Handling mouse events on NSButton created in Interface Builder - objective-c

I had a class project consisting in programming a swype-like. I had to do it in java, and you can have a look at it (with the code) here. For this summer, I'd like to port it in ObjC/Cocoa, and then improve it. I intend to use NSButtons for the keyboard keys, like the "Gradient Button" proposed by Interface Builder.
So, I looked about how to handle mouse events (I need mouse pressed, entered, exited, and released). For some objects, it looks like you have to use a delegate, but for NSButton, looks like the methods like -mouseDown and related are in the object itself.
My question is, how do I override the methods in interface builder objects ? I tried creating a subclass of NSButton, and setting my button's class to this subclass, but without results. Maybe trying to override the methods is not the right way to do it at all, I'm open to every suggestion, even if it is not event-handling related. And if it is relevant, I'm running OS X 10.6, with XCode 4.
Thanks for your time !

A lot will depend on why you need all of the various events. NSButton is a control, and as such works differently than a standard NSView.
If you mostly need to figure out when the button is pressed, you can do this by assigning an action in IB. This is done by creating a void method in your controller class of the form:
- (IBAction) myMouseAction:(id)sender
and then having it do what you need based on receiving the click. Then in IB, you can hook up this action to the button by control-clicking on the button and dragging to your controller class (likely the owner) and selecting your new method when prompted.
If you need fine-grained control, you should consider creating your own NSView subclass and handling the mouse actions yourself, as trying to override controls is a pretty complicated matter. OS X controls were architected for extreme performance, but they're a bit anachronistic now and generally not worth the work to create your own.
One other thing is that the mouseEntered:, mouseMoved: and mouseExited: events are for handling mouse movement with the mouse button up.
You are going to want to pay attention to: mouseDown:, mouseUp: and mouseDragged: in order to handle events while the mouse button is being held down.


Using IBAction Instead of touchesBegan:

Is there any real difference between setting an IBAction to handle your touch event vs. using touchesBegan: touchesMoved, etc? What considerations would cause one to be preferred over the other?
If by IBAction you mean attaching to events like UIControlEventTouchUpInside, there is quite a bit of "magic" attached to control events that would take some work to duplicate touch events.
Most obviously, if you touch a UIButton, then drag a short distance off the button before releasing, the button still sends its UIControlEventTouchUpInside event. The distance was chosen through usability experiments: how far can someone's finger slip while they still think they're pressing the button?
I suspect that using control events will also make it easier for iOS 6 Guided Access and other accessibility aids to understand your app.
Separating the View from the Model
Using control events means that the View doesn't need to know what effect it has when tapped. This is considered a good thing in the Model-View-Controller paradigm. Ideally your Controller will receive the event, and update the Model to suit.
If you can implement your interaction with control events, it's better to do so.
Sometimes your control needs complex interaction, though. If you're implementing something like finger painting with multi-touch, you're going to need to know exactly where and when touches happen. In that case, implement your interaction with touchesBegan, touchesMoved, touchesEnded and touchesCancelled.

Simulate a mouse click in an NSWindow

I would like to simulate a mouse click on a Cocoa application without actually clicking the mouse, and* not have to figure out which view should respond to the click, given the current mouse location.
I would like the Cocoa framework to handle figuring out which view should respond, so I don't think that a method call on an NSView object is what I'm looking for. That is, I think I need a method call that will end up calling this method.
I currently have this working by clicking the mouse at a particular global location, using CGEventCreateMouseEvent and CGEventPost. However, this technique actually clicks the mouse. So this works, but I'm not completely happy with the behavior. For example, if I hold down a key on the keyboard while the CGEventPost is called, that key is wrapped into the event. Also, if I move another process's window over the window that I'd like to simulate the click, then the CGEventPost method will click the mouse in that window. That is, it's acting globally, across processes. I'd like a technique that works on a single window. Something on the NSWindow object maybe?
I read that "Mouse events are dispatched by an NSWindow object to the NSView object over which the event occurred" in the Cocoa documentation.
OK. So I'd like to know the method that is called to do the dispatching. Call this method on the window, and then let the framework figure out which NSView to call, given the current mouse location.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm just starting to learn the Cocoa framework, so I apologize if any of the terminology/verbage here isn't quite right.
It's hard to know exactly how much fidelity you're looking for with what happens for an actual click. For example, do you want the click to activate the app? Do you want the click to bring a window to the top? To make it key or main? If the location is in the title bar, do you want it to potentially close, minimize, zoom, or move the window?
As John Caswell noted, if you pass an appropriately-constructed NSEvent to -[NSApplication sendEvent:] that will closely simulate the processing of a real event. In most cases, NSApplication will forward the event to the event's window and its -[NSWindow sendEvent:] method. If you want to avoid any chance of NSApplication doing something else, you could dispatch directly to the window's -sendEvent: method. But that may defeat some desirable behavior, depending on exactly what you desire.
What happens if the clicked window's or view's response is to run an internal event-tracking loop? It's going to be synchronous; that is, the code that calls -sendEvent: is not going to get control back until after that loop has completed and it might not complete if you aren't able to deliver subsequent events. In fact, such a loop is going to look for subsequent events via -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:], so if your synthetic events are not in the queue, they won't be seen. Therefore, an even better simulation of the handling of real events would probably require that you post events (mouse-down, mouse drags, mouse-up) to the queue using -[NSApplication postEvent:atStart:].
I think your first task is to really think deeply about what you're trying to accomplish, all the potential pitfalls and corner cases, and decide how you want to handle those.
With respect to the CGEvent... stuff, you can post an event to a specific process using CGEventPostToPSN() and that won't click on other app's windows, even if they are in front of the target window. However, it may still click on a different window within the target app.
OK. So I'd like to know the method that is called to do the dispatching. Call this method on the window, and then let the framework figure out which NSView to call, given the current mouse location.
NSView *target = [[theWindow contentView] hitTest:thePoint];
I'm not entirely clear on your problem so I don't know if all you want to do is then call mouseDown: on the target. But if you did, that would be almost exactly the same thing that happens for a real mouse click.
This is the message used in delivering live clicks. It walks the view hierarchy, automatically dealing with overlap, hidden messages, etc., and letting each step in the chain of views interfere if it wants. If a view wants to prevent child views from getting clicks, it does that by eating hitTest:, which means it'll affect your code the exact same way it affects a real click. If the click would be delivered, this method always tells you where it would be delivered.
However, it doesn't necessarily handle all the reasons a click might not be delivered (acceptsFirstMouse, modal dialogs, etc.). Also, you have to know the window, and the point (in the appropriate coordinate system), but it sounds like that's what you're starting with.
You can simulate mouse click by calling mouseDown: like this:
[self mouseDown: nil];
And to get mouse location in screen:
-(void)mouseDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent {
NSPoint mouseLocation = [NSEvent mouseLocation];
NSLog(#"x: %f", mouseLocation.x);
NSLog(#"y: %f", mouseLocation.y);

How can I get the value of an NSSlider continuously?

It seems like NSSlider in Cocoa does not provide a delegate to receive an event like Value Changed for a UISlider.
How can I get the value of an NSSlider continuously and display it in an NSTextField, for example?
You need to research Cocoa's Target/Action mechanism. This is a basic Cocoa concept you'll need to understand. The slider (and any other control) can be given a target (some controller object) and an action (the method to call against that controller object).
The action is fired when the user stops dragging by default. Check the slider's Continuous property in Interface Builder to cause it to trigger the action as you're sliding it.
One advantage of using the timer approach is that it works for the case of using the keyboard rather than the mouse to adjust the slider. If the user has "Full Keyboard Access" turned on in System Preferences, they can use the Tab key to give the slider focus. They can then hold down an arrow key so that autorepeat kicks in, whereupon you have a similar situation to dragging with the mouse: the target/action is firing repeatedly, and you want to wait for a moment of calm before saving to the database.
You do need to be careful not to delete your NSTimer prematurely. For example, if the user quits the app during those couple of seconds you probably want to "flush" the slider value to the database before terminating the process.
Programmatical solution based on the answer of Joshua Nozzi:
slider.isContinuous = true
slider.continuous = YES;

Class Design for delegate, outlets, and mouse events

Here's a simplification:
I have an application with several buttons. If it is the first time the application is launching, I want to do some special things. In my AppController class, which is a delegate of NSApp, I use the delegate method -applicationDidFinishLaunching: to perform the test. After I've detected that it is the first time, I first want to access some IBOutlets. Then, I'd like to be able to get mouse events for each button, so that I can do other things.
I can't figure out want to do with the classes. I'd like to make a new class (FirstLaunch) for the first launch, but I'm not sure what to call from AppDelegate. Also, to get mouse events, shouldn't I be a sublass of the buttons, and considering that I have multiple buttons, I'm confused. I could probably tackle these issues one-by-one, but taken all together, they're confusing me.
Broken down, I need to access & manipulate IBOutlets I have set in IB, determine when buttons are clicked (and which button was clicked). I'd like to be able to do this from another class so as to not clutter up the AppDelegate.
Thanks for the help!
To be more clear, what I'm actually trying to do is to use Matt Gemmel's MAAttachedWindow to put up a help bubble by a button. When the button is clicked clicked, the bubble disappears and another one is put somewhere else. The bubbles will be attached to controls in the main window.
I'm guessing you want to show some additional user interface on the first launch? If it's a separate window, I'd advise creating a subclass of NSWindowController. Add a new NIB file for the first-run user interface to your project and change the class of the File's Owner object to FirstLaunch. Control-drag a wire from the File's Owner delegate onto the window to connect it with the window outlet.
You create IBOutlets by adding an instance variable to the class. If your app will only run on Leopard or higher, it's better to declare your outlets like this:
#interface FirstLaunch : NSWindowController {
NSTextField *myTextField;
#property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet NSTextField *myTextField;
In Interface Builder, you'll control-drag a wire from the File's Owner onto the control to associate it with that outlet. Make sure that you release your reference to each IBOutlet in your class's dealloc method (if you're not using garbage collection) or else your app will leak memory.
Buttons send action messages when they're clicked, so you'll need to provide an action method for the button to call. You do that by declaring a method with a signature like this:
- (IBAction)myButtonClicked:(id)sender;
In Interface Builder, you'll control-drag a wire from the button onto your window controller and choose the myButtonClicked: method.
To make all this work, you'll need to create an instance of the window controller and tell it to load the NIB file at runtime. So, in your AppDelegate class, when you've determined that this is the first launch, you'll do this:
FirstLaunch *firstLaunchController = [[FirstLaunch alloc] initWithWindowNibName:#"nameOfNibFile"];
[firstLaunchController show:self];
You'll probably want to keep the reference to the window controller in an instance variable instead of a local variable like I've done here. And, depending on your application, it may make more sense to show this as a sheet. But once you've made it this far, you'll be able to figure out how to do that on your own.
Then, I'd like to be able to get mouse events for each button, so that I can do other things.
Don't worry about the mouse. There may not even be a mouse (think of the ever-popular tablet-Mac rumor).
I'd like to make a new class (FirstLaunch) for the first launch, but I'm not sure what to call from AppDelegate.
You make your own methods here. You'll probably make it a singleton*; then, you'll implement a method named something like runFirstLaunchPanel:, which will be an action method (more on those in a moment):
- (IBAction) runFirstLaunchPanel:(id)sender;
Instantiate the object in the nib, then, from your app delegate, call the action method with nil as the sender.
The reason to put the object in your nib and make the method an action method is that this makes it easy to hook up a menu item to it, so that the user can re-run the first-launch panel at a later time. (For example, if it's a Starting Points window, you might connect the New menu item to this action instead of the default one.)
*Yes, I've seen the articles about singletons, and I agree with them. In a case like this, it's OK.
Also, to get mouse events,
This is the wrong way of thinking about it. What you need to do is set your button up to send a message to your controller to make the controller (probably AppDelegate) do something. The message you want the button to send is an action message.
Implement an action method in the object that owns the nib containing the window with the buttons. Declare this method in the class's header, then connect the button to it in IB by right-clicking on your controller and dragging from the correct action method's circle to the button.
This is called the target-action paradigm, and it insulates controller responsibilities (doing things) from the views that ordered them. Because each action method does only one thing, you can have a button, a menu item, and even another controller (your app delegate, above) send the same action message, and the receiving controller won't have to care which control is sending the action, because it already knows what it has to do.
shouldn't I be a sublass of the buttons,
No. You very rarely create subclasses of anything other than NSObject (or, for model objects in Core Data, NSManagedObject) in Cocoa.
Note that I said “rarely”, not “never”. You will have to make the occasional subclass, especially if you want to create custom or customized views and cells (and, maybe, customized windows). However, subclassing is not necessary in Cocoa to the degree that (I hear) it is in some other frameworks on other platforms.
and considering that I have multiple buttons, I'm confused.
The target-action paradigm means you don't have to create one button subclass per button. One controller class implements all the actions, and the stock buttons, because you've hooked them up in IB, simply tell the controller “do this”.
Broken down, I need to access & manipulate IBOutlets I have set in IB,
Probably not. At least, not as much as you think you do.
determine when buttons are clicked (and which button was clicked).
Nope. The buttons will worry about being clicked; you just worry about setting them up to send, and then responding to, their action messages.

Looking for info on custom drawing of interface components (Cocoa)

It seems like more and more OS X apps these days are doing all kinds of fancy drawing stuff for custom controls. Apps like Twitterific, Things, EventBox, Versions just to name a few....
So basically I'm looking for any information on how to get started doing this kind of thing. Not sure if it is just done by subclassing controls and using custom drawing or if it is something entirely different.
Any help is greatly appreciated. THanks!
It depends entirely on what you want to do.
The "Show Raw Properties" button in Versions for instance is an NSButton subclass, because basically what we needed is standard button behavior with our own look.  One way to subclass a button is to simply implement your own -drawRect:(NSRect)rect method in the NSButton subclass, but we decided to stick with the way NSButton is implemented in Cocoa, meaning most drawing is done by the button's cell, so the implementation looks like this:
In the NSButton subclass:
+ (Class) cellClass
return [OurButtonCell class];
- (void)drawRect:(NSRect)rect
// first get the cell to draw inside our bounds
// then draw a focus ring if that's appropriate
In the NSButtonCell subclass (OurButtonCell):
- (void)drawInteriorWithFrame: (NSRect) rect inView: (NSView *) controlView
// a bunch of drawing code
The Timeline view in Versions is actually a WebView, the page that you see in it uses javascript to collapse headers you click on.
The rule of thumb I use for where to start out with a custom control is:
To customize the look of a standard Cocoa control:
subclass the appropriate control (like e.g. NSButton and NSButtonCell)
stick as close as makes sense to the way the default control is implemented (e.g. in a buttoncell, start from the existing attributedTitle instance method to draw the button title, unless you always want to draw with the same attributes regardless of what's set up in IB or if you need to draw with different attributes based on state, such as with the trial expiration button in Versions' main window)
Creating an entirely new UI element:
subclass NSView and implement pretty much all mouse and key event handling (within the view, no need to redo "hitTest:") and drawing code yourself.
To present something that's complex, of arbitrary height, but isn't a table:
See if you can do it in HTML, CSS and JS and present it in a WebView.  The web is great at laying out text, so if you can offload that responsibility to your WebView, that can be a huge savings in pain in the neck.
Recommended reading on learning how to draw stuff in your own custom view's drawing methods: Cocoa Drawing Guide
Customizing the look of for instance an NSTableView is an entirely other cup of tea, thanks to the complexity of a tableview, that can happen all over the place.  You'll be implementing your own custom cells for some things you want to do in a table, but will have to change the way rows are highlighted in a subclass of the actual NSTableView object itself.  See for instance the source code for iTableView on Matt Gemmell's site for a clear example of where to draw what.
Finally, I think Abizer's suggestion to go check out the code of BWToolkit is a great idea.  It might be a bit overwhelming at first, but if you can read and understand that code you'll have no trouble implementing your own custom views and controls.
Have a look at some excellent example code: BWToolkit