JNDI look up failed with Dynamically created Queue using JMX calls - dynamic

I am using JBoss AS 6 with HornetQ 2.2.5 as JMS server and Integrated JMS & JMX with Spring.
I can create new Queue dynamically by using JMX calls from Spring (eg. createQueue(queuename, jndiName))). But JNDI lookup is not working for it, I've other Physical queue for which JNDI lookup is working fine.
code sample:
"createQueue", new String[] { "myQueue",
"/queue/myQueue"}, new String[] {
"java.lang.String", "java.lang.String" });
Do I need to configure anything explicitly for these?
Any suggestion is appreciated.

When you call the createQueue management operation, you are also sending the JNDI address the queue should be bound as a parameter.
I will all depend on what you are passing as a parameter.
Give me an example on how you are calling createQueue and I will be able to better assist you.


PCF / Cloud connector for Rabbit management API

I'm running a simple SpringBoot app in PCF using a Rabbit on-demand service. The auto reconfiguration of the ConnectionFactory for the internal Rabbit service works just fine.
However I need a list of all queues on the Rabbit host. AFAIK this is only available through a call to the Rabbit management plugin (a REST API), see RabbitManagementTemplate::getQueues. This class expects an http URI with credentials.
I know the URI+credentials are exposed through the vcap.service variables as "http_api_uri', but I wonder if there's a more elegant way to get an instance of RabbitManagentTemplate with Spring magic cloud connectors / auto reconfiguration instead of manually reading the env vars and writing custom bean config.
It seems the ConnectionFactory only knows about the AMQP interface, and cannot create a RabbitManagementTemplate?
Spring Cloud Connectors won't help you here. It doesn't support setting up RabbitManagementTemplate, only a ConnectionFactory.
You don't have to parse the env yourself, you can use the flattened properties that Boot provides such as vcap.services.rabbitmq.credentials.http_api_uri. But you'll need to configure a RabbitManagementTemplate yourself using those Boot properties.

Can I let spring-session used a standalone redis?

I have built up a redis server, I want to know whether I can make spring-session use the existed redis server instead of embed its redis-server?
Yes Spring Session can and should use an existing Redis Server. This is the primary way to deploy to production. I have provided a few examples below:
Spring Boot
Taking the Spring Boot Sample and converting it to use an external Redis Server can be done by:
Removing the #EmbeddedRedisServer annotation
Configuring the Redis Server Location For example, you might provide the following properties in your application.properties:
Other Samples
The other samples are quite similar to use an external Redis instance. For example, to change the httpsession sample to use an external Redis:
Remove #EnableEmbeddedRedis
Update your RedisConnectionFactory Bean definition to point to your Redis server
For example:
public JedisConnectionFactory connectionFactory() {
JedisConnectionFactory connection = new JedisConnectionFactory();
return connection;

Wanted to Close ActiveMq Connection

I need help with the Embedded ActiveMq and Spring Framework.
Problem is :-
I am using Embedded ActiveMQ with Spring framework JMS Support.
As part of development I have a component which publish messages to Virtual Topic. And i have another componet which subscribes messages from the topic.
Now problem here is the application which is subscribing messages is running in cluster environment i.e one master instance and one slave instance. Events which i have published are going to either master instance or slave instance. But i want messages to be subscribed by only master instance. Is there any way i can block slave instance not to subscribe events?
We have a system property set to differentiate master and slave instance.I have tried add condition by overriding createConnection method of ActiveMqConnectionFactory class.
if(master) {
return null.
in this case, DefaultMessageListener of Spring framework which we configured to listen events always trying to refresh connection, since i am returning null for slave, it is failing to create connection. the thread is going to infinite loop with 5000MS interval..
Is there any way i can say MessageListener to stop refreshing connection..
Please kindly help me to resolve this issue..
if the cluster is master/slave...then only one should be active at a given time...sounds like you have dual masters from an AMQ client perspective...
regardless, you can always use ActiveMQ security to control access to a given topic/queue based on connection credentials (see http://activemq.apache.org/security.html)

Multiple war in Tomcat 7 using a shared embedded ActiveMQ

I'm working on a project where I have several war files inside a tomcat 7 have to communicate with a single embedded activeMQ (5.5.1) broker inside the same Tomcat.
I'm wondering what was the best practice to manage this and how to start and stop the broker properly.
Actually I try tu use a global JNDI entry in server.xml and in each war gets my activemq connection with a lookup. The first connection to the broker implicitly starts it. But with this method I run into various problems like instance already existing or locks in data store.
Should I use instead an additional war which uses a BrokerFactory to start the broker explicitly? In this case how to make sure that this war executes first in Tomcat ? And how do I stop my broker and where?
Thanks for the help.
from the docs...
If you are using the VM transport and wish to explicitly configure an
Embedded Broker there is a chance that you could create the JMS
connections first before the broker starts up. Currently ActiveMQ will
auto-create a broker if you use the VM transport and there is not one
already configured. (In 5.2 it is possible to use the waitForStart and
create=false options for the connection uri)
So to work around this if you are using Spring you may wish to use the
depends-on attribute so that your JMS ConnectionFactory depends on the
embedded broker to avoid this happening. e.g.
see these pages for more information...

How to configure a running Mule service's properties dynamically?

I would like a recommendation/idea on a method to configure properties for a running Mule service dynamically, i.e. I want the service to pick up the new settings without the need to restart Mule. Typically the kind of properties/settings I would like to change are FTP connector user ID, passwords, service URLs etc.
Any idea would be welcome.
Regards, Ola
Use the URI endpoint format do dynamically address endpoints. In simple cases you may be able to use the message properties in a TemplateEndpointRouter
Otherwise You need to write a component that composes the URI and sends the message to the dynamic endpoint using the MuleEventContext or MuleClient.
See here:
Mule exposes all service configuration via JMX, but I don't see any obvious way to reconfigure the connectors without a restart. They are internally managing pools of connections.
If there is a limited, you can create connectors for each and reconfigure the routes via jmx attributes.
If it is to be fully dynamic you likely need to implement your own service component to manage the ftp connection. Exposing the connection management, configuration, and restarting via JMX should be pretty straight forward.