads and Eclipse jobs. Here is a preview video:

Is there a way to tell which Tasks are currently running in Task Parallel Library?

I can't see a way to see which tasks are running. There is the Task.Current property, but what if there are multiple tasks running? Is there a way to get this kind of information?
Alternately, is there a built in way to get notified when a task starts or completes?
Hey Mike, there is no public way of accessing the list of pending tasks in TPL. The mechanism that makes it available for the debugger relies on the fact that all threads will be frozen at enumeration time, therefore it can't be used at runtime.
Yes, there's a built in way to get notified whan a task completes. Check out the Task.ContinueWith APIs. Basically this API creates a new task that will fired up when the target task completes.
I'm assuming you want to do some quick accounting / progress reporting based on this, if that's the case, I'd recommend that you call task.ContinueWith() with the TaskContinuationOptions.ExecuteSynchronously flag. When you specify that the continuation action will be run right there on the same thread when the target task finishes (if you don't specify this the continuation task is queued up like any other regular task).
Hope this helps.
You can also get the currently running task (or a Task's parent) with reflection:
static public class Extensions
public static Task Parent(this Task t)
FieldInfo info = typeof(Task).GetField("m_parent",
BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
return info != null ? (Task)info.GetValue(t) : null;
public static Task Self
return Task.Factory.StartNew(
() => { },
You can create a TaskScheduler class deriving from the provided one. Within that class you have full control and can add logging either side of the execution. See for example:
You'll also need to use a Taskfactory with an instance of your class as the scheduler.