I cannot get rvm to read my project specific .rvmrc - rvm

I come in peace (re: rbenv) but I am super frustrated with rvm & .rvmrc. I keep on running into issues where I cd into my project folder only to find that my ruby & gemset environment has not been set correctly. So can someone once and for all tell me how to create a proper .rvmrc for my project.
I have tried both ways that I know of:
creating a .rvmrc and putting 'rvm use 1.9.2#GEMSET' in there (this works sometimes and sometimes not)
using the rvm --create --rvmrc 1.9.2#GEMSET command line tool which creates a more ellaborate .rvmrc but cd'ing into my project folder is still not giving me the desired result.
This problem is erratic. I will say that I am working on two different machines and syncing my project folder via Dropbox. So could this be a problem where rvm cannot verify the folder and therefore ignores the .rvmrc?
Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Every time you enter a project directory after changing its .rvmrc file, rvm will prompt you for accepting or not the new file. If you want to change your decision afterwards, you should use rvm rvmrc command:
rvm rvmrc {trust,untrust,trusted,load,reset}

You may need to set
in your shell config before the rvm scripts are sourced, e.g.:
[[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && source "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm"


Singularity Recipe: How to access executable within container?

I am a beginner with Singularity.
What I want to achieve in the long run: I have a programming project with a long lists of dependencies, and I want to be able to give the program to other people in my company without there being bugs caused by missing dependencies, or wrong versions of dependencies.
The idea was now to use Singularity in order to easily provide a working environment.
In order to test this, I wrote a Hello World application which I now want to run in a container. I have a folder HelloWorld/ which contains the source code for a C++ Qt project. Then I wrote the following recipe file:
Bootstrap: docker
From: ubuntu:18.04
cp -R <some_folder>/HelloWorld ${SINGULARITY_ROOTFS}/HelloWorld
apt update
apt-get install -y qt5-default
apt install -y g++
apt-get install -y build-essential
cd HelloWorld
echo "after build:"
echo "before execution:"
ls HelloWorld/
where the echos and directory listings are for my current debugging process.
I can sucessfully build an image file using sudo singularity build --writable project.img project.recipe. (My debugging output shows me that the executable was build successfully.)
The problem is now that if I try to run it using ./project.img, or singularity run project.img, it won't find the executable.
Using my debugging output, I found out that the lines in %runscript use the folders outside of the container.
Tutorials like https://sylabs.io/guides/3.1/user-guide/build_a_container.html made it seem to me as if my recipe was the way to go, but apparently it isn't?
My questions:
Is there some way for me to access my executable? Am I calling it wrong?
Is the way I do it the way it is supposed to be done? Or would one normally do something like getting the executable outside of the container and then use the container to call that outside file? Or is there a different best practice?
If the executable is to be copied outside of the container after compilation, how do I do that? How do I access outside folders when I'm within %post?
Is this the best work process for what I want to achieve? Later on, my idea is that the big project is copied likewise in the container, dependencies are either installed or copied, then the project is compiled and finally its source being deleted. I also considered using a repository, but I can't have the project being in an open repository, and I don't want to store any passwords.
Firstly, use %files, don't use %setup. %setup is run as root and can directly modify the host server. You can very easily and accidentally break things without realizing it. You can get the same effect this way:
some_folder/HelloWorld /HelloWorld
You are calling it wrong. In your %setup (and hopefully now in your %files) steps, you are copying the data to /HelloWorld. In your %runscript your are calling ./HelloWorld/HelloWorld which is the equivalent of $PWD/HelloWorld/HelloWorld. Since singularity automatically mounts in $PWD (as well as $HOME and some other directories), you are not calling what you're trying to call.
You don't copy the executable outside of the container, you just need to make sure what you're executing is where you think it is.
There is no access to the host filesystem in %post, you should have everything you need copied in via %files first.
That's a reasonable workflow. Having a local private repo for the code is probably a good idea for tracking your changes, but that's your call.

How to reload .ruby-version/.ruby-gemset/.rvmrc without leaving current directory?

We are using RVM to manage rubies and gemsets for dozens of projects.
Sometimes I'll either edit the .ruby-version or .ruby-gemset file, or pull a newer version of those file(s) from our VCS, but of course RVM is unaware of these changes unless I tell it. And if the changes come from the VCS, even I may not be aware of them. So what's the best way to do this?
It would be nice to be able to automate the process, so that it is done automatically any time I fetch changes from the repository.
The only way I know of to get RVM to re-read these files is to cd to another directory, then return to the project directory. This is obviously simple, and easy, but it seems more than a little inelegant, and isn't self-documenting.
I'd expect there to be some command like rvm reload (which exists, but does something else) to re-read the project files, but I can't find anything of the sort.
I think I've found an answer, but as it is undocumented I don't know if it's really legit.
It seems that if you do:
$ rvm use .
It'll apparently (re)read the .ruby-version and .ruby-gemset files (not sure of .rvmrc files, since we don't use them). I discovered this by trying rvm use .ruby-version and rvm use .ruby-gemset, both of which seemed to cause RVM to read both 'dot' files.
This functionality is not currently (as of RVM 1.23.13) mentioned in the documentation (i.e. rvm help use).
Maybe it should be?
I use .rvmrc and I used to do
cd;cd -
but now I do
cd .
If I do
rvm use .
I get
Could not determine which Ruby to use; . should contain .rvmrc or .versions.conf or .ruby-version or .rbfu-version or .rbenv-version, or an appropriate line in Gemfile. ( see: 'rvm usage' )
which I don't really think is true (because I do have a .rvmrc file in .), or perhaps I just don't understand.
I am using rvm 1.25.33
I didn't mean to come across as critical, just trying to add more info!

RVM setting incorrect environment path

I was having trouble installing rvm on WebFaction, so I tried just copying over the .rvm directory with my rubies and gems. This has mostly worked. rvm works, it’s referencing the correct ruby, and the correct gem. The problem it seems, is rvm is looking for an environment file in the wrong place. It’s trying to use:
Whereas it should be using:
Where can I set the correct path?
check /Users/jezen/.rvm/wrappers/ruby-2.0.0-p247/ruby but also /home/rekyl/.rvm/environments/ruby-2.0.0-p247 is relevant, make sure all environment variables point to proper path:
env | grep rvm

How to make rvmrc file in project root folder?

I have just installed RVM in my machine and facing problem with rvmrc file, can anyone help me out, how to create rvmrc?
I just did:
rvmrc --create ruby-1.8.7-p352#gemset
but didn't get the result...
It seems that there is a small mistake. Inside your .rvmrc file add:
rvm use ruby-1.8.7-p352#gemset --create
Also you might want to change the name of your gemset to something that is a bit more intuitive to read :)
Using the rvmrc file has now been deemed deprecated. Instead a .ruby-version file with the ruby version e.g. '2.0.0' and a .ruby-gemset file with the gemset name e.g. 'monkeys_of_doom'
This way developers using other version managers such as rbenv can pick up the ruby version in an automated fashion.
rvm --rvmrc --create ruby-1.8.7-p352#gemset
Read this article. http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/why-you-should-use-rvm/
If the gemset already exists, it is sufficent to add rvm ruby-1.8.7-p352#gemset to the .rvmrc file, which can be achieve for instance by
echo "rvm ruby-1.8.7-p352#gemset" > .rvmrc
UPDATE: it looks like the .rvmrc file format is deprecated, and the usage of .ruby-gemset and .ruby-version files is encouraged instead. If "rails2.3.5" is your gemset name, then one would require the following two commands
echo "ruby-1.8.7-p352" > .ruby-version
echo "rails2.3.5" > .ruby-gemset
I found working solution (http://sirupsen.com/get-started-right-with-rvm/)
rvm --create --rvmrc 1.8.7#project
you can also do this
rvm --rvmrc --create use ruby-1.9.3-p194#myproject
Instead of rvmc use:
rvm --create --ruby-version ruby-2.1.04#my-project
will generates the .ruby-gemset and .ruby-version files
The definitive documentation is at https://rvm.io/workflow/rvmrc/ for how to create rvmrc files, and the global .rvmrc parameters that affect them.
The --rvmrc parameter is what actually creates the rvmrc files, then you have to run
rvm rvmrc trust .
in the project directory to generate, and record, the security md5 hash to use that rvmrc file. The command 'trusts' the file so you're not prompted to trust it every time you enter the directory.
here is another much simpler approach
rvm use 1.8.7#gemset --create
first you need to create a rvmrc like -
rvm --rvmrc --create use ruby-2.2.1#gemset_name
Then run
rvm rvmrc trust .
That will resolve the issue for selecting rvm for differnt application.
Hope you enjoy. :)
For creating rvmrc file with specific ruby and gemset then use below command -
rvm --rvmrc --create ruby-with-version#gemset_name
rvm --rvmrc --create ruby-2.3.3#rails5
Now we should need to select project location for change reflection so type cd .. and hit enter in terminal
Again type cd project_name/ for selecting our project but now you get * Notices something like below image so here you just type y and hit enter.
Now you have successfully created rvmrc file so from now no need to select gemset each time on selecting different projects.

How can I use two different ruby installations for same project with rvm and rvmrc files?

I have a an app that runs and is installed on JRuby in production. The same app can run in Ruby 1.8.7 as well in development. How can I use RVM to switch between these rubie?
I am looking for a .rvmrc-like solution so that I can say
rvm use .rvmrc_ruby
rvm use .rvmrc_jruby
to switch between Ruby versions. I usually need to do this to test the same app on both Ruby and JRuby.
I would like a solution where I can check-in such settings to Git and run these things without having to type the Ruby versions or gemset names everytime I need to switch.
generate those two files and in .rvmrc write:
source ./.rvmrc_${TEST_WITH:-jruby}
then you can write in your shell:
export TEST_WITH=ruby
cd .
and restore with:
cd .
This seems silly.
First, why are you even bothering to run a different Ruby in development? If this is for the occasional test run to ensure compatibility across different Rubies, then okay, but then…
Second, all you probably have in your .rvmrc is rvm use 1.8.7 or rvm use jruby—that is all that happens when your .rvmrc file runs. What's so bad about just actually typing that out into the terminal? It's actually less characters than the example commands you gave, and you get tab-completion too. If you need consistency across shells and actually have to have the .rvmrc reflect the current Ruby you want, then just change the file. Or, if you really must, write a simple script to do it for you (say it's called changervmrc.sh):
echo "rvm use $1" > .rvmrc
and invoke with ./changervmrc.sh jruby. You could adapt this to include switching to a specific gemset if needed.