How to get the path of my include files in 2005? -

I have created a folder inside my project and i put an icon on it, now i want to use it as my program icon how will i get the link of my icon inside misc folder?

Double-click "My Project".
Open the "Application" tab.
Change "Icon" to "<Browse...>"
Navigate to your icon and select it. Press "Open".

The actual path will be "..\..\Misc\app.ico". But that will not be available when you deploy your application. Your best bet is add it under your project settings so that it will be added as a resource in your application. If you want to do it manualy you will need to make sure the app.ico file is in your application directory and your path adjusted accordingly "app.ico" or if you have an images directory ".\Images\app.ico"


View file in project view Intellij

I have started using Intellij and I am trying to find a feature that was in eclipse. I often navigate to a file either through the code or through a CTRL-N search. When I have the file I found open, I want to see which project and which folder of the project the file is in. I found a way to open the file in Windows Explorer which tells me what I want but I would rather stay in intellij and see the folders on the left expanded to the location of the file. Does this exist in intellij?
On the heading of Project Explorer panel their will be a circle with 4 lines inside it.
Press that it will take you to the place where you file is inside the project
Image upload not working thats why explaination

IntelliJ Macro for external tool (compass)

I am trying to integrate the use of the compass scss framework in intellij. For that I created a new external tool in a group named "My Tools".
Under "Program" I entered the path to the compass.bat file, "Parameters" is "watch". For "Working directory I entered
at first, but this is kind of ugly because the folder with the config.rb is not always in the same directory-structure... Is there any way to enter a Macro for a selected folder in the project tree of IntelliJ so I can start "compass watch" via context menu in the selected folder?
I changed the "Working directory" to "$FilePrompt$" now which is a better solution than the first one, but I still have to point to the directory with the config.rb and I want it to be selected via right click in the Project Tree...
$FileDir$ should do the thing
You can also try configuring a file watcher for compass - see this thread for details

Changing a project name

I have created an app for sphero.
The problem is that i started by opening the sphero sample program ButtonDrive and worked with that as a base. Now i want to change the name of the project and the apk.
I have tried right-clicking the project and renaming it that way, and for the main project that works, however when i run the project as an application unto my nexus 7 is just comes up and says:
" Unfortunately, Button Drive has stopped"
So why doesn't this work?
The tablet clearly thinks the project is still called Button Drive but where in the code do i have to change this to make it work?
or is it just not possible to change the name ?
When you right-clicked on the project in the project navigator did you click rename in the main dropdown, or did you click on "Rename Application Package" within the android tools sub-menu? You should be using the later option.
Also verify that the AndroidManifest.xml Label field is correct, or if it is pointing to a value in strings.xml within res/values verify that the application name is correct.

Where is the Alloy Resources Folder

I'm using Titanium Alloy 3.0.2 GA (on a Mac) to build a cross-platform mobile app
Why doesn't the Resources folder show up in the Titanium Studio, even though it is present in the filesystem?
I want to store some images that will be displayed within the application, and I believe that I should store them somewhere inside the Resources folder.
When I look at the Project Explorer within the Studio, I don't see a /Resources folder.
When I tried to add a Resources folder to the root, I was told that there is already a Resources folder!
Finder confirms that there is a Resources folder.
So, how do I get the Resources folder to show up in the Studio Project Explorer?
Also- it does not show up in the App Explorer View either.
Yeah I had a problem with this as well, but thankfully this is documented in the guides section. Heres the pertinent information:
If your Resources folder is hidden, in the App Explorer view, click the View Menu button (right triangle pointing down) and select Customize Views..., then the Available Customizations dialog appears. In the Filters tab, uncheck the Titanium Resources Folder checkbox, then click the OK button. The Resources folder should appear in the App Explorer view.
For me It was actually in the "Project Explorer" view that I found the downward white arrow, and in the Available Customizations dialog I had to scroll all the way to the bottom of the Filters tab and uncheck "Titanium Resources Folder."
Yes I was able to view the Resources folder by going into the "Customize View" option in the Studio.
But the proper place to put local files (car images in my case) is under the \app\assets\ folder. The \assets* are copied to the \Resources folder as part of the build.
So I just put my .jpg files under a new \car_images folder (under \app\assets) and was able to access them in my code
var image = Ti.UI.createImageView({
image: '/car_images/Acura.jpg'
So actually there is no need to see/modify the \Resources folder as it is managed by the build process

intellij usability question - how to add a button that opens working folder

There's a small feature I have been yearning about in intellij idea and I will give it a try in this forum, maybe it is already possible.
In brief: I want a button that opens the working folder of the project I am working on.
Since this is the folder I put my settings files I am doing the following operation dozens of times a day -
open the run/debug configuration.
go to my activbe project tab.
copy the working directory.
open run (win+r).
paste the folder path and press enter.
X dozens of times.
Is there a way to add a button somewhere that opens my working folder?
BTW: I know that in the project settings - External tools - I can add actions. but there is no workingFolder in the macros. is there a way to add the working folder? (eventhough a button would be better)
Thanks a lot.
If you need to manage files, why not do it right from IntelliJ? If you have to go to explorer, right click any file or folder in the project panel, and there's a "Show in Explorer" option in Windows (no default key mapping). There's also "Show Path" (ctrl+alt+F12), which lets you open Explorer to any parent directory of the selected file all the way up to the drive. Finally, "Copy Path" (ctrl+shift+C) will copy the absolute path to the clipboard. (This is in IDEA 10.5, but I know Copy Path has been there a long time.)