How to embed Latex in iOS, Objective C? - objective-c

How to embed Latex in iOS application using Objective C?

Since I have no idea what your specific need is, the easiest way is to compile into postscript or PDF and include that. You can also use Texify if your app uses internet connectivity.
If you mean you want to write an app like TeX Touch, then you'll have to narrow down the question a bit.


How to make android animation like new Google app, "Playbook for Developers"?

This is the link for the app Playbook for Developers.
these are examples of animations::
I think, this app use AnimatedVectorDrawable.
However it is very difficult to create a complex animation, unless there is any tool that converts vectors as svg2android made ools as Adobe Illustrator into vectors android can identify.
I would be most grateful if you tell me how to make these animations and if there is any tool to make using tools such as Adobe After Effects.
Unzip the apk and you will find out that they are gif files.
And it seems that they are using to load gif files.

How can I allow the user to style font in NSTextView using interface buttons in xcode?

In short:
I am trying to find information about text styling inside an NSTextView. Bold, italics, indentation, making a word completely uppercase and setting backdrop colors to certain lines.
Any and all info is welcome. I've been looking around the web for docs on the subject and only managed to find a few things that seem to be part of an iphone framework. I'm sure there must be something out there and that I'm just searching for the wrong words.
A few details:
I am not a developer. I am a motion graphics artist and screenwriter. I do know html, php, javascript, css and several scripting languages (all very similar to javascript) used by different graphics apps.
I am not very proficient in objective-c but I've taken up writing a screenwriting app as a bit of a side project. I've been teaching myself objective-c from a book call Cocoa Programming for Mac OSX and using the code I've created from the examples in the book to create my app using Xcode. Styling text was not covered and I am at a loss as to how to approach it.
Screenplays have very specific formats. Using css I could create this format easily so my first thought was to find out if text inside a NSTextview can have css applied to it. I've not found anything that could answer this. Of course I am probably way off with this approach.
Again, any help or anyone who can point me in the right direction would be extremely appreciated.
You can't do this because it only accept one style.
You have to deal with UIWebView Tutorial for this and use your CSS.
Or you can use some code like EGOTextView. I do not test this but I think it will be the easiest way for you.

Animation/Transition-Creator for iOS/Objective-C?

Together with an illustrator I want to create some screens with lots of animations/transitions (moving sprites). I need the illustrator to do the animation. He knows how to use AfterEffects so best would be some kind of timeline-tool to create the transitions/scalings/alphas etc.
My question is now: Is there some kind of tool out there that could be used to create animations and then export the used parameters to objective-c to import it to xcode?
To my knowledge: No.
We spend some time a couple of months back trying to find something similar to Expression blend, just for iOS, but without luck.
If you however are planing to make your app for MacOS and not iOS you can take a look at quartz composer. For iOS you could also take a look at storyboard (here is a link to fairly good tutorial), but I'm afraid your needs will not be met by the features of storyboard.
I found Flash2Cocos2D and I think this is the best solution available right now.
Also promissing: cocosbuilder!

How to convert html data to PDF in objective c

I want to convert html to pdf dynamically in objective c.
what is the best way to convert it, so that it maintains its look same as html.
Thanks in advance.
UIGraphicsBeginPDFContextToFile will help you to create a PDF file which shows your web content. Read through the documentation and create your own solution or just follow the tutorials I found:
Convert Html or UIWebView to pdf in iPhone or iPad
Making a PDF from a UIWebView
I have used this Haru open source library, it is quite simple and useful for creating pdfs
Objective-C is a programming language, it doesn’t know anything about HTML or PDF per se. How to do this depends on the framework you’re using. I’m assuming here you’re using Cocoa on OS X.
There you can load your HTML into a WebView provided by WebKit and then use the NSView method dataWithPDFInsideRect: to render it as PDF. I haven’t tested this, but maybe you’ll have to add the web view to a window before you can query the PDF data.

How can I create an animated .gif from a movie?

How can I create an animated .gif file from a movie I have?
I guess it is pretty simple in objective-C and cocoa, by using the QTKit, to extract images from a movie, now how can I glue them together as an animated gif?
I don't think there's anything built into OS X for creating animated GIFs. Your best bet would be to look at the gifsicle project. You could either call it via command-line, or borrow the code if your license allows it. (it's GPL)
There is a pretty good lib (even if 'old') for this task (and other kinds of image processing): libgd. It appears it is built into Mac OS X or easly installable through MacPorts. Here some doc about animated GIF creation from single images.