How to do a subquery using the result obtained in the original query? - sql

Here is the situation I have..I have to fetch all the associated cases for a given quoteId and this requires a join of 3 tables and I am able to come up with a query for that. Below is the sample : for brevity I have omitted some table name and used only Alias name.
SELECT distinct caseTable.CASEID, quoteHdrTable.Case_UID FROM
caseTable INNER JOIN quoteHdrTable ON
quoteHdrTable.Case_UID = caseTable.Case_UID WHERE quoteHdrTable.QUOTE_ID = '12345'.
Now for each CASE_UID that returns back, I also need to display its status from a different table. That has structure below.
------------ -----------
123 Good
234 Bad.
345 {null}
In the end I want a result like
case_ID case_UID status
001 123 Good
Can we use subquery to do a 2nd SQL using the result(case_UID) from first..please provide pointers or a sample SQL statement.
FYI..using DB2 database

SELECT distinct c.CASEID, q.Case_UID, s.status
FROM caseTable c
INNER JOIN quoteHdrTable q ON q.Case_UID = c.Case_UID
WHERE quoteHdrTable.QUOTE_ID = '12345'
Why not just add another JOIN?

SELECT distinct
FROM caseTable
INNER JOIN quoteHdrTable
ON quoteHdrTable.Case_UID = caseTable.Case_UID
ON quoteHdrTable.Case_UID = status.Case_UID
WHERE quoteHdrTable.QUOTE_ID = '12345'


Performance Issue in Left outer join Sql server

In my project I need find difference task based on old and new revision in the same table.
id | task | latest_Rev
1 A N
1 B N
2 C Y
2 A Y
2 B Y
Expected Result:
id | task | latest_Rev
2 C Y
So I tried following query
Select new.*
from Rev_tmp nw with (nolock)
left outer
join rev_tmp old with (nolock)
on -1 =
and nw.task = old.task
and nw.latest_rev = 'y'
where old.task is null
when my table have more than 20k records this query takes more time?
How to reduce the time?
In my company don't allow to use subquery
Use LAG function to remove the self join
CASE WHEN latest_Rev = 'y' THEN Lag(latest_Rev) OVER(partition BY task ORDER BY id) ELSE NULL END AS prev_rev
FROM Rev_tmp) a
WHERE prev_rev IS NULL
My answer assumes
You can't change the indexes
You can't use subqueries
All fields are indexed separately
If you look at the query, the only value that really reduces the resultset is latest_rev='Y'. If you were to eliminate that condition, you'd definitely get a table scan. So we want that condition to be evaluated using an index. Unfortunately a field that just values 'Y' and 'N' is likely to be ignored because it will have terrible selectivity. You might get better performance if you coax SQL Server into using it anyway. If the index on latest_rev is called idx_latest_rev then try this:
Set transaction isolated level read uncommitted
Select new.*
from Rev_tmp nw with (index(idx_latest_rev))
left outer
join rev_tmp old
on -1 =
and nw.task = old.task
where old.task is null
and nw.latest_rev = 'y'
latest_Rev should be a Bit type (boolean equivalent), i better for performance (Detail here)
May be can you add index on id, task
, latest_Rev columns
You can try this query (replace left outer by not exists)
Select *
from Rev_tmp nw
where nw.latest_rev = 'y' and not exists
select * from rev_tmp old
where -1 = and nw.task = old.task

SQL Join / Union

I have two statements that I want to merge into one output.
Statement One:
select name from auxiliary_variable_inquiry
where inquiry_idbr_code = '063'
Returns the following list of names:
Statement Two:
select name, value from auxiliary_variable_value
where inquiry_idbr_code = '063'
and ru_ref = 20120000008
and period = 200912
Returns the following:
Name Value
Affiliates 112
NetBookValue 225.700
I would like to have an output like this:
Name Value
Affiliates 112
NetBookValue 225.700
Parents 0
Worldbase 0
So basically, if the second query only returns 2 names and values, I'd still like to display the complete set of names from the first query, with no values. If all four values were returned by both queries, then all four would be displayed.
Sorry I must add, im using Ingres SQL so im unable to use the ISNULL function.
You can do a left join. This ensures that all records from the first table will stay included. Where value is null, no child record was found, and we use coalesce to display 0 in these cases.
select, COALESCE(v.Value,0) from auxiliary_variable_inquiry i
left join auxiliary_variable_value v
on v.inquiry_idbr_code = i.inquiry_idbr_code
and v.ru_ref = 20120000008
and v.period = 200912
where i.inquiry_idbr_code = '063'
I'd recommend a self-JOIN using the LEFT OUTER JOIN syntax. Include your 'extra' conditions from the second query in the JOIN condition, while the first conditions stay in the WHERE, like this:
select, CASE WHEN b.Value IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE b.Value END AS Value
auxiliary_variable_inquiry a
auxiliary_variable_inquiry b ON = and -- replace this with your real ID-based JOIN
a.inquiry_idbr_code = b.inquiry_idbr_code AND
b.ru_ref = 20120000008 AND
b.period = 200912
where a.inquiry_idbr_code = '063'
if i got right, you should use something like:
FROM auxiliary_variable_inquiry i
LEFT JOIN auxiliary_variable_value v
ON i.inquiry_idbr_code = v.inquiry_idbr_code
WHERE v.ru_ref = 20120000008
AND v.period = 200912

T-SQL cursor or if or case when

I have this table:
quotid itration QStatus
5329 1 Assigned
5329 2 Inreview
5329 3 sold
4329 1 sold
4329 2 sold
3214 1 assigned
3214 2 Inreview
Result output should look like this:
quotid itration QStatus
5329 3 sold
4329 2 sold
3214 2 Inreview
T-SQL query, so basically I want the data within "sold" status if not there then "inreview" if not there then "assigned" and also at the same time if "sold" or "inreview" or "assigned" has multiple iteration then i want the highest "iteration".
Please help me, thanks in advance :)
This is a prioritization query. One way to do this is with successive comparisons in a union all:
select a.*
from table_a a
where quote_status = 'sold'
union all
select a.*
from table_a a
where quote_status = 'Inreview' and
not exists (select 1 from table_a a2 where a2.quoteid = a.quoteid and a2.quotestatus = 'sold')
union all
select a.*
from table_a a
where quote_status = 'assigned' and
not exists (select 1
from table_a a2
where a2.quoteid = a.quoteid and a2.quotestatus in ('sold', 'Inreview')
For performance on a larger set of data, you would want an index on table_a(quoteid, quotestatus).
You want neither cursors nor if/then for this. Instead, you'll use a series of self-joins to get these results. I'll also use a CTE to simplify getting the max iteration at each step:
with StatusIterations As
SELECT quotID, MAX(itration) Iteration, QStatus
GROUP BY quotID, QStats
select q.quotID, coalesce(sold.Iteration,rev.Iteration,asngd.Iteration) Iteration,
coalesce(sold.QStatus, rev.QStatus, asngd.QStatus) QStatus
--initial pass for list of quotes, to ensure every quote is included in the results
(select distinct quotID from table_NAME_A) q
--one additional pass for each possible status
left join StatusIterations sold on sold.quotID = q.quotID and sold.QStatus = 'sold'
left join StatusIterations rev on rev.quotID = q.quotID and rev.QStatus = 'Inreview'
left join StatusIterations asngd on asngd.quotID = q.quotID and asngd.QStatus = 'assigned'
If you have a table that equates a status with a numeric value, you can further improve on this:
Table: Status
QStatus Sequence
'Sold' 3
'Inreview' 2
'Assigned' 1
And the code becomes:
select t.quotID, MAX(t.itration) itration, t.QStatus
select t.quotID, MAX(s.Sequence) As Sequence
from table_NAME_A t
inner join Status s on s.QStatus = t.QStatus
group by t.quotID
) seq
inner join Status s on s.Sequence = seq.Sequence
inner join table_NAME_A t on t.quotID = seq.quotID and t.QStatus = s.QStatus
group by t.quoteID, t.QStatus
The above may look like complicated at first, but it can be faster and it will scale easily beyond three statuses without changing the code.

How can I join on multiple columns within the same table that contain the same type of info?

I am currently joining two tables based on Claim_Number and Customer_Number.
FROM Company.dbo.Company_Master AS A
LEFT JOIN Company.dbp.Compound_Info AS B ON A.Claim_Number = B.Claim_Number AND A.Customer_Number = B.Customer_Number
WHERE A.Filled_YearMonth = '201312' AND A.Compound_Ind = 'Y'
This returns exactly the data I'm looking for. The problem is that I now need to join to another table to get information based on a Product_ID. This would be easy if there was only one Product_ID in the Compound_Info table for each record. However, there are 10. So basically I need to SELECT 10 additional columns for Product_Name based on each of those Product_ID's that are being selected already. How can do that? This is what I was thinking in my head, but is not working right.
....etc {Up to 10 Product Names}
FROM Company.dbo.Company_Master AS A
LEFT JOIN Company.dbo.Compound_Info AS B ON A.Claim_Number = B.Claim_Number AND A.Customer_Number = B.Customer_Number
LEFT JOIN Company.dbo.Product_Info AS PD_Info_1 ON B.Product_ID_1 = PD_Info_1.Product_ID
LEFT JOIN Company.dbo.Product_Info AS PD_Info_2 ON B.Product_ID_2 = PD_Info_2.Product_ID
.... {Up to 10 LEFT JOIN's}
WHERE A.Filled_YearMonth = '201312' AND A.Compound_Ind = 'Y'
This query not only doesn't return the correct results, it also takes forever to run. My actual SQL is a lot longer and I've changed table names, etc but I hope that you can get the idea. If it matters, I will be creating a view based on this query.
Please advise on how to select multiple columns from the same table correctly and efficiently. Thanks!
I found put my extra stuff into CTE and add ROW_NUMBER to insure that I get only 1 row that I care about. it would look something like this. I only did for first 2 product info.
AS ( SELECT Product_ID
,ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( PARTITION BY Product_ID, Product_Name ORDER BY Effective_Date DESC ) AS RowNum
FROM Company.dbo.Product_Info)
FROM Company.dbo.Company_Master AS A
LEFT JOIN Company.dbo.Compound_Info AS B
ON A.Claim_Number = B.Claim_Number
AND A.Customer_Number = B.Customer_Number
ON B.Product_ID_1 = PD_Info_1.Product_ID
AND B.Fill_Date >= PD_Info_1.Effective_Date
AND PD_Info_2.RowNum = 1
ON B.Product_ID_2 = PD_Info_2.Product_ID
AND B.Fill_Date >= PD_Info_2.Effective_Date
AND PD_Info_2.RowNum = 1

Tricky SQLite query, could use some assistance

I have a rather confusing SQLite query that I can't seem to quite wrap my brain around.
I have the following four tables:
Table "S"
sID (string/guid) | sNum (integer)
aaa-aaa 1
bbb-bbb 2
ccc-ccc 3
ddd-ddd 4
eee-eee 5
fff-fff 6
ggg-ggg 7
Table "T"
tID (string/guid) | ... other stuff
Table "S2TMap"
sID | tID
aaa-aaa 000
bbb-bbb 000
ccc-ccc xxx
ddd-ddd yyy
eee-eee www
fff-fff 000
ggg-ggg 000
Table "temp"
oldID (string/guid) | newID (string/guid)
dont care fff-fff
dont care ggg-ggg
dont care zzz
What I need is to be able to get the MAX() sNum that exists in a specified "t" if the sID doesn't exist in the temp.NewID table.
For example, given the T '000', '000' has S 'aaa-aaa', 'bbb-bbb', 'fff-fff', and 'ggg-ggg' mapped to it. However, both 'fff-fff' and 'ggg-ggg' exist in the TEMP table, which means I need to only look at 'aaa-aaa' and 'bbb-bbb'. Thus, the statement would return "2".
How would I go about doing this?
I was thinking something along the lines of the following for selecting s that don't exist in the "temp" table, but I'm not sure how to get the max of the seat and only do it based on a specific 't'
SELECT s.sID, s.sNum FROM s WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT newID from temp where tmp.newID = s.sID)
Give this a try:
select max(s.sNum) result from s2tmap st
join s on st.sId = s.sId
where st.tId = '000' and not exists (
select * from temp
where temp.newId = st.sId)
Here is the fiddle to play with.
Another option, probably less efficient would be:
select max(s.sNum) result from s2tmap st
join s on st.sId = s.sId
where st.tId = '000' and st.sId not in (
select newId from temp)
The following query should give you a list of Ts and their max sNums (as long as all exist in S and S2TMap):
JOIN S2TMap map on s.sID=map.sID
JOIN T t on map.tId=t.tID
LEFT JOIN temp tmp on s.sID=tmp.newID
You were close, you just had to join on S2TMap and then to T in order to restrict the result set to a given T.
INNER JOIN S2TMap m on m.sID = s.sID
INNER JOIN t on t.tID = m.tID
WHERE t.tID = '000'
SELECT newID FROM temp WHERE temp.newID = s.sID