Opera Tab Malfunction - opera

I am 99.9% certain that a single TAB in Opera 11.50 (XP 32-bit in VirtualBox on an XP Pro 64-bit) has ceased to run Javascript. This just wasted about an hour of my time looking for an error in css/Javascript/HTML that wasn't there, since sometimes little things that run on the other browsers will break Opera rendering. ( I had been simply refreshing screens in the seven different browsers while testing some development. ) The tab runs no Javascript on other sites that function normally on all browsers, and other tabs in the SAME Opera window
My question is, has anyone else come across this before that a single tab would completely lose functionality?!?

Do you use alert(), confirm() or similar? Perhaps you've accidentally ticked the "stop running scripts" box that appears if a site uses multiple alert boxes? This can disable JavaScript for a single tab.


Funcunit - why does the speed and reliability of my tests differ depending on whether the test is being run in the active tab in Chrome?

I'm trying out FuncUnit with a simple login/logout script for an app, using Chrome on Windows 7. I've noticed that both the speed and reliability of the test differ depending on if the test is running in the currently selected tab in Chrome.
If the tab isn't selected, the test runs quickly and without error. If the tab is selected, text is typed slowly and sometimes incompletely (so only half the password will be typed before the submit button is clicked), clearly visible elements fail to be found and the test has about a 50% success rate.
Am I missing something here? It's proving less reliable than even QTP unless I deliberately deselect the loaded tab and I'm dubious about any automated test that needs user interaction to pass reliably.
Turned out to be a Chrome version specific issue

Why is "Show page source" not available in (my) WebKit?

I've downloaded v. 537.6+ of WebKit for Mac OS, and am running it on 10.8. (No programming here, just being a web developer looking for the WebKit web inspector.) Everything's fine, except the "Show page source" option in the Develop menu is grayed out when I'm on even the most, and I can't find any way to enable it. I"m very puzzled -- is there something else I need to do to get it enabled? Is there something else going on? Is this how it's supposed to be?
Developer Menu
The contextual menu:
WebKit is not a full browser - only a rendering engine. Typically things like "view source", the back/forward buttons, address bar, preferences menus etc. are implemented at the browser level, outside of WebKit. However WebKit probably provides a minimum implementation of these for testing purposes, which presumably excludes 'view source' (which I can imagine isn't really essential for testing).
If you want to play with a full browser, you can't compile all of Safari, but you could try compiling Chromium instead which provides all that stuff. Note however Chromium is now using Blink instead of WebKit.
You can enable WebInspector to view the source.
The webkit you have is a very old one. I've tried downloading it to help with your question, but it won't even run on OSX 10.8.3. You can always get the current latest build of WebKit here:http://www.webkit.org [edit: I see this question was asked in 2012, so that would explain why it's an old version.]
However you say you are "a web developer looking for the WebKit web inspector" and you are running OSX 10.8. In that case you can perhaps just use the standard Safari that's already on your Mac. You need to do the following to show the Develop menu. And then you have the "Page Source" item you are expecting.
Launch Safari.
Open Safari’s Preferences by selecting ‘Safari, Preferences’ from the menu.
Click the ‘Advanced’ tab labeled.
Place a check mark next to ‘Show Develop menu in menu bar.’

selenium webdriver stop working when click on different window

I'm using IE8 and webdriver.
The problem I have is every time webdriver runs I can't touch my computer. Basically the moment I click on a different window it stops working.
Because of this I can't run my code in debug mode with break point because I every time I go to Eclipse to manually execute the break point webdriver doesn't work anymore because IE8 is not selected.
With Firefox I'm able to do whatever I want but not with IE8. Is there anyway I can fix this problem with IE8?
Thank you!
The short answer is, "No, you can't fix this problem with IE at the moment." There are a number of reasons why window focus is incredibly important with the IE driver. The biggest reason is that you're using so-called "native events" when you're using the IE driver, which simulates mouse and keyboard events at the operating system level rather than just within the browser using, say, JavaScript, and the way IE processes native events is sometimes compromised if the browser window doesn't have focus. More information can be found in a presentation given at the 2012 Selenium Conference.
One approach to solving the problem would be to disable native events with the IE driver. Unfortunately, the simulated events aren't ready for normal use.

Safari in kiosk mode or full screen with no tool bars

I have created a html5 video gallery that will be used as a kiosk in a casino. The videos play the best in safari but I cannot get safari to go completely full screen. Is there a way to do this or a application I can use? I've looked into saft but it is not compatible with the new version of safari.
Thanks in advance
At least on Windows version of Safari (5.1.7), To make it go full-screen you have to press F11.
You will still see a tool-bar, but it should automatically hide after a few seconds, and then you will be in complete full-screen mode.
Note: If you press F11 before all the content of your page are loaded, you might have some layout problems, so I recommend to wait for the content to be loaded.
I wish there was a way to make full-screen mode enabled from start up like you can do with Google Chrome with the kiosk mode, but I don't know if that is possible.
You should probably use a third-party kiosk application designed for this purpose such as xStand, since Safari doesn't contain any actual kiosk mode (unlike Internet Explorer).
Even then, you'll need to be aware of the risk of users using keyboard shortcuts to exit the application (like Cmd+Q, or Cmd+Opt+Escape to bring up the "Force Quit Applications" list).
Most dedicated kiosk browsers are designed to disallow that sort of behaviour, but you should definitely test them yourself before you trust them (or disconnect the keyboard altogether if users don't need a keyboard).
On the other hand, if you can safely remove the keyboard and mouse, you're able to simply use the built-in full-screen mode in Safari (as of OS X Lion), to achieve what you're looking for.

Why are Selenium IDE playback controls inactive? (How can I run recorded tests?)

I started learning how to use Selenium today. I have never used it before. I downloaded the Selenium IDE (1.0.10) plugin for FireFox (3.5.16). The way it's behaving is not matching up to the docs.
When I click the record button and perform actions in my browser, nothing happens in the IDE (nothing is recorded). (Actually, initially it did record, but now it doesn't) I tried restarting FireFox and that had no effect.
Also, the main controls are now inactive. I've included a screen shot to show what I mean by that. The controls remain inactive even it I click or double click on the name of a test case in the panel on the left.
And one final question -- it appears that a Selenium test case mentions Chrome in its default configuration even though the docs say you can only record tests using FireFox. Should I do anything about that?
If anyone can shed light on any of the above mysteries I would appreciate it. Thanks!
I restarted FireFox again and now it's recording actions, but the controls are still greyed-out as in the screenshot, so I can't play back the test.
The issue is that you are not in the HTML runner mode. The IDE has no concept of ruby or python or c# or Java. That is up to plugins which just essentially do a find an replace.
*chrome means Firefox Chrome. Something that has been around for a lot longer than Google Chrome the browser. It means use the browser chrome which removes a couple sandboxing issues.
If you want to play back the tests you can't go out of the table mode otherwise the IDE won't understand what to do. The code in the screenshot should be stored in a .rb file and that should be executed.
Let me try to unravel mysteries -
As soon as you launch the IDE it would be in recording mode. Do you see last Red button which is enabled.
IDE Tests can be executed only when in the selenese/html format (aka table format). I guess you have changed the format to ruby (I guess so), from Option > Format.
To be able to execute tests change it back to html from option > Format > HTML
Take my words, IDE is only and only for firefox