Why isn't this transaction isolated? - wcf

I have a few methods - a couple of calls to SQL Server and some business logic to generate a unique value. These methods are all contained inside a parent method:
//1. Call to db for last value
//2. Business logic to create new value
//3. Update db with new value created
I want the call to GenerateUniqueValue to be isolated, i.e - when two clients call it simultaneously, the second client must wait for the first one to finish.
Originally, I made my service a singleton; however, I have to anticipate future changes that may include load balancing, so I believe a singleton approach is out. Next I decided to try the transaction approach by decorating my service:
[ServiceBehavior(TransactionIsolationLevel = IsolationLevel.Serializable, TransactionTimeout = "00:00:30")]
And my GenerateUniqueValue with:
[OperationBehavior(TransactionScopeRequired = true)]
The problem is that a test of simultaneous hits to the service method results in an error:
"System.ServiceModel.ProtocolException: The transaction under which this method call was executing was asynchronously aborted."
Here is my client test code:
private static void Main(string[] args)
List<Client> clients = new List<Client>();
for (int i = 1; i < 20; i++)
clients.Add(new Client());
foreach (var client in clients)
Thread thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(client.GenerateUniqueValue));
If the transaction is suppose to be isolated, why are multiple threads calling out to the method clashing?

Transaction is for treating multiple actions as a single atomic action. So if you want to make the second thread to wait for the first thread's completion, you have to deal with concurrency not transaction.
Try using System.ServiceModel.ServiceBehaviorAttribute.ConcurrencyMode attribute with Single or Reentrant concurrency modes. I guess that's what you are expecting.
I guess you got the exception because the IsolationLevel.Serializable would enable the second thread to access the volatile data, but wouldn't let it to change it. You perhapse be doing some change operation which is not permitted with this isolation level.


Recursive Bus.Send() with-in a Handler (Transactions, Threading, Tasks)

I have a handler similar to the following, which essentially responds to a command and sends a whole bunch of commands to a different queue.
public void Handle(ISomeCommand message)
int i=0;
while (i < 10000)
var command = Bus.CreateInstance<IAnotherCommand>();
command.Id = i;
Bus.Send("target.queue#d1555", command);
The issue with this block is, until the loop is fully completed none of the messages appear in the target queue or in the outgoing queue. Can someone help me understand this behavior?
Also if I use Tasks to send messages within the Handler as below, messages appear immediately. So two questions on this,
What's the explanation on Task based Sends to go through immediately?
Are there are any ramifications on using Tasks with in message handlers?
public void Handle(ISomeCommand message)
int i=0;
while (i < 10000)
System.Threading.ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem((args) =>
var command = Bus.CreateInstance<IAnotherCommand>();
command.Id = i;
Bus.Send("target.queue#d1555", command);
Your time is much appreciated!
First question: Picking a message from a queue, running all the registered message handlers for it AND any other transactional action(like writing new messages or writes against a database) is performed in ONE transaction. Either it all completes or none of it. So what you are seeing is the expected behaviour: picking a message from the queue, handling ISomeCommand and writing 10000 new IAnotherCommand is either done completely or none of it. To avoid this behaviour you can do one of the following:
Configure your NServiceBus endpoint to not be transactional
public class EndpointConfig : IConfigureThisEndpoint, AsA_Publisher,IWantCustomInitialization
public void Init()
Wrap the sending of IAnotherCommand in a transaction scope that suppresses the ambient transaction.
public void Handle(ISomeCommand message)
using (new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Suppress))
int i=0;
while (i < 10000)
var command = Bus.CreateInstance();
command.Id = i;
Bus.Send("target.queue#d1555", command);
Issue the Bus.Send on another thread, by either starting a new thread yourself, using System.Threading.ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem or the Task classes. This works because an ambient transaction is not automatically carried over to a new thread.
Second question: The ramifications of using Tasks, or any of the other methods I mentioned, is that you have no transactional quarantee for the whole thing.
How do you handle the case where you have generated 5000 IAnotherMessage and the power suddenly goes out?
If you use 2) or 3) the original ISomeMessage will not complete and will be retried automatically by NServiceBus when you start up the endpoint again. End result: 5000 + 10000 IAnotherCommands.
If you use 1) you will lose IAnotherMessage completely and end up with only 5000 IAnotherCommands.
Using the recommended transactional way, the initial 5000 IAnotherCommands would be discarded, the original ISomeMessage comes back on the queue and is retried when the endpoint starts up again. Net result: 10000 IAnotherCommands.
If memory serves NServiceBus wraps the calls to the message handlers in a TransactionScope if the transaction option is used and TransactionScope needs some help to be cross-thread friendly:
TransactionScope and multi-threading
If you are trying to reduce overhead you can also bundle your messages. The signature for the send is Bus.Send(IMessage[]messages). If you can guarantee that you don't blow up the size limit for MSMQ, then you could Send() all the messages at once. If the size limit is an issue, then you can chunk them up or use the Databus.

Async WCF Service with multiple async calls inside

I have a web service in WCF that consume some external web services, so what I want to do is make this service asynchronous in order to release the thread, wait for the completion of all the external services, and then return the result to the client.
With Framework 4.0
public class MyService : IMyService
public IAsyncResult BeginDoWork(int count, AsyncCallback callback, object serviceState)
var proxyOne = new Gateway.BackendOperation.BackendOperationOneSoapClient();
var proxyTwo = new Gateway.BackendOperationTwo.OperationTwoSoapClient();
var taskOne = Task<int>.Factory.FromAsync(proxyOne.BeginGetNumber, proxyOne.EndGetNumber, 10, serviceState);
var taskTwo = Task<int>.Factory.FromAsync(proxyTwo.BeginGetNumber, proxyTwo.EndGetNumber, 10, serviceState);
var tasks = new Queue<Task<int>>();
return Task.Factory.ContinueWhenAll(tasks.ToArray(), innerTasks =>
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<int>(serviceState);
int sum = 0;
foreach (var innerTask in innerTasks)
if (innerTask.IsFaulted)
if (innerTask.IsCompleted)
sum = innerTask.Result;
public int EndDoWork(IAsyncResult result)
return ((Task<int>)result).Result;
catch (AggregateException ex)
throw ex.InnerException;
My questions here are:
This code is using three threads: one that is instanced in the
BeginDoWork, another one that is instanced when the code enter
inside the anonymous method ContinueWhenAll, and the last one when
the callback is executed, in this case EndDoWork. Is that correct or
I’m doing something wrong on the calls? Should I use any
synchronization context? Note: The synchronization context is null
on the main thread.
What happen if I “share” information between
threads, for instance, the callback function? Will that cause a
performance issue or the anonymous method is like a closure where I
can share data?
With Framework 4.5 and Async and Await
Now with Framework 4.5, the code seems too much simple than before:
public async Task<int> DoWorkAsync(int count)
var proxyOne = new Backend.ServiceOne.ServiceOneClient();
var proxyTwo = new Backend.ServiceTwo.ServiceTwoClient();
var doWorkOne = proxyOne.DoWorkAsync(count);
var doWorkTwo = proxyTwo.DoWorkAsync(count);
var result = await Task.WhenAll(doWorkOne, doWorkTwo);
return doWorkOne.Result + doWorkTwo.Result;
But in this case when I debug the application, I always see that the code is executed on the same thread. So my questions here are:
3.. When I’m waiting for the “awaitable” code, is that thread released and goes back to the thread pool to execute more requests?
3.1. If So, I suppose that when I get a result from the await Task, the execution completes on the same thread that the call before. Is that possible? What happen if that thread is processing another request?
3.2 If Not, how can I release the thread to send it back to the thread pool with Asycn and Await pattern?
Thank you!
1. This code is using three threads: one that is instanced in the BeginDoWork, another one that is instanced when the code enter inside the anonymous method ContinueWhenAll, and the last one when the callback is executed, in this case EndDoWork. Is that correct or I’m doing something wrong on the calls? Should I use any synchronization context?
It's better to think in terms of "tasks" rather than "threads". You do have three tasks here, each of which will run on the thread pool, one at a time.
2. What happen if I “share” information between threads, for instance, the callback function? Will that cause a performance issue or the anonymous method is like a closure where I can share data?
You don't have to worry about synchronization because each of these tasks can't run concurrently. BeginDoWork registers the continuation just before returning, so it's already practically done when the continuation can run. EndDoWork will probably not be called until the continuation is complete; but even if it is, it will block until the continuation is complete.
(Technically, the continuation can start running before BeginDoWork completes, but BeginDoWork just returns at that point, so it doesn't matter).
3. When I’m waiting for the “awaitable” code, is that thread released and goes back to the thread pool to execute more requests?
3.1. If So, I suppose that when I get a result from the await Task, the execution completes on the same thread that the call before. Is that possible? What happen if that thread is processing another request?
No. Your host (in this case, ASP.NET) may continue the async methods on any thread it happens to have available.
This is perfectly safe because only one thread is executing at a time.
P.S. I recommend
var result = await Task.WhenAll(doWorkOne, doWorkTwo);
return result[0] + result[1];
instead of
var result = await Task.WhenAll(doWorkOne, doWorkTwo);
return doWorkOne.Result + doWorkTwo.Result;
because Task.Result should be avoided in async programming.

Asynchronously start only one Task to process a static Queue, stopping when it's done

Basically I have a static custom queue of objects I want to process. From multiple threads, I need to kick off a singular Task that will process the queued objects, stopping the task when all items are dequeued.
Some psuedo code:
static CustomQueue _customqueue;
static Task _processQueuedItems;
public static void EnqueueSomething(object something) {
static void StartProcessingQueue() {
if(_processQueuedItems != null) {
_processQueuedItems = new Task(() => {
while(_customqueue.Any()) {
var stuffToDequeue = _customqueue.Dequeue();
/* do stuff */
if(_processQueuedItems.Status != TaskStatus.Running) {
If it makes a difference my custom queue is a queue that essentially holds items until they reach a certain age, then allows them to dequeue. Everytime an item is touched its timer starts again. I know this piece works fine.
The part I'm struggling with is the parallelism. (Clearly, I don't know what I'm doing here). What I want is to have one thread process the queue until it's complete, then go away. If another call comes in it doesn't start a new thread unless it has to.
I hope that explains my issue okay.
You might want to consider using BlockingCollection<T> here. You could make your custom queue implement IProducerConsumerCollection, in which case BC could use it directly.
You'd then just need to start a long running Task to call blockingCollection.GetConsumingEnumerable() and process the items in a foreach. The task will automatically block when the collection is empty, and restart when a new item is Enqueued.

Have multiple calls wait on the same internal async task

(Note: this is an over-simplified scenario to demonstrate my coding issue.)
I have the following class interface:
public class CustomerService
Task<IEnumerable<Customer>> FindCustomersInArea(String areaName);
Task<Customer> GetCustomerByName(String name);
This is the client-side of a RESTful API which loads a list of Customer objects from the server then exposes methods that allows client code to consume and work against that list.
Both of these methods work against the internal list of Customers retrieved from the server as follows:
private Task<IEnumerable<Customer>> LoadCustomersAsync()
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<IEnumerable<Customer>>();
// GetAsync returns Task<HttpResponseMessage>
Client.GetAsync(uri).ContinueWith(task =>
if (task.IsCanceled)
else if (task.IsFaulted)
// Convert HttpResponseMessage to desired return type
var response = task.Result;
var list = response.Content.ReadAs<IEnumerable<Customer>>();
catch (Exception ex)
The Client class is a custom version of the HttpClient class from the WCF Web API (now ASP.NET Web API) because I am working in Silverlight and they don't have an SL version of their client assemblies.
After all that background, here's my problem:
All of the methods in the CustomerService class use the list returned by the asynchronous LoadCustomersAsync method; therefore, any calls to these methods should wait (asynchronously) until the LoadCustomers method has returned and the appopriate logic executed on the returned list.
I also only want one call made from the client (in LoadCustomers) at a time. So, I need all of the calls to the public methods to wait on the same internal task.
To review, here's what I need to figure out how to accomplish:
Any call to FindCustomersInArea and GetCustomerByName should return a Task that waits for the LoadCustomersAsync method to complete. If LoadCustomersAsync has already returned (and the cached list still valid), then the method may continue immediately.
After LoadCustomersAsync returns, each method has additional logic required to convert the list into the desired return value for the method.
There must only ever be one active call to LoadCustomersAsync (of the GetAsync method within).
If the cached list expires, then subsequent calls will trigger a reload (via LoadCustomersAsync).
Let me know if you need further clarification, but I'm hoping this is a common enough use case that someone can help me work out the logic to get the client working as desired.
Disclaimer: I'm going to assume you're using a singleton instance of your HttpClient subclass. If that's not the case we need only modify slightly what I'm about to tell you.
Yes, this is totally doable. The mechanism we're going to rely on for subsequent calls to LoadCustomersAsync is that if you attach a continuation to a Task, even if that Task completed eons ago, you're continuation will be signaled "immediately" with the task's final state.
Instead of creating/returning a new TaskCompletionSource<T> (TCS) every time from the LoadCustomerAsync method, you would instead have a field on the class that represents the TCS. This will allow your instance to remember the TCS that last represented the call that represented a cache-miss. This TCS's state will be signaled exactly the same as your existing code. You'll add the knowledge of whether or not the data has expired as another field which, combined with whether the TCS is currently null or not, will be the trigger for whether or not you actually go out and load the data again.
Ok, enough talk, it'll probably make a lot more sense if you see it.
The Code
public class CustomerService
// Your cache timeout (using 15mins as example, can load from config or wherever)
private static readonly TimeSpan CustomersCacheTimeout = new TimeSpan(0, 15, 0);
// A lock object used to provide thread safety
private object loadCustomersLock = new object();
private TaskCompletionSource<IEnumerable<Customer>> loadCustomersTaskCompletionSource;
private DateTime loadCustomersLastCacheTime = DateTime.MinValue;
private Task<IEnumerable<Customer>> LoadCustomersAsync()
bool needToLoadCustomers = this.loadCustomersTaskCompletionSource == null
(this.loadCustomersTaskCompletionSource.Task.IsFaulted || this.loadCustomersTaskCompletionSource.Task.IsCanceled)
DateTime.Now - this.loadCustomersLastCacheTime.Value > CustomersService.CustomersCacheTimeout;
this.loadCustomersTaskCompletionSource = new TaskCompletionSource<IEnumerable<Customer>>();
// GetAsync returns Task<HttpResponseMessage>
Client.GetAsync(uri).ContinueWith(antecedent =>
else if(antecedent.IsFaulted)
// Convert HttpResponseMessage to desired return type
var response = antecedent.Result;
var list = response.Content.ReadAs<IEnumerable<Customer>>();
// Record the last cache time
this.loadCustomersLastCacheTime = DateTime.Now;
catch(Exception ex)
return this.loadCustomersTaskCompletionSource.Task;
Scenarios where the customers aren't loaded:
If it's the first call, the TCS will be null so the TCS will be created and customers fetched.
If the previous call faulted or was canceled, a new TCS will be created and the customers fetched.
If the cache timeout has expired, a new TCS will be created and the customers fetched.
Scenarios where the customers are loading/loaded:
If the customers are in the process of loading, the existing TCS's Task will be returned and any continuations added to the task using ContinueWith will be executed once the TCS has been signaled.
If the customers are already loaded, the existing TCS's Task will be returned and any continuations added to the task using ContinueWith will be executed as soon as the scheduler sees fit.
NOTE: I used a coarse grained locking approach here and you could theoretically improve performance with a reader/writer implementation, but it would probably be a micro-optimization in your case.
I think you should change the way you call Client.GetAsync(uri). Do it roughly like this:
Lazy<Task> getAsyncLazy = new Lazy<Task>(() => Client.GetAsync(uri));
And in your LoadCustomersAsync method you write:
getAsyncLazy.Value.ContinueWith(task => ...
This will ensure that GetAsync only gets called once and that everyone interested in its result will receive the same task.

WCF Proxy Client taking time to create, any cache or singleton solution for it

we have more than dozon of wcf services and being called using TCP binding. There are a lots of calls to same wcf service at various places in code.
AdminServiceClient client = FactoryS.AdminServiceClient();// it takes significant time. and
i want to cache the client or produce it from singleton. so that i can save some time, Is it possible?
Yes, this is possible. You can make the proxy object visible to the entire application, or wrap it in a singleton class for neatness (my preferred option). However, if you are going to reuse a proxy for a service, you will have to handle channel faults.
First create your singleton class / cache / global variable that holds an instance of the proxy (or proxies) that you want to reuse.
When you create the proxy, you need to subscribe to the Faulted event on the inner channel
proxyInstance.InnerChannel.Faulted += new EventHandler(ProxyFaulted);
and then put some reconnect code inside the ProxyFaulted event handler. The Faulted event will fire if the service drops, or the connection times out because it was idle. The faulted event will only fire if you have reliableSession enabled on your binding in the config file (if unspecified this defaults to enabled on the netTcpBinding).
Edit: If you don't want to keep your proxy channel open all the time, you will have to test the state of the channel before every time you use it, and recreate the proxy if it is faulted. Once the channel has faulted there is no option but to create a new one.
Edit2: The only real difference in load between keeping the channel open and closing it every time is a keep-alive packet being sent to the service and acknowledged every so often (which is what is behind your channel fault event). With 100 users I don't think this will be a problem.
The other option is to put your proxy creation inside a using block where it will be closed / disposed at the end of the block (which is considered bad practice). Closing the channel after a call may result in your application hanging because the service is not yet finished processing. In fact, even if your call to the service was async or the service contract for the method was one-way, the channel close code will block until the service is finished.
Here is a simple singleton class that should have the bare bones of what you need:
public static class SingletonProxy
private CupidClientServiceClient proxyInstance = null;
public CupidClientServiceClient ProxyInstance
if (proxyInstance == null)
return this.proxyInstance;
private void ProxyChannelFaulted(object sender, EventArgs e)
bool connected = false;
while (!connected)
// you may want to put timer code around this, or
// other code to limit the number of retrys if
// the connection keeps failing
public bool AttemptToConnect()
// this whole process needs to be thread safe
lock (proxyInstance)
if (proxyInstance != null)
// deregister the event handler from the old instance
proxyInstance.InnerChannel.Faulted -= new EventHandler(ProxyChannelFaulted);
//(re)create the instance
proxyInstance = new CupidClientServiceClient();
// always open the connection
// add the event handler for the new instance
// the client faulted is needed to be inserted here (after the open)
// because we don't want the service instance to keep faulting (throwing faulted event)
// as soon as the open function call.
proxyInstance.InnerChannel.Faulted += new EventHandler(ProxyChannelFaulted);
return true;
catch (EndpointNotFoundException)
// do something here (log, show user message etc.)
return false;
catch (TimeoutException)
// do something here (log, show user message etc.)
return false;
I hope that helps :)
In my experience, creating/closing the channel on a per call basis adds very little overhead. Take a look at this Stackoverflow question. It's not a Singleton question per se, but related to your issue. Typically you don't want to leave the channel open once you're finished with it.
I would encourage you to use a reusable ChannelFactory implementation if you're not already and see if you still are having performance problems.