Testing a Fluent NH mapping - fluent-nhibernate

I'm testing a Fluent NH mapping and I have a problem:
The code:
public void FilterMapConstructorTest()
new PersistenceSpecification<Filter>(session)
.CheckProperty(c => c.Id, 1)
.CheckProperty(c => c.FilterValue, "1")
.CheckProperty(c => c.IdAttribute, 1)
.CheckProperty(c => c.Type, Filter.FilterType.Equals)
De compilator don't recognice the variable "session", I should declare this, or import any using?
Thank's for your time.
Best Regards

You need to actually get a new NHibernate session from your session factory before you can use it. Below is a more detailed example:
ISessionFactory sessionFactory = Fluently.Configure(normalConfig)
.Mappings(m =>
.ProxyFactoryFactory("NHibernate.ByteCode.LinFu.ProxyFactoryFactory, NHibernate.ByteCode.LinFu")
using (NHibernate.ISession session = sessionFactory.OpenSession())
using (NHibernate.ITransaction tran = session.BeginTransaction(System.Data.IsolationLevel.ReadUncommitted))
new PersistenceSpecification<Filter>(session)
.CheckProperty(c => c.Id, 1)
.CheckProperty(c => c.FilterValue, "1")
.CheckProperty(c => c.IdAttribute, 1)
.CheckProperty(c => c.Type, Filter.FilterType.Equals)


Servicestack UserAuth Persistence using Nhibernate (using ServiceStack.Authentication.NHibernate)

I'm trying to use the ServiceStack IUserAuthRepository implementation for Nhibernate.
I have registered NHibernateUserAuthRepository in my service IOC container but I don't know how to tell Nhibernate to map the AuthUser and roles to database table.
My mapping happens when the container instanciates ISessionFactory (using FluentNhibernate).
Here's AppHost code:
container.Register<ICacheClient>(new MemoryCacheClient());
container.Register<IDatabaseFactory>(c => new Oracle10DatabaseFactory(_DomainAssembly, _DomainAssemblyName,
// Register EventPublisher
container.RegisterAutoWiredAs<EventPublisher, IEventPublisher>().ReusedWithin(ReuseScope.Request);
container.RegisterAutoWiredAs<EventPublisherInterceptor, IInterceptor>().ReusedWithin(ReuseScope.Request);
// Register Session & UnitOfWork
container.Register<NHibernate.ISession>(item =>
container.Resolve<IDatabaseFactory>().SessionFactory.OpenSession(new EventPublisherInterceptor(container.Resolve<IEventPublisher>())))
container.Register<IUnitOfWork>(item => new UnitOfWork(container.Resolve<NHibernate.ISession>())).ReusedWithin(ReuseScope.Request);
Plugins.Add(new AuthFeature(() => new AuthUserSession(),
new IAuthProvider[] { new CredentialsAuthProvider() }));
Here's the Oracle10DatabaseFactory constructor:
public Oracle10DatabaseFactory(Assembly assembly, string namespace, ConfigurationParameters parameters)
var fileCache = new ConfigurationFileCache(assembly, parameters.PathToConfigurationFolder);
var config = fileCache.LoadConfigurationFromFile();
if (config == null)
var mapping = AutoMap.Assembly(assembly, new MappingConfiguration(new List<string>() { namespace }))
this.sessionFactory =
.Database(OracleClientConfiguration.Oracle10.ConnectionString(c => c.FromConnectionStringWithKey("ZetesMobility_DataAccess_Connectionstring_Oracle"))
.Mappings(m => m.AutoMappings.Add(mapping)) //.Add(baseMapping)
.ExposeConfiguration(c => c.BuildSchema(NHibernateExtensions.RecreateSchema()))
.ExposeConfiguration(x => x.SetProperty("hbm2ddl.keywords", "auto-quote"))
config = fileCache.LoadConfigurationFromFile();
this.sessionFactory = config.BuildSessionFactory();
this.sessionFactory = config.BuildSessionFactory();
How do I add the Authentication classes to mapping configuration?
Many Thanks everyone.
In your Fluently.Config(), the section Mappings(m -> m..., you need to tell FluentNhibernate to include the mappings in the package, like so:
.Mappings(m =>
Yours should probably end up looking something like
.Mappings(m =>

NHibernate merge associations

I'm having issues with merging the following object into another session:
Entity and it's associations
Domain -> * Subdomains -> * Controls -> * Measures
The merge on the domain entity works, but it's associations are not merged. How can i fix this?
using (var session = SessionFactoryContainer.Current.Get(sessionFactoryName).OpenSession())
using (var transaction = session.BeginTransaction())
catch (Exception e)
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using FluentNHibernate.Mapping;
using ISMSControl.Domain;
namespace ISMSControl.Infrastructure.Mappings
public class NDomainMapping : ClassMap<NDomain>
public NDomainMapping()
Id(m => m.Id, "id").UnsavedValue(-1);
Map(m => m.Code, "code_1");
Map(m => m.Description, "omschrijving");
Map(m => m.Explanation, "toelichting");
Map(m => m.DateCreated, "createdat");
Map(m => m.CreatedBy, "createdby");
Map(m => m.DateModified, "modifiedat");
Map(m => m.ModifiedBy, "modifiedby");
HasMany(m => m.SubDomains)
I created my own datacontext and mapped the properties to the related columns. My ModelTranslator class translates the domain object to the type object i need for my own datacontext implementation.
I'm still not sure if this is the right solution, but it solved my problem for now.

Interceptors with StructureMap and Fluent NHibernate

I have successfully configured StrctureMap and FluentNHibernate to work together with a parameter-less constructor. What I need to do now is set the interceptor with parameters.
The following code below works well in my MVC application:
protected void Application_Start()
//Code removed from here to save space...
ObjectFactory.Initialize(x => {
x.For<IInterceptor>().Singleton().Use(context => new MyInterceptor());
x.For<ISessionFactory>().Singleton().Use(context => CreateSessionFactory(context.GetInstance<IInterceptor>()));
x.For<ISession>().HttpContextScoped().Use(context => context.GetInstance<ISessionFactory>().OpenSession());
x.For<IAuditDao>().Use<AuditDao>().Ctor<ISessionFactory>().Is(context => context.GetInstance<ISessionFactory>());
public static ISessionFactory CreateSessionFactory(IInterceptor interceptor)
return Fluently.Configure()
.ConnectionString(c => c.FromConnectionStringWithKey("MySqlConnectionString")))
.Mappings(m => { m.FluentMappings.Add<AuditItemMap>(); })
.ExposeConfiguration(config => new SchemaUpdate(config).Execute(true, true))
.ExposeConfiguration(config => config.SetInterceptor(interceptor))
What I now need to do is pass an instance of AuditDao into the the interceptor. At the moment 'MyInterceptor' which inherits from the NHibernate 'EmptyInterceptor' has two constructors:
public class MyInterceptor : EmptyInterceptor
private IAuditDao AuditDao;
public MyInterceptor()
public MyInterceptor(IAuditDao auditDao)
AuditDao = auditDao;
Now obviously an instance of AuditDao needs an instance of SessionFactory and SessionFactory would need an instance of AuditDao.
How do I solve this circular reference problem?

Fluent NHibernate - override table names

Application has many extension assemblies and they contain mappings for their classes. I need to add prefix to all (base, join, many-to-many, ...) table names in those mappings.
Assembly: ~/bin/Extensions/Foo.dll
Original table: Page
New table: Ext_Foo_Page
Assembly: ~/bin/Extensions/Bar.dll
Original table: Page
New table: Ext_Bar_Page
What's the most straightforward way to do that?
I tried this
public class TableNameConvention : IClassConvention, IJoinedSubclassConvention, IHasManyToManyConvention
private string getPrefix()
return "Ext_Test_";
public void Apply(FluentNHibernate.Conventions.Instances.IClassInstance instance)
instance.Table(getPrefix() + instance.TableName);
public void Apply(FluentNHibernate.Conventions.Instances.IJoinedSubclassInstance instance)
instance.Table(getPrefix() + instance.TableName);
public void Apply(FluentNHibernate.Conventions.Instances.IManyToManyCollectionInstance instance)
instance.Table(getPrefix() + instance.TableName);
but it doesn't change table names even though those methods are executed.
EDIT - The configuration
var sb = new StringBuilder();
var sw = new StringWriter(sb);
var cfg = Fluently.Configure()
.Database(MsSqlConfiguration.MsSql2008.ConnectionString(b => b.Server(#".\SQLEXPRESS").Database("test123").Username("sa").Password("...")))
.Mappings(m => m.FluentMappings.AddFromAssembly(assembly).Conventions.Add<TableNameConvention>().ExportTo(sw))
.ExposeConfiguration(c => { new SchemaUpdate(c).Execute(false, true); })
var xml = sb.ToString();
with FNH
it works with
var model = new PersistenceModel();
but not with
it's not called in the second example, maybe bug. but the following works
.Mappings(m =>
m.AutoMappings.Add(() => new AutoPersistenceModel().Conventions.Add<TableNameConvention>());
The following syntax works for me:
return Fluently.Configure()
.Mappings(m =>
AutoMap.AssemblyOf<EntityMap>(new ImporterAutomappingConfiguration())

AutoMapping with FluentMapping doesn't quite seem to work for me

I'm a n00b. Here's what I want to do:
Use AutoMapping to configure every property between the model -> table. Then I would like to override 2 specific items in a fluent map. The two items are: Id & Table name.
So my Maps look like this:
public class BillMasterMap : ClassMap<BillMaster>
public BillMasterMap()
Id(x => x.SYSKEY);
And my factory settings look like this:
public static ISessionFactory SessionFactory(string connectionString)
if (_sessionFactory == null)
_sessionFactory = Fluently.Configure()
.ConnectionString(c => c.Is(connectionString)).Cache(c => c.UseQueryCache().ProviderClass<HashtableCacheProvider>()))
.Mappings(m =>
.Where(x => x.Namespace.EndsWith("Entities"))))
.Mappings(m =>
return _sessionFactory;
The problem is that FNH finds the Id override for BillMaster, but not for BillInvoice which looks like this (identical it seems)
public class BillInvoiceMap : ClassMap<BillInvoice>
public BillInvoiceMap()
Id(x => x.SYSKEY);
I've gotten around the problem by configuring my automapping with the Setup() as shown below:
.Mappings(m =>
.Setup(s => s.FindIdentity = property => property.Name == "SYSKEY")
.Where(x => x.Namespace.EndsWith("Entities"))))
But I would like to combine auto & fluent as other tables don't use "SYSKEY" as their Id column.
Thoughts? Is this a FNH bug?
Got it working.
1.) I have to setup AutoMapping with the Setup method I described above
2.) Additionally I have to setup fluentmappings with the Id method
when both are setup like this, then it works for me.
public static ISessionFactory SessionFactory(string connectionString)
if (_sessionFactory == null)
_sessionFactory = Fluently.Configure()
.ConnectionString(c => c.Is(connectionString)).Cache(
c => c.UseQueryCache().ProviderClass<HashtableCacheProvider>()))
.Mappings(m =>
.Setup(s => s.FindIdentity = property => property.Name == "SYSKEY")
.Where(x => x.Namespace.EndsWith("Entities")));
return _sessionFactory;
And the map
public class BillInvoiceMap : ClassMap<BillInvoice>
public BillInvoiceMap()
Id(x => x.SYSKEY);