ArtifactTransferException Failure to transfer com.sun.faces:jsf-impl:jar:2.1.0 - apache

I receive this error, after searching found suggestion: remove all maven*.lastUpdated from local repository.
So I did it. Nothing happen.
What else can be done?

I have the similar error while doing the maven project in eclipse. I solved the problem by doing following steps:
Right click the project
Goto Maven
Click the "Update Project"

In Maven First,you need to know below things are working are not.
Are you able to open the repository url which is in settings.xml on your browser.
Or Check are you able to download the jars from the repository url.
Or Right click on your project and click on Maven and click the Update Project.


intelij always returns 404 for find jar on web

I always get an 404 error in intelij ide when I try to "find jar on web". The following appears:
And I can't find a way to change the urls intelij is using. I don't use a proxy.
How to configure this to make it work?
As described here, you may open the Project structure (⌘+; on mac or Ctrl+Shift+Alt+S on windows). Go to Libraries pane on the left and click on the + button and choose "From Maven..."
Provide the correct Maven URL for the jar that you need in the resulting dialog.
Screenshot from Intellij 15.0.1:

Intellij IDEA - JavaFX packager : access denied

I'm trying to generate an artifact of my JavaFX application using Intellij but for some reason I always end up having JavaFX packager throwing an access denied error on my output directory.
Generating a simple jar works fine though.
I'm using it on Windows 8.1 with Java 8.
I had the same problem. I kind of solved it:
by ticking the "Build on make" box in the Project Structur Dialog
starting a Run of my Java App in Intellij Idea
Now the executable jar magically appeared in my build folder. God knows why.
I had this problem and solved it by deleting the Artifact from IntellIJ, then deleting the "out/artifact" previously created folder where it tried to build my jar and finally re created an artifact from scratch. For no specific reason it now worked.
I have encountered the same problem recently. I checked the permissions of the directory and can read and write. Later I deleted the artifact and re-created a new one to solve the problem. I hope to help people who have encountered this problem.
I had this problem. I ran into it because When I added artifact with + button in Project Settings->Artifacts, I selected JAR artifact , and change JAR to JavaFx Application from type drop down box on right side pane. Later, I removed this artifact and pressed + button, then selected JavaFx Application from drop down list, then it was builded successfully. My JDK version is 8.
When I call JavaVXPacker from the command line I get the following:
C:\Users\Ingo>javafxpackager -help
javafxpackager.exe has been renamed javapackager.exe.
The original file may be removed in a future release in lieu of javapackager.
Please update your scripts.
So I guess IntelliJ has to update it's script to re-enable the feature???
(using Windows 10 and JDK Liberica 15+36)
Go to File > Project Structure
Click on Artifacts on the left panel.
Thereafter click on the plus icon to add a Jar From modules with dependencies…
A pop-up will be shown and there you would have to select for the startup class of your project.
Click on OK twice to save the changes.
Lastly go to Build > Build Artifacts... And select build action.
Now your jar will be generated in the out folder of your project.
For a more details guide, please refer to this post

Unable to make the module: related gradle configuration was not found. Please, re-import the Gradle project and try again

I use IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate 14 and Gradle 1.2. I manage the project from the console, but I need to debug some of the code from the IDE.
When I try to make the project, this error window appears. When I try to debug the project,
Error: Unable to make the module: idappcli, related Gradle configuration was not found.
Please, re-import the Gradle project and try again.
is written in the message window. How can I add the regular output paths to the project?
Try by opening the gradle task view and then click the refresh button. For me it solved the problem.
I also had a similar problem,
Go to : View -> Tool Windows -> Gradle.
Then press in Refresh Icon
This fixed the issue "Please, re-import the Gradle project and try again." for me (IntelliJ Ultimate 17.3.3):
(1) Detached Gradle project:
(2) Closed the project and (3) re-opened it via File > Open recent. IntelliJ will promt to import the now unlinked Gradle project. (4) Imported it and selected "Use auto-import" in the dialog.
I had the same problem with my Intellij IDEA version 2016.2 (Mac)
The solution was: In Intellij, Click on "View" then "Tool Windows" then "Gradle" then click on
I had to make sure the Use auto-import and the Use default gradle wrapper (recommended) were both checked.
File > Other Settings > Default Settings > Build, Execution, Deployment > Build Tools > Gradle
I faced the similar issue when i update my IntelliJ Idea.
To fix it i ran the below command in terminal and it fixed my problem.
gradle cleanIdea idea
For most people the refresh of Gradle that has already been suggested might solve the issue.
For the others I figured out, that deleting the .idea direcotory and reimporting the project might help.
It can be that your resources directory is not added to classpath when creating a project via Spring Initializr. So your application is never loading the file that you have configured.
To make a quick test if this is the case, add the following to your file:
Now when running your application you should see in the spring boot console output something like this:
INFO o.s.b.w.e.tomcat.TomcatWebServer - Tomcat started on port(s): **8081** (http) with context path ''
If your port is still default 8080 and not changed to 8081, your files is obviously not loading.
You can also check if your application runs with gradle bootRun from command line. Which most likely will be work.
Close IntelliJ, then inside your project folder delete the ".idea" folder
Reimport your project to IntelliJ like following: "Import Project" -> "select ONLY your build.gradle file to import". (IntelliJ will automatically grab the rest)
build and run your application again
See official answer by IntelliJ Support:
This works for me:
Close the IntelliJ Idea
Delete 'gradle' and '.gradle' folders from the project root
Start IntelliJ Idea and import the project as gradle
In my case the root cause was a missing proxy configuration. Once I configured it properly I was able to Refresh gradle projects and it finally downloaded missing files and set up the project correctly.
File > Settings > Appearance & Behaviour > System Settings > HTTP proxy
View > Tool Windows > Gradle
and Synchronize button
I went into the IntelliJ Gradle preferences:
Menu: Preferences > Build, Execution, Deployment > Build Tools > Gradle
And under Project Level Settings, switched the radio button to "Use default gradle wrapper (recommended)"
Hit the make button, and was in business!
#user1339 I also had the same problem. Please, read this question Building war with Gradle, Debugging with IntelliJ IDEA. It'll be very helpful for you. And recommendation for the 'Make' task. As message said, I should try to re-import the Gradle project and try again. In my case this advice became very helpful.
I recommend to try to 'Build > Rebuild Project'.

Maven Artifact Search is always empty

When using Alt-Insert to insert a dependency into the POM, the Artifact Search is always completely blank regardless of what I search for.
I tried to add repo1 to Settings->Maven->Repository Services, it says "no repository found." I find that hard to believe.
I've also tried to "update" my local repository but that results in an error.
FYI I'm using Community Edition Snapshot.
If you have a brand new IntelliJ install and have never updated your Maven Repository, notice that there is a little "Update" button to the right that becomes clickable when you click on each repository.
Preferences > Build, Execution, Deployment > Build Tools > Maven >
The important one is the remote repository, make sure you update it.
I used Artifactory to generate a settings.xml for me, and by default it pointed me to the "libs-releases" repository.
Instead want my "releases" repository to point to the much larger virtual repository "remote-repos."
All it took was a simple change to the options of the "Generate Settings" function.
Weird. The Artifact Search is working fine for me with IntelliJ Community Edition, at least for artifacts from the central repo that has been indexed:
And as you can see above, all repositories declared in POMs known by IntelliJ are listed.
There might be something wrong with your Maven settings. This is a wild guess but is your Maven home directory properly defined? Same for the user settings file? Is Maven actually working fine under IntelliJ?
Solved - by reinstalling Intellij Idea
Search for class tab in Maven Artifact Search popup was always empty
Solution in linux:
remove idea folder (for me it was ~/idea-YOUR_VERSION_HERE)
remove ~/.IntelliJIdeaYOUR_VERSION_HERE folder (settings)
download new version form, unzip, run installer from bin
It appears to be a blocked port, as I am using my own artifactory repository. Of course, the port it is using looks to be completely undocumented, but WireShark shows it to be 58754. Sounds random, I hope it isn't!

What page to open when running Maven-based EAR from Netbeans

Is there an easy way to tell Netbeans (6.9) what page to open when I "run" my Maven Enterprise project? It opens a totally wrong context path. I guess there are some options I can specify on the Project Properties | Actions page -> "Run project" action, I just can't find it anywhere as documentation seems to be nonexistent for Netbeans...
you are running into I haven't found a fix for it yet.
Did you specified relative url in Project properties / run?