can we put an paid application on itunes which is using opensource libraries? [closed] - itunes

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I am just confused about can we put an paid application on itunes which is using open source libraries?
Like if we use XMPPFramework then can we make our application as paid application?

It depends on the licenses under which you're using/distributing the libraries. If the license for a library allows you to use it in a commercial product, then yes. Read the licenses.
Here's the page for the library. Click on the licensing info in the left tool bar to read it for yourself.

I don’t know the restrictions of itunes, but the XMPPFramework is under the New BSD License, which allows your application using it to be sold.


runwithfriends licensing information [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I cant find the licensing information for runwithfriends sample FB app. Can any one please point me to a link with this info? Searched exhaustively but cant find anything. I want to edit this app a lot to make my own app since the functionality of my app is little similar.
Can we freely use sample apps to build our own? Are they bound with a license?
Licensing info can be found at the top of

Can I change pricing of inapp purchase after app submission [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Can I change the pricing of inapp purchase after submitting app to the appstore.
And I want to know whether we can use custom prices like $1.75 or $2.50 etc
If these are not possible how can I implement these functionalities
a) Yes, you can change the pricing of app or in-app purchase at any stage.
b) No, you can only use predefined price tiers. There's an unofficial document here: App Store Pricing Matrix
As for implementing this functionalities: everything related to managing your application in the App Store is done trough iTunes Connect. Where you can also get official price matrix but you'll need a developer account and a signed contract with Apple first.

Stock Market API [closed]

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I wondered if there was some stock market api that would allow me to create an indepenant website to display a certain corporation's stock info.
I've looked at Google Finance API and apparently you can only use it to make iGoogle gadgets so that won't work.
Yahoo actually does this quite well. They offer web services that you can get quotes from.
I believe you are incorrect about the Google Finance API (no longer available). There is a Javascript API which you should be able to use in any ordinary web application.

Can I use Dropbox to back the auto-update feature for my application? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I want to add an auto-update feature for my application, but I don't have a server or a good host for making this feature. Can I use Dropbox or any other free services to add this feature to my programs?
As far as I can tell, there is nothing in the Dropbox terms and conditions to forbid you from using it to distribute updates for your software. I you want legal advice on what you can and cannot do, then please consult a lawyer, not a bunch of programmers.

What is the best "Chat Now" component available for integration with my website? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I'm looking for a "Chat Now" component to add to my website. I am using Drupal (running on a Windows server) if it matters.
I'm looking for something that the client initiates (I do not want to hound a client looking at my site). I want there to be no extra installs required for the client.
On my side, I want it to integrate with Skype or another common instant messaging tool.
I prefer free, but if it is low-cost (not a monthly fee) I would also be interested.
I like since it routes your chats to GTalk and GMail.