Scons (Build System) Variables : load config file with custom/unknown values - variables

I have a trouble with Scons.Variables. I want to use config files with custom keys and values. My idea to load config files with keys and values and use it with SubstFile method.
For example (rough code) :
vars = Variables('templateValues.conf')
vars_dict = vars.UnknownVariables().keys() # bad code, need something to convert vars to Python dictionary
env.Substfile('', SUBST_DICT = vars_dict)
But vars.UnknownVariables() return empty list.
My test template file :
version = 105
mode = 'release'
source = 'database'
emulate = 'no'
And vars.UknownVariables() called :
vars = Variables('templateValues.conf')
print vars.UnknownVariables().keys()
# []
May be somebody try to implement something like this and can give some advances ?

I not found neeeded tools in Scons, but Python is great (i newbie in python now, few days studing only).
Google give me some useful links, such as SimpleConfigParser (i use method from CustomParser)
Implement it is very easy and i got what i need :
templVars = parse_config('template.conf')
varEnv = env.Clone(tools = ['textfile', 'default'])
varEnv.Substfile('', SUBST_DICT = templVars)
Content of file :
this is simple text with template values
Version is %version%
Build mode is %mode%
Emulator mode %emulate%
Thanks for using Avina !
Content of template.conf file :
%version% = 105
%mode% = 'test1'
%source% = 'database'
%emulate% = 'no'
And result file :
this is simple text with template values
Version is 105
Build mode is 'test1'
Emulator mode 'no'
Thanks for using Avina !


How to use conan compon with my own build system? can you give me a demo?

I am new to conan, and I want to use the feature of component of conan,
I read the
but still cannot know how to use it .
likes the example:
''' = "OpenSSL"
self.cpp_info.components["crypto"].names["cmake_find_package"] = "Crypto"
self.cpp_info.components["crypto"].libs = ["libcrypto"]
self.cpp_info.components["crypto"].defines = ["DEFINE_CRYPTO=1"]
self.cpp_info.components["ssl"].names["cmake"] = "SSL"
self.cpp_info.components["ssl"].includedirs = ["include/headers_ssl"]
self.cpp_info.components["ssl"].libs = ["libssl"]
self.cpp_info.components["ssl"].requires = ["crypto"]
why the crypto self.cpp_info.components["crypto"].names["cmake_find_package"] = "Crypto" ?
my build system is not based on CMake.
how to extract files to every component?
how to copy to local cache?
how to consume one component?
can anyone can give a demo how to create two libs and how to consume the libs
based on
Thanks you very much !

Scrapy spidermon exceptions

I'm trying to setup the basic suite of spidermon monitors as described here I did a quick Google search and also found this. So I made a quick, then copy and pasted the code in there.
I then proceeded to do this:
in my in the scrapy project.
It keeps raising this error:
spidermon.exceptions.NotConfigured: You should specify a minimum number of items to check against
Which I believe I've done (SPIDERMON_MIN_ITEMS = 10 # "SPIDERMON_MIN_ITEMS" - at the top of the file).
What am I doing wrong? I just want to setup the pre-defined monitors and then optimize them later.
Spidermon couldn't find a valid value for SPIDERMON_MIN_ITEMS in the settings. This must be an integer value bigger than zero otherwise it'll throw the error described. SPIDERMON_ADD_FIELD_COVERAGE set is also mandatory in order to use all the monitors available in this MonitorSuite.
In order to run the built-in close MonitorSuite SpiderCloseMonitorSuite from Spidermon project, please confirm if the file - located in the root directory of your scrapy project - have the variables below:
'spidermon.contrib.scrapy.extensions.Spidermon': 500,

ZeroBrane : Register APIs on a per file basis

I'm writing a ZeroBrane Studio plugin for our Solarus Game Engine and It works like a charm. Autocompletion included.
I'm wondering now if it's do-able to register lua APIs for one file only.
I need this to offer autocompletion/documentation on global symbols that may vary per-script but are deducible from annex files from the engine.
To summary : Is it possible to register an api for a single file? For example in the onEditorLoad() event.
I tried the following without sucess:
local function switch_editor(editor)
if current_editor == editor then
ide:Print("same editor")
current_editor = editor
if not editor then
ide:Print("null ed")
lua_file_path = ide:GetDocument(editor).filePath
if lua_file_path:match('/data/maps/') then
ide:Print("map file!",type(editor))
local map_api = make_map_api(lua_file_path)
current_api = map_api
ide:Print('other file')
if current_api then
current_api = nil
api = {"baselib", "solarus", "solarus_map"}, --in interpreter table
... -- in the plugin table :
onEditorFocusSet = function(self,editor)
Completion with the solarus api works fine but the on-fly registration of the solarus_map api seem not to be taken in account.
Silly my, I must have done a typo, because after checking and rewriting some things pretty much as in the code pasted above... it works! Awesome!
The only small gotcha is that when switching to a file where I don't want the solarus_map API... ide:RemoveAPI isn't sufficient. Instead I must do ide:AddAPI('lua','solarus_map',{}) to replace the API with an empty one. Which I can live with.
To summary, to achieve a custom api which change from file to file:
Add the api name to the interpreter
In the onEditorFocusSet event, update the API with ide:AddAPI(...), eventually setting it to {} if it needs to be empty/disabled.
Code sample in the editions of my Question.

DHTML Scheduler .NET change path script and style files

I started experimenting with DHTMLX Scheduler .Net but encountered some 'issues'.
I like to have everything ordered at my own way (css files in folder 'styling', js files in folder 'scripts', ...)
But now it seems like using this dll forces me to place everything in a folder that they chose. So when I init the Scheduler on my page, it automatically tries to call this files:
I would like to change these paths to for example '/scripts/dhtmlxscheduler.js' but I can't find a property in the Scheduler object where I'm able to do this.
Is this possible or do I have to put everything in the folder they would like to have it?
My working code thisfar:
Public Scheduler As DHXScheduler
Scheduler = New DHXScheduler()
Scheduler.InitialDate = New DateTime(Now.Year, Now.Month, Now.Day)
Scheduler.InitialView = "day"
Scheduler.Config.first_hour = 6
Scheduler.Config.last_hour = 20
Scheduler.Config.time_step = 30
Scheduler.Config.limit_time_select = True
Scheduler.DataAction = Me.ResolveUrl("/Handlers/Scheduler_Data.ashx")
Scheduler.SaveAction = Me.ResolveUrl("/Handlers/Scheduler_Save.ashx")
Scheduler.LoadData = True
Scheduler.EnableDataprocessor = True
I would like to find the possibility to set such a property to my own filepath, if possible ..
thx in advance
Further research showed me that I could change the default location with this line of code:
Scheduler.Codebase = "/js/dhtmlxscheduler"
However, this only sets the rootfolder, so all the files have to be located within this folder. I helped myself out by putting empty files over there and call my own styling and scripting from the location I wanted (just to get rid of the console errors).
So this solved my problem (as far as it could be solved).

Ruby-AWS where to save config / how to load config

I am not sure what is the best way to do an appliaction wide configuration of the Ruby/Aws gem?
I found an example of how a configuration file needs to look like:
But what is the recommended way to store the configuration? Shall I put a simple file in config/amazonrc
and then call"#{RAILS_ROOT}/config/amazonrc")
I found now a good solution:
require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../config/environment.rb'
ENV['AMAZONRCDIR'] = "#{Rails.root}/config/"
locale = 'de'
cache = false
key_id = '0Y44V8FAFNM119C6PXX2'
secret_key_id = 'YYYYYY'
associate = 'ID-21'