What is the difference between arrayWithObjects and initWithObjects? - objective-c

Can you please explain me exact difference between these two lines?
NSArray *foo = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:#"hai",#"how",#"are",#"you",nil];
NSArray *bar = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:#"hai",#"how",#"are",#"you",nil];

arrayWithObjects is "convenience constructor".
It will do:
return [[[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:#"hai",#"how",#"are",#"you",nil] autorelease]
for you.
It is just a convenience method to get an autoreleased object while improving the readability of the statement. Keep in mind that the fact that the object is autoreleased is a simple convention of the language (not a rule, so you could do differently, but I would not suggest that).

arrayWithObject returns an autoreleased array so you do not have to worry about releasing it when you don't need it anymore (but if you store it in an instance variable, you should retain it to prevent the autorelease pool from freeing it). initWithObject returns an array with a retain count of 1, i.e. you own the array and you must release it at some point to prevent memory leaks.
You might want to read this guide for more clarification.

You own the second array but not the first.


Incompatible pointer type assigning "NSMutableArray" to "NSArray"?

This is my code
NSMutableArray * reversedNamesArray; //theres about a thousand variable already stored in here, this is just for documentation
reversedNamesArray = [reversedNamesArray sortedArrayUsingSelector:#selector(localizedCaseInsensitiveCompare:)];
//Incompatible pointer type assigning "NSMutableArray" to "NSArray"
The message above is what i get, i know what it means, but i don't want to take an extra step of copying an NSMutableArray of a thousand variable to a NSArray is there any cast i can use to fix the warning, it doesn't affect my code, but i just want a fix for it. and can you explain why they are not compatible, they NSMutableArray and NSArray should use the same amount of bytes so i don't see why they are incompatible in the first place.
-sortedArrayUsingSelector: is implemented in NSArray and returns an NSArray even when called on an NSMutableArray.
You should use one of the sort methods implemented in NSMutableArray. This would work:
[reversedNamesArray sortUsingSelector:#selector(localizedCaseInsensitiveCompare:)];
#GerdK's answer is the right one, but I thought I would explain why you cannot just cast an NSArray into NSMutableArray. If you could, major optimizations would be lost. Consider the following:
NSArray *first = #[...];
NSArray *second = [first copy];
This is extremely cheap. second just adds an extra retain onto first and we're done. On the other hand:
NSMutableArray *first = [NSMutableArray arrayWith…]
NSArray *second = [first copy];
This is more expensive. In order to create second, we actually have to create new array and copy the pointers over and add extra retains.
Now, imagine what you're requesting were legal:
// Not legal, but let's say it were
NSArray *first = #[...];
NSMutableArray *second = (NSMutableArray *)[first copy];
Now [NSArray copy] has to be defensive against this. It has to implement copy as a full (expensive) copy. That's a real performance loss.
You might say "But I'll just use copy when I want to really copy and retain when I want to retain." Sure, but that's not good enough. Say I want to store an immutable copy of something I'm passed:
- (void)setSomething:(NSArray *)array {
_something = [array copy];
This is a very efficient and correct setter. If I pass a real NSArray, then it's cheap (and this is probably the normal case). If I pass an NSMutableArray (it's a subclass, so I can do that), then I automatically make a real copy (so the object can't change behind my back). You get this kind of optimization for free by keeping mutable and immutable objects separate. Otherwise, I'd have to interrogate the object and ask if it were mutable and then make decisions based on that.

initWith vs arrayWith in objC?

What are the pros and cons of creating an array (or any other collection using its respective factory method) with
[[NSArray alloc] init]
[NSArray array]
in objective C? It seems like the latter factory method allows us to not worry about memory management, so I was curious if there's any point in ever using alloc + init, though I'm now more interested in all the differences between these two, and why one would choose one over the other.
Prior to ARC there was a critical difference. The alloc/init case returned a retained object, while the array case returned an autoreleased object.
With ARC the difference is less important. Probably the first case is a hair more efficient, but in most scenarios they are interchangeable.
In the first one, you have the ownership of array object & you have to release them.
NSMutableArray* p = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
[p release];
& last one you dont need to release as you don't have the ownership of array object.
NSMutableArray* p = [NSMutableArray]; //this is autoreleased
If you call release in this, then it will crash your application.

When and when to not allocate memory to objects

NSArray *array = [dictionary objectForKey:#"field"];
NSArray *array = [[NSArray alloc] initWithArray:[dictionary objectForKey:#"field"]];
I see both kind of approaches very frequently in objective C code.
When tried to understand, I found both of them used in similar situation too, which makes contradiction. I am not clear on when I should use 1st approach and when 2nd one?
Any idea?
Detailed explanation and useful references are moms welcome.
First off, those two examples are doing slightly different things. One is retrieving something from an existing dictionary and one is creating a new array by retrieving something from an existing dictionary (the value of that key is an array).
But, if you're asking the difference between getting objects by alloc vs. convenience methods. ([NSString alloc] init vs [NSString stringWith ...), by convention, you own anything that you call alloc, new copy or mutableCopy on. Anything that you call that is not those, is autoreleased.
See the memory guide here. Specifically, look at the rules.
Getting an autoreleased object means it will go away at some point in the near future. If you don't need to hold onto outside the scope of that function, then you can call autorelease on it or use one of the convenience methods that's not alloc, etc...
For example:
// my object doesn't need that formatted string - create the autoreleased version of it.
- (NSString) description {
return [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%# : %d", _title, _id];
// my object stuffed it away in an iVar - I need the retained version of it. release in dealloc
- (void) prepare {
_myVal = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:"string I need for %d", _id];
In the first example, I created a convenience methods for others to call, my class doesn't need that object beyond the scope of that method so I create the autoreleased version of it and return it. If the caller needs it beyond the scope of his calling method, he can retain it. If not he can use it and let it go away. Very little code.
In the second example, I'm formatting a string and assigning it to an iVar variable that I need to hold onto for the lifetime of my class so I call alloc which will retain it. I own it and releasing it eventually. Now, I could have used the first version here and just called retain on it as well.
You have a fundamental misunderstanding of allocations versus instance methods.
The first example, NSDictionary's -objectForKey method, returns id, not an instance of NSDictionary, therefore it does not allocate or initialize the variable.
The second, however is the classic retain part of the retain-release cycle.
The two methods are fundamentally equal (if we are to assume that array is alloc'd but empty in the first, and nil in the second), and both get ownership of the array object. I would go with the second, as it guarantees a reference, and it's shorter.
What I think you're confusing this with are new and convenience methods. Convenience methods (like NSNumber's +numberWithInt:, NSString's +stringWithFormat:, and NSMutableArray's +array), return an autorelease instance of the class (usually). New takes the place of alloc and init in just one word.

Grow a NSMutableArray with NSNumber objects

Sorry for the newbie question, but I need a NSMutableArray with some NSNumber inside, created dynamically in a for cycle. My code looks like this:
for (...){
NSNumber *temp_number = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithInteger:someNSInteger];
[target_array addObject:[temp_number copy]];
[temp_number release];
Is this a correct way to do it? Does it leak?
Thanks! Miguel
Yep, that leaks. You want:
NSNumber *temp_number = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithInteger:someNSInteger];
[target_array addObject:temp_number];
[temp_number release];
So, no copy. The logic is that because you use alloc, you end up owning temp_number. You then add it to the array and the array does whatever it needs to. You've used temp_number for its intended purpose, so you no longer want to own it and release it.
If you were to take a copy, that would create another instance of NSNumber, which you also own, and therefore which you should also release when you're finished with.
In practice, the array (if it's allocated and exists, rather than being nil), will retain the object for itself, but that's an implementation detail specific to that class and not something you should depend upon or even be particularly interested in beyond the contract that says that the objects you add can later be found in the array.

Can someone please explain this one line of code on Objective-C?

eventPoints = [[NSMutableArray array] retain];
What does the "retain" keyword do along with the "array"?. "array" is not defined anywhere.
Also eventPoints was declared as a NSMutableArray.
I am just trying to learn. Thanks
Check out this question I asked: iPhone memory management (with specific examples/questions)
It took me a while to get a hang of this too. Hope this helps!
EDIT: As for what [NSMutableArray array] does, according to the docs on NSArray, it does this: "Creates and returns an empty array." and is used by mutable subclasses of NSArray, such as NSMutableArray. Basically, it's the same as doing: [[[NSMutableArray alloc] init] autorelease] (or something really similar). Because it's autoreleased, you need to call retain on it to keep the variable.
1) What does the "retain" keyword do along with the "array"?
As you know, objective-C uses referencing counting for memory management. "retain" increments 1 by everyPoints.
2) "array" is not defined anywhere.
"array" is defined in NSArray. NSMutableArray is a subclass of NSArray, so NSMutableArray can use functions defined in NSArray. "array" is a class method that creates and returns an empty array.
There are four ways to explicitly increment 1 in objective-c: alloc, copy, retain, attain
Because you create an empty array without using any of these, you manually increment 1 by "retain". So in the future, you might need to [everyPoints release] to decrement 1 to deallocate it.